Equal Choice

Dragontail_1 Some indication from the L.A. Times that the absurdities of "choice" are beginning to be understood, even by some of those who support it.

What the writer of the article, Meghan Daum,  is trying to figure out is – in these days of absolute equality in everything, for everybody – why should killing your unborn children be the exclusive purvue of women? Shouldn’t men have "choice" too? What is sauce for the goose…

She does an admirable job of beginning to lay out objections to this proposal, and finds none that hold water. All objections to the idea of a man having the right to terminate his child in utero (or at least legally terminate his parental responsibilities) also apply to women.

From the article:

"The way the law is now, a man who gets a woman pregnant is not only powerless to force her to terminate the pregnancy, he also has a complete legal obligation to support that child for at least 18 years.

In other words, although women are able to take control of their futures by choosing from at least a small range of options — abortion, adoption or keeping the child — a man can be forced to be a father to a child he never wanted and cannot financially support. I even know of cases in which the woman absolves the man of responsibility, only to have the courts demand payment anyway. That takes the notion of "choice" very far from anything resembling equality."

So the liberal dragon has again turned on itself and bitten it’s own tail. What is being suggested would require, not just spousal notification for an abortion, but the legal permission of any male sex partner, be he spouse, boyfriend or the guy you hooked up with one weekend.

I only hope the new thinking being manifested on the far left will result in a continued disillusionment about abortion and it’s supposed benefits. If not, and this warped logic is followed to it’s conclusion, we can expect more abortions, rather than fewer.

Thanks to Eric Scheske (The Daily Eudemon) for the link.


A New Underground Railroad


Pro-life advocates were doing too well by comparing abortion to chattel slavery of the antebellum United States. It must have worried Screwtape to see such a powerful analogy on the pro-life side, so he put out a memo to Lower Management and the R & D department Down Below has finally come through with their spin. Their Father Below must be proud.

"I volunteer with a local group called the Haven Coalition that offers free overnight home stays to women who come to New York for late-term abortions. Adeena, whose name has been changed to protect her privacy, is 24 years old and 24 weeks pregnant. She’d caught a Greyhound from Pennsylvania earlier that day, and spent the afternoon at a clinic in midtown getting part one of an abortion that will be completed tomorrow.


"’Can I ask you something?’ she inquires. ‘Why you doing this?’

"’You mean sharing my place with you?’

"I tell her I’m upset that people like her have such a hard time getting abortions, and besides, I remember being young and being (more than once) in a similar fix. I don’t tell her about the differences: how I always had Blue Cross Blue Shield and never went past seven weeks."


Surprisingly enough, since most groups like this take pride in their activities, I wasn’t able to find a web site for the Haven Coalition. (Screwtape and his minions must be getting better at instructing the hairless bipeds under their thrall to disguise some of their activities, although the guardian demon of the writer of the article for New York Magazine is probably in for a roasting later.) I did, however, find this tidbit about the group on a site that bills itself as protecting "choice":

"Haven Coalition: Haven Coalition is a network of volunteers who open their homes to low-income women forced to travel to New York City for abortion procedures. To find out more information or learn how you can volunteer, send an email here."

Oh, and be sure to check out the logo of ProtectChoice.org: an angry woman with an upraised fist. Says it all.

Born Again Abortionist


Sometimes when you read articles about abortion, you forget exactly what is at stake. When I read the following article about an Arkansas abortionist with a messiah complex — he believes that with abortion he destroys life but that by doing so his patients are "born again" — I noted that this abortionist "draws his own moral line" at 26 weeks, or the end of the second trimester.

I went to Google Images and searched out an image of a 26-week-old fetus to accompany this post. I was jolted when what I found was an image of a premature baby who had been born between 25 and 27 weeks gestation. That is the image I chose to include.

"The 17-year-old in for a consultation this morning assures the nurse that she does not consider the embryo inside her a baby.

"’Not until it’s developed,’ she says. ‘That would be about three months?’

"’It’s completely formed about nine weeks,’ the nurse tells her. ‘Yours is more like a chicken yolk.’

"The girl, who is five weeks pregnant, looks relieved. ‘Then no,’ she says, ‘it’s not a baby.’ Her mother sits in the corner wiping her tears.

"[Dr. William F.] Harrison draws his own moral line at the end of the second trimester, or 26 weeks since the first day of the woman’s last menstrual period. Until that point, he will abort for any reason.

"’It’s not a baby to me until the mother tells me it’s a baby,’ he says."


What To Tell The Children

A reader writes:

I feel like I know you, having listened to you on EWTN many times.  I have a question for you, if you’d indulge me.

I am Catholic, my wife Protestant.  We were married within the Catholic Church, and God bless my wife, she has done a great job in helping to raise them Catholic.  (She always goes to Mass, is very supportive of their education within the Catholic schools, etc. etc.).  The kids are between 7 and 14 years old.

My wife’s sister is lesbian, and is now undergoing artifical insemmination so that she can conceive a child.  We’ve never broached the subject of her lesbianism with the kids, but with the potential addition of a "cousin", I have no idea what or what I shouldn’t say to the kids. 

My gut reaction is to be brutally honest, but I think they would come out hating their Aunt (which would indirectly hurt my wife). 

My wife feels the same as I do regarding the fact that both homosexuality and artificial insemmination are morally wrong, but she feels guilty because she also "can’t be there" for her sister as she attempts to go through pregnancy. 

I’ve always kept my sister-in-law at arms length, in the sense that we don’t visit her at her home, although we do visit together at public places (restaurants, etc), or in my in-laws home. 

I also don’t have any idea of how I’ll handle this new "niece" or "nephew" if it comes to pass; I don’t want to penalize the child for the mistakes of the mother, but I feel this articifial insemmination is an abomination.

This is a very difficult situation, and I feel for you.

It also is your sister-in-law who has created the situation. Your wife therefore should not feel guilty about the limitations that the situation creates for her ability to "be there" for your sister-in-law. The situation is of your sister-in-law’s designing, and she is the one responsible for the difficulties that ensue.

The question is: What practical steps need to be taken in a situation like this. Ideally, if possible, one would want to dissuade the sister-in-law from undertaking this course of action, though that may be impossible at this stage for any number of reasons.

If she goes through with the procedure and has a child then you would want to do several things:

  1. Continue to do your best to love her (i.e., will her good and do what you can to encourage her good), for she continues to be a woman who God loves and for whom Christ died.
  2. Love the child she gives birth to (i.e., will the child’s good and do what you can to encourage the child’s good), for the same reasons.
  3. Love your own children (i.e., will and encourage their good) for the same reasons *AND* for the reason that you have an obligation under divine law to care for them and promote their good.

All though all of these parties are equal in God’s eyes, your responsibility is strongest toward your children. Promoting their good is therefore your primary obligation. It therefore is not "penalizing the child" if you determine that certain measures must be taken to protect your own children. You can will and promote the good of all the children involved (your sister-in-law’s child included) as best you can; the situation may simply limit what can be done due to the needs of your own children.

What measures you may need to take is judgment call that you and your wife will have to make based on your knowledge of your own children, what they are ready for, and what they can handle. They are obviously old enough that something will need to be said to them, but they are not so old that they are clearly ready to hear all the facts. Which children are ready for what is something you would know much better than I since children are so different (and especially when you’ve got an age range like 7 to 14, which might turn into 8 to 16 by the time the child is born, depending on how quickly your sister-in-law becomes pregnant).

That being said, it does not seem to me that you necessarily need to bring up the subjects of either lesbianism or artificial insemination.

It seems to me that it may be possible to simply say "Aunt So-and-So is having a baby even though she is not married." You can then explain that it is wrong for her to do this–that it is God’s will that all babies be born in families with a mother and father who love them–but that even though this is wrong Aunt So-and-So and her child are both people that God loves and that we must love them and do our best to help them, too. (E.g., by praying for them.)

That may be all you need to say. If the children ask who the father of her baby is, you can say (truthfully) that you don’t know. (And omit the fact that Aunt So-and-So doesn’t know either.)

Stressing the love aspect is important, both for now and because it
will help the children when they finally do learn the truth of the
situation. You will have framed it in terms of God’s love all along, and that may make it easier for them to keep the reality in proper perspective.

I’d also have a talk with your sister-in-law, explain what you are going to tell the children, and ask that she *and her partner* respect your decision by not giving them more information than you feel they are ready for. For example, if one of the kids were to ask her who the father of the baby is, you would want her to say something like "I’d rather not go into that. Let’s talk about something else." Similarly, you’d like your sister-in-law to present the baby to your children as "my child" not "our (I and my partner’s) child."

If she does agree, it is likely to be several years (and your kids would thus
be older) before the situation would have to be further clarified. (Also, you and your wife should be the ones doing the clarifying; not your sister-in-law, her partner, or her child).

If she and her partner don’t agree to that I would then reluctantly conclude that her access to your children must become even more further limited than it is.

Again, I’m sorry to hear about your situation, but I hope this helps.


Anti-Murder Student & Mom On Radio

Just got a note from Katelyn Sill’s mom, who says:

Katelyn and I will be on the Heart, Mind, and Strength radio show tomorrow, Tuesday at 11am Pacific time.  It broadcasts live on the internet at www.avemariaradio.net and also offer podcasts of their  daily show which can be downloaded to IPODS or MP3 players.  You can find out more information about this at the podcast page on their website at www.exceptionalmarriages.com

I’ll be interesting to hear if any new facts emerge on the situation on the show.

Tune in or download if you can.

Yes, It All Makes Sense Now

A reader writes:

Dear Jimmy:

As I read the email exchanges at the link you posted between Katelyn
Sills’ mother and Sister Helen Timothy, I was appalled at how this nun
abused her authority.  I did a Google image search for her–and this IS
her–and found this picture.  I think it explains everything.


Yes, you’re right. This IS her (PROOF HERE) and it does explain a good bit.

I’ve never understood those orders in the habit of habitually having habits whose style is best described as "office frumpy."

One Woman’s Choice [To Commit Murder]

Over at her weblog, Open Book, Amy Welborn and her commenters are discussing an article written by a woman who chose to abort her child when prenatal tests indicated that the child had Downs Syndrome. The conversation there is well worth reading. But what struck me most forcefully about this article was how it opens.

"’So when do you go for the abortion?’ my friend asked, her voice sympathetic.

"’Wednesday,’ I replied, and then hurriedly got off the phone. I called Mike, my boyfriend, in tears, complaining about how inconsiderate people are, how no one thinks before they speak. The truth was, until I heard the word ‘abortion,’ it hadn’t occurred to me that I was actually having one.

"I was, of course. But we’d been using euphemisms for days, ever since my doctor called to say my amniocentesis results ‘weren’t good.’ We’d say ‘when we go to the hospital’ or ‘the appointment’ or ‘after the procedure, we can try again.’"


And this one of the ways in which abortion has gotten so embedded into our society. A woman doesn’t choose to kill her child, she simply "chooses," as if all choices were created equal and a choice for abortion were no more consequential than a choice to have her hair trimmed. An abortion isn’t an abortion, except to "inconsiderate" people who don’t think before speaking. No, an abortion is an "appointment" or a "procedure." Just get through this nasty little "procedure" and you’re free to "try again" for a "perfect" child.

The first step toward an abortion-free society may be educating people what an abortion is and stubbornly refusing to let it be redefined to mean anything that allows its practitioners to keep a clear conscience.

Plucky Anti-Murder Student Update!

Last night I was e-mailed a press release from the family of Katelyn Sills, the plucky anti-murdrer student who was expelled from Loretto High School after her involvement in exposing a teacher who was assisting others in the act of committing murder. Here’s the text of the press release:


November 15th, 2005

Submitted by Katelyn, Wynette, and Ed Sills

RE: Request for Public Retraction and Apology from Loretto Administration
for their defamatory statements about our family

Loretto High School is an outstanding college preparatory school for young women that we long desired our daughters to attend and from which our family has three alumnae.  We have generously and loyally supported Loretto High School both financially and through dedicated volunteer efforts, since our daughter’s enrollment in 2004.  We have also encouraged many other families to enroll.  Katelyn has enthusiastically dedicated her time in numerous school activities, including Student Council, Choir, and most recently the Recruitment Team, which visits area 8th graders to invite them to join the LHS community.  Sister Helen Timothy, President of LHS, is a very well respected administrator within whom we entrusted our daughter’s academic future.

However, with regards to this recent situation, Loretto High School administration has misrepresented the facts of this case, defaming our family’s reputation, culminating in punitively and vindictively expelling our daughter, with absolutely no prior warning.  This has been a very sad and distressing experience for EVERY member of the Loretto community.  We acknowledge the negative impact this situation has had, but we are not to blame.  For over eight weeks, we have simply desired that an incompatible hiring be handled in a discreet, compassionate manner, so that the integrity and reputation of LHS would be unblemished.  In contrast, LHS administration has provided false and defamatory information to staff, students, parents, and media, against our family. This in itself has brought unnecessary negative attention to the school.

On Friday, November 4th, our attorney, Eric Grant, represented us by respectfully asking the Loretto High School administration to publicly retract their statements and apologize for their vindictive actions.  Unfortunately, Loretto administration refused to do so.  It is now time to let the truth be known.  We have disclosed all information so that everyone can see exactly what we did and why we did it, along with all correspondence from President Sr. Helen Timothy. The documents are available to the public via Katelyn’s blog www.standupandspeakout.blogspot.com so that each of you can read for yourself and decide whether we have acted with utmost discretion and integrity.

Despite our polite and respectful requests for a meeting, phone calls were not returned for the last eight weeks.  Throughout our daughter’s enrollment at Loretto High School, our family has NEVER been able to meet with President Sister Helen Timothy, nor talk with her on the phone.  Instead, our entire communication with Sister Helen was done via email, and is now available to the public.  Other than one disappointing phone conversation with Principal Sister Barbara Nelson (contents of which will also be published), Mrs. Sills has not had any contact with any LHS staff member regarding this matter.  Even on the blog, our family has expressed nothing derogatory towards the staff of LHS, but in contrast, you will see several hundred comments from Loretto students, parents, and alumnae towards us, which are unkind and undeserved.

We do not seek re-admission to LHS, for clearly it is an unsuitable environment for this Catholic family who practices our faith and values the sanctity of human life.  Also, at this time we do not plan to sue for damages, though it would be appropriate to do so and highly likely to succeed due to the administration’s vindictive and untruthful statements.  Instead, we simply desire for the truth to be told, for Loretto administration to retract their defamatory statements and for them to offer us a public apology.  We have asked Loretto administration to join us in mediation and arbitration so that litigation can be avoided, but unfortunately, they have not agreed.

We continue to ask for prayers for the entire Loretto High School community and for our family during this difficult time.   Once the truth is told, followed by a retraction and apology by the Loretto administration, reconciliation can then take place, healing occur, and both parties can then move on.


Godless Pro-Lifers

Given the reproductive preferences of many atheists, the atheist dating service I linked earlier is not likely to be a major threat to civilization.

I mean, it’s not like it’s going to produce a world awash in atheists or anything.

Mankind always has been and will remain a religious species.

Some atheists, though, have come to recognize at least part of the truth of the pro-child mentality that is more common in religious circles.

Some are even pro-life.

A reader writes:

I found an interesting site devoted to the furtherance of the Pro-Life
movement. It’s run by Matthew Wallace, aka the Compleat Heretic. It’s the
official site for the Atheist and Agnostic Pro-Life League, or AAPL.


Here’s the list of members: http://www.godlessprolifers.org/members.html

It’s really interesting to read the "Nontheist postion" and then the
"Pro-Life position" of each member.


Christian Guilt

A reader writes [with slight edits to preserve anonymity]:

"I’ve found my way back to the Church after being away since high school … and I absolutely love my faith now. I want to share it and am thinking about apologetics.

"Problem is, I did some really awful things back in high school and, even though I’ve gone to confession and received absolution, I still can’t get over the guilt. I’m really struggling with trying to be the person I want to be and trying to leave behind the person that I was.

"Any suggestions?"

First of all, welcome home! I hope you are able to make a go of apologetics. The Lord’s field is always in need of new harvesters.

As to your question, there is a difference between the will and the feelings. One cannot help what one feels. One can only choose what one wills. If you feel guilt for forgiven sins, even though you know on an intellectual level that your sins are forgiven, pray for the grace that your feelings will be ordered to what you know is objectively true. Recognize that being haunted by forgiven sins is, in reality, temptation to despair and will to reject such temptations. Offer up the pain that such temptations cause you to Jesus on the cross. Although Jesus himself never sinned, he knows what it feels like to be tempted (cf. Matt. 4:1-11, Heb. 4:15).

A helpful book for further reading might be Understanding Scrupulosity by Fr. Thomas M. Santa, C.Ss.R.

God bless, and I hope this helps!

Rule 20.