Now, I am not a medical authority, so I cannot recommend any particular diet plan, but in the last few months I have been trying to lose some weight. My sister passed on to me a tip for watching one’s calories while eating out that has caused no end of laughter whenever we’ve used it. And it works too!
Scenario: You’ve ordered a standard meal — and restaurants tend to portion such meals to an adult male — and find that you’ve eaten enough to satisfy you. You could ask the waiter to box it up for you to take home, but by the time you flag him down and he brings you a box you have finished eating the meal through picking at it. Even if you manage to hold off and take home the leftovers, they are more likely to become your midnight snack rather than tomorrow’s lunch. What do you do?
One solution: Ruin the food.
Yes, that’s right. Make the food unpalatable. After all, if you leave it on the plate the restaurant will throw it out anyway. The staff won’t box it up and send it to the starving kids in China or even to the local food pantry. It goes in the trash. So, you might as well have fun with the food before it is disposed of.
For example, after seeing Revenge of the Sith Saturday night with my sister, we went to Denny’s for dessert. We each ordered a chocolate sundae, not realizing that the portions were going to be huge. (We could easily have shared one if we had known beforehand the size of the portions.) So, when I ate all I knew I should eat, I picked up the pepper shaker, unscrewed the lid, and dumped some pepper into the remains of my sundae. My sister did likewise to hers with sugar packets and table litter. Voila! The sundaes were no longer appetizing and we had a ball while depriving ourselves.
It’s especially fun when the wait staff notices what you have done. One waiter actually missed a step when eyeing another dessert to which I’d added a liberal amount of salt. When asked to explain — which has happened once or twice — the wait staff I’ve encountered have loved the idea and have said they’d be trying it too.
One caveat: Not everyone will be impressed by your brilliance in happily destroying your leftovers. I’ve had friends plead with me not to do it in their presence because they are either grossed-out or want my leftovers for themselves. As long as they are willing to lay claim to the food and thus remove the temptation from me, I am more than happy to accommodate their more delicate sensibilities.
Feel free to share your own diet tricks in the combox.