Star Wars Roll-Ups

No, they’re not a new kind of fruit snack. (To my knowledge, that is.) They’re the opening words that you see crawling or "rolling-up" the screen at the front of Star Wars movies.

As the date for the release of Episode III: Revenge of the Sith draws nigh (it’s just over a month away), Lucas has let slip (minor) spoilers for what is to come. (Major spoilers are also available all over the Internet for those who are inquisitive.)

One of the things he has let slip is the roll-up for Episode III, which is posted on the official site. It has minor spoilers (the crawls tend to set up the movie but don’t give away much of what happens in it), but for the spoiler-timid, I’ll post it here in white-on-white so you’ll need to Select All or swipe to see the text:

Episode III


War! The Republic is crumbling under attacks by the ruthless Sith Lord, Count Dooku. There are heroes on both sides. Evil is everywhere.

In a stunning move, the fiendish droid leader, General Grievous, has swept into the Republic capital and kidnapped Chancellor Palpatine, leader of the Galactic Senate.

As the Separatist Droid Army attempts to flee the beseiged capital with their valuable hostage, two Jedi Knights lead a desperate mission to rescue the captive Chancellor. . . .


NCRep On Schiavo Case

From our Burying-The-Lead Department comes a surprising entry from John Allen Jr., ordinarily the Vatican correspondent who makes the National Catholic Reporter worth checking in on from time to time.  (Indeed, I think his book All the Pope’s Men is must reading for aspiring apologists.)

In his current column for NCRep, Allen includes but a brief mention of the Terri Schiavo case and the extraordinary Vatican response to it apparently as an afterthought at the very end of his column (titled "A Short Note on Terri Schiavo"):

"So much has been written and said about the Terry [sic] Schiavo case in the United States that I hesitate to add anything here. It’s already well-known that the Holy See has been outspoken; three senior Vatican officials have appealed directly on Schiavo’s behalf, including Cardinal Renato Martino, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace; Cardinal Javier Lozano Barrigan, president of the Pontifical Council for the Health Care Pastoral; and Bishop Elio Sgreccia, president of the Pontifical Academy for Life.

"The American press, already accustomed to the engagement of religious conservatives on Schiavo’s behalf, has not given a great deal of attention to these Vatican interventions, treating them as largely pro forma.

"In fact, however, if one sees these statements through the lens of normal Vatican operating procedure rather than the particular contours of American debate, they’re really rather extraordinary. As a general rule, Vatican officials restrict themselves to enunciating general principles, treating particular cases, pieces of legislation or elections as something for local bishops to address. Readers will remember, for example, during the American debate over
[C]ommunion for pro-choice Catholic politicians, that Vatican officials outlined the general rules in
[C]hurch law but never even cited the name ‘John Kerry’ in doing so."

Now, granted, what Allen has to say about the Vatican response is a valuable insight into the Vatican’s usual modus operandi in cases like this, and into the Vatican’s suspension of it for Terri. But did he have to bury the blurb at the bottom of the column? And did he have to misspell Terri’s name? (Small peeve, I know, but I think it’s telling sometimes when journalists are not careful to double-check name spellings.  I should note that Terri’s name is spelled correctly in the headline.)

GET THE STORY. (Scroll to bottom of page.)

Burn, Bunny, Burn!

You may remember that it is official Church teaching that chocolate bunnies are the enemies of mankind. That’s why they have to be decapitated immediately by biting their heads off first, before eating the rest of them.

SolardeathrayWell, some holy soul has found a new way to dispatch them from this mortal coil.

Yes! We can all breathe a little easier now that the SOLAR DEATH RAY has been invented.

The Solar Death Ray (left–click to enlarge) uses 112 mirrors to focus the light of 112 tiny suns on its target.

Its inventor appears to wish to remain anonymous, so we will simply refer to him as Dr. Genius.

Dr. Genius has a handy animation on his web site, to explain how the Solar Death Ray works.

Here’s a look (right):

As you can see, tiny dots fall from the sun, which strike the surface of the Solar Death Ray and are reflected up to the Target Point.

These dots, known as Solar Death Dots (my term), are not related to solarmanite (Thank God!).

Dr. Genius, a true benefactor of mankind, has already been benefacting mankind by turning his Solar Death Ray on a host of different targets. (Wide testing is necessary when you’re doing SCIENCE! of course.)

Bunny2 Among the victims on the altar of SCIENCE! has been this mankind-enemy (left), deceptively named "Sunshine."

Well sunshine is what this evil bunny got!

"Sunshine" did not long survive the ministrations of the Solar Death Ray.

Instead, "Sunshine" was soon treated to the fate deserved by all enemies of mankind. (CLICK TO SEE FIERY JUSTICE IN ACTION!)

Yes, Dr. Genius’s marvelous contraption has dispatched one more enemy of mankind, one more agent of horrible, loathsome (if delicious) abnormality from Outside that was secretly plotting against mankind and needed to be extirpated from this earth.

Look, then, upon the triumphant results! And let this be a warning to all enemies of mankind! The Solar Death Ray is your fate!


But wait! Is "Sunshine" really dead? Or has he just reverted to his sinister, protoplasmic Shoggoth-form???

Only time will tell!

In the meantime,


And suggest your own victims for the altar of SCIENCE!


(Cowboy hat tip: Small But Disorganized.)

An open letter to Governor Bush

Mr. Governor,

Suppose Judge Greer issued a ruling authorizing Michael Schiavo to take a twelve-gauge shotgun into Terri’s hospice room and blow her brains out. Okay, to avoid complications with firearms laws, let’s substitute a commando knife and a ruling allowing him to slit her throat.

I know: The Schindlers would appeal. But let’s say that the higher courts continued to circle their wagons and refuse even to hear the appeals. (Sure, that’s crazy, but so are the actual events of this case.)

Would you still be sitting around licking your wounds, doing nothing?

You’re saying as long as you can’t find a judge to give you permission, you can’t stand up for this victimized woman’s right to have an ice chip or a bit of water — mere palliative care given even to dying patients in multi-system failure? You can’t say "This judge has no right to deny palliative care to a dying woman"? You can’t say "If the woman can swallow, she has the right to have some water"? You can’t say "The affidavits against Michael Schiavo warrant taking Terri out of his custody," and act on that?

You’re supposed to be a leader. Leaders don’t always wait for someone to give them permission to act or tell them what they do or don’t have the right to do. Your brother didn’t wait for the rest of the U.N. to tell him he had the right to defy the Security Council and go into Iraq. Bill Clinton didn’t wait for a judge to tell him he had the right to defy the Florida courts and take custody of Elian Gonzalez.

No matter what anyone thinks of either man or either action, they were actions of born leaders, men capable of bucking opposition, of deciding what needed to be done and doing it in spite of what they considered obstructionist opposition.

I do recognize and appreciate the efforts that you have made to save Terri’s life. Given less determined judicial obstructionism, they  might have been enough.

They weren’t..

Terri needs a bolder, stronger defense than she has received. You seem to be a good man. Terri needs more than a good man in the governor’s office. She needs a heroic one.

Blog Operations Explanation

A reader writes:

Hi, I would like to know; what does it mean when you don’t answer a question?  I am not very familiar with blogs and maybe I don’t know how to find the answer and maybe it is just not something that you want to comment on but I just want to know how it works.  I had asked [a question you haven’t answered yet].  Thank you so much for your time.

No prob!

It can mean one of several things when I haven’t answered a question:\

  1. Actually, I have answered it but it hasn’t appeared on the blog yet (I write my answers in advance of when they show up on the blog),
  2. Actually, I have answered it but it has appeared but has falled down or off the top page (in which case use the Search feature),
  3. I haven’t answered it yet because the question requires me to do research that I haven’t had a chance to do yet (this was the case with your question),
  4. I’m thinking about the question so that I can give a better answer,
  5. I haven’t answered it because I forgot (i.e., it got lost among all the queries in my inbox),
  6. I have been intending to answer it, but then other things took priority,
  7. I haven’t answered it because I don’t feel able to answer it,
  8. I haven’t answered it because I don’t have time, or
  9. I haven’t answered it for some other reason (e.g., it isn’t appropriate for a mostly-family-oriented blog).

So there isn’t any one reason why I may not answer. It’s a hodge-podge of things.

In your case, the reason is #3, and the fact you wrote a nice, polite query about the matter and I have answered in this public way means that it probably will get answered soon.

I should note that I can’t answer every query folks send me (e.g., for reasons #4-9), and I can’t promise to send a note saying that I will or won’t answer. The volume of e-mail I get is too big for that, though I do try to notify folks when I am answering so they’ll know when to expect the answer to go up.

Even with queries I am able to answer, it may be a few days to a week (or more).

That being said, folks are welcome, after a while, to send a polite one sentence query asking about their former query (e.g., "I asked about _______________ and was wondering if you’ll be able to address it on the blog?") and I’ll try to let you know. (On the other hand, if I get "#*(S^!((**! Where’s the answer to my question about _____________, you $*#@&*@#!" then that’s a one-way ticked to no-answerville.)

Feeding Tube Doesn't Hold Water

What Terri Schiavo’s case comes down to is not the non-existent "right to die", nor is it "privacy" or a matter of due process or jurisdiction. What has not been addressed, by anyone directly involved with the case, is the legal fiction that a feeding tube constitutes extrordinary means of sustaining life. That is the crux of the matter.

At least, that’s what I thought. But it just occurred to me, while watching re-run video of a brave 10-year-old being escorted to a police van, that protestors were not carrying feeding tubes as they tried to approach Terri’s hospice. They were carrying perfectly ordinary cups of water. Surely not even the mind of a Judge would be so highly trained as to classify an ordinary cup of water as "extrodinary" medical care. Were the protestors threatening to professionally administer these highly complex cups of water? No, they were not.

It has been my understanding that Terri does have the ability, with assistance, to swallow both food and water, without the aid of a feeding tube.

WITHOUT a feeding tube.

So the feeding tube has, apparently, been a colossal red herring all along. It must be (and I want badly to read the Judge’s findings) that there is some kind of injunction barring Terri from receiving any food or water of any kind from anyone. In other words, "this person will be starved to death, by any means necessary, come hell or high water."

A couple of days ago, in an interview on Fox News, Terri’s brother said that this was America, that we just don’t starve disabled people to death here.

I’m now terribly afraid that he was wrong.

Feeding Tube Doesn’t Hold Water

What Terri Schiavo’s case comes down to is not the non-existent "right to die", nor is it "privacy" or a matter of due process or jurisdiction. What has not been addressed, by anyone directly involved with the case, is the legal fiction that a feeding tube constitutes extrordinary means of sustaining life. That is the crux of the matter.

At least, that’s what I thought. But it just occurred to me, while watching re-run video of a brave 10-year-old being escorted to a police van, that protestors were not carrying feeding tubes as they tried to approach Terri’s hospice. They were carrying perfectly ordinary cups of water. Surely not even the mind of a Judge would be so highly trained as to classify an ordinary cup of water as "extrodinary" medical care. Were the protestors threatening to professionally administer these highly complex cups of water? No, they were not.

It has been my understanding that Terri does have the ability, with assistance, to swallow both food and water, without the aid of a feeding tube.

WITHOUT a feeding tube.

So the feeding tube has, apparently, been a colossal red herring all along. It must be (and I want badly to read the Judge’s findings) that there is some kind of injunction barring Terri from receiving any food or water of any kind from anyone. In other words, "this person will be starved to death, by any means necessary, come hell or high water."

A couple of days ago, in an interview on Fox News, Terri’s brother said that this was America, that we just don’t starve disabled people to death here.

I’m now terribly afraid that he was wrong.

MP3 Bleg

Gotta question for y’all: I’m unhappy with the ID3 tags that are being stuck onto my MP3 files when I make homemade audiobooks. I wanna change them, but my iTunes doesn’t seem to want to do it for me (although it says it should be able to).

I also would like to avoid having to change each tag in each field manually. I’d like (ideally) to be able to batch change them (since I now have a large number of these files), though that’s not a requirement.

I’ve done some checking but haven’t found what I’m looking for.

Can any of y’all recommend programs that would be (a) free or cheap, (b) if cheap, purchaseable with PayPal maybe, (c) easy to use to do this, and most importantly (d) contains no spyware–oh yeah, and (e) runs on Windows XP?

Much obliged!

The Third World's Evil Overlord List

Recently I excerpted the Evil Overlord’s List (a classic of Internet humor). It consists of advice for evil overlords of the type you read about in sci-fi and fantasy. But ReasonOnline has some advice for real-world, third-world evil overlords.

I mean, you gotta feel for those guys. It’s hard to be an evil overlord in a world where democracy is on the march and the global economy has developed to the point that bone-crushing poverty is the exception rather than the norm. Today if you’re not careful, your people will start entrepeneuring their way to prosperity and then they’ll take a hankering to ideologies that are hard to square with evil overlordism, like . . . democracy.

No, the best thing is to nip this problem in the bud by keeping your people bone-crushingly poor. You need their per capita gross domestic production to be like Korea’s $1,000 or Cuba’s $1,700. Let them get up to America’s $36,200 GDP and they’re sure to overthrow you.

So here’s some advice from ReasonOnline’s evil overlord list for third-world dictators (and the imitators in more developed countries):

First, make sure that your country’s money is no good. Print money like there’s no tomorrow. Hyperinflation is one of the easiest and most popular ways to dismantle an economy. Another popular monetary gambit is to make sure your currency is not convertible. This guarantees that no one will ever want to invest in your country.

To further discourage investment, be sure to nationalize all major Industries. Nationalization has additional poverty-enhancing benefits. For example, it will ensure that the nationalized industries never improve technologically or become more efficient, and it makes workers pathetically dependent on their political masters, namely you.

Of course, you may find it too tiresome to nationalize everything, in which case it is very important that you establish high tariffs that insulate your country’s remaining private industries (usually owned by your cronies anyway) from competition.

In addition, your legal system should make it nearly impossible for anyone to license a new business, however small. This will offer opportunities for your bureaucrats to make a living through corruption and will protect your cronies from domestic competition. An added advantage is that most commerce will be made illegal and subject to arbitrary enforcement.

This leads to the point that property is critical. Once people start to own something, they invest in it and improve it, leading inexorably to the creation of wealth. Again, the legal system can help to make it impossible to issue clear titles so that your citizens can’t buy, sell, or borrow against their "property." Also, force your farmers to sell their crops to government commodity boards at below-market rates. This will discourage them from investing in anything more advanced than subsistence agriculture, and you will be able to sell whatever crops you do seize at low prices to keep the urban populations quiet.

Another popular policy is confiscatory taxes. This strategy, which allows you to claim that you are soaking the rich in the name of equity, has long been fashionable among the genteelly stagnating economies of Europe.


The Third World’s Evil Overlord List

Recently I excerpted the Evil Overlord’s List (a classic of Internet humor). It consists of advice for evil overlords of the type you read about in sci-fi and fantasy. But ReasonOnline has some advice for real-world, third-world evil overlords.

I mean, you gotta feel for those guys. It’s hard to be an evil overlord in a world where democracy is on the march and the global economy has developed to the point that bone-crushing poverty is the exception rather than the norm. Today if you’re not careful, your people will start entrepeneuring their way to prosperity and then they’ll take a hankering to ideologies that are hard to square with evil overlordism, like . . . democracy.

No, the best thing is to nip this problem in the bud by keeping your people bone-crushingly poor. You need their per capita gross domestic production to be like Korea’s $1,000 or Cuba’s $1,700. Let them get up to America’s $36,200 GDP and they’re sure to overthrow you.

So here’s some advice from ReasonOnline’s evil overlord list for third-world dictators (and the imitators in more developed countries):

First, make sure that your country’s money is no good. Print money like there’s no tomorrow. Hyperinflation is one of the easiest and most popular ways to dismantle an economy. Another popular monetary gambit is to make sure your currency is not convertible. This guarantees that no one will ever want to invest in your country.

To further discourage investment, be sure to nationalize all major Industries. Nationalization has additional poverty-enhancing benefits. For example, it will ensure that the nationalized industries never improve technologically or become more efficient, and it makes workers pathetically dependent on their political masters, namely you.

Of course, you may find it too tiresome to nationalize everything, in which case it is very important that you establish high tariffs that insulate your country’s remaining private industries (usually owned by your cronies anyway) from competition.

In addition, your legal system should make it nearly impossible for anyone to license a new business, however small. This will offer opportunities for your bureaucrats to make a living through corruption and will protect your cronies from domestic competition. An added advantage is that most commerce will be made illegal and subject to arbitrary enforcement.

This leads to the point that property is critical. Once people start to own something, they invest in it and improve it, leading inexorably to the creation of wealth. Again, the legal system can help to make it impossible to issue clear titles so that your citizens can’t buy, sell, or borrow against their "property." Also, force your farmers to sell their crops to government commodity boards at below-market rates. This will discourage them from investing in anything more advanced than subsistence agriculture, and you will be able to sell whatever crops you do seize at low prices to keep the urban populations quiet.

Another popular policy is confiscatory taxes. This strategy, which allows you to claim that you are soaking the rich in the name of equity, has long been fashionable among the genteelly stagnating economies of Europe.