Man Raised By Chickens

chickensHere’s another for the I-am-not-making-this-up file.

I’m sure that you’ve all heard of feral children, or children raised by wild animals, usually by fairly social animals like wolves. Well, there’s this guy named Sunjit Kumar, who lives in Fiji, who isn’t one of those. He was raised by animals, but not wild (feral) ones. Instead, he was raised by domesticated animals: chickens.

It turns out that after his parents died he was sent to live with his grandfather, who locked him in a chicken coop for several years. As a result:

“He had imitated or imprinted with the chicken,” [Elizabeth] Clayton said. “He was perching, he was picking at his food, he was hopping around like a chicken. He’d keep his hands in a chickenlike fashion, and he’d make a noise, which was like the calling of a chicken, which he still has.”

Clayton took over Kumar’s care and he has reportedly made “remarkable progress,” learning to walk and speak like a human. [Source]

You’ll note that the story says Clayton “took over Kumar’s care.” That’s because

Kumar escaped from the chicken coop and was taken to a local hospital. But the staff did not know how to treat him, so they confined him. He spent 20 years there, often tied to his bed.

Poor guy!

Friday Penance III: The Search For Spock

A reader wrote a couple of lengthy but thoughtful posts on the Friday penance topic, and I thought I’d respond to them. Rather than clog the main blog space with my equally lengthy reply, I’ve put it in a continuation of this post so readers won’t have to scroll through it if they don’t want to read it.

If you don’t know about the Friday penance discussion we’ve been having, here’s a link to part I and here’s a link to part II.

My comments in the extension are in bold.

Continue reading “Friday Penance III: The Search For Spock”

Translucent Concrete?

translucent-concreteOkay. This is not a joke. (I find myself having to say that on an increasingly frequent basis for some reason.)

Somebody has done gone and created translucent concrete.

Excerpts from the story:

It used to be only Superman who could see through concrete walls, but an exhibit at the National Building Museum shows mere mortals can do it too.

Called “Liquid Stone,” the show features variations of translucent concrete, a newfangled version of the old construction standby that offers a combination of aesthetics and practicality.

The translucent blocks are made by mixing glass fibers into the combination of crushed stone, cement and water, varying a process that has been used for centuries to produce a versatile building material. The process was devised by Hungarian architect Aron Losonczi in 2001.

One of the first demonstrations was a sidewalk in Stockholm made of thin sheets of translucent concrete. It looks like an ordinary sidewalk by day but is illuminated at night by lights under it.

A company in Aachen, Germany, called LiTraCon for “light transmitting concrete,” makes translucent blocks and plans to have them market-ready this year.

“Think of illuminating subway stations with daylight,” he suggested in an e-mail. Or using the concrete for speed bumps and lighting them from below to make them more visible at night.

Inventor Thomas A. Edison had the idea of an all-concrete house almost a century ago. Though he worked on it for years and spent a lot of money, the idea never caught on.

“Liquid Stone” will be on view [at the National Building Museum in Washington] though Jan. 23. Admission is free.

If I lived on the right coast, I’d go see it! (And have my picture taken with it.)

Shoot! What will they think of next . . . transparent aluminum or something?

More On Friday Penance

Some folks have been taking issue with my analysis of the current state of U.S. law regarding Friday penance. Believe me, I understand the impulse. I don’t like seeing Friday penance gutted, either, and would be quite happy if Rome stepped in to change matters. I further understand the impulse of folks to stick to their guns who have been told (and told others) for years that some kind of penance is obligatory on Friday. However, a careful examination of the relevant legal documents and legislative history indicates that this is not the case.

I’d like to call attention to a few aspects of the legal foundation of the present situation. First, some folks have noted that canon 1253 of the 1983 Code of Canon Law does not appear to them to authorize bishops to do more than substitute one (or several) forms of penance in place of abstinence. Let’s look at the canon itself:

Can. 1253 The conference of bishops can determine more precisely the observance of fast and abstinence as well as substitute other forms of penance, especially works of charity and exercises of piety, in whole or in part, for abstinence and fast.

One notes that there are two things that this canon says the conference ofbishops can do: (1) “determine more precisely the observance of fast and abstinence” and (2) “substitute other forms of penance . . . for abstinence and fast.” The distinction between these two is indicated by the use of the conjunction “as well as.”

As a careful reading of the 1966 bishops document shows, it did not substitute other forms of penance for Friday abstinence. What it did was “determine more precisely the observance of . . . abstinence” by determining that the observance of abstinence is legally obligatory only on certain Fridays of the year.

This, at least, is the clause that most naturally would be appealed to if the 1966 document came out after the 1983 Code, but it didn’t. To understand the legal basis for the conference’s action, one must look to the documents that were in force at the time.

The document that a person would first turn to is the 1917 Code of Canon Law. However, when one does so one discovers that canon 1253 has no parallel in the 1917 Code.

The controlling legal document, therefore, was Paul VI’s apostolic constitution Paenitemini, which had just been released earlier in the same year. The bishops’ 1966 doc was an attempt to determine the way Paenitemini would be implemented in the U.S.

Now here comes the part where things get confusing. The relevant norm from Paenitemini reads as follows:

VI. 1. In accordance with the conciliar decree “Christus Dominus” regarding the pastoral office of bishops, number 38,4, it is the task of episcopal conferences to:

A. Transfer for just cause the days of penitence, always taking into account the Lenten season;

B. Substitute abstinence and fast wholly or in part with other forms of penitence and especially works of charity and the exercises of piety.

2. By way of information, episcopal conferences should communicate to the Apostolic See what they have decided on the matter

Norm VI.1 grants the authority to conferences to transfer days of penitence or to substitute other forms of penitence for fast and abstinence. It does not grant them the authority to restrict the mandatory observance of abstinence to certain days of the year. This does not mean that they don’t have that authority, but it does mean that norm VI.1 doesn’t give it to them.

How can we tell if they have this authority? Well, we have to look to Rome.

Unfortunately, Italians don’t write law the way we Americans do. They are much less strict about the reading and writing of law than Anglo-Saxon legal tradition is. In general, they write laws as broad gestures regarding what they want to happen, but they allow for the existence of all kinds of unspoken, unwritten exceptions within those laws. These exceptions, it is understood, will come to light over the course of time as people try to apply the law. If they apply it in ways Rome doesn’t like, Rome will clarify and say “No, you can’t do that. We don’t want the law to be understood in that way.” If Rome has been made aware of the way the law is being applied and Rome doesn’t bark, though, its consent to the application of the law–even by acquiescence–is presumed. (At least until they change their minds and say otherwise.)

This is where norm VI.2 becomes important. It says that the U.S. bishops would have to communicate to Rome what they decided on the matter, and this they certainly did. After the 1966 document was written, it was sent over to Rome.

One will note that norm VI.2 only says that the conference is to notify Rome “by way of information”–i.e., so that it can keep track of what the bishops’ conferences are doing. It does not say that Rome must approve of the bishops’ complimentary norms on this matter before those norms take effect (a process normally referred to as obtaining Rome’s recognitio). The reveals a fairly permissive attitude on Rome’s part regarding what bishops’ conferences can do regarding penance in their countries. If Rome wanted to keep a tight reign on things, it would have required the conferences to obtain recognitio before letting their decisions go into effect. The fact that they only required the bishops to notify them “by way of information” is a signal that they’re pretty flexible on what they’ll let the bishops do.

This created a de facto situation where the bishops of a given country could write whatever norms they wanted on penance and these would have force of law in their territory unless they sent over the norms to Rome and Rome contradicted them.

So what happened when the U.S. bishops sent over their 1966 document?

Rome didn’t bark.

They may have even formally granted it recognitio (though this wasn’t required), but they certainly didn’t bark, as the complimentary norms currently on the bishops’ web site reveal (see below).

Given the way Paenitimini is written–and the absence of other law expressly granting the conference the authority to do what it did–Rome would have been entirely justified in saying, “Hey, wait a minute, guys! Y’all have exceeded your authority!” But they didn’t do that. They thus, at least by acquiescence, confirmed the U.S. bishops’ decision and allowed it to become law.

That it become law did is certainly the understanding of the bishops’ conference today. If you check the section of their web site giving the complimentary norms for canons 1252 and 1253, it expressly notes that:

The November 18, 1966 norms of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops on penitential observance for the Liturgical Year continue in force since they are law and are not contrary to the [1983] code (canon 6).

That these norms are understood to involve only voluntary penance on most Fridays of the year is something the conference is also on record as indicating. In their 1983 document The Challenge of Peace, they wrote:

298. As a tangible sign of our need and desire to do penance we [the bishops], for the cause of peace, commit ourselves to fast and abstinence on each Friday of the year. We call upon our people voluntarily to do penance on Friday by eating less food and by abstaining from meat. This return to a traditional practice of penance, once well observed in the U.S. Church, should be accompanied by works of charity and service toward our neighbors. Every Friday should be a day significantly devoted to prayer, penance, and almsgiving for peace.

I haven’t vetted the authority of the 1983 document on peace. I suspect that under current law it has no authority at all, since pastoral letters now are subject to a very high standard to attain authority, and this letter probably didn’t meet that standard. However, even in the absence of this document having authority, it indicates the mindset of the bishops regarding the matter of doing penance on Fridays and indicates that this penance is voluntary.

This is something that a careful reading of the 1966 document also shows, but the 1983 document adds additional evidence for this understanding.

What are the alternatives to saying this?

1) Well, Rome could step in and clarify the situation. This would be the ideal solution, though thus far Rome hasn’t done so, which leaves us to figure things out for ourselves.

2) In that regard, one could disagreewith my analysis and say that the 1966 document is sufficiently ambiguous that it is doubtful whether the faithful are obligated to do anything on most Fridays of the year. However, in that case, canon 14 of the 1983 Code kicks in and tells us:

Laws, even invalidating and disqualifying ones, do not oblige when there is a doubt about the law.

Therefore, we’d be facing a doubt of law situation and so–until such time as Rome chooses to clarify–we still would not be obliged to do penance on most Fridays of the year.

3) One could say that the U.S. bishops exceded their authority in 1966 and Rome let them get away with it. Fine. But that’s Rome’s call to make and–this is the key point for practical purposes–Rome is still letting them get away with it.

4) One could say that I am flat wrong in my reading of the 1966 document and furthermore–so that canon 14 isn’t triggered–that the 1966 document is clear that the faithful are legally obligated to do some form of penance of their own choice on all Fridays of the year.

I think the last is by far the least promising alternative. Whatever one may think of the 1966 document, it’s clear that it’s muddled. I think that a careful reading of that will sort out the muddle and reveal that the bishops were restricting obligatory penance to only certain Fridays of the year. If you disagree and think that the document is irresolvably muddled, I understand that. But I don’t see how anyone giving the document a careful reading can conclude that the document clearly mandates that the faithful are legally obligated to do a penance of their own choosing each Friday of the year (on pain of sin, no less!).

Then there is the 1983 document, which further muddies the waters for one advocating a pro-obligation position.

Thus I don’t see how–however strong one’s desire may be to find an obligation in the law–one can responsibly conclude that on the matter of obligatory Friday penance the law is not at least doubtful, in which case the doubt of law canon kicks in and tells us that the faithful are not obliged.

Mozilla vs. IE: A Security Object Lesson

NewsForge has an excellent article contrasting how recently-discovered security holes involving Mozilla and Internet Explorer were handled by those who produce the browsers. Exerpt:

So [in the case of Mozilla] we had a fix in less than 24 hours, and the exploit wasn’t that bad to begin with.

Let’s compare this to Microsoft’s handling of a recent Internet Explorer exploit that was taken advantage of by the Scob trojan, which sought to steal sensitive personal and financial information from its unknowing victims. The trojan attacked on June 25, and Microsoft had a patch released a quick and speedy seven days later, on July 2. So for seven days a serious hole remained in Internet Explorer, and even then the vulnerability remained!

One day for the [Mozilla] community to discover, discuss, and patch a Windows security flaw through Mozilla, one week for Microsoft to incorrectly patch a serious IE exploit. Now tell me, Mr. Ballmer, Mr. Gates: Which is the better development model?

If you check out the article, you’ll also discover that the “hole” relating to Mozilla wasn’t even a problem with Mozilla itself. It is a problem with an external (non-Mozilla) program that is part of the the Windows operating system, which is the only operating system to be affected by the issue. Basically, Mozilla would merely pass on a Internet request to the Windows OS, and the OS is stupid enough to honor the request unchallenged. (The other OSes Mozilla runs on aren’t that stupid.) Even Microsoft was aware of the problem with the OS, and Windows XP Service Pack 1 was supposed to have fixed the problem, but Microsoft “fixed it wrong,” and the hole continues to exist.

Once this came to light, the Mozilla folks simply disabled the passing on of the request in order to protect the Windows operating system from its own security stuipidity. They did had the needed patch (and revised versions of their software) in place in a matter of hours, so quickly in fact that no systems are known to have been compromised by the problem.

The fact that more folks are noting the problems with MS-produced products is perhaps why the superdominant IE browser has lost 1% of its market share in the last month. A story at notes:

Internet Explorer has held more than 95 percent of the browser market since June 2002, and until June had remained steady with about 95.7 percent of the browser market, according to WebSideStory’s measurements. Over the last month, however, its market share has slowly dropped from 95.73 percent on June 4 to 94.73 percent on July 6.

A loss of 1 percent of the market may not mean much to Microsoft, but it translates into a large growth, proportionately, in the number of users running Mozilla and Netscape-based browsers. Mozilla and Netscape’s combined market share has increased by 26 percent, rising from 3.21 percent of the market in June to 4.05 percent in July, Johnston said.

“It takes a lot to get someone to change their browser. It’s been years since anyone has been willing to do this in significant numbers,” he [analyst Goeff Johnston] said.

Most of the period in which the losses to IE occurred was before the Download.Ject vulnerability in IE were discovered and CERT recommended that people start ditching IE, so the losses may well continue–and accelerate.

The PCWorld.Com article also notes:

Microsoft has yet to release a comprehensive fix for Download.Ject, but the company is providing customers with “prescriptive guidance to help mitigate these issues” on the Web site, he said.

Robert Duncan III, a technologist at Bacone College, in Muskogee, Oklahoma, switched to Firefox recently, attracted by the software’s wide variety of plug-ins and new features, as well as the fact that Mozilla is less integrated with the computer’s operating system than is Internet Explorer.

“Since Mozilla is completely isolated from the operating system, I know that if the browser gets completely hijacked and obliterated that the program is not going to completely destroy everything I’ve got on disk,” he said.

About 20 percent of the computers Duncan administers at the college now use Mozilla-based browsers, Duncan said, and the main impediment to more widespread adoption is user perception, he said. “They have this perception that open source software can’t be worth anything because it’s free.”

“Once people start examining the features of Mozilla versus Internet Explorer instead of looking at a brand name . . . I think they’ll see there’s a lot more value,” he said.

I agree that Mozilla has much better features than IE, particularly through the available extensions (it also runs way faster, too), but I find it interesting that Microsoft’s integrate-the-browser-into-the-OS-in-order-to-try-to-thwart-federal-antitrust-regulators-in-court strategy has come back to haunt it. By so tightly binding IE to the Windows OS, it has made the OS more vulnerable to exploitation from sources on the Internet. Mozilla, by contrast, is not tightly bound up with the operating system and thus less likely to wreak havoc with the OS.

The Whacky World Of Japanese Ice Cream

fish-ice-creamOkay, having properly congratulated the Japanese people on their National Day (whenver that may be), I can now tell you what I was doing on that Japanese newspaper’s web site: I was looking at a photoessay on bizarre Japanese ice creams. The flavors covered were:

  • Fish Ice Cream
  • Octopus Ice Cream
  • Squid Ice Cream
  • Ox Tongue Ice Cream
  • Sweet Potato Ice Cream
  • Fried Eggplant Ice Cream
  • Crab Ice Cream
  • Corn Ice Cream
  • Koshihikari Rice Ice Cream
  • Wasabi Ice Cream
  • Shrimp Ice Cream
  • Eel Ice Cream
  • Nagoya Noodle Ice Cream
  • Chicken Wing Ice Cream
  • Miso Ice Cream
  • Cactus Ice Cream

If you go to the site, you can see pictures of these ice creams (well, of their containers, anyway) and read reviews of what they taste like. (The reviews contain English puns and seem to reflect an English-speaker’s viewpoint).


What is your reaction to these ice creams: Which sounds most awful? Which sounds most possibly not-awful? Which would you be most interested to try? Click the comments box to see my answers and add your own!

Well Someone Out There Is Trying To Be Friendly To America

Was surfing the web site of a newspaper in Japan and found the following notice:


the people of the United States of America as they celebrate

their National Day

It was in reference to the recent July 4th holiday and was accompanied by a pro-America editorial by Ambassador Howard Baker (former Senator from Tennessee and Watergate Commission-member; y’know, the guy who asked John Dean “What did the president know, and when did he know it?”). The editorial also thanked the Japanese people for their friendship and partnership “in our fight for peace, prosperity and democracy.”

The piece is part of a series the paper is doing congratulating different countries on their national days (Venesuela was the next country to be congratulated, on July 5th).

I thought it was just dandy that this Japanese newspaper would take the time to congratulate the U.S. on Independence Day, and so in the same spirit, on behalf of the American people, I’d like to congratulate the people of Japan as they celebrate their national day (whenever that may be).

Well Someone Out There Is Trying To Be Friendly To America

Was surfing the web site of a newspaper in Japan and found the following notice:

the people of the United States of America as they celebrate
their National Day

It was in reference to the recent July 4th holiday and was accompanied by a pro-America editorial by Ambassador Howard Baker (former Senator from Tennessee and Watergate Commission-member; y’know, the guy who asked John Dean “What did the president know, and when did he know it?”). The editorial also thanked the Japanese people for their friendship and partnership “in our fight for peace, prosperity and democracy.”

The piece is part of a series the paper is doing congratulating different countries on their national days (Venesuela was the next country to be congratulated, on July 5th).

I thought it was just dandy that this Japanese newspaper would take the time to congratulate the U.S. on Independence Day, and so in the same spirit, on behalf of the American people, I’d like to congratulate the people of Japan as they celebrate their national day (whenever that may be).


I recently had occasion to stop by LarkNews.Com and glance at their headlines.


Though I find they sometimes cross the line (“Humor is such a subject thing,” Emperor Cartagia said), much of the time they manage to poke fun at Christian sensibilities in an amusing way. Consider these recent stories:

* Cleveland-Area Revival Attributed to Woman’s Scripture Checks

* Teen No Longer Called To Chores

* Accountability Groups Classified As Gangs In Detroit

Also check out Lark News’s custom “404 File Not Found” message (unless they’ve fixed it).

Finally, there is this really funny Q & A about the “40 Days of Purpose”® fad sweeping Evangelical churches and its overly litigious use of the ® symbol.

Catholic circles aren’t immune to this. Someone or other (who has poked fun at me in print before) used to put a trademark symbol next to the phrase Bringing Christ To The World™, though I see the symbol has been dropped–no doubt in the spirit of Christian charity. Otherwise the Vatican itself might be legally barred from bringing Christ to the world! So, fortunately, we now live in a world where you can Speak Your Mind™ freely, without worrying about such things.

Spotting A Hole In A Theory

sunspotsWhen sunspots were first observed almost five hundred years ago, they pointed to a hole in a theory–an article of faith for some: that the sun was a perfect orb that should be free of blemishes.

Now sunspots are pointing to a hole in another theory–also an article of faith for some: global warming.

As you’ve no doubt heard, the globe has been warming in recent times. The question is: What’s causing it? The most common explanation is that it’s the release of “greenhouse gasses” into the earth’s atmosphere by fluorocarbons, fossil fuels, etc.

However, as it turns out, sunspots have also been increasing in recent years. Further: An examination of Greenland ice cores shows that the rise and fall of sunspots correlates with the rise and fall of global temperature. In other words, as the sunspots go up or down, so does the global temperature on earth.

Scientists don’t (yet) understand the mechanism by which this happens, but it apparently does. This adds credence to critics of the “global warming”/”greenhouse gasses” hypothesis, who have argued that the recent rise in global temperatures may be completely unrelated to the discharge of certain gasses by technology (in other words, that the “global warming” advocates are committing the post hoc, ergo propter hoc fallacy).

This is not a certainty. According to the BBC report on the finding, global warming has been increasing even after the rise in sunspots leveled off a few decades ago, but on the other hand that could be because the rise in temperature builds up if the sunspots continue at their current level (the same way putting a lightbulb next to an object takes a while to increase the object’s surface temperature, even though the lighbulb emits a constant level of heat–at least until a certain level of surface temperature is reached).

Time and research will tell if this is the case.

The key thing is: Some of the global warming phenomenon seems to be due to something other than the release of greenhouse gasses. The question now is: How much?