October 14, 2004 Show

More results from the VOLUNTEER PROGRAM. Thanks to Christopher A. St. Jean for doing the October, 2004 shows!




  • Did Vatican II take away "respectful" aspects of the Mass?
  • Which deuterocanonicals were found among the Dead Sea Scrolls
    written in Hebrew?
  • Is it a sin to vote for a pro-choice political candidate?
  • If receiving the Eucharist remits venial sins, why should those sins
    be later confessed?
  • How should Catholics defend confession to a member of the Assemblies of God?
  • How does one respond to Orthodox Christians regarding the Lefebvrist
    schism and charges of liturgical abuse?
  • What charges do Protestants make regarding the Catholic Church in
    the Middle Ages?
  • Has the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary been performed?
  • Are non-Catholic Christians members of the Body of Christ?
  • Does the magisterial authority of the Church compromise freedom of thought?
  • How does one defend the Sunday sabbath to Seventh-day Adventists?

June 17, 2004 Show

This is a show I taped while in Michigan visiting Steve Ray and Ed Peters. As a result, all three of us were guests.




  • Clarifying spiritual maxims from The Imitation of Christ.
  • Did Jesus ever laugh?
  • Is marriage to a witch grounds for an annulment?
  • How should a church dispose of an old tabernacle? Can a person put it in their home?
  • Any advice on how to earn a living without losing Christian identity?
  • What is Paul talking about in 1 Corinthians 4:6? Does he support Sola Scriptura?
  • In Acts 9:5, what does “it is hard for thee to kick against the goad” mean?
  • Can the symbolism of the number of canonical books in the Bible be used as a proof for the Catholic canon?
  • What do you think about the book The Bible Code?
  • If my husband did not get declarations of nullity for his previous marriages, what is the status of our marriage?
  • Did Paul observe the Sabbath?
  • Were non-Catholic baptisms using the Trinitarian formula considered valid prior to the Second Vatican Council?
  • Is the
         Holy Father concerned about the use of psychic impediments in nullity

June 3, 2004 Show

First results of the VOLUNTEER PROGRAM are in! Thanks to Al for mapping the shows in June, 2004. Here’s the first:




  • Is there such a thing as a conditional confirmation?
  • Is it possible for a baptized person to be possessed?
  • Will a person brought up Catholic who leaves the church go to Hell? What if they leave because of bad experiences in the church?
  • Is the anointing with fish gall in Tobit 11:8 a physical or spiritual healing? In Matthew 27:34, were the soldiers trying to poison Jesus with the wine mixed with gall?
  • Was incest practiced at the origins of humanity?
  • Was there a time when the Son did not exist if he proceeds from the Father? How is this different than the angels?
  • In the early church, was the jurisdiction of Rome over the entire church or just a territory around Rome?
  • Do you have to be confirmed to get married in the Catholic church?
  • The rubrics for the Mass of the Lord’s Supper say it should be celebrated with the full participation of the whole local community. Does that make it obligatory?
  • Why is the observance of Ascension Thursday transferred to Sunday?
  • What can be done to educate parents and voters on Catholic Moral theology?

This Week's Show




  • What is the mystical body of Christ and who belongs to it?
  • Can two baptized Catholics get married outside the Church and still receive Communion?
  • King James Bible: Friend or Foe?
  • How did the Church get based in Rome?
  • Who was Melchizedek?
  • Can a bishop change the Creed?
  • Why is there an excommunication for abortion but not murder?
  • What are the penitential psalms?
  • What is RCIA and should reverts attend it?
  • Did Jesus turn water into grape juice at Cana?
  • Where do people get the idea that a thousand years before Christ there was another virgin birth?
  • Any good books on the Reformation era?
  • Why did God have Joshua, et al., slay the inhabitants of whole towns?
  • What about the promises where Jesus says we can ask anything we want and God will give it to us?
  • How could Mary be the mother of God when God the Son existed from all eternity, before Mary?

This Week’s Show




  • What is the mystical body of Christ and who belongs to it?
  • Can two baptized Catholics get married outside the Church and still receive Communion?
  • King James Bible: Friend or Foe?
  • How did the Church get based in Rome?
  • Who was Melchizedek?
  • Can a bishop change the Creed?
  • Why is there an excommunication for abortion but not murder?
  • What are the penitential psalms?
  • What is RCIA and should reverts attend it?
  • Did Jesus turn water into grape juice at Cana?
  • Where do people get the idea that a thousand years before Christ there was another virgin birth?
  • Any good books on the Reformation era?
  • Why did God have Joshua, et al., slay the inhabitants of whole towns?
  • What about the promises where Jesus says we can ask anything we want and God will give it to us?
  • How could Mary be the mother of God when God the Son existed from all eternity, before Mary?

Catholic Answers Live 7th Anniversary Show!

Karl, Jerry, and I did the honors.




  • When can the anointing of the sick be administered?
  • Why isn’t Ronald Knox better known?
  • Why do some prayers say "though the same Christ Our Lord"? What’s with "the same"?
  • "Apologist": A perfectly cromulent word.
  • "The flesh avails nothing": A disproof of the Real Presence?
  • Was Peter’s wife crucified?
  • What’s the authority of Redemptionis Sacramentum?
  • Indulgences & time off from purgatory.
  • What’s a rescript for a derogation?
  • Attention Cold & Flu People At Mass!
  • When did the Eucharist start?
  • A very cromulent ending

UPDATE SINCE THE SHOW: I looked up the Latin for "through the same Christ Our Lord," and it’s "Per eundem Christum Dominum nostrum." The pronoun corresponding to "same" is thus eundem, which is the accusative masculine form of idem. I’m running into different authors classifying it differently as to whether it’s a  reflexive or a demonstrative pronoun, though. There now, a little Latin embiggens the smallest prayer.

This Week's Second Q & A Show




  • DA RULZ!
  • Update from yesterday’s show about child being taught to make the sign of the cross.
  • Co-Redemptrix: Doctrine or Dogma?
  • Has Russia been consecrated to Mary?
  • Why do Jews need to become Christian?
  • Woman prayed the Rosary for a long time without realizing mysteries are attached to the decades. What effects does this have?
  • A Jewish caller asks why the Sadducees aren’t more prominent in the Gospels?
  • Is Jesus the head of "the Protestant church as a whole"?
  • Gen. 3:15: "He will crush" or "she will crush"–What’s the deal?
  • Who are "the pre-Vatican II Christians"? (The ones who allegedly live today, that is.)
  • Can laity give the homily?
  • Which is more important: Liturgy of the Hours or the Rosary?
  • How do we know who St. Anne and Salome were?
  • A Protestant caller wants to know why Hail Marys are used as penances and who decides how many to do.
  • What are Jimmy’s views on James White’s arguments?

This Week’s Second Q & A Show




  • DA RULZ!
  • Update from yesterday’s show about child being taught to make the sign of the cross.
  • Co-Redemptrix: Doctrine or Dogma?
  • Has Russia been consecrated to Mary?
  • Why do Jews need to become Christian?
  • Woman prayed the Rosary for a long time without realizing mysteries are attached to the decades. What effects does this have?
  • A Jewish caller asks why the Sadducees aren’t more prominent in the Gospels?
  • Is Jesus the head of "the Protestant church as a whole"?
  • Gen. 3:15: "He will crush" or "she will crush"–What’s the deal?
  • Who are "the pre-Vatican II Christians"? (The ones who allegedly live today, that is.)
  • Can laity give the homily?
  • Which is more important: Liturgy of the Hours or the Rosary?
  • How do we know who St. Anne and Salome were?
  • A Protestant caller wants to know why Hail Marys are used as penances and who decides how many to do.
  • What are Jimmy’s views on James White’s arguments?

This Week's First Q & A Show

At lunch today I found out I’d be needing to fill in for Ros Moss on today’s show (she’s feeling under the weather, so keep her in your prayers!), so there ended up being an extra bonus Q & A show this week.




  • How to make the sign of the cross.
  • The difference between merit and "earning salvation."
  • Heresies tend to emphasis one aspect of a teaching to the exclusion of another.
  • When the abortion excommunication takes effect and how it is lifted.
  • Dealing with reiki, mediums, and "energy healing."
  • Defending Tradition to a Protestant apologist (discussed in very general terms)
  • Translating "credo" as "we believe"–also, Latin textbook recommendations.
  • Child’s confirmation teacher is telling her that "God is everything."
  • Is Catholicism a "works-based faith"?
  • Should we tell kids that grace is like a divine energy?
  • Catholic Jewish gentleman heard his father’s voice telling him to pray the Mourner’s Qaddish for his mother. What should he do?
  • Grad student has a hostile nun as his graduate advisor. What should he do?

This Week’s First Q & A Show

At lunch today I found out I’d be needing to fill in for Ros Moss on today’s show (she’s feeling under the weather, so keep her in your prayers!), so there ended up being an extra bonus Q & A show this week.




  • How to make the sign of the cross.
  • The difference between merit and "earning salvation."
  • Heresies tend to emphasis one aspect of a teaching to the exclusion of another.
  • When the abortion excommunication takes effect and how it is lifted.
  • Dealing with reiki, mediums, and "energy healing."
  • Defending Tradition to a Protestant apologist (discussed in very general terms)
  • Translating "credo" as "we believe"–also, Latin textbook recommendations.
  • Child’s confirmation teacher is telling her that "God is everything."
  • Is Catholicism a "works-based faith"?
  • Should we tell kids that grace is like a divine energy?
  • Catholic Jewish gentleman heard his father’s voice telling him to pray the Mourner’s Qaddish for his mother. What should he do?
  • Grad student has a hostile nun as his graduate advisor. What should he do?