March 3, 2004 Show

A special holler to Al for doing the March shows as part of the volunteer program!

On the March 3, 2004 show, Rosalind Moss and I did the honors.




  • How is
         the name of a new parish determined? 
  • When
         writing a cardinal’s name, why is “cardinal” between the first and last
  • Has
         the church always considered abortion a sin?
  • What
         does the name Abijah mean and what is the potential of relationship to
         contemporary individuals?
  • What
         is the church’s view of Feng Shui?
  • What
         is Joseph’s (husband of Mary) last name?
  • Are
         there enough youth programs to help young people come back to the church?
  • What
         does the church teach about the fate of Judas?
  • What
         crime did Barabbas commit?

This Week's Show (1/21/05)




  • Why did Jesus tell the guy not to bury his father and the other guy not to say goodbye to his parents?
  • Roman Catholics & Evangelicals: Agreements & Differences by Geisler & Mackenzie: Friend or foe?
  • Is there a conspiracy to silence Sr. Lucia?
  • To what extent is Catholic social teaching on economics binding on our conscience?
  • Why don’t Catholics talk about the Rapture?
  • Praying to the saints.
  • Did the Spanish bishops approve condoms for preventing AIDS and could a conference of bishops do that?
  • Are popes prevented from ever contradicting prior popes on any points, no matter how small?  Any examples of popes correcting prior popes?
  • How do dinosaurs fit in to Genesis?
  • Is it possible for a person without mortal sin to still go to hell? What does Jesus mean when he talks about spitting out the lukewarm?
  • What is fornication?
  • What does Paul mean when he tells Timothy not to lay hands too hastily on somebody?
  • Do ghosts exist?
  • Any extra-biblical evidence for the Temple veil splitting?
  • What are prayer intentions?

This Week’s Show (1/21/05)




  • Why did Jesus tell the guy not to bury his father and the other guy not to say goodbye to his parents?
  • Roman Catholics & Evangelicals: Agreements & Differences by Geisler & Mackenzie: Friend or foe?
  • Is there a conspiracy to silence Sr. Lucia?
  • To what extent is Catholic social teaching on economics binding on our conscience?
  • Why don’t Catholics talk about the Rapture?
  • Praying to the saints.
  • Did the Spanish bishops approve condoms for preventing AIDS and could a conference of bishops do that?
  • Are popes prevented from ever contradicting prior popes on any points, no matter how small?  Any examples of popes correcting prior popes?
  • How do dinosaurs fit in to Genesis?
  • Is it possible for a person without mortal sin to still go to hell? What does Jesus mean when he talks about spitting out the lukewarm?
  • What is fornication?
  • What does Paul mean when he tells Timothy not to lay hands too hastily on somebody?
  • Do ghosts exist?
  • Any extra-biblical evidence for the Temple veil splitting?
  • What are prayer intentions?

July 29, 2004 Show




  • Does the Church have a position of the genetic presence of Mary in Jesus’ body and blood in the Eucharist?
  • Where did the Church get the practice of infant baptism?
  • Recommend a good bible for young students?  What is a dynamic equivalence translation?
  • Can you explain the Catholic practice of praying to the Saints?
  • Recommend a good book for a Fundamentalist to learn about the Catholic Church?
  • Explain the concept of God not forgiving the unrepentant?
  • Is the Lutheran doctrine of Jesus being present with the bread proved by 1 Cor 10:16?
  • Doesn’t it benefit us be forgiving and go beyond bitterness even when we don’t get a repentant signal from the other person?
  • Can we use the parallel verses in Deut 17 and Mt 18 to prove that disagreements about Scripture should be taken to the Church?
  • When we consume the body and blood of Christ are we consuming the resurrected body of Christ or His sacraficed Body?
  • Why did Jesus need to be crucified in order to save us?
  • What would change about Christianity if we knew Jesus had been married, as he was portrayed in the Da Vinci Code?

July 26, 2004 Show




  • Are mixed marriages considered good or bad in the Church?
  • How about individuals advocating separation of church and state sitting in on religious services to catch people pushing political agendas?
  • When did the chapter and verse divisions in the Bible come into use and who introduced them?  Longest chapter in the Bible?
  • Were James who spoke in Acts 15 and James the Apostle different people?
  • Are there any historical arguments of societies which have fallen into disarray because of homosexuality?
  • What happens during the Mass regarding Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross?
  • Are there moral types of stem cell research?
  • Who is the Apostle "whom Jesus loves" in the Gospel of John?
  • Were Adam and Eve real people?
  • What does it mean to consecrate your life and how is that done?
  • What would be the state of a marriage done by an ex-priest?
  • Is anything other than a white cloth allowed to be placed on the casket during a funeral?
  • Is it immoral to benefit from a previous immoral act, e.g. stem cell lines which have already been derived?

July 22, 2004




  • Could the perception of Purgatory for some people for some people involve a conscious experience of the disintegration of the body?
  • Did the original King James version of the Bible have 80 books?
  • If the priest does not believe that he is changing the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ are we still receiving the Eucharist from him?
  • The New Testament seems to imply both that accepting Grace is our choice and that only God decides who has an open heart… what is the explanation?  Does everyone on earth get actual Grace?
  • What is the official Catholic position on the gift of Tongues?
  • Is it true that on Judgement Day we will be judged with the same degree of forgiveness we show others?  Are we also to forgive persons who have committed truly evil acts?
  • How do we distinguish between worshipping God and honoring Mary and the Saints when we pray?
  • Where does the word "Sunday" come from?
  • When did the Church decide that it was okay for women to fulfill certain liturgical roles in the Church?  Does the Church nullify certain Scriptural passages in doing this?
  • How unusual was it for a young man of Jesus’ age to be "teaching" during the finding of Jesus in the Temple?
  • How do Seventh Day Adventists regard the change from the Julian to the Gregorian Calendar, i.e. did it change the day of the week?
  • Was Mary Magdalen a prostitute or an adultress?  What’s the difference between the two?
  • Is it a sin to go shopping on Sundays?  What if that shopping is entertainment?
  • Why does Jesus tell Mary Magdalen not to touch him after the Resurrection, but then encourage Thomas to touch him later?

July 15, 2004 Show




  • What is a hermaphrodite and should they do anything to change their condition?
  • Does Jn 7:16 or Jn 6:38 prove that Jesus wasn’t divine?  Did Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, or Clement of Alexandria teach that Jesus wasn’t divine?
  • How does one handle being disheartened or discouraged by constantly interacting with people who oppose the Church?
  • Clarify the USCCB statement "Interim Reflections of the Task Force on Catholic Bishops and Catholic Politicians"?
  • When Jesus became man was there a change in God?
  • Do the different beliefs of Catholics negate our description of the Church as "One" and suggest that we are as divided as Protestants?
  • Considerations in voting for someone whose moral stance on important issues is okay but has previously broken the law?
  • Should stillborn babies be baptised?
  • What happens with infants or fetuses at the Resurrection of the Dead when our souls are reunited with our bodies?
  • How to respond to Atheists who deny the necessity of a first mover?
  • Biblical evidence that those invincibly ignorant of Jesus Christ can still be saved?

July 8, 2004 Show




  • How is it that there exist different numberings for the 10 Commandments?
  • Did Jesus save us when he died on the cross or when he rose from the dead?
  • Do Catholics have to pay a priest to pray them out of purgatory?
  • What is contemplative prayer?  What forms of Christian meditation are ok?
  • Are there any other days of the year besides Sundays on which Catholics should not work?
  • Can Catholics be divorced?  Is divorce and remarriage in the case of adultery okayed by Scripture?
  • How is it that the NT Greek word for cross also means stake?
  • What is the reason for the four rules James requires the Gentiles to adhere to in Acts 15?
  • Is it licit for two baptized individuals get married outside of a Church building, e.g. on the beach?
  • Before the Gospel is proclaimed, is the entire congregation supposed to make the sign of the cross on their head, lips, and heart, or only the priest or deacon?  Is one supposed to strike their breast during the Hail Holy Queen?
  • What is a good Catholic Greek interlinear New Testment?  Is there something similar for the OT?
  • Is the phrase "God helps those who help themselves" in the Bible?

July 1, 2004 Show

More results from the volunteer program (Try It!).

A special holler out to Adam Nolte for doing the July 2004 shows!




  • What is the nature of the Holy Spirit and what is the proof from Scripture?
  • Scriptural proof of the existance of both particular and general judgements?
  • The Assumption: before or after the death of Mary?
  • Veil wearing by women at Mass?
  • Is it ok to hold hands during the Our Father at Mass?
  • Who was Melchizedek?
  • What does it mean to "bear our cross" or "bear the cross of others"?
  • Is the pronoun "you" plural in Greek when Jesus gives Peter the Keys in Mt 16?  How about the similar passage in Mt 18?
  • What if one were to die while living with one with whom he/she has been remarried outside of the Church while waiting for an annulment to process?
  • What happened to the saints who were raised at the time of Jesus’ death, and was St. Joseph one of them?
  • Should one use insurance from an employer who supports an abortion provider?
  • Who wrote the book of Revelation?

October 28, 2004 Show




  • Should bishops be directly advising Catholics to vote for Pro-Life candidates?
  • Is it correct to ask departed souls and unborn children for their
  • Can a present prayer affect a past event?
  • Is everyone who is not part of the Catholic Church doomed to hell?
  • Countering the Protestant notion of "once saved, always saved."
  • How do we know that the gates of Heaven were closed until Christ’s
    death?  Where
    does the Bible teach that Christ preached to the dead?
  • Must Catholics register at a parish?
  • Does disagreement with a small number of Church teachings preclude
    one from entering the Church?
  • Are financial concerns the only factor preventing the Church in
    America from abandoning its non-profit status?
  • Inviting political candidates to speak from the pulpit: Protestant
    vs. Catholic approaches.
  • What in the Catholic Church’s biblical basis for purgatory?
  • How does civil divorce affect one’s ability to receive the Eucharist?