Interior of the Large Hadron Collider (artist's conception)
(Originally posted at Old World Swine)
And . . . er . . . what kind of possession are we talking about?
Hey, Tim Jones, here.
For those who like their Catholic Culture full and neatly brushed, The League of Bearded Catholics is here to provide a convenient excuse constructive outlet for testosterone-infused merry making.
A hearty and hirsute celebration of the literary tradition of Tolkien, Lewis, Belloc and Chesterton.
"Break the conventions. Keep the commandments."
– G.K. Chesterton
Still working on part 2 of Age of the Universe. Unfortunately hit a setback when some autodownloaded Microsoft updates caused my computer to repeatedly slam into the Blue Screen of Death (thanks, Microsoft!).
This cartoon reminds me of something from the Team America movie that someone told me about (I didn’t see it myself), a satiric pro-American song that I can’t even repeat the title of here. (The cartoon below also has an objectionable word in it.)
Or, at least, that’s how many Americans would view the rest of the world, if they had even that much geographical awareness.
In reality, I think many Americans see the world through the same sort of lens (though not of course from the same perspective) as Saul Steinberg’s famous New Yorker cover map of the world cartoon:
Oh, and JibJab is at it again!
CHT to the reader who sent in the following church sign debate. It's currently being circulated around the Internet in the form of an e-mail that suggests it's real, but it's not (note that the leaves of the plants don't move from one picture to another). That doesn't stop it from being hilarious–if you don't take it (or its theology) too seriously.
. . . I told you about a FEEL-GOOD FILM FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY.