Looking For Fr. Altier Homilies

A reader writes:

Greetings from Bombay, India. I have been reading your posts on your awesome Blog Spot for quite some time.

I am a great, great Fan of Father Altier’s Homilies from India.

I am a Cradle Catholic and my family has been Catholic for a little over 4 Centuries. My Ancestors were converted to Catholicism from Hinduism by zealous Portuguese Jesuit and Franciscan Missionaries in the 16th Century when Goa was a Portuguese Colony.

In Goa, we have the incorrupt body of Saint Francis Xavier which is kept in a casket at the Cathedral of the Bom Jesus — which in Portuguese means the Good Jesus.

I have been reading the awesome Homilies of Father Robert Altier from March 2001 when I was living in the United States and I continued reading them when I returned to India in early 2002 and till the last day when they were available on "A Voice in the Desert" that is Ash Wednesday 2006.

I am very sad and depressed that the current Homilies are no longer available nor are the Archives available anymore. I feel also sad that I did not download any of the Homilies when they were available neither the current ones nor any from the Archives.

My Spiritual Life will indeed be disrupted if it isn’t already as a result of the unfortunate ban or censorship on the Homilies of Father Altier. They were life giving to me in more ways than one and I was specially looking forward to them during this Holy Season of Lent as well as during the forthcoming Holy Season of Easter.

Therefore, I would be most grateful if you could tell me if there are any Web Sites that are hosting Father Altier’s Homilies since "A Voice in the Desert"  has been shut down.

Finally, I would be most grateful if you could mail me the "URL’S" of Web Sites that are hosting Father Altier’s Homilies.

I don’t know of any sites that have all of them (perhaps some readers do), but I can point you toward a site that has many of them.

If you use The Wayback Machine at Internet Archive, you’ll find that it has many homilies archived from 2001-2005.



Also, as I mentioned earlier, if you’re looking for good online homilies, I’d recommend those of online scalawag, Fr. Stephanos Pedrano.

Author: Jimmy Akin

Jimmy was born in Texas, grew up nominally Protestant, but at age 20 experienced a profound conversion to Christ. Planning on becoming a Protestant seminary professor, he started an intensive study of the Bible. But the more he immersed himself in Scripture the more he found to support the Catholic faith, and in 1992 he entered the Catholic Church. His conversion story, "A Triumph and a Tragedy," is published in Surprised by Truth. Besides being an author, Jimmy is the Senior Apologist at Catholic Answers, a contributing editor to Catholic Answers Magazine, and a weekly guest on "Catholic Answers Live."

44 thoughts on “Looking For Fr. Altier Homilies”

  1. I can’t help with the homilies, but I want to THANK JIMMY for information about the Wayback Machine. I found an old Web page I’d built in 2000 (and subsequently lost). I retrieved the information I needed.
    You’re always a wealth of knowledge.

  2. I too was devastated by the loss of Father Altier’s daily homilies. On a Catholic blog, I found the following website where the archive of all Father Altier’s homilies are: http://desertvoice.excerptsofinri.com
    Scroll down to “Archive Text Homilies 2001-2005” Audio files appear to be available also.
    If you continue scrolling down on the homepage, you will see Father Altier’s January and February 2006 homilies.
    God Bless.

  3. hi all,
    being a native of Minnesota and having attended Father A’s parish all I ask is that you pray for him and for our Arch Bishop. I don’t want to speculate as to what is going on with this situation but if you go to desertvoice.org you will find all the information that is available there at the moment. Just pray for these two men guys, this is a very sad thing to be going through I’m sure but I admire Father’s obedience and humility towards his superior and Holy Mother Church.
    thanks guys and God Bless

  4. Great link, Carol, to all of Fr. Altier’s homilies, despite the bishop’s attempt to erase them from history! I shall repeat it:
    Along the same lines, I’ve been wondering why some lay person doesn’t just wander into Fr. Altier’s church every Sunday with an IPod, push record at homily time, and post the homily anonymously on the internet. Could the bishop under canon law bind the lay person to cease and desist? If not, what’s he going to do, force Fr. Altier to sue the lay person? Or perhaps punish Fr. Altier further even if it’s not his fault, like guards who punish prison inmates whenever someone excapes.
    Speaking of which, the bishop claims that the “multi-media apostolates” were distracting Fr. Altier from his parish work. If true, then why demand removal of *past* homilies from the website? They are just files sitting there on the internet, requiring no continual supervision. Why not just require that all future homilies not be posted? Unbelievable.

  5. Archbishop Flynn is doing a great job here in Minnesota. People shouldn’t jump to conclusions about the situation with Fr. Altier, I’m sure the bishop had the welfare of Fr. Altier and the parish in mind when he made this decision.
    Fifteen ordinaitions (and many seminarians are in the pipeline) in Archbishop Flynn’s diocese in 2005 – that should tell everyone all they need to know about the state of the church here .

  6. Dear Friends in Christ,
    Great Site Jimmy. You have a lot of Supporters here in Hong Kong who just love your site and who are staunch supporters of a “Voice in the Desert”.
    I wonder if you all have realized a certain fact. It is this, Father Robert Altier’s Homilies were not only read in all the States in the United States as well as in all the Provinces in Canada but I personally know many Catholic Folks specially “orthodox expatriate Catholics” as well as Asian and Lebanese Catholics who used to read his Homilies in Hong Kong, Singapore, India, Sri Lanka, Qatar, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Lebanon, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, and South Africa to mention a few.
    Father Altier’s Homilies were well known all over the world and he should know that he has as many International Catholic Supoorters as he has from the United States and Canada combined.
    It seems to me that “Anon” has some sort of misconception about Archbishop Flynn. I would prefer to call it a serious misconception.
    Anon says that he believes that Archbishop Flynn had Father Altier’s best interests in mind as well as those of Saint Agnes when the Archbishop made this “unjust” decision banning Father Altier from speaking on Relevant Radio and from having his Homilies publsihed on the Internet.
    If that is so, why is the Archbishop doing absolutely nothing about Priests who are in open defiance of the Teachings of the Catholic Church
    on Gay Marriage, and on other so called burning issues.
    Why is it that Ultra- Liberal Priests can continue to do as they like and reject Church Teaching as some Priests from Gay Friendly and Ultra- Liberal Parishes are doing in the Archdiocese of Minneapolis and yet Orthodox and Conservative Priests like Father Altier are silenced or have their words jailed literally when they speak.
    This is “Hard Core injustice”. I am an orthodox Asian Catholic who lives in Hong Kong and has been reading Father Altier’s Homilies for the last 2-3 years.
    I know of may Asian Catholics in Hong Kong as well as Singapore and other countries too who are absolutely livid that this has happened when Father Altier’s message was one with the Church’s message and they were specially looking forward to hi Homilies now during Lent as well as Easter.
    Just because, there have been a number of ordinations to the Priesthood in Minneapolis as well as Seminarians and Vocations– the Archbishop does not deserve any credit for that.
    The Credit goes to Holy and Faithful Priests such as Father Altier and the Minority that exists among Priests in Minneapolis and in Minnesota. They have been resposible for nurturing Vocations among the Faithful and certainly not an Archbishop who has done nothing but divide the faithful of Christ.
    An Archbishop who gives Holy Communion to “Rain Bow Sashers” deserves no credit for vocations to the priesthood.
    In my humble opinion he is not a True Shephered like Archbishop Charles Chaput of Denver, or Bishop Bruskewitz of Lincoln, Nebraska or Archbishop Raymond Burke of Saint Louis or even like Bishop Robert Vasa of Baker Oregon.
    I lived in Minneapolis for 7 Years and I was a Parishioner initially of Saint Michael in Minneapolis and later a Parishioner at Saint Agnes. So, I really do know what I am speaking about.
    I have a big question for Anon and for any one else why did the Archbishop obviously force “Voice in the Desert” when he issued his directive to pull all the Archived Homilies of Father Altier from their Site.
    Father Altier never had anything to do with the content on a “Voice in the Desert” nor did he have anything to do with the site period.
    From what I understand and it has even been posted as an “FYI” for anyone who wishes to read it — that this Web Site was establsihed and run completely by a Catholic Family who are Third Order Carmelites in Minneapolis and are Parishioners of Saint Agnes and they had started it on the 26th of February 2001 as they had spiritually benefited tremendously from Father’s Homilies and wanted to make them known to the Catholic World at large.
    Thanks Laura and Carol for your wonderful insights on what could be possibly done in the near future by some enterprising Catholic — if he or she were to visit Saint Agnes for Mass.
    Thanks for the site too. It is a Real Treasure Trove of all the Homilies of Father Altier from 2001-2006.
    It is my earnest prayer that Archbishop Flynn realizes the inadvertent mistake that he made with regard to a “Voice in the Desert” — when Father Altier was never involved in its day to day running.
    BTW, I have visited onlineblessings.com and it seems to be promoting all kinds of “BS” from other Religions and Catholicism the least.

  7. I’m very happy that many people benefited from Fr. Altier’s homilies.
    I suggest, however, that if someone finds himself deeply spiritually troubled by loss of access to any one particular priest’s homilies, he should take that as a sign from God that his spiritual life is too focused on that one particular priest.
    I also hope that those who’ve liked Altier’s homilies have done a good job of separating the wheat from the chaff in them. Obsessing about Freemasonic conspiracies, telling people that it’s wrong to take Communion in the hand (even with Church permission), focusing on detailed apocalyptic scenarios – that stuff is not spiritually beneficial.
    Finally, when a priest who’s been told to take his stuff off the airwaves and the net responds with a statement in which he casts himself in the role of the Apostles and his bishop in the role of the biblical enemies of the Church, I don’t think that’s anything that’s accurately termed “humility.”

  8. “…I have a particular aversion for him; I can’t stand him!” I asked him the reasons for this aversion.
    “Because he confuses people! How many fanatics and ignorant people have told me fabulous things about him; they have told me they’re in constant contact with him and with his guardian angel and that they themseelves, in case of need, send him their guardian angel…They call upon him day and night, as if he were a Saint; they go to San Giovanni Rotondo at the drop of a hat to question him as if he were an oracle…Is that good?”
    “Father, as you yourself said, you’re talking about ignorant people, and thus you shouldn’t be suprised how they admire Padre Pio. Nor is it suprising if they have this particular veneration for him, because even the most ignorant people perceive in Padre Pio a gradeur that isn’t common to all. If this veneration goes beyond the just measure and is full of exaggerations, it isn’t Padre Pio’s fault; if anything, their own ignorance is to blame. Yet their love of Padre Peio is a true and deep love that leads to something good. As soon as they begin to love Padre Pio they no longer miss Holy Mass; they are more assiduous about frequenting the Sacraments and are more fervent in prayer. All we see are the thousand defects they have, while what God sees above all is certainly their poor hearts, making them more capable of starting out on the life that leads to Him.”
    Another time we had the following discussion, which Fr. Gerard began with this question: “If I, in Confession, prohibited you from going to San Giovanni Rotondo, what would you do?
    “I would obey!” I answered.
    “What? Then you’d be the first one to answer that way. I put the same question to many of Padre Pio’s so-called ‘spiritual children,’ and all of them were scandalized and answered that nothing and nobody could ever prevent them from going to Padre Pio. As you can see: rebellion! disobedience! And these are his spiritual children…beautiful results! Don’t you think?”
    “I repeat, Father: it’s the great ignorance of these people. Padre Pio is everything for them: they get attached to him as to an anchor of salvation. Padre Pio doesn’t have the time to get into long discussions with them and convert them. So they remain in their ignorance and, unfortunately, in a certain pride as well, because they feel protected by him and want to depend only on him. They haven’t learned anything from him, yet they’re convinced that Padre Pio carries them, together with himself, to the desired goal. They latch on to his habit like street urchins do to the trams, in the hope that in this way they too may reach a good destination. And for that matter, Father, isn’t it better that these people hold on to Padre Pio’s habit, rather than to any old ruinous flag?”

    Stories of Padre Pio, Madame Katharina Tangari, Tan Books and Publishers, Inc. Rockford, 1996. (p. 153-154.)

  9. Kevin Miller,
    You have misrepresented Fr Altier and the Archbishop. Fr Altier very humbly and obediently removed his homilies from his parishioners’ website and stopped his radio program immediately upon his Archbishop’s request. If only the Archbishop could be so obedient to the Magisterium, particularly when it comes to his decision to distribute Holy Communion to practicing homosexuals who blatantly advertise their homosexual sins at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass itself, in spite of directions from the Vatican not to do so!
    The cause of this holy priest’s censorship is because he had the courage to speak out clearly against the US Bishops’ VIRTUS and TAT sex ed programs. These are evil, and are being forcefully promoted in many dioceses around the United States. They are programs, in part which were developed by a former Seattle-based prostitution rights advocacy organization that goes by the name of COYOTE (Call Off Your Old Tired Ethics), also known by the more sanitized name CFC (Committee for Children). These programs shift the burden and responsibility of the heinous sex scandals onto the shoulders of the victims, i.e. the children themselves! This is a sex ed program which is so explicit and graphic it would make a sailor blush! This, the bishops’s answer to the priests/bishops child sex abuse scandal which has caused so much pain and hurt to Christ’s Church!
    We should have so many brave and courageous priests in this world!
    for more informaton about this evil VIRTUS program, as well as Fr Altier’s homily in which he courageiously spoke out against VIRTUS, see http://chronicleofameanderingtraveller.blogspot.com/2006/03/virtus-alternatives.html

  10. Kevin Miller, another thing should be clarified.
    Fr. Altier inspires true devotion to all things Catholic. He provides the inspiration which is blatantly and glaringly LACKING, the entire world over!
    As an American now living in India, I agree with the letter writer from Bombay as well as with Dominic Wong from Hong Kong. Fr Altier’s homilies are a LIEFLINE of orthodox and spiritual inspiration for us in the East, where authentic Catholicism is found only amongst a very small minority– and wonderful, faith inspiring homilies are even more rare!
    To suggest, as you do, Kevin, that humble souls who seek out good spiritual nourishment where they rarely find it, are to be faulted for it when they cry out unto the Lord when that nourishment is suddenly and unjustly stopped, is nothing less than hypocritical hogwash! It is like faulting the thirsty for crying out when their water is cut off; or the starving when their food is cut off. From what we know of Our Precious Lord Jesus in Scriptures, who do you think He would fault in this case?

  11. Kevin,
    Father Altier wouldn’t ellaborate beyond that he wasn’t silenced for abusing children or similar offense. If you don’t find him edifying, that is well and good, but there is no need to kick him when he is down. He did the minimum required, and by posting publicly he removed a significant amount of speculation that would haven ensued on the matter. The man can’t even defend himself, and yet you choose to bring charges against him. Why?

  12. To Kevin,
    What would you say to a Conservative and Traditional Catholic Bloke like myself– who is of South- Asian Origin and was so scandalized by traumatic experiences that he had in Religious Life in the United States from 1999-2001 during formation in a Trappist Monastery as well as at a Third Order Franciscan Friary where he came across a large number of Gay Monks and Gay Friars who were not only openly disobedient to the Teaching of the Catholic Church on Homosexuality and on other matters but directly asked me why I was not a “Queen” like them.
    There was other stuff that I experienced that is just too shocking to be mentioned here but it will suffice to say that it forced me to leave the Catholic Church and worship in a Pentecostal and later in a Baptist Church while living in the United States.
    It was during this terrible time where I felt that even God has forsaken me, that I came across Father Altier’s Homilies while surfing the Internet and that was literally a “LIFELINE” for me.
    What if I had not come across his Homilies ? I would have continued worshipping in the Baptist Church and at the same timeI would have continued to hate, loathe, and resent every Catholic Priest I would have come across.
    To me His Homilies were not just a LifeLine but were nothing short of “MIRACULOUS”. The Homilies of Father Altier have at least at the very minimum kept me in the Catholic Church.
    According to these Gay Monks and Friars having someone who is straight and in formation in a Religious Order was not acceptable to them.
    They openly spat on Church Teaching so to speak on all Moral Issues plus the Church’s Directives or Teaching on Free Masons which Father Altier has often spoken about.
    This really got me agitated and this was all happening to me much before that Family in Minneapolis started posting Father Altier’s Homilies on the web.
    I started to ask myself some serious questions. Could it be possible that these guys were not only Gay and in relationships with other Gay Monks or Friars but there was this real possibility that they were “FreeMasons” too.
    Let me say this once and for all. It may be shocking to you all but I really did leave the Catholic Church — it was only for a few months but it caused spiritually an upheaval in life.
    I really started to believe that most Catholic Priests in the United States were Gay and acting out like crazy and that most Pentecostal and Baptist Pastors were men with “Strong Moral Fibre” despite the fact that they were married.
    This is what Father Robert Altier’s Homilies have done for me in more ways than one. I had even started hating the Sacraments in the Catholic Church — he brought me back to love them.
    Let me end by saying that my spiritual life was going no where till I started reading Father Altier’s Homilies on a regular basis from 2002.
    I am not obsessed about him. I am rather deeply indebted for what he has done for my spiritual life.
    BTW, Father Altier is on the money with regard to Free Masonry in the Catholic Church — some Friars and Monks openly told me that they used to attend meetings of the Free Masons and instead they felt that the Catholic Church including the Pope was wrong to say that the Free Masons were a group that no catholic should join.
    Imagine That. I could never in my whole life have imagined that Catholic Consecrated Religious were capable of coming out with statements like that.
    I would like to end with a certain statement that a Catholic Freeper Friend from Free Republic made to me recently.
    He said that “Western Civilization is aborting, contracepting, and buggering itself out of existence” and this is exactly what Father Altier has been preaching in all his Homilies specially over the last 2 years.
    Take a Look, Folks at the situation in Europe.
    Gay Marriage has been legalized in many countries from Holland to Spain.
    Western Christendom is on the verge of collapse.
    In many Countries like Germany, France, Belgium, etc Most Catholics do not attend Mass on Sundays.
    In fact, in Germany only 7% of all Catholics attend Mass; most of them over 60. Abortion and Contraception is widespread among all European Catholics.
    Mosques and Islamic Schools are everwhere in every European City and Town.
    Finally, to make matters worse in most Catholic Schools and Colleges specially in the United Kingdom Catholics are a minority and Moslems are in the majority and this is happening throughout the length and breadth of Europe.
    Father Altier has been preaching about this and many other issues over the last 3-4 years and he certainly is not into any nutty conspiracy theories as far as I can tell.
    I wish there were more Priests like him in the United States, in North America, in Europe, as well as most importantly in South Asia– India as well as South East Asia.
    As, a South Asian Catholic I am not only an admirer of Father Altier’s Homilies but I can say without being ashamed of it that they are miraculous and I am praying for his return.
    I hope everyone has got the sum and substance of what I have said here. Really Speaking my spiritual life was going no where– It was gone.
    I had no spiritual life, I had stopped believing in the Sacraments, I had become a Bible Christian and a Fundamentalist too.
    I am glad I returned to the Catholic Church and only because of the Homilies of Father Altier.

  13. In Hong Kong and Singapore all the “Expatriate Catholics” who are Chinese, Indian, Lebanese, Australian, British, American, Canadian, South African, and mnay more all who read Father Altier’s Homilies are planning on starting the following group in 2-3 Months to support Father Altier who is now censored.
    We plan to call the Group “Conservative Cyber Catholic Warriors for Father Robert J. Altier”.
    I know some British Catholics here in Hong Kong who are his most ardent supporters.
    In Jesus and Mary,

  14. You folks seem to be forgetting a few things…
    Fr. Altier is an associate pastor, not a rock star. He has a job to do at St. Agnes, and it’s quite possible that Archbishop Flynn considered it in the best interests of that parish that Fr. Altier attend to that job.
    If you’re looking for specific priests to follow, you’re acting just like Protetants who follow the most popular preacher.
    Whoever said that Archbishop Flynn had nothing to do with the health of vocations in this archdiocese doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Do you really think the weekly prayer for vocations – started by Archbishop Flynn here – had nothing to do with it? What about his inviting prospective priests to dinner at his residence? What about the support and encouragement of orthodox priests’ recruiting efforts?
    You may not have noticed that the more liberal pastors in this archdiocese are retiring rather young these last few years.
    None of us are in any position to know Archbishop Flynn’s reasons for telling Fr. Altier to cool it. Yet some of you have so little respect for the Church, so little regard for one of its bishops, and such arrogance as to assume you know how to run a diocese across the world from you. Shame on you; have a litte faith in your Faith.

  15. I don’t know anything about the situation regarding Father Altier’s radio ministry, so I have no comment on that. But I do know that you can find some of his talks in mp3 format at the following web site:
    Just go to that site, then click on “online library”, then “Desert Voice”, then “DesertVoice_Fr_Robert_Altier”, and then finally click on any of the links on that page to see a list of mp3 files. Or, instead of doing all that clicking, you can just go here…

  16. “Archbishop Flynn considered it in the best interests of that parish that Fr. Altier attend to that job.”
    Someone posted a letter from Archbishop that mentioned something to that effect. What I don’t understand is how a website maintained by a parishoner would be a distraction/burden to the Father. If nothing else, why not leave up the previously posted homilies and just stop adding new ones? Maybe someone with web experience can clear up my confusion – is there a lot of time involved in maintaing previously posted content (no content being added or removed)?

  17. Anon,
    All I have to say is excuse me. Are you trying to tell me that I am full of arrogance and that I have no respect for the Bishops in the Catholic Church ?
    Well, Let me tell you something. I lived in Minneapolis for 8 long years and in Minnesota for another 2 years and during that time I kept on seeing this over and over again being repeated in this Archdiocese — the destruction of Vocations and Traditional Catholicism by Archbishop Flynn.
    The persecution of Orthodox Priests by him while, liberal and gay friendly Priests and Parishes got away scot free.
    Why is it that Archbishop Flynn if he is so traditional and orthodox according to you — constantly transfers orthodox priests harasses them till they are silent or makes them shut up and allows Liberal and Gay Priests to get away scot free.
    Also, you have got some guts to say that I have no right to say anything just because I live in Hong Kong, which is in South- East Asia —
    The last time I checked The Catholic Church was and is the Universal Church. If the Catholic Church is ill and evil has entered the sanctuary any catholic anywhere has the right to speak about stuff so that evil may be purged from its midst.
    Archbishop Flynn has never been “True Shepherd Material” like Archbishop Chaput of Denver or like Archbishop Burke of Saint Louis, or like Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz of Lincoln, Nebraska.
    Nor will he ever be. He has been solely responsible for th situation getting from bad to worse in the Archdiocese of Minneapolis.
    Any other Bishop or Archbishop who calls himself a “True Shepherd” would not only have straightened things out but also would have promoted Father Altier as a Vicar General seeing the potential he has in him as a Priest whose only desire has been to bring Souls to Christ.
    Let me also remind you that it was Archbishop Flynn who engaged in a massive cover up in 2002 during the height of the Scandals related to Pedophilia and Homosexuality in the Priethood.
    Finally, if it was not for Father Altier what would the letter writer from South Asia have done. He was in formation as I understand in an Ultra Liberal Monastery and Friary.
    This Letter Writer from South Asia obviously lost his Faith and it was only the Homilies of Father Altier that brought him back to the Catholic Faith and the practice of the Catholic Faith.
    Where was Archbishop Flynn at that time or all the Liberal Bishops ? No one at all came to his aid or to the aid of any Catholic in a similar situation.
    It is these Evil Liberal Bishops who have been destroying the Catholic Church in the United States and Canada for the last 20-30 years and then to make matters worse have been sweeping stuff under the carpet thinking the situation will improve when it will not.
    It just continues deteriorating and that is exactly what has been happening to the Catholic Church in North America except in those Dioceses and Archdioceses where there have been “True Shepherds” as I have already pointed out.
    Finally, Please do not tell me how to live my Catholic Faith. I converted at the age of 21 from a Buddhist Background in Hong Kong to the true Faith and the ancestors of my Friend in India ( South Asia) were converted from Hinduism.
    We are living in the midst of Non- Christians and giving more than ample testimony about our Catholic Faith and If I may add many Asian Catholics are even suffering persecution but we go on practicing our faith and continue to bring others to it inspite of hostility to Christianity and Catholicism in many parts of South Asia and South East Asia.
    I would like to add yet again that it has been only through the efforts of Holy and Faithful Priests like Father Altier and others that Vocations have been built up in the Archdiocese of Minneapolis.
    I have a number of Seminarian Friends who last year were ordained for the Archdiocese of Minneapolis and this is their testimony that it was only due to the efforts and guidance of Holy Priests like Father Altier that they are priests today and not due to the efforts of this Archbishop.
    Also, I am in touch with at least 4 Priests from the Archdiocese of Minneapolis who have given me a lot of feed back about this Archbishop and the crap that he has been engaging in for years.
    I repeat again that Archbishop Flynn deserves no credit.
    Finally, I am not treating Father Altier as a “ROCKSTAR” as you put it. Nor is the Letter Writer from South Asia.
    The Fact is if he has brought a single person back to the Catholic Faith or many back to the Catholic Faith– he deserves all the credit.
    No one has done as much as he has done for the promotion of the Catholic Faith in Minneapolis.
    The only other Priest who has done more for the Catholic Faith in the United States has been Father John Corapi as a result of his awesome Parish Missions.
    If he has brought individuals back to the practice of the Catholic Faith specially individuals who had started worshipping in the Baptist Church or in the Pentecostal Church then Yes, he deserves our support and prayers.
    Finally, I would like to state for the record that Archbishop Flynn did not stop Father Altier with Father Altier’s best interests in mind.
    Rather Archbishop Flynn stopped Father Altier because Father Altier had the guts to speak the truth regarding that evil “Virtus” Program and because Father Altier has been constantly speaking out against Homosexuality in the Priesthood and Religious Life.
    Which is something these Bishops do not want to hear, given the fact that a large number of them have been in denial for a number of years and some of them have been actively sweeping stuff under the carpet.
    On another note, I wonder if any Catholics from Minneapolis are aware that the Abbot of Saint Johns Abbey in Collegeville, Minnesota died some time back from AIDS. He was 70 years old and had a number of lovers.
    This is exactly what has been going on in many Monasteries for a number of years. Homosexuality is widespread and rampant in numerous Monasteries and Friaries in Europe as well as more importantly in North Anerica.
    The best part is that no one it seems wants to do anything about this.
    It is my prayer that something will be done asap by the Pope and by someone from the Curia soon.

  18. Dear Kevi.., er, “Anon” , Give it a break. Your Archbishop is just another one of the wolves in shepherd’s clothing. It won’t be much longer before he and the rest of his ilk are cleaned out. No amount of name calling and bullying on your part can change the fact. God’s will be done.

  19. Archbishop Flynn is a fine bishop, and St. John’s is a fine institution. You slander the bishop and the abbott both. I’ve lived in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis for 52 years and I humbly submit that you don’t know what you’re talking about. I’ve seen things improve here under Archbishop Flynn’s leadership and I’ve seen how he has promoted good priests and developed good orthodox seminarians.
    Simple logic should tell you that if this were about Fr. Altier’s views on “Virtus”, the bishop would just have asked him to stop commenting about that, not requested that he cease his media activities. None of us knows why the bishop requested that Fr. Altier change his media activities. Yet you assume the worst and make vile accusations against outstanding Catholic leaders.

  20. To Anon,
    Excuse me Sir. I have been well informed by a number of devout Catholics as well as Catholic Priests from the Archdiocese of Minneapolis who I am in regular touch with about the Benedictine Abbot of Collegeville, Minnesota.
    He was an active homosexual period and that is exactly what is going on in a number of Benedictine and Trappist Monasteries all across the United States even as i write this.
    I do not slander anyone. There is enormous proof that I have received from Orthodox Priests and Seminarians regarding the Abbot of Saint John’s Abbey in Collegeville as well as Archbishop Flynn.
    Archbishop Flynn has a terrible double standard specially with regard to Conservative Priests in the Archdiocese.
    Why are you being so defensive? I have a number of liberal as well as conservative catholic friends and priests in Minneapolis as well as in other places who have been well aware of the crap taking place in the Catholic Church for years in Minnesota as well as in other parts of the United States.
    It is no secret that Homosexuality is rampant and widespread in a large number of Benedictine Monasteries, Trappist Monasteries, Franciscan Friaries, etc. Just name it and it is going on.
    The only reason Father Altier was asked to cease publishing his Homilies on a Voice in the Desert as well as stop speaking on Relevant Radio was because of his opposition to this evil “Virtus” program which Father Altier is oppposed to and Archbishop Flynn is not tolerating any dissent on that matter.
    Moreover, Father Altier has been regularly making exposes from the pulpit regarding Homosexuality in the Priesthood and in the Religious Life and this has not gone down well with Archbishop Flynn nor has it gone down well with a large number of Bishops from the Catholic Bishops Conference specially those who are in denial about Homosexuality among Priests and Religious.
    I receive on a regular basis emails from Priests and Seminarians from Minneapolis. They have no agenda against Flynn nor do they have any agenda against Saint John’s Abbey.
    Simple Logic tells me that this Archbishop does not tolerate anything which is nsync with Church Teaching or the Magisterium.
    I do not make vile accusations for no rhyme or reason. There is more than ample evidence that this archbishop is vindictive and has a terrible double standard.
    I am amazed that you are in denial with regard to all that has been going on in the Catholic Church in the United States for a number of decades and is still going on.
    Next, you will tell me that Archbishop Rembert Weakland was not an active homosexual when he was and was in a relationship with a Seminarian to whom he paid $450,0000 so that he would not open his mouth to the media.
    This enormmous scandal took place in Wisconsin and in Milwaukee in 2003 and was well covered by the Secular Press as well as by the Catholic Press in the United States, Europe,as well as in Asia.
    Ultimately, Archbishop Rembert Weakland was asked to resign by JPII which he did after trying to rationalize what he did.
    I just cannot believe that you are in denial with regard to what has been going on in the Archdiocese of Minneapolis for a number of years.
    I am waiting to see when Archbishop Flynn will crack down on the “Rainbow Sashers” as well as on Priests who are in open defiance on the Church’s Teaching regarding Gay Marriage.
    Again, I do not make any vile accusations. The Secular Media as well as the Catholic Media has been covering this issue for quite some time.
    That is all I have to say on this issue.

  21. It appears that Archbishop Flynn has already re-evaluated the Rainbow Sash movement. His letter to them reads:
    Therefore, this is to notify you and the other members of the Minnesota Rainbow Sash group that I am asking you to remove your sashes before you receive Holy Communion. I ask you to observe this sign of respect for the Eucharist not only in the Cathedral but in all our parishes. No one wearing the sash will be permitted to receive the Blessed Sacrament.


  22. In my humble opinion he is not a True Shephered like Archbishop Charles Chaput of Denver, or Bishop Bruskewitz of Lincoln, Nebraska or Archbishop Raymond Burke of Saint Louis or even like Bishop Robert Vasa of Baker Oregon
    Please add the wonderful Bishop William Lori of Bridgeport, CT to the list – one of the handful of faithful bishops, along with those like Chaput, whom Fr. Richard John Neuhaus calls “John Paul II bishops.”

  23. PS Jimmy, I wish you’d do a whole thread on the Virtus programs that Fr. Altier wrote about. I just want through the program for adults and it was pretty bad. I noticed the same thing Fr. Altier points out – sure, more heterosexuals commit abuse in this country – because there are over 10 times as many heterosexuals as homosexuals! But percentage wise, look at the priest scandal, and you do the math!

  24. “It appears that Archbishop Flynn has already re-evaluated the Rainbow Sash movement.”
    That letter was from May 2005.
    The following is from Catholic Pastoral Committee on Sexual Minorities website (a gay Catholic group) regarding a protest in February 2006:
    Some other protest moments took place during the distribution of Holy Communion when some of the ministers refused the Eucharist to anyone, GLBT or hetero supporters, wearing the rainbow arm bands while other ministers, including the Archbishop, did not refuse the Eucharist to the arm band wearers.
    Has his position changed since the May 2005 letter was issued? I’m not being critical of the Archbishop, just trying to understand. Thanks.

  25. “But percentage wise, look at the priest scandal, and you do the math!”
    The math suggests that the RCC in the U.S. engorged itself with priests of questionable character, not representative of the population at large, during a period of history. Nobody knows with any reasonable degree of accuracy what percentage of priests have a homosexual, heterosexual, pedophilic or whatever orientation. It’s not something most priests are going to wear as a badge.

  26. Note that you can read Fr. Altier’s pastor’s comment on the subject in the St. Agnes bulletin here: http://www.stagnes.net/media/bulletins/2006/bulletin2006-03-12.pdf
    It contains the following:
    The National Conference of Catholic Bishops accord-
    ingly adapted canon 831 to the conditions prevailing in
    the United States by adding the following complementary
    norm for canon 831, section 2: “The National Conference
    of Bishops, in accord with the prescriptions of canon 831
    §2, hereby decrees that, provided no harm to the Church
    could result from their presence, clerics and members of
    religious institutes may participate in radio and televi-
    sion programs which treat of Catholic doctrine and
    morals. A cleric or religious who regularly takes part
    in such programs must be qualified by his or her knowl-
    edge of the subject and the teaching of the Magisterium,
    and must obtain the permission of either his or her
    proper diocesan bishop or the diocesan bishop of the
    place where the radio or television program is origi-
    nally broadcast.

  27. Has his position changed since the May 2005 letter was issued? I’m not being critical of the Archbishop, just trying to understand.
    Seems to me that Archbishop Flynn is being very consistent. He did not deny the Rainbow Sasher’s the Sacrament until they made it very clear their protest was directed toward Church teaching and he had a chance to warn them first.
    The arm-band protesters were protesting the Archbishop’s support for an amendment to the state constitution to define marriage as between a man and a woman.
    Not only did he support the amendment, he provided postcards to his parishioners to send to state representatives to voice their support as well.
    Judging from the Archbishop’s actions, I would not be surprised to see him deny the arm-band protesters as well after having the opportunity to warn them first.

  28. Dear Anon and Steve,
    The First Half of my Message is addressed to Anon.
    The Second Half of my Message is addressed to Steve.
    To Anon:
    For the Record, I would like to state that Father Robert Altier is well qualified to be involved in the “Multi- Media Apostolate” and his views and teachings have always been nysnc with the Magisterium for a number of years.
    In fact, he is renowned in the Minneapolis Area for his popular and famous Classes on the “Fundamentals of Catholicism” which is held once every 6 Months and which has made him popular even in Foreign Countries.
    Prior to joining the Archdiocesan seminary he was a “SOFTWARE ENGINEER” and has a Degree in Software Engineering from the University of Minneapolis- Saint Paul.
    But most importantly you are missing the main point here and this is the point that I would like to make:
    The Web Site “A Voice in the Desert” was never at any point of time run by Father Altier. This point is made abundantly clear on the web page by the Family that used to run the web site and started it on the 26th of February 2001.
    Recently, this Family celebrated their 5th anniversary of having established this web site.
    They recorded Audio Versions of Father Altier’s Homilies and uploaded them on the site in the morning an hour or two after Mass was over at Saint Agnes and later on in the afternoon they had a Text Version uploaded on the site.
    This is what that Family who are Third Order Carmelites used to do on a regular basis from Monday- Friday as well as on a Sunday.
    The question of asking the Archbishop for his Permission does not arise at all as Father Altier was never in charge of that web site and more over was never involved in its day to day running for the last 5 years.
    In my opinion, the Archbishop has a terrible misconception as he may have thought that Father Altier was in charge of that web site when he never had anything to do with it.
    Check this Link from a Voice in the Desert, particularly the part which states quite clearly that the family is in total control of the web site and it is the opinion of the Family that Archbishop Flynn has made a dreadful as well as an inadvertent mistake in banning these Homilies and not allowing them from being published.
    Archbishop Flynn was of the opinion that this web site was started by Father Altier when it was completely run by the Parishioners of Saint Agnes particularly by one Family who were so spiritually transformed by his Homilies that they wanted to make them available to all Catholics all over the world.
    Check this out. It is exactly what I have been saying.
    Since this devout Catholic Family was always running this web site — Archbishop Flynn has erred in his decision in censoring them as Father Altier never had anything to do with the site at any point of time.
    These Homiies that were posted on the Web Site were recorded by this family as I have already stated above.
    To Steve:
    It seems to me that for a number of years Archbishop Flynn has been well aware of the antics of the “Rainbow Sashers” and has been still giving them Holy Communion.
    Rather he has been deliberately giving them Holy Communion inspite of a warning given to him by Cardinal Arinze to stop it and has been deliberately flouting Church Teaching in this respect year after year.
    I know a number of Catholic Families from Minneapolis — specially 4 Families 2 of whom are from Saint Agnes and 2 of whom are from Saint Michael’s and they tell me that this has been going on for a number of years.
    It remains to be seen what action the Curia will take against him specially because of his violation of Church Teaching repeatedly and because he has been fully aware and had full knowledge of the activities of these Militant Homosexual Activists but has done nothing to correct this.
    This is all that I am going to say for quite some time as I feel I have said more than enough just like Georgette, Dominic Wong, and Bridgeport have.

  29. “Judging from the Archbishop’s actions, I would not be surprised to see him deny the arm-band protesters as well after having the opportunity to warn them first.”
    If that’s the case, then it sounds like they have his measure. While the Archbishop is writing his letter announcing no more communion for protesters wearing arm-bands, the protesters are working on their rainbow headbands to protest some other gay issue (perhaps gay adoption?).

  30. I am a parishener of Saint Agnes who is deeply saddened by what has happened.. I go to Saint Agnes because the priests have stayed true to our Faith and my children need to hear the truth. Father Altier is a holy priest, those of us who have benefited greatly from his spiritual guidance are most grateful.
    I have attended other churches (what I call pseudo-Catholic) and am appalled at some of the things they do. They are into “community” more than worship of God. When I attend Mass at St. Agnes it is very reverent and we worship God.
    Some of these “pseudo-churches have homosexual groups/activities and promote the homosexual agenda in the name of “tolerance.” Many of these churches have yoga classes. People can think what they want about yoga and maybe it has even helped some people but I know that yoga is a form of worship in the Hindu religion. My biological father converted to Hinduism many years ago (and believes that he will convert me one day “when I see the light” but I told him I already have and I’m Catholic). When I asked him about what yoga is really about and I don’t understand how in the sixties and seventies there was a big movement but it couldn’t really take off he explained that they had to “westernize” it to get Americans to buy into it. These churches go on without reprimand from the archbishop to all of our detriment. The Catholic Church has meditations so we don’t need a pagan form of meditation.
    My sister is into the new age religion (practices yoga and does “psychic readings” for people – gets paid for it too!) so I do have personal experience with this stuff and it is heart-breaking to see people I love go down the wide road paved with good intentions.
    I am active in trade unionism and have been verbally attacked many, many times because I will not budge on my convictions or my Faith and the fact that I go to that “way too conservative” Church of Saint Agnes. It makes my work as a union president and state-wide executive board member of a very large and very liberal union difficult at times and sometimes I don’t think I am strong enough to stay in the fight. I have received so much inspiration and spiritual guidance from Father Altier I can only hope that it will make a difference somehow. I am outspoken and someone needs to speak up when something is very wrong. It is a most difficult task and I admire Father Altier for speaking up when people criticized him. I am considered to be a “bigot” by my fellow e-board members (that is the word they used) because I do not support gay marriage and, mind you, I am the only one of the 50+ people in our board meetings who doesn‘t support it.
    So while I have given much background on myself, it is to stress that I am not a blind faith, fanatic nor a cradle Catholic. I come from a very diverse family background, – I converted as a child to my Protestant mother’s horror (she’s now Catholic).
    Sometimes truth is hard for us to hear because it means we would need to do something or change something. Sometimes it is because we would feel guilty about things we have or have not done in the past. Or my personal favorite because “what would other people think?” and that is where Father Altier is different – he speaks the truth no matter what people think of him.
    Remember: All evil needs, is for good men to do nothing (can’t remember who said this but it’s very true just look around). Father Altier sees evil for what it is and refuses to do nothing. I am not ill-informed about the issues Father Altier speaks of – I see them in our schools, our churches and our corporations so I need to listen to his homilies just to get spiritual strength. That doesn’t make him a rock star it makes him a priest who is concerned about the souls of God’s children and does something about it.
    Just some food for thought.


  32. Cool link on the the Wayback Machine -thanks
    Here some links that will fill in as well, hope it all helps. So lets continue to gather and pray, for prayer is truly needed all around the world. Without prayer, there cannot be peace or conversion. And encourage others to pray so more come to know Jesus in a deeper way. Pray the Rosary and meditate on the mysteries each new day.
    God Bless
    2006 Homilies by Father Robert Altier
    2005 Homilies by Father Robert Altier
    2004 Homilies by Father Robert Altier
    2003 Homilies by Father Robert Altier
    2002 Homilies by Father Robert Altier
    2001 Homilies by Father Robert Altier

  33. The receptionist at St. Agnes confirms that Fr. Altier will be Chaplin at a nursing home in Hastings MN and no longer at St. Agnes Church.
    They would not at this time comment on Fr. Weizbacher.
    But I would expect its true that he is leaving as well, he stood up against safe touch program.
    Protecting God’s Children”
    Scripture is being fulfilled, it looks like the sheep and the goats are being separated. He has been preparing us for times to come
    “If you do not pray every day deeply in your heart, you will not make it. Am I clear? ” Fr. Altier.If We Do Not Pray, We Will Not Make It”Homily from the Mass at Midnight
    In my hearts of hearts, I think Fr. Altier expected something like this, and he is willing to be a martyr for the truth and we must pray.

  34. These are two good men of God, Fr. Altier & Archbishop Flynn. They
    not castigated each other in public. Let’s follow their example.
    Because they’ve kept it private, I don’t know the reasons Arch. Flynn
    directed Fr. Altier to stop media work. I couldn’t defend Fr. Altier
    if I
    wanted to, ‘cuz I don’t know the reason. I’m sure they’ll work it out.
    However, I can defend the Archbishop as I know people are jumping to
    conclusions about him. This is my guess about Arch. Flynn: His style
    to work pastorally (slowly and quietly) behind the scenes to improve
    health of this diocese. The advantage of that approach is it doesn’t
    up unnecessary opposition. It’s a long-term, Fatherly approach.
    to the way Pope Benedict is working. Arch. Flynn doesn’t need praise
    approval from us orthodox conservatives, or whatever we want to call
    ourselves. He knows we are on the right track.
    However, as a father/priest/shepherd, he is also concerned about the
    children in this diocese who have been deceived by the lies of this
    and of Satan. He wants to guide them back to the truth. He figures he
    can’t do that if he makes himself an antagonist to all the “liberal”
    elements. I believe that’s why he emphasizes what is good in the
    wing of the church, such as helping the poor, to win their attention
    “ears”. Not because he is concerned about being popular with them, but
    because of his concern for their well-being. What is good for them is
    remain in the church, to be exposed to the Truth, to have access to the
    sacraments, to hear what the Pope has to say about something and
    care. Yes, they oppose the Pope and get mad at what he says, but at
    they care what he says. If they weren’t Catholic, they wouldn’t even
    If you believe in Holy Mother Church’s teaching about the sacraments
    you believe in the efficacy of baptism, then you must believe that
    “liberal” individuals in the Church are your BROTHERS and SISTERS.
    are closer to you than flesh and blood, even if they are in mortal sin
    in danger of going to hell. Arch. Flynn is treating them like family.
    you? Don’t you care about them? Or do you only see them as
    Remember, our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the
    the Father of Lies who has deceived our bro’s and sisters.
    Look at the appointments Arch. Flynn has made to the seminaries. I
    some of the priests personally that he has sent to Rome for further
    and is now appointing to teach at the sem. These guys are faithful,
    loving, Pope loving, Vatican loving, Our Lady loving standout priests
    you would die to have in your parish. They will be forming the future
    priests here. The rector at the minor sem. has instituted a rigorous
    formation pgm, I heard they have a holy hour before the Eucharist every
    morning before classes. The seminarians do rosary brigades. The
    is bursting at the seams because conservative bishops from around the
    country are sending their seminarians here.
    The major seminary rector, I believe, has connections to St. Agnes and
    priests there like Fr. Altier. I’ve heard great things about him too.
    Archbishop Flynn has spearheaded the Catholic campaign in favor of a
    traditional marriage amendment in Minnesota.
    There is much to commend this good shepherd to you, even though he
    seek your approval. He seeks God’s approval, not man’s.

  35. Father Welzbacher’s taking a four month leave of absence mid-June .. at the same time Father Altier is leaving St. Agnes; Father Welzbacher will, come October, be stationed at St. John’s on the East Side of St. Paul, MN. He has requested to leave St. Agnes Parish. I don’t blame him. This whole thing is a complete outrage .. Archbishop Flynn is a punishing person when he feels warranted & Father Altier’s been a thorn in his side from day one … it has been suggested we email Pope Benedict & write to the others that are listed in the desertvoice.org website. There is power in numbers. I also will not be giving any more money to the Annual Catholic Appeal, which is supported by Archbishop Flynn. I can’t write anymore. Veronica

  36. His website states that he is loyal to Pope Benedict XVI. For a Catholic priest, that should be automatic. The fact that he feels a need to state it explicitly causes me concern.

  37. Dear Friends,
    Greetings from New Zealand.
    I have been looking high and low all over the internet for the past 6 months for any site that is hosting for free all 48 talks by Father John Corapi on “The Teachings of Jesus Christ”.
    I came across one site — but it had only 35 of the 48 talks not all 48 any information wil be helpful.
    A Belated Easter and Divine Mercy Sunday to all of you.
    Dominic Savio
    New Zealand

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