Planned Parenthood's Caped Assassin

Screwtape must be getting a little worried that the diabolical activity at work in our nation’s largest abortuary, Planned Parenthood, is becoming more and more apparent to the casual observer. Planned Parenthood in San Francisco recently unveiled a "superheroine" named "Dianisis" (anyone remember their Greco-Roman mythology?) whose mission is to rid the world of chastity advocates and anti-abortion demonstrators.


"The eight-minute [animated video] ‘A Superhero for Choice,’ posted on the Planned Parenthood Golden Gate website, has a bespectacled black woman in San Francisco morphing into a red-suited flying enforcer, bent on making the world safe for the organization’s values.

"Viewers see three teenagers talking with an ugly green-faced man sporting a top hat and bow tie who tries to tell the kids abstinence is the only sure way to protect against sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy. The teen girl rebuts the man, naming several birth-control methods.

"Retorts the little green man: ‘Those are instruments from the devil’s toolbox!’

"The superhero arrives in time to fill a trash can with water and dump the pro-abstinence character into it, slamming the cover down. After the man’s muffled voice eventually dies off, the superhero tosses the teens a ‘safe sex kit,’ reminding the kids: ‘Safe is sexy!’

"The ‘Superhero for Choice,’ dubbed Dianisis, next confronts a group of protesters in front of a Planned Parenthood facility. They, too, are ugly and have green faces, carrying signs that say, ‘Pray for thy sins.’

"The superhero character uses a ‘condom gun’ that catches each protester in a prophylactic bubble, which subsequently explodes. Though she admits the protesters have a First Amendment right to picket, she glories in the fact that people can now visit the Planned Parenthood facility unimpeded."


(WARNING: The second image taken from the cartoon and posted with WorldNet’s story is quite graphic.)

ANOTHER WARNING: Surf through the San Francisco Planned Parenthood site at your own risk. Some of the materials that are marketed for teenagers are unmentionable in polite company.

Author: Jimmy Akin

Jimmy was born in Texas, grew up nominally Protestant, but at age 20 experienced a profound conversion to Christ. Planning on becoming a Protestant seminary professor, he started an intensive study of the Bible. But the more he immersed himself in Scripture the more he found to support the Catholic faith, and in 1992 he entered the Catholic Church. His conversion story, "A Triumph and a Tragedy," is published in Surprised by Truth. Besides being an author, Jimmy is the Senior Apologist at Catholic Answers, a contributing editor to Catholic Answers Magazine, and a weekly guest on "Catholic Answers Live."

27 thoughts on “Planned Parenthood's Caped Assassin”

  1. Well they got the (traditionial) color of her suit right– and the eye wear that curves upwards into horns completes the costume quite correctly.:)

  2. The worst (well sortof) part of this is that it even seems to make light of AIDS and STDs, as though they aren’t a big deal.

  3. Risk free coitus makes people happy. Men, women, children, everyone should do it. Then we won’t have unhappiness, war, or bad things.

    Some would argue that we are already live in a heavily coitus-ed culture, and we have some of the highest psychotropic drug usage rates in the world; but, lets not let the facts get in the way of a good argument.

  4. Apparently NARAL is also running a graphic ad implying that SCOTUS nominee John Roberts is in cahoots with abortion clinic bombers. This, combined with NARAL’s earlier “Screw Abstinence” campaign and this latest release from Planned Parenthood, show that the pro-abortion lobby in the US is taking a far more radical and violent turn. When I thought of these three disturbing news items together, though, it brought me a bit of hope … it seems that the other side is getting more and more desperate. I think that over-the-top antics like this are only going to backfire on them.

  5. It is disgusting that Planned Parenthood promotes violence as a “solution,” but then again, that’s been their M.O. for decades.

  6. Wow, been a while since I felt this livid. How is it they get to kill unborn children AND belittle protesters in their propaganda?

    Let us look at the bright side, though, shall we? For decades now, people have laughed off the idea of organizations like PP making a coordinated effort to influence people’s minds (values, politics, culture, etc) as the conspiracy theories of conservatives. Well, nothing could be more transparent than this video than their deliberate attempt to manipulate children into having sex before they are ready. They are also the ones who draw the clear connecting line between “birth” “control” and abortion — putting the two concepts hand-in-hand.

    Strategically, this is a major blunder and one we should not hesitate to capitalize on.

    If those unsophisticated morons want to wage a war of popularity, then we should meet them head on. Let their 30 year old culture go head to head with our 2000 year old culture — we’ll show them who is more advanced.

  7. After watching it carefully, I have come to several conclusions. The first and biggest is that PP is operating with the knowledge that their days killing the next generation of abortion supporters are drawing to a close faster than they think.

    Compare these baby-killers with terrorists and I think you will understand what I mean. This cartoon is a big risk for an almost neglible gain. By risk, I mean from the standpoint of the abortion providers — they must have known that an ad campaign this expensive would attract attention to their finances — much of which comes from us taxpayers. They also must have anticipated that people would draw tobacco-company “Joe Camel” inferences in the fact that a cartoon with cute sound effects and funny images is geared towards brainwashing children. Those are two huge public affairs risks that no legitimate business would consider especially in times like these.

    Why go ahead with it, then? My guess is that they are that desperate. Or just incredibly stupid — a fair assumption given the fact that only people who support the idea of abortions have them, thereby thinning their potential market each generation (again, like the tabacco companies).

    Of course there are other ways in which the cartoon is currently backfiring that the makers may not have anticipated. One is the overt totalitarian tone concerning free speech.

    Assume the tables are turned and abortion has been outlawed all over America and instead of pro-lifers gathering at an abortion mill, we have pro-aborts gathering at a state capitol. Now assume that a well-known faith-based non-profit organization produced a video showing a cartoon character blowing up protesters with Bibles — and then laughing about it as if they were not real people to begin with. I think there would be many on both sides legitimately upset about it.

    I happen to be a fan of your hyper-violent Japanimation cartoon (in fact, I used to translate them professionally) and I was skeptical about the outcries of “violence” being overplayed by some oversensitive conservative grannies who never got a thrill out watching some guy’s face get sliced in half by a laser beam.

    But the PP cartoon gave me chills because I have actually protested abortion (for the record, I am more of a pinkish than greenish hue) and I recognized (through my highly developed symbol-processing faculties) that those characters being decapitated in the video are supposed to be ME.

  8. The cartoon also betrays how the fatally flawed logic of abortion supporters is based on dangerously Nazi-esque ideals of selfishness.

    At one point in the cartoon, our heroine says that she “chooses to stop at stop lights.” Oh, really? Well, the motorists of San Fran would like to extend their heart-felt gratitude for playing along with the whole idea of traffic safety and we hope that you continue to “choose” to stop at red lights BECAUSE IT’S THE LAW! Dufus.

    Also, just before she blows up the protesters at the mill, she acknowledges their humanity, their right to exist, and then proceeds to destroy them when she the the bright idea that it is easier to make them not be there than to tolerate their existence.

    Sound familiar? Babies live in the womb, they have a right to exist, but they are too much trouble (and too weak to defend themselves) so why not just destroy them BECAUSE WE CAN?!

    I have said before: the culture of death kills their own children and sick grandmothers. Are we to the point yet where we can recognize that this type of thinking severely inhibits their capacity for love and charity? This video flaunts that very mindset and I think even abortion supporters will find it upsetting.

    Gee, what other annoyances can we get rid of by just making them not be there?

    Finally, the chorus of alleluia and other religious references were painfully insulting to listen to. At the end, Dianalysis says “We’ve been around for 89 years, so we must be doing SOMETHING right.”

    Well, by that logic, the Church is 22.47 times more right than you. Sorry.

  9. Also, I think more of a Captain Planet approach would have been helpful. You could have a bunch of teens running around with magic rings, each representing different fundamental aspects of the culture of death.


    “Hatred of Good!”




    “By your powers combined, I am Dianalysis!”

    Look, over there! People who disagree with me! BLAM! Look over there! Someone is standing on the moral high ground! BLAM!

    And what’s the deal with the costume? Is this part of some new progressive movement to refer to Satan as “she”?

  10. I just tried to visit the site and watch the cartoon, but the link is not working. Have they already noticed that this is not getting the message out that they intended? Could it be BACKFIRING?

  11. The last I heard, the video was still there, but there wasn’t a link to it. You had to know the URL. Whether that lasted, I don’t know.

  12. Yes, I forgot to thank Jeff Miller for providing the excellent link to Dawn of Eden above. That site contains a wealth of information and some excellent links.

    Rock rock on!

  13. Oh, see, we should’ve seen this whole thing coming.

    They’re acting like desperate animals, because that’s what happens when you live your life around a vice, with no love of any life but your own. You become an animal with an over-large brain.

  14. Scurrilous and scandalous do not begin to describe the offensiveness of this so-called cartoon.

    How very dare they ?

    The time for prayer is as always NOW,but sitting back and taking the abuse of these animals is becoming very tiresome,and most Christians are fed up with it.

    I know that I for one am.

    We need to start doing some of the same to them that they do to us ,and begin legislating THEM into conformity.

    Come up with our own set of agendas that marginalize and ridicule them in public;infantilize them in open forums;make them into social and economic outcasts.

    FORCE them into conformity with God’s law,and if they continue to rebel,,well,segregate them away from the culture at large the way that lepers once were and still are as sources of uncleanliness and infection.

    I’m tired of turning the other cheek to people that will hate and ridicule God and His Church no matter what you say to hem,nor how much you entreat them on behalf of the innocent that they slay in the womb;or even on the behalf of the fate of their own souls in the next world.

    I may be tired of it,but I still do it,because of God’ commandments.

    However,I still shake my head and wonder when these people are going to wake up and realize that they are committing deeds of grave evil?

    Are they the types that God gave over to reprobate minds?

    How do you get through to them?

    It’s frustrating.I find myself literally hating them for their actions,and that isn’t the way.

    Jesus,help us all to become more like You.

    Please pray for me ,and others like me that have this problem with inflexibility.

  15. That video as absolutely disgusting and sacriligious. May God have mercy on us. That little “evil” guy telling the kids that they should practice abstinence is very crooked way of presenting God’s teaching on chastity and holiness. What else would we expect from a company that promotes doing away with an “unwanted baby” through merciless murder?

    Let us all pray the Rosary more and plead to our Lady for help. Secondly, DO NOT STOP HAVING YOUR VOICE HEARD! Keep posting at places like these and whenever you hear something wrong, say your input about it. It’s the only way that people will know what we stand for. Of course, we have to rely 100% on God, who is the only one who can convert souls.

    Holy Mary, parton of mothers and pregnant mothers, pray for us. Amen.

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