London Bombings


Author: Jimmy Akin

Jimmy was born in Texas, grew up nominally Protestant, but at age 20 experienced a profound conversion to Christ. Planning on becoming a Protestant seminary professor, he started an intensive study of the Bible. But the more he immersed himself in Scripture the more he found to support the Catholic faith, and in 1992 he entered the Catholic Church. His conversion story, "A Triumph and a Tragedy," is published in Surprised by Truth. Besides being an author, Jimmy is the Senior Apologist at Catholic Answers, a contributing editor to Catholic Answers Magazine, and a weekly guest on "Catholic Answers Live."

12 thoughts on “London Bombings”

  1. All of your prayers are deeply appreciated.
    Please don’t believe reports circulating around the internet of a terrorised city. Today’s events were appalling and we are all deeply shocked – but we are equally determined not to let the terrorists win.

  2. My son-in-law’s brother left the Liverpool Station five minutes before the bomb went off, and walked to his flat a few hundred yards away.Now he can’t get home to where he and his family live in north London till the flap dies down (probably by now).
    He was thinking of returning to NZ before Christmas. Somehow, I think he may be beating a track to the airline office to book his ticket sooner than that.

  3. My son-in-law’s brother left the Liverpool Station five minutes before the bomb went off, and walked to his flat a few hundred yards away.Now he can’t get home to where he and his family live in north London till the flap dies down (probably by now).
    He was thinking of returning to NZ before Christmas. Somehow, I think he may be beating a track to the airline office to book his ticket sooner than that.

  4. Terrorists are the global equivalent of two-bit dime store thugs. I’m sure that the British people are not in “fear and trembling” because of these cowardly acts. We’ll certainly pray for the souls of the victims and for the peace and security of our British friends.

  5. … listen. did you hear that sound?
    It is the entire world collectively shutting the barn door as the “horse” left a long long long time ago…. orange alert on our trains and buses, troops everywhere
    it reminds me of 09/11.
    at least it makes us feel safer, though real security measures would be better (look at Senate security bills that didn’t make it out of the House in the past few years).
    and yes, it is horrific and I join my prayers with many others.

  6. Out of the depths I call to you, LORD;
    Lord, hear my cry! May your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy.
    If you, LORD, mark our sins, Lord, who can stand?
    But with you is forgiveness and so you are revered.
    I wait with longing for the LORD, my soul waits for his word.
    My soul looks for the Lord more than sentinels for daybreak. More than sentinels for daybreak,
    let Israel look for the LORD, For with the LORD is kindness, with him is full redemption,
    And God will redeem Israel from all their sins.

  7. Britain, I love your country and am so saddened to hear what happened. You are my other motherland; I had a wonderful year with you and can’t wait to see you again. This attack hurts me as though someone bombed my own hometown. My prayers are for the poor victims who didn’t see this coming; I pray for God’s mercy on their souls. I pray for more than that; some prayers are probably all wrong but I apologize to God if I may not be praying for the right things. I just am not sure what to pray for when people are murdered; it’s just so wrong, and not the way of things.
    My deepest condolences if anyone reading this has lost someone, or who knows someone deeply affected by this.
    When 9/11 happened, Germans put flowers on my doorstep for several days. I can’t be there to do this in London, but in all seriousness, I am touching each and every doorstep over there, in thought, with flowers and blessings. I don’t know a person who isn’t saddened and praying for you.

  8. These attacks saddened me in many ways. I was struck with the realization that this kind of thing only prolongs misery for millions of Muslims, as they are continually dragged back into the dark ages by a sociopathic minority.

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