Welllllll . . . Ain't That "Special"

A lotta folks have been using Photoshop to come up with images involving Benedict XVI. My favorite of these thus far is but the Curt Jester:


That one’s hysterical. The only thing he needs to add is how much "Holy C" the supplement has.

Others I’m less tickled by. The one with Pope Benedict presiding at Mass with a huge beer mug in front of him on the altar (which doesn’t look like a German beer stein), isn’t really to my taste. (Though I may be in the minority here as a buncha folks have e-mailed it to me.)

But here’s one from the folks at MoveOn.Org that manages to combine offensiveness with simple stupidity:

[CHT: Southern Appeal.]

Just think about the Einsteinian level of "wit" this thing shows us:

  • It tells us that God already has a job and so it shows us a picture of . . . the pope.
  • It tells us that we need to "Protect the Supreme Court Rules"–whatever rules those may be.
  • The gavel isn’t enough to tie the image of the pope in to the Court, so just to make sure all the peabrained redstaters in the audience get the joke, it has the words "United States Supreme Court" typed on the door behind him.

Then there’s the "professional" quality of the Photoshopping. Man, The folks at Worth1000.Com have nothing on this artiste.

According to Kay Daly, the image was originally posted here:


But they moved it off their site.

Guess they got some flack and decided to . . . MoveOn.

Author: Jimmy Akin

Jimmy was born in Texas, grew up nominally Protestant, but at age 20 experienced a profound conversion to Christ. Planning on becoming a Protestant seminary professor, he started an intensive study of the Bible. But the more he immersed himself in Scripture the more he found to support the Catholic faith, and in 1992 he entered the Catholic Church. His conversion story, "A Triumph and a Tragedy," is published in Surprised by Truth. Besides being an author, Jimmy is the Senior Apologist at Catholic Answers, a contributing editor to Catholic Answers Magazine, and a weekly guest on "Catholic Answers Live."

3 thoughts on “Welllllll . . . Ain't That "Special"”

  1. I am in your minority in not really being tickled by the beer mug picture.

    As far a Moveon goes I am still trying to figure out what they mean by “Protect the Supreme Court Rules.” Are they referring to the filibuster, if they are it sure isn’t a Supreme Court rule but is a Senate rule. The good thing about Moveon is that they keep proving our point that the left is beind dominated by those who have no use for religious belief.

    Oh and “Holy C” I am really kicking myself for not coming up with that one.

  2. You don’t have to be proficient with Photoshop to know how bad this art is. Just awful. My first thought about the artist was “I wonder what grade he/she is in?”

  3. Ooh, I get to correct Jimmy on a language issue!

    It’s technically “flak,” not “flack.” “Flak” comes from an abbreviation of “flugabwehrkanone” or “fliegerabwehrkanone,” or anti-aircraft gun. (I remember it as “flugabwehrkanone” from history books, which correlates with “flugzeug,” the word for “airplane.”) No “c” in there anywhere.

    Yeah, I checked Dictionary.com, which said “flack” is an alternate spelling, but any student of history, especially WWII, cringes at that.

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