Wednesday Photo Caption



  1. Early Glimpse Of Padme Amidala From Episode III–She Mutates!
  2. New Hindu Goddess Has More Arms, Gains More Worshippers.
  3. Flapping Arms At Super-Speed Still Does Not Result In Human-Powered Flight.
  4. All The Better To Hug You With, My Dear.
  5. Peacock Woman Struts Her Stuff At Superhero Convention.
  6. WORLD CLOCK: At The Tone, The Correct Time Will Be . . .

Author: Jimmy Akin

Jimmy was born in Texas, grew up nominally Protestant, but at age 20 experienced a profound conversion to Christ. Planning on becoming a Protestant seminary professor, he started an intensive study of the Bible. But the more he immersed himself in Scripture the more he found to support the Catholic faith, and in 1992 he entered the Catholic Church. His conversion story, "A Triumph and a Tragedy," is published in Surprised by Truth. Besides being an author, Jimmy is the Senior Apologist at Catholic Answers, a contributing editor to Catholic Answers Magazine, and a weekly guest on "Catholic Answers Live."

20 thoughts on “Wednesday Photo Caption”

  1. “Hello, my name is Amy. I’m your new massage therapist!”
    “Oh, rats! I broke a nail!”
    “Somebody give that girl a hand . . . Oh, never mind.”
    “It’s not the price of the clothes so much . . . it’s the accessories that’ll kill ya!”
    (LOL, TimJ!)

  2. ‘Many hands make light work…and so does flicking the switch’ (she can come over to the Midlands and clean my house anytime!)
    God Bless

  3. “Somehow the left hand found out what the right hands were doing.”
    “I’ve got a hand-kering for some Thai food.”

  4. Confucius Say: “Girl With Seventy-Six Watches Never Know What Time It Is.”

  5. Note that the rapidity of the hand movement almost disguises the hitching up of the apparel – ALMOST

  6. “Can we find a suitably attired centipede to escort this young lady?”
    “Take her by the hand…the hand…the hand………..”
    “Is that an Echo?”

  7. “Many races believe that it was created by some sort of god, though the Jatravartid people of Viltvodle VI believe that the entire Universe was in fact sneezed out of the nose of a being called the Great Green Arkleseizure. The Jatravartids, who live in perpetual fear of the time they call The Coming of the Great White Handkerchief, are small blue creatures with more than fifty arms each, who are therefore unique in being the only race in history to have invented the aerosol deodorant before the wheel.”
    -Douglas Adams, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe

  8. How you will know when you are finished with physical therapy after your shoulder injury…

  9. I’d like to hear some funky Dixieland
    Pretty mama, come and take me by the hand
    By the hand, hand, take me by the hand, pretty mama
    Come and dance with your daddy all night long
    I’d like to hear some funky Dixieland
    Pretty mama, come and take me by the hand
    (alternative to singing the Our Father at most American parishes)

  10. Thousands were deafened at a school in India last week during a ‘Bring you Deity to Class Event’ gone wrong. One child, who shall remain anonymous, brought Shiva. During the clapping hands portion a very intense game of “If Your Happy and You Know It!” Shiva unfortunately decided to clap with all 140,000 of her hands at one time. Police officers report that the resulting boom from this action broke windows more than 30 miles away.
    In an attempt to allude police Shiva tried to point the finger, actually 140,000 fingers, at Buda who was also in attendance. After a review of surveillance tapes though it was shown that Buda was clapping with only one hand.

  11. Newly approved by the EPA – the Shiv-air conditioner. No freon used.
    Who said it was the ITALIANS who talk with their hands?

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