Prayer for Benkovics

The first time I tuned in to Johnette Benkovic’s show on EWTN I figured (like a true male chauvinist pig) that her "Living His Life Abundantly" program would focus on "women’s issues". I guess I expected her and the female guest to talk about, what, the family budget? How to keep the kids quiet during Mass? I quickly saw how wrong I was. I actually made myself late for work because I became so absorbed in their discussion about the culture of United Nations. I have watched a number of times since, appreciative of her faith, her perspective on cultural issues and her personal warmth.
Her husband has recently been diagnosed with a brain tumor, and she has cancelled personal appearances to be at his side. She is asking for our prayers.
THIS LINK to the story on Catholic Exchange gives more information, as well as an address to which may be sent cards or personal notes.
God Bless You and your family, Johnette, You are in our prayers.

9 thoughts on “Prayer for Benkovics”

  1. Isn’t this the second personal tragedy in a very short time?
    Lord, hear our prayer.

  2. Yes, her son died in a car crash (not long after coming home from Iraq).
    I saw her on Father Mitch Pacwa’s show discussing her son, and she is a strong Catholic woman indeed.
    God bless her and her family.

  3. Thank you for informing us. I will certainly pray for her and her family.
    She is a strong woman indeed and never hesitates to state the truth. She certainly isn’t cozy with secular culture.

  4. You thought a show on EWTN would focus on “women’s issues”? Do they DO that on EWTN? I sure didn’t think so…

  5. Chris 2-4, The genius of EWTN is that they. like the old suffragettes, understand that politics and world events are women’s issues.

  6. Yes, Naomi, right on. That’s why I put the phrase “women’s issues” in quotes. Truly, in Christ “There is no Jew or Greek, slave or free, male or female…”.

  7. Another interesting note folks. TBN (trinity broadcasting network) the pentacostal fundamentalist evangelical televangalist channel has been running Johnnette’s show AND has been running Fulton SHeen’s Life is worth living. I find that absolutely freaky. Absolutely unreal. But God is good! and works in mysterious ways.

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