- What is the purpose of the brown
scapular? - What is the precise dating of the Christmas season?
- How does a previous, unconfessed abortion by the bride affect the validity of a later marriage?
- In the early centuries of the Church, how did the administration of the sacraments–particularly matrimony–differ from modern day practice?
- Was the Rabbinical meeting at Jamnia in c. A.D. 90 a council?
- How to counter the accusation that Catholics worship "graven images" in violation of the Ten Commandments.
- Can the promise of John 16:13 that the Spirit "will teach you all truth" be applied to all Christians personally?
- Must confession be performed in a confessional?
- What is the motive for the different postures in Mass?
- What is the Lutheran teaching on infant baptism?
- Do the scripture study classes of Bible Study Fellowship International follow a Protestant approach? Did the Church ever sell indulgences?
- What is the point of Catholic religious statues?
- May Catholics still not join the Masons?
- Were there any miraculous occurrences in the life of Mary or her Parents before Jesus’ conception?
- Is it morally licit to receive artificial insemination or have embryos implanted in oneself in order to bear a child for an infertile couple?
- May a Catholic fulfill his Sunday obligation at a parish far from home on a regular basis?
- Has the ossuary of James "the brother of Jesus" been proved
inauthentic? - What criteria did some Jewish contemporaries of Jesus use to reject
Him? - If a priest does not fully believe in Jesus’ real presence in the Eucharist, can he validly consecrate the Sacrament?