I’ve noticed the last few days that the blog has been responding sluggishly on its public side (i.e., when I visit it and load a page). After investigating it, it seems that the holdup has been in the calls it is making to other pages (e.g., to truthlaidbare.com’s eco-system or amazon.com). For some reason those sites aren’t responding as promptly as they usually do, and that’s slowing down how fast my blog loads.
I don’t like that, so I’ve temporarily turned off the eco-system and Amazon links. The site seems to be responding faster now. I’ll leave them turned off for a few days to let the other sites get back up to speed and then try putting them back up again. Thought I’d mention it, though, in case looking at the adorable little rodent image was one of your favorite things to do on the blog or you had been planning to buy one of the recommended books but hadn’t gotten around to it yet. They’ll be back. 🙂
I think there’s another round of attacks against big sites like amazon.com. I know that doubleclick.com, a big advertising site was getting pounded yesterday, and the attacks may be causing other sites to run slower.
Yes, but doubleclick.com deserves it. 😉