Mysterious World Episode 155 Fan Art

Lindsey P writes:

My husband (a recent Catholic convert) and I are big fans of “Catholic
Answers” and “Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World.” We have so much respect for you and your work!

I like to crochet and sometimes make dolls of people I admire, and you
were my latest subject! I will attach a picture of my work below, and
would love to send this to you as a token of my appreciation.

Dan L writes:

Hey Jimmy and Dom, thanks for the great episode. My 9 year old daughter [Eve] drew you this Drop Bear while we listened. Thank you for making a great family friendly show.

Heather C writes:

I found [this episode on drop bears] inspiring! I made an amigurumi one…


Spontaneous Human Combustion – Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World

Every so often, there are reports of people bursting into flames for no apparent reason, reducing most of their body to ashes, but with little or no fire damage around them. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss what we should make of these reports of spontaneous human combustion and what could be causing them.

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This Episode is Brought to You By:
Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World is brought to you in part through the generous support of Aaron Vurgason Electric and Automation at Making Connections for Life for your automation and smart home needs in north and central Florida. Have more peace. Visit and get a free all-twine knotted rosary, downloadable audio Rosaries, and more. Make Them. Pray Them. Give Them Away at

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The Weekly Francis – 07 April 2021

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 1 April 2021 to 7 April 2021.

General Audiences



Regina Caeli

Papal Tweets

  • “The cross expresses love, service, unreserved self-giving: it truly is the “tree of life”, of overabundant life. #GoodFriday” @Pontifex 2 April 2021
  • “Jesus’s cross is God’s silent throne. Let us daily contemplate his wounds. In those gashes, we recognize our emptiness, our shortcomings, the wounds of our sin. His wounds were inflicted for our sake, and by those wounds we have been healed. #GoodFriday” @Pontifex 2 April 2021
  • “From the cross God reigns with the disarmed and disarming power of love. He continues to amaze our minds and hearts. Let us allow ourselves to be filled with that amazement. Let us gaze upon the Crucified One and say: “Truly, You are the Son of God.” You are my God. #GoodFriday” @Pontifex 2 April 2021
  • “This is the first #Easter message that I would offer you: it is always possible to begin anew, because there is a new life that God can awaken in us in spite of all our failures. From the rubble of our hearts, God can create a work of art.” @Pontifex 3 April 2021
  • “This is the second message of #Easter: faith is not an album of past memories; Jesus is not outdated. He is alive here and now. He walks beside you each day, in every situation you are experiencing, in every trial you have to endure, in your deepest hopes and dreams.” @Pontifex 3 April 2021
  • “This is the third message of #Easter: Jesus, the Risen Lord, loves us without limits and is there at every moment of our lives. He invites us to overcome barriers, banish prejudices and draw near to those around us every day in order to rediscover the grace of everyday life.” @Pontifex 3 April 2021
  • “Dear brother, dear sister: if on this night you are experiencing an hour of darkness, a day that has not yet dawned, a light dimmed or a dream shattered, open your heart with amazement to the message of #Easter: “Do not be afraid, he has risen!”” @Pontifex 3 April 2021
  • “Amid the many hardships we are enduring, let us never forget that we have been healed by the wounds of Christ. In the light of the Risen Lord, our sufferings are now transfigured. Where there was death, now there is life. Where there was mourning, now there is consolation.” @Pontifex 4 April 2021
  • “There are still too many wars and too much violence in the world! May the Lord, who is our peace, help us to overcome the mindset of war. Message@Pontifex 4 April 2021
  • “Let us never tire of seeking the risen Christ who gives life in abundance to those who meet him. To find Christ means to discover peace in our hearts. #Easter #ReginaCoeli” @Pontifex 5 April 2021
  • “In these dark months of the #pandemic, let us listen to the Risen Lord as he invites us to begin anew and never lose hope. #Easter” @Pontifex 6 April 2021
  • “Video” @Pontifex 6 April 2021
  • “Everyone needs assistance, especially the most vulnerable. Only together can we build a more just and health world. All of us are called to combat the pandemic and vaccines are an essential tool in this fight. #worldhealthday” @Pontifex 7 April 2021
  • “The first way to pray for someone is to speak to God about him or her. If we do this frequently, each day, our hearts are not closed, but open to our brothers and sisters. To pray for others is the first way to love them and it moves us toward concretely drawing near. #Prayer” @Pontifex 7 April 2021

Papal Instagram

The Mysterious Planet – The Secrets of Doctor Who

The Trial of a Time Lord begins! Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory talk about the first part of the 6th Doctor’s “trial” season that brings him to an “alien” planet that turns out to be a post-apocalyptic Earth run by a domineering robot. Plus lots of Valeyard name puns.

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Justice (TNG) – The Secrets of Star Trek

Is a justice system where death is the punishment for every crime really just? Dom, Jimmy, and Fr. Cory discuss this TNG story that is supposed to evoke Eden with a vengeful god/alien and (not-so-)innocents.

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The Weekly Francis – 01 April 2021

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 25 March 2021 to 1 April 2021.


Apostolic Letter

General Audiences



Papal Tweets

  • “#Praytogether for the victims and those reported missing because of the terrible fire that broke out in a #Rohingya refugee camp in Bangladesh, which generously welcomed thousands of people. Let us pray for the twenty thousand brothers and sisters, who lost the little they had.” @Pontifex 25 March 2021
  • “Mary is not only the bridge joining us to God; she is more. She is the road that God travelled to reach us, and the road that we must travel in order to reach him. #AnnunciationOfTheLord” @Pontifex 25 March 2021
  • “At this particular moment in history, characterized by many shadows, the figure of Dante, prophet of hope, can help us to advance with serenity and courage on the pilgrimage of life that each of us is called to make. Apostlic Letter@Pontifex 25 March 2021
  • “I would like once more to invite everyone to witness to the “Gospel of Life”, to promote and defend life in all its dimensions and at every stage. The Christian is the person who says “yes” to life, who says “yes” to God, the Living One. #EvangeliumVitae” @Pontifex 25 March 2021
  • “Those who fast make themselves poor with the poor and ”accumulate“ the treasure of a love received and shared. Understood and practiced thus, fasting helps us love God and our neighbour, because love focuses our attention on others and considers them as one with ourselves. #Lent” @Pontifex 26 March 2021
  • ““Why are you afraid? Have you no faith?” (Mk 4:35–41). We have realized we are on the same boat, all of us fragile and disoriented, but at the same time important and needed, all of us called to row together. #PrayTogether #Covid–19 Statio Orbis@Pontifex 27 March 2021
  • “We are called to recognize that other living beings have a value of their own in God’s eyes: by their mere existence they bless him and give him glory, and indeed, the Lord rejoices in all his works (Ps 104:31). #EarthHour #LaudatoSi’” @Pontifex 27 March 2021
  • “God is at our side in every affliction, in every fear; no evil, no sin will ever have the final word. God triumphs, but the palm of victory passes through the wood of the cross. For the palm and the cross are inseparable. #PalmSunday Homily@Pontifex 28 March 2021
  • “What is most amazing about the Lord and his Passover? It is the fact that he achieves glory through humiliation. He triumphs by accepting suffering and death, things that we, in our quest for admiration and success, would rather avoid. #PalmSunday” @Pontifex 28 March 2021
  • “During these days, the Church enters into the great meditation of the Lord’s Passion. The suffering Christ is present in the person of the poor, the excluded, the sick, the hungry, those who bear the mystery of the cross with Him. #HolyWeek” @Pontifex 29 March 2021
  • “Jesus was lifted up on the cross to descend into our suffering, to plumb the depths of our human experience, to draw near to us and not abandon us in our suffering and our death. To redeem us, to save us. #HolyWeek” @Pontifex 30 March 2021
  • “Along the daily way of the cross, we meet the faces of so many brothers and sisters in difficulty: let us not pass by, let us allow our hearts to be moved with compassion, and let us draw near.” @Pontifex 30 March 2021
  • “Christ’s Cross is like a beacon that indicates the port to ships that are still afloat on stormy seas. It is the sign of the hope that does not disappoint. And it tells us that not even one tear, not one sigh is lost in God’s saving plan. #Holy Week” @Pontifex 31 March 2021
  • “The process of conversion always entails the cross. There is no holiness without sacrifice and without a spiritual battle. #HolyWeek” @Pontifex 31 March 2021
  • “The preaching of the Gospel is effective not because of our eloquent words but because of the power of the cross (cf. 1 Cor 1:17). #ChrismMass Homily@Pontifex 1 April 2021

Papal Instagram

The Fearsome Australian Drop Bear! (Killer Koalas?) – Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World

Australia is known for many strange, dangerous animals, but one famous cryptid from Down Under is the fearsome Drop Bear. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli, with help from Matt Fradd and the Catholics of Oz, recount what we know about the Drop Bear and how to protect ourselves against it.

Help us continue to offer Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World. Won’t you make a pledge at today?

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Mysterious Headlines

This Episode is Brought to You By:
Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World is brought to you in part through the generous support of Aaron Vurgason Electric and Automation at Making Connections for Life for your automation and smart home needs in north and central Florida. Have more peace. Visit and get a free all-twine knotted rosary, downloadable audio Rosaries, and more. Make Them. Pray Them. Give Them Away at

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Let’s Kill Hitler – The Secrets of Doctor Who

With the Doctor tracking down Amy and Rory’s missing baby, they encounter a mysterious group tampering with time. Dom, Jimmy, and Fr. Cory discuss the ethics of punishing historical criminals in the way described here as well as an element introduced here to be important later.

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Galaxy Quest – The Secrets of Star Trek

Some say the best Star Trek movie made was Galaxy Quest. Dom Bettinelli, Jimmy Akin, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss this thinly-veiled comedic homage to Trek and how it presaged the rise of fandom and the triumph of the geeks in pop culture.

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Secrets of the Vatican Secret Archives! – Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World

Rumors have surrounded the Vatican Secret Archives for ages and some think the Vatican is hiding shameful or shocking secrets. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli explore the history of the Archives, what they contain, and how secret they really are.

Help us continue to offer Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World. Won’t you make a pledge at today?

Links for this episode:

Mysterious Headlines

This Episode is Brought to You By:
Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World is brought to you in part through the generous support of Aaron Vurgason Electric and Automation at Making Connections for Life for your automation and smart home needs in north and central Florida. Have more peace. Visit and get a free all-twine knotted rosary, downloadable audio Rosaries, and more. Make Them. Pray Them. Give Them Away at

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Support StarQuest’s mission to explore the intersection of faith and pop culture by becoming a named sponsor of the show of your choice on the StarQuest network. Click to get started or find out more.

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