The Girl Who Waited – The Secrets of Doctor Who

This time it’s Amy who waits for Rory and the Doctor. Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory talk about another story of doppelgängers and duplicates and alternate time streams; discuss the question of which Amy is the real one; whether it is moral to sacrifice one; and if the Doctor is being cruel.

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Sleeping Dogs (ENT) – The Secrets of Star Trek

The Enterprise comes across a ship of Klingons in distress and come to their aid. Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory discuss the rendering of aid to ungrateful recipients and Archer’s education in Klingon diplomacy. Plus, a bonus discussion of the latest Star Trek TV & movie news.

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Operation Northwoods (Cold War Mystery!) – Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World

In 1962, the Joint Chiefs of Staff sent Operation Northwoods to JFK as a daring, covert plan to stop a potential Soviet invasion. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss this now declassified plan, the shocking series of secret actions it proposed, and Kennedy’s response.

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This Episode is Brought to You By:
Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World is brought to you in part through the generous support of Aaron Vurgason Electric and Automation at Making Connections for Life for your automation and smart home needs in north and central Florida. Have more peace. Visit and get a free all-twine knotted rosary, downloadable audio Rosaries, and more. Make Them. Pray Them. Give Them Away at

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Support StarQuest’s mission to explore the intersection of faith and pop culture by becoming a named sponsor of the show of your choice on the StarQuest network. Click to get started or find out more.

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The Weekly Francis – 21 April 2021

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 14 April 2021 to 21 April 2021.

General Audiences


Regina Caeli

Papal Tweets

  • “Even death trembles when a Christian prays, because it knows that everyone who prays has an ally who is stronger than it: the Risen Lord. #Prayer #Easter” @Pontifex 15 April 2021
  • “Sadly, in this world, with all its highly developed technology, great numbers of children continue to live in inhuman situations, exploited, maltreated, enslaved, refugees. Today, in acknowledging this, we feel shame before God, before God who became a child. #EndChildSlavery” @Pontifex 16 April 2021
  • “Only the love of Jesus can transform our life, heal our deepest hurts and set us free from the vicious circles of disappointment, anger and constant complaint.” @Pontifex 17 April 2021
  • “Being Christian is not first of all a doctrine or a moral ideal; it is a living relationship with the Risen Lord. #GospelOfTheDay” @Pontifex 18 April 2021
  • “I invite you to pray for the population of eastern Ukraine. I truly hope that an escalation of the tensions might be avoided and, instead, that actions capable of promoting reciprocal trust and which foster reconciliation and peace might be undertaken.” @Pontifex 18 April 2021
  • “God does not give up. You are close to His heart, you who do not yet know the beauty of His love, you who have not yet welcomed Jesus as the center of your life, you who cannot overcome your sin.” @Pontifex 19 April 2021
  • “For God, you are that little coin that the Lord seeks without pause. He wants to tell you that you are precious and unique in His eyes. No one can take your place in the heart of God.” @Pontifex 20 April 2021
  • “Let us not abandon the simple prayers we learned in our families as children that we preserve in our memories and hearts. They are sure ways to access the Father’s heart. #Prayer #GeneralAudience” @Pontifex 21 April 2021

Papal Instagram

The Greatest Show in the Galaxy – The Secrets of Doctor Who

The 7th Doctor and Ace go to a demented circus. Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory discuss fear of clowns, hippie circuses, werewolves, and the gods of Ragnarok, plus Sylvester McCoy’s real magic tricks he performs on-screen.

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Scorpion, Part II (VOY) – The Secrets of Star Trek

The premiere of Voyager’s season 4 saw the introduction of Seven of Nine to the cast. Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss why the change happened, whether it was good for the show, and how she changed its trajectory.

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Mysterious Updates (Bigfoot, Great Pyramid, JFK, Weight Loss, Dyatlov Pass, Skinwalker Ranch, UFOs) – Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World

Since Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World began, Jimmy and Dom have covered numerous mysteries in 150 episodes. And because Jimmy is always doing research, he wants to update listeners on what he’s learned since originally covering these fascinating topics.

Help us continue to offer Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World. Won’t you make a pledge at today?

Links for this episode:

Mysterious Headlines

This Episode is Brought to You By:
Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World is brought to you in part through the generous support of Aaron Vurgason Electric and Automation at Making Connections for Life for your automation and smart home needs in north and central Florida. Have more peace. Visit and get a free all-twine knotted rosary, downloadable audio Rosaries, and more. Make Them. Pray Them. Give Them Away at

Want to Sponsor A Show?
Support StarQuest’s mission to explore the intersection of faith and pop culture by becoming a named sponsor of the show of your choice on the StarQuest network. Click to get started or find out more.

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The Weekly Francis – 14 April 2021

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 4 April 2021 to 14 April 2021.



Regina Caeli

Papal Tweets

  • “#Easter is the most important feast of our faith because it is the feast of our salvation, the feast of God’s love for us.” @Pontifex 8 April 2021
  • “The Lord calls us to cooperate in the construction of history, becoming, together with Him, peacemakers and witnesses of hope in a future of salvation and resurrection.” @Pontifex 9 April 2021
  • “The Lord does not want us to keep thinking about our failings. He wants us to look to Him. In our failings He sees children to help up; in our misery He sees children in need of His merciful love. #DivineMercy” @Pontifex 10 April 2021
  • “The wounds of Jesus are open channels between him and us, shedding mercy upon our misery. They are pathways that God has opened up for us to enter into his tender love and actually “touch” who he is. Let us never again doubt his mercy. #DivineMercy” @Pontifex 11 April 2021
  • “So let us be renewed by the peace, forgiveness and wounds of the merciful Jesus. Only in this way will our faith be alive. Only in this way will we proclaim the Gospel of God, which is the Gospel of mercy. Homily@Pontifex 11 April 2021
  • “Mercy is made tangible, it becomes closeness, service, care for those in difficulty. I hope you will always feel you have been granted mercy, so as to be merciful to others in turn.” @Pontifex 11 April 2021
  • “Jesus is the Risen One, the Lord who passed through death in order to lead us to safety. Even before we begin to seek Him, He is present beside us. He lifts us back up after our falls. He helps us grow in faith. #Easter” @Pontifex 12 April 2021
  • “In the midst of the contradictions and perplexities we must confront each day, the din of so many words and opinions, there is the quiet voice of the Risen Lord who keeps saying to us: “Peace be with you!”” @Pontifex 13 April 2021
  • “The breath of faith is #prayer: we grow in faith inasmuch as we learn to pray. #GeneralAudience General Audience@Pontifex 14 April 2021

Papal Instagram

Night Terrors (11) – The Secrets of Doctor Who

The 11th Doctor comes to the aid of a scared little boy whose night terrors become real. Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha this fairy tale horror story about the unconditional love of a father for his unusual son.

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The Nagus (DS9) – The Secrets of Star Trek

The introduction of the Nagus changed Ferengi and Quark on DS9 from that point. Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha talk about Wallace Shawn’s great portrayal, how the story expanded and rehabbed the Ferengi, and the Godfather homage scene.

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