Young Earth/Old Earth Resources

Below are three episodes of Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World in which I look at the evidence regarding whether we’re living on a Young Earth or an Old Earth:



Also, be sure to read this post: Is God Telling Us Fictions About the Past?


Is God telling us fictions about the past?

Wouldn’t it be great if scientists invented a device that would let us look into the past and see it with our own eyes? Guess what! They have!

Wouldn’t it be great if scientists invented a device that enabled us to have a clear window into the past–so that we wouldn’t just have to read about the past in books?

Instead, with the new device–let’s call it a Time Window–we could actually see events occurring in the past in real time, with our own eyes.

That would be wicked awesome, wouldn’t it!?

The exciting news is that scientists have invented this device!

That’s right! The Time Window is real!

What’s more, they invented it just over 400 years ago, so they’ve had the chance to mature the technology to the point that now it’s really, really good.

For comparison, imagine how good an iPhone would be today if Steve Jobs had invented the first one 400 years ago.

The only problem is that they missed a great marketing opportunity.

Instead of calling it the Time Window ™ they gave it a much more boring name . . . the telescope.


How the Time Window Works

The reason that the Time Window–er, telescope–lets us look into the past and see it with our own eyes is that it takes time for light to reach our eyes. The speed of light is not infinite.

Technically, this means that any time you see anything, you are technically witnessing something that happened in the past.

Since light travels so fast, however, if you see someone across the room pick up an iPhone, that happened only the tiniest fraction of a second ago. In fact, you started seeing it while it was still happening. That’s not long enough ago to make it an exciting glimpse into history.

But things get more interesting when you take a telescope and point it at something really distant.


By Jove!

For example, back in 1609, Galileo Galilei pointed his telescope at the planet Jove–er, Jupiter–and discovered that by it there were several moons.

Now the thing is, depending on where Earth and Jupiter are in their orbits, Jupiter is between 33 and 54 light minutes away from Earth.

Let’s just say it’s an average of 44 light minutes away for the sake of simplicity.

That means, it takes 44 minutes for the light from Jupiter to reach an astronomer on Earth.

So when Galileo looked at Jupiter through his telescopes and saw its moons, he was seeing where those moons were 44 minutes ago.

He was viewing actual history that occurred 44 minutes in the past!



Party Like It’s 1879!

The same thing keeps happening when you look further out.

Back in 2008, scientists used one of their spiffy modern telescopes to capture the light in this image . . .

This is an image of the solar system HR 8799.

It’s got a single star in the middle, and we can see that it has at least three planets orbiting it.

What’s more, it’s 129 light years away from Earth.

That means that this image, which was taken in 2008, is of events taking place in 1879.

This is an image of where those planets were in the year that the apparition at Knock, Ireland took place, that the California Constitution was ratified, and that Thomas Edison unveiled incandescent light to the public.

It’s an image of things happening in that year.

Now let’s look really far into the past . . .


An Earth-Shattering Ka-Boom

Also in 2008, astronomers captured an image of a supernova known as SN 2008D.

Here’s a time-lapse image of the supernova happening, both in x-rays and visible light. Take a moment and watch it:

Hoo-eee! It blowed up real good! (Particularly in x-rays.)

Now here’s the thing: SD 2008D is in the galaxy NGC 2770, which is in the constellation Lynx.

It’s also 88,000,000 (88 million) light years away.

That means that when you’re watching the supernova explode in the images above, You Are Watching an Event That Took Place 88 Million Years in the Past.

That’s right. Dinosaurs were roaming the earth when this event took place. It was the middle of the Cretaceous Era.


So What’s This Have to Do with God? 

Historically, many people have thought that the universe was only a few thousand years old, based on the most common understanding of Genesis.

Modern science has suggested that it is much, much older.

If the above picture reveals an event that took place 88,000,000 years ago, then the view that the universe is only a few thousand years old can’t be right.

So what alternatives does we have in resolving this situation?

Here are three . . .


Option 1: We’re Really, Really Wrong

One option would be to say that we are really–desperately–wrong in our understanding of science today.

Either light doesn’t travel at the speed we think it does or SN 2008D isn’t as far away as we think it is–or something.

This cannot be ruled out on theoretical grounds. The best scientific thought of the day has turned out to be really, really wrong before.

But how likely is this?

At this point we seem to have very, very good evidence about the age and dimensions of the cosmos, about how fast light travels and how far away things like supernovas are.


Option 2: God Is Showing Us Fictions

Another option would be to say that, when the world began a few thousand years ago, God created light already en route from what appeared to be more distant galaxies.

If that’s the case, then any event we see that appears to be happening more than a few thousand light years away is a fiction.

Beyond a certain point, we’re watching God’s Imaginary Astronomy Show.

Mixed in with God’s Real Astronomy Show that’s taking place closer to home.


That doesn’t seem consistent with God’s Truthfulness.

At a minimum, an advocate of this view would need to provide an explanation for why God would do this, why it wouldn’t be inconsistent with his Truthfulness.

Some have tried to mount such an explanation by saying that God created the world with an “appearance of age,” the same way that he created Adam and Eve as full-grown adults rather than babies.

That is the way Genesis seems to depict the creation of our first parents, since they are both apparently created on Day 6 of the creation week in Genesis 1, and since they are married as soon as Eve is created in the second creation narrative in Genesis 2.

If you think that God used evolution to make the bodies of the first humans (of course, he made their souls directly and immediately) then this issue doesn’t arise–at least not in the same way.

But what if you think that God literally created an adult Adam out of earth and an adult Eve out of Adam’s side? Does that provide much support for the “appearance of age” explanation of distant astronomical events?

I have never thought so.

It’s always seemed to me that, if God were to directly create the first humans as adults, there would be a very good reason for that–namely: Babies Cannot Take Care of Themselves.

Without the presence of other humans–or near-humans–to take care of our first parents, they would need to be adults (or at least teens). Either that, or God would have to run his own, direct daycare service, and Genesis doesn’t suggest that he did.

So I can see a reason why God would make the first humans as adults. That’s because of the incapacity to care for themselves that human infants have.

But that doesn’t give us any reason why God would need to plant false dinosaur bones in the ground or false astronomical images in the sky, let alone mix them up with real ones.

He could have just let God’s Real Astronomy Show play in the sky each night.

The sky wouldn’t have had quite as much stuff in it each night, but it would all have been true stuff.


Option 3: God’s Word in the Heavens and in the Bible Is True

The best approach would seem to be the classic one of saying that God’s word in nature and God’s word in the Bible are both true.

They have to be understood in harmony with each other.

Thus if we have good evidence from God’s word in nature that the universe is quite old then that helps shed light on the meaning of God’s word in the Scriptures.

This is the approach taken by the Catholic Church.

Concerning the creation narrative in Genesis 1, John Paul II stated:

Above all, this text has a religious and theological importance. It doesn’t contain significant elements from the point of view of the natural sciences. Research on the origin and development of the individual species in nature does not find in this description any definitive norm or positive contributions of substantial interest [General Audience, Jan. 29, 1986].

And the Catechism of the Catholic Church states:

283 The question about the origins of the world and of man has been the object of many scientific studies which have splendidly enriched our knowledge of the age and dimensions of the cosmos, the development of life-forms and the appearance of man.

These discoveries invite us to even greater admiration for the greatness of the Creator, prompting us to give him thanks for all his works and for the understanding and wisdom he gives to scholars and researchers.

With Solomon they can say: “It is he who gave me unerring knowledge of what exists, to know the structure of the world and the activity of the elements. . . for wisdom, the fashioner of all things, taught me.


337 God himself created the visible world in all its richness, diversity and order. Scripture presents the work of the Creator symbolically as a succession of six days of divine “work”, concluded by the “rest” of the seventh day.

On the subject of creation, the sacred text teaches the truths revealed by God for our salvation, permitting us to “recognize the inner nature, the value and the ordering of the whole of creation to the praise of God.”

Having said that, I’m looking forward to seeing more events from distant history–with my own eyes–through the amazing Time Window! (Er, telescope.)

The Name of the Doctor – The Secrets of Doctor Who

It’s the 11th Doctor’s penultimate story, and Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha talk about the resolution of several ongoing 11th Doctor story threads, incl. the Impossible Girl, the doom of Trenzalore, and the menace of the Great Intelligence.

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The Weekly Francis – 22 February 2022

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 10 February 2022 to 22 February 2022.


Apostolic Letter

General Audiences




Papal Tweets

  • “Closeness is a precious balm that provides support and consolation to the sick in their suffering. As Christians, we experience that closeness as a sign of the love of Jesus Christ, the Good Samaritan, who draws near with compassion to every man and woman.” @Pontifex, 10 February 2022
  • “Our Christian way of looking at others refuses to see them as a burden or a problem, but rather as brothers and sisters to be helped and protected.” @Pontifex, 11 February 2022
  • “Today is #WorldDayOfTheSick. #LetsPrayTogether for our sick brothers and sisters, their families, for health and pastoral workers, and for all those who care for them.” @Pontifex, 11 February 2022
  • “Discover the meaning of life by coming to the aid of those who suffer, understanding their anguish and bringing relief.” @Pontifex, 12 February 2022
  • “Child soldiers are robbed of their childhood, their innocence, their future, and often of their very lives. Each one of them is a cry raised to God that accuses the adults who put weapons in their little hands. #RedHandDay” @Pontifex, 12 February 2022
  • “The news coming out of Ukraine is very worrying. I entrust to the intercession of the Virgin Mary, and to the conscience of political leaders, every effort on behalf of peace. #PrayTogether” @Pontifex, 13 February 2022
  • “The Beatitudes declare that those who are poor, who lack many goods, are blessed, or happy. This poverty is also an attitude toward the meaning of life: Jesus’ disciples do not believe they possess it or know everything already. Rather, they know they must learn every day.” @Pontifex, 13 February 2022
  • “Faith is born and reborn: not from a duty, not from something to be done, but from a gaze of love to be welcomed. Christian life thus becomes beautiful, if it is not based on our abilities and our plans, but rather on God’s gaze.” @Pontifex, 14 February 2022
  • “May the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius, witnesses of a Christianity still united and full of zeal for the preaching of the Gospel, help us to persevere on our journey by fostering our fraternal communion in the name of Jesus.” @Pontifex, 14 February 2022
  • ““In old age they will still bear fruit” (Psalms 92:15). I have chosen this theme for the Second World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, to be held on 24 July 2022, to promote dialogue among the generations, especially between grandparents and grandchildren. @LaityFamilyLife” @Pontifex, 15 February 2022
  • “The #elderly should be cared for like a treasure of humanity: they are our wisdom, our memory. It is crucial that grandchildren remain close to their grandparents, who are like roots from which they draw the sap of human and spiritual values. @LaityFamilyLife” @Pontifex, 15 February 2022
  • “It is very important to bring together the wisdom of the #elderly and the enthusiasm of the young. The encounter between grandparents and grandchildren is key, especially in this moment of economic and social crisis that humanity is undergoing. @LaityFamilyLife” @Pontifex, 15 February 2022
  • “I encourage you to ask for the intercession of Saint Joseph precisely at the most difficult times in your life. Where our mistakes become a scandal, let us ask Saint Joseph to give us the courage to speak the truth, ask for forgiveness, and humbly begin again. #GeneralAudience” @Pontifex, 16 February 2022
  • “Fraternal love is a gymnasium of the spirit, where day by day we measure ourselves and test our spiritual life.” @Pontifex, 17 February 2022
  • “Dear priests, these are the signposts that point the way to appreciating and rekindling missionary zeal: closeness to God, to the Bishop, to brother priests, and to the people entrusted to your care. Event@Pontifex, 17 February 2022
  • “Our love for God and neighbor is our passport to heaven. Our earthly possessions are dust that scatters, but the love we share – in our families, at work, in the Church, and in the world – will save us, for it will endure forever.” @Pontifex, 18 February 2022
  • “The Church is a family of brothers and sisters with one Father, who gave us Jesus as our brother, to help us understand how much He loves fraternity. In fact, he wants all humanity to become one universal family. #FrattelliTutti” @Pontifex, 19 February 2022
  • “With the Spirit of Jesus, we can respond to evil with good, we can love those who do us harm. This is what Christians do. How sad it is, when people and populations proud to be Christians see others as enemies and think to wage war against each other!” @Pontifex, 20 February 2022
  • “Turning the other cheek is not the withdrawal of the loser, but the action of one who has a greater inner strength, who defeats evil with good, who opens up a breach in the heart of the enemy, unmasking the absurdity of his hatred. It is dictated not by calculation, but by love.” @Pontifex, 20 February 2022
  • “Pessimism and complaining are not Christian. We were not made to be downcast, but to look up to heaven.” @Pontifex, 21 February 2022
  • “I have chosen as theme for the next World Day of Migrants and Refugees “Building the future with migrants and refugees”, a future according to God’s plan, which we are all called to contribute to. #WDMR2022” @Pontifex, 22 February 2022

Papal Instagram

The Squire of Gothos (TOS) – The Secrets of Star Trek

Was the Squire of Gothos the prototype for Q? Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss the quixotic creature Trelane and how the episode plays with expectations by making the near-omnipotent being an alien child in the end.

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Steven Greer: Summoning Aliens? (CSETI, CE5) – Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World

Dr. Steven Greer for years has led the “Disclosure” movement to have the US government reveal what it knows about extraterrestrials, says he’s conducting diplomacy with aliens on behalf of the human race and says he can summon the peaceful aliens and can teach others to do so as well. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli ask who is Dr. Greer, are the aliens really friendly, and can we really summon aliens?

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Mysterious Headlines

This Episode is Brought to You By:
Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World is brought to you in part through the generous support of Amagara Marungi at Bringing a better life for homelands of missionaries sent to support the Church in the United States.

Aaron Vurgason Electric and Automation at Making Connections for Life for your automation and smart home needs in north and central Florida.

Catechism Class, a dynamic weekly podcast journey through the Catechism of the Catholic Church by Greg and Jennifer Willits. It’s the best book club, coffee talk, and faith study group, all rolled into one. Find it in any podcast directory.

Fiorvento Law, PLLC, specializing in adult guardianships and conservatorships, probate and estate planning matters. Accepting clients throughout Michigan. Taking into account your individual, healthcare, financial and religious needs. Visit

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The Secrets of the Lost Skeleton of Cadavra – The Secrets of Movies and TV Shows

Lost Skeleton is a lovingly crafted homage to the old sci-fi B movies of the 50s, and Dom Bettinelli, Jimmy Akin, and David Handlos have a blast discussing the hilarious script full of quotable lines, the nods to old-style filmmaking, and just how much fun this film will be for the whole family.

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Invaders from Mars – The Secrets of Doctor Who

In this 8th Doctor audio play, Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss how it uses H.G. Wells’ War of the Worlds radio program as a plot element; the old-time radio play production style; and big guest stars like Simon Pegg. Plus how aliens, Nazis, Soviets, and the Mafia come together in one story.

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Will You Take My Hand? (DIS) – The Secrets of Star Trek

The first season of Discovery is complete and Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss what worked and didn’t work in the show’s premiere season; the difficult moral choice presented in the conclusion; and seeing your enemy not as monsters, but as people.

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Our Lady of Kibeho and the Rwandan Genocide – Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World

In 1983, seers at Kibeho, Rwanda, received visions of a barbaric conflict and in the 1990s, almost 1 million people died in the genocide. Then in 2001, the apparitions received official Church approval. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli look at what happened, which visions were genuine, and their significance for us today.

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This Episode is Brought to You By:
Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World is brought to you in part through the generous support of Amagara Marungi at Bringing a better life for homelands of missionaries sent to support the Church in the United States.

Aaron Vurgason Electric and Automation at Making Connections for Life for your automation and smart home needs in north and central Florida.

Catechism Class, a dynamic weekly podcast journey through the Catechism of the Catholic Church by Greg and Jennifer Willits. It’s the best book club, coffee talk, and faith study group, all rolled into one. Find it in any podcast directory.

Fiorvento Law, PLLC, specializing in adult guardianships and conservatorships, probate and estate planning matters. Accepting clients throughout Michigan. Taking into account your individual, healthcare, financial and religious needs. Visit

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