The Weekly Francis – 9 February 2022

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 29 January 2022 to 9 February 2022.


General Audiences




Papal Tweets

  • “I thank all those who act in the conviction that we can live in harmony and peace, conscious of the need for a more fraternal world, inasmuch as all of us are creatures of God: brothers and sisters. #HumanFraternityDay” @Pontifex, 4 February 2022
  • “The path of fraternity is long and challenging, yet it is the anchor of salvation for humanity. Let us counter times of darkness and mindsets of conflict with fraternity. @alimamaltayeb #HumanFraternityDayvatican.vaVideo Message of His Holiness Pope Francis to mark the Second International Day of Human Fraternity@Pontifex, 4 February 2022
  • “God’s grace is offered to everyone; and many who are the least on this earth will be the first in heaven (cf. Mk 10:31).” @Pontifex, 5 February 2022
  • “The other one, happened here in Italy, in Monferrato: John, a Ghanaian boy, 25 years old, a migrant, fell ill with a terrible cancer and wanted to go back home to embrace his father before dying. The whole village took up a collection so that he could die in his father’s arms.” @Pontifex, 6 February 2022
  • “Today is the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation. This practice, unfortunately widespread in various regions of the world, demeans the dignity of women and gravely undermines their physical integrity.” @Pontifex, 6 February 2022
  • “The Lord climbs into the boat of our lives when we have nothing to offer Him; to enter our voids and fill them with His presence; to make use of our miseries to proclaim His mercy. #GospeloftheDay (Lk 5, 1–11)” @Pontifex, 6 February 2022
  • “Often, like Peter in the #GospeloftheDay (Lk 5, 1–11), we experience the disappointment of trying so hard and not seeing the desired results. But it is precisely that empty boat, the symbol of our incapacity, that becomes the pulpit from which Jesus proclaims the Word.” @Pontifex, 6 February 2022
  • “Amid so much bad news, there are good things. Today I would like to mention two: one, in Morocco, where an entire people worked to save a child, Rayan. thank you to these people for their witness.” @Pontifex, 6 February 2022
  • “Oggi si celebra la Giornata internazionale contro le mutilazioni genitali femminili. Questa pratica, purtroppo diffusa in diverse regioni del mondo, umilia la dignità della donna e attenta gravemente alla sua integrità fisica.” @Pontifex, 6 February 2022
  • “The crisis of faith, in our lives and in our societies, has to do with the eclipse of desire for God, with the habit of being content to live from day to day, without ever asking what God really wants from us. We have forgotten to lift our eyes to heaven.” @Pontifex, 7 February 2022
  • “To caress an elderly person expresses the same hope as caressing a child, because the beginning of life and the end are always a mystery, a mystery that should be respected, accompanied, cared for, loved.” @Pontifex, 9 February 2022
  • “Human trafficking is violence! The violence suffered by every woman and girl is an open wound on the body of Christ, on the body of all humanity, a deep wound that affects every one of us too. Video Message of the Holy Father to the participants in the World Day of Prayer, Reflection and…@Pontifex, 9 February 2022
  • “Today, Feast of Saint Bakhita, #LetsPrayTogether for the victims of human trafficking, a crime that primarily affects women and girls. Let’s work together for an economy of care and to eliminate all inequalities. #PrayAgainstTrafficking” @Pontifex, 9 February 2022
  • “It makes no sense to accumulate if one day we will die. What we must accumulate is love, and the ability to share, the ability not to remain indifferent when faced with the needs of others. #GeneralAudience” @Pontifex, 9 February 2022
  • “Let us continue to implore the God of peace that tensions and threats of war be overcome through serious dialogue. Let’s not forget: war is madness!” @Pontifex, 9 February 2022

Papal Instagram

Nightmare in Silver – The Secrets of Doctor Who

Creepy amusement park filler with Cybermen? Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha talk about this 11th Doctor story that brings back this classic enemy, but upgrades them; talk about Warwick Davis’s guest role; and the Doctor’s antics fighting against an evil version of himself.

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A Moral Star, Part 2 (PRO) – The Secrets of Star Trek

With the mid-season finale of Star Trek: Prodigy’s first season, Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss the answers received to the show’s questions, what questions remain, and the surprising depth for a show aimed at children.

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Our Lady of Kibeho (Marian Apparition) – Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World

In 1981, a group of children in Rwanda began reporting visions of the Virgin Mary. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss her assurances of God’s love and warnings of a terrible disaster; what the girls reported to have seen and heard; and the results of the Church’s investigations, including warnings for believers.

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This Episode is Brought to You By:
Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World is brought to you in part through the generous support of Amagara Marungi at Bringing a better life for homelands of missionaries sent to support the Church in the United States.

Aaron Vurgason Electric and Automation at Making Connections for Life for your automation and smart home needs in north and central Florida.

Catechism Class, a dynamic weekly podcast journey through the Catechism of the Catholic Church by Greg and Jennifer Willits. It’s the best book club, coffee talk, and faith study group, all rolled into one. Find it in any podcast directory.

Fiorvento Law, PLLC, specializing in adult guardianships and conservatorships, probate and estate planning matters. Accepting clients throughout Michigan. Taking into account your individual, healthcare, financial and religious needs. Visit

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The Weekly Francis – 2 February 2022

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 21 January 2022 to 2 February 2022.


General Audiences



Papal Tweets

  • “Today is International Holocaust Remembrance Day. It is necessary to foster in the new generations an awareness of the horror of this black page of history, so that we can build a future where human dignity is no longer trampled underfoot.” @Pontifex, 27 January 2022
  • “Consistent #prayer produces progressive transformation, makes us strong in times of tribulation, gives us the grace to be supported by Him who loves us and always protects us.” @Pontifex, 28 January 2022
  • “Do not judge, Christ tells us. How many times do we not only pass along gossip or rumours, but consider ourselves justified when we are harsh in our judgement of others. We can be indulgent with ourselves, but inflexible with others.” @Pontifex, 29 January 2022
  • “Jesus goes the way of the prophets: he presents himself as we would not expect.He is not found by those who seek miracles, new sensations, a faith made up of power and external signs.He is found instead by those who accept his ways and his challenges. #GospelOfTheDay (Lk 4:21–30)” @Pontifex, 30 January 2022
  • “On World Leprosy Day #LetsPrayTogether for those who suffer from this disease, that they may never lack spiritual support and health assistance. It is necessary to work together for their full integration.” @Pontifex, 30 January 2022
  • “Saint John Bosco, father and teacher of the young, did not shut himself up in the sacristy. He went out into the streets to look for young people, with the creativity that was his hallmark.” @Pontifex, 31 January 2022
  • “Faith is not water that extinguishes flames, it is fire that burns; it is not a tranquilizer for people under stress, it is a love story for people in love! That is why Jesus above all else detests lukewarmness (cf. Rev 3:16).” @Pontifex, 31 January 2022
  • “Today the Lunar New Year will be celebrated in the Far East. I hope that in the New Year everyone may enjoy peace, health and a peaceful and secure life.” @Pontifex, 1 February 2022
  • “Sincere and humble worship of God bears fruit not in discrimination, hatred and violence, but in respect for the sacredness of life, respect for the dignity and freedom of others, and loving commitment to the welfare of all. #WIWH #FratelliTutti” @Pontifex, 1 February 2022
  • “Let us #PrayTogether for religious sisters and consecrated women, thanking them for their mission and their courage; may they continue to find new responses to the challenges of our times. #PrayerIntention” @Pontifex, 1 February 2022
  • “Today is not so much the time for persuasive and convincing discourses; it is above all the time for witness because, while apologia divides, the beauty of life attracts. Be witnesses who attract!” @Pontifex, 2 February 2022
  • “On the feast of the #PresentationOfTheLord in the temple, we present ourselves to God with purified spirits, so that our eyes might see the light of salvation and we might thus bring it to the entire world, as the Saints did.” @Pontifex, 2 February 2022
  • “The saints are friends with whom we can grow in friendship. We all need friends who can help us deal with life. This is the trust which enlivens us when we turn to the saints in the decisive moments of our lives. #GeneralAudience” @Pontifex, 2 February 2022
  • “We painfully witness the violence bloodying #Myanmar. I join in the appeal of Myanmar’s Bishops urging the international community to work toward reconciliation between the interested parties. Let us #PrayTogether entrusting to God our efforts for peace.” @Pontifex, 2 February 2022
  • “You are in the world to witness that it is beloved and blessed by God. You are consecrated for the world, which awaits your testimony to achieve a freedom that gives joy, nourishes hope, and prepares the future.” @Pontifex, 2 February 2022
  • “With baptism, we belong to Christ. We are rooted in an everlasting communion with God and each other. Baptism is the source of every form of consecrated, and also the strength to separate us from worldliness.” @Pontifex, 2 February 2022
  • “We at times risk seeing our consecration only in terms of results, goals and success. The Spirit, on the other hand, asks for none of this. He wants us to cultivate daily fidelity, attentive to the little things entrusted to our care. #ConsecratedLife” @Pontifex, 2 February 2022

Papal Instagram

Ghost Light – The Secrets of Doctor Who

The 7th Doctor continues his dark turn with Ace. Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha talk about the Victorian horror story with a scifi twist and dig into why the Doctor is putting Ace through some harrowing adventures involving some of her worst memories.

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A Moral Star, Part 1 (PRO) – The Secrets of Star Trek

As Prodigy approaches its first season midpoint, Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss how the Prodigy crew has matured during its time together; appreciate the caper plot that is set up for resolution next time; and look at the mystery of The Diviner and his quest.

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Bill Ray, Dramatic Remote Viewing Experiences (Aliens, UFOs, Ark of the Covenant, Roswell, Star Gate, Stargate) – Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World

In this second part of Jimmy Akin’s interview with former US Army psychic spy Maj. Bill Ray of Project Star Gate, he hears about some of Bill’s most dramatic Remote Viewing experiences, including RV of aliens, UFOs, Roswell, and the Ark of Covenant.

Help us continue to offer Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World. Won’t you make a pledge at today?

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Mysterious Headlines

This Episode is Brought to You By:
Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World is brought to you in part through the generous support of Aaron Vurgason Electric and Automation at Making Connections for Life for your automation and smart home needs in north and central Florida.

Catechism Class, a dynamic weekly podcast journey through the Catechism of the Catholic Church by Greg and Jennifer Willits. It’s the best book club, coffee talk, and faith study group, all rolled into one. Find it in any podcast directory.

Fiorvento Law, PLLC, specializing in adult guardianships and conservatorships, probate and estate planning matters. Accepting clients throughout Michigan. Taking into account your individual, healthcare, financial and religious needs. Visit

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The Weekly Francis – 26 January 2022

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 20 January 2022 to 26 January 2022.


General Audiences




Papal Tweets

  • “The unity for which Jesus prayed, which certainly demands mature freedom born of firm decisions, endurance and sacrifice, is the reason for the world to believe. #Prayer #ChristianUnity” @Pontifex, 21 January 2022
  • “The Word brings us close to God. Let us carry it with us always, in a place where we can remember to open it daily, so that amid all those words that ring in our ears, there may also be a few verses of the #WordOfGod that can touch our hearts.” @Pontifex, 21 January 2022
  • “#ChristianUnity is not attained so much by agreement about some shared value, but by doing something concrete together for those who bring us closest to the Lord: the poor, for in them Jesus is present (Mt 25:40). Sharing in works of charity helps us make greater progress.” @Pontifex, 22 January 2022
  • “Let us ask the Lord for the strength to turn off the television and open the Bible, to turn off our cell phone and open the Gospel. It will make us feel God’s closeness to us and fill us with courage as we make our way through life. #WordOfGod” @Pontifex, 22 January 2022
  • “I am following with concern the increase of tensions that threaten to inflict a new blow to peace in Ukraine and call into question the security of the European Continent. Therefore, I propose that next Wednesday, 26 January be a day of prayer for peace.” @Pontifex, 23 January 2022
  • “The Word of God is the beacon that guides the synodal journey that has begun throughout the Church. As we strive to listen to each other, with attention and discernment, let us listen together to the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. #Synod” @Pontifex, 23 January 2022
  • “By the power of the Holy Spirit, the Word of God has come to dwell among us and it desires to continue to dwell in our midst, in order to fulfil our expectations and to heal our wounds. #SundayoftheWord Homily@Pontifex, 23 January 2022
  • “The word of God nurtures and renews faith: let us put it back at the centre of our prayer and our spiritual life! #SundayoftheWord” @Pontifex, 23 January 2022
  • “At the heart of the life of God’s holy people and our journey of faith are not ourselves and our own words. At its heart is God and his word. #SundayoftheWord” @Pontifex, 23 January 2022
  • “It is only by paying attention to whom we listen, to what we listen, and to how we listen that we can grow in the art of communicating, the heart of which is not a theory or a technique, but the openness of heart that makes closeness posible. #WCD Message@Pontifex, 24 January 2022
  • “We have set out on a journey led by God’s kindly light that dissipates the darkness of division and directs our journey towards unity. The world needs God’s light, and that light shines only in love, in communion and in fraternity.” @Pontifex, 24 January 2022
  • “Let us progress together in seeking God boldly and in concrete ways. Let us keep our gaze ever fixed on Christ (Heb 12.2) and remain close to one another in #prayer. #ChristianUnity” @Pontifex, 25 January 2022
  • “Like Saul before his encounter with Christ, we need to change course, to invert the route of our habits and our ways, in order to find the path that the Lord points out to us: the path of humility, fraternity and adoration. #ChristianUnity” @Pontifex, 25 January 2022
  • “O Lord, grant us the courage to change course, to be converted, to follow your will and not our own; to go forward together, towards you, who by your Spirit wish to make us one. #ChristianUnity Homily@Pontifex, 25 January 2022
  • “Today I ask you to pray for peace in #Ukraine: Let us ask the Lord to grant that the country may grow in the spirit of brotherhood, and that divisions will be overcome. May the prayers that today rise up to heaven touch the minds and hearts of world leaders.” @Pontifex, 26 January 2022

Papal Instagram

The Crimson Horror – The Secrets of Doctor Who

The 11th Doctor in Victorian horror! Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss the Doctor and Clara’s team up with the Paternoster Gang against Dame Diana Rigg’s villain; what optograms are; and Matt Smith’s Yorkshire accent.

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