Tim J here.
I like to tune in to MTV occasionally, just to keep an eye on what’s current, you know… ordinarily, its pretty desolate. Not much in the way of creativity or beauty or even talent.
– Begin Aside… I don’t see how viewers are supposed to tell one Hip-Hop video/song from another. They all have the same theme; I am better than you because I drink "X", I drive a "Y" and I have a bigger ammo clip to go in my "Z". I also have more bling, more (ahem) etc. than you.
They all have the same fly girls. The posse straight out of central casting.
Okay, does this remind anyone of Disco? Wasn’t there a big disco backlash because (almost) everyone got tired of the shallowness, the gold chains, the slimy sexuality? Granted, what we got in its place was Hair Metal, but at least there was a healthy disillusionment with the overblown worldliness of the whole disco scene. Remember "Disco Sucks" shirts? Anyone remember the Insane Coho Lips? I think another backlash is overdue. Hip Hop sucks. – Aside Over.
Once in a while, though, I run across something of interest. I saw a video the other day by Pink that actually gave me some genuine belly laughs. It’s called "Stupid Girl" and is a send-up of the ditzy, over-sexualized, pampered, shallow, anorexic female stereotypes that so pervasively confront our kids in the media. I generally like well-done parodies, and I really enjoyed this one.
But, Pink is only half right. It appears she has bought in to the brand of radical feminism that says the best way to find your true womanhood is to think, talk and act like a man. So, rather than presenting a sane alternative to the Bratz doll image of femininity, Pink seems to think that girls should… play more football? Wear Vans? What if you’re not into that, either? What if you just want to be a normal girl?
As much as Hair Metal and Punk were a reaction against Disco, the Thong Generation is a reaction against Radical Feminism. Gender will out, no matter what Patricia Ireland says. All the tiny tees, clingy skirts, frilly undies and makeup are a misguided but natural response to the attempted forcible negation of true womanhood in the culture. I would wager that most girls really don’t mind being girls.
For decades, girls have been taught how stupid (if not evil) men are, and then they are taught that if they want to really be a success in life, they should act more like men.
Pink is no role model for young Catholic girls, either (she has her own issues), but her parody of Paris Hilton femininity is spot on. Too bad she can’t see the forest for the trees right now, but she may be on the right track.
VISIT PINK’S SITE & PLAY THE VIDEO. (Warning: Pink is not a nice Catholic girl, or a role model for same. The video conatins language and images that may offend some viewers).