The Weekly Francis – 06 December 2018

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 4 September 2018 to 6 December 2018.


Daily Homilies (fervorinos)

General Audiences



Papal Tweets

  • “Let us ask the Lord for the grace to leave everything in order to go forward in proclamation and witness, just as Peter and Andrew did. #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 29 November 2018
  • “There is no such thing as the perfect family. Only by the daily exercise of forgiveness can a family grow.” @Pontifex 1 December 2018
  • “Advent is the time to welcome the Lord who comes to meet us, the time to look ahead, and to prepare ourselves for Christ’s return. #Advent” @Pontifex 2 December 2018
  • “Let us lift the veil of indifference that weighs on the destiny of those who suffer. Nobody can wash their hands when faced with the tragic reality of modern slavery. #EndSlavery” @Pontifex 2 December 2018
  • “So many persons with disabilities and difficulties reopen their hearts to life when they realize they are loved! And how much love can flow from a heart thanks to the remedy of a smile! #WorldDisabilityDay” @Pontifex 3 December 2018
  • “Advent is a time for renewing the faith, for purifying it, so that it can be more authentic. #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 3 December 2018
  • “This Advent, make yourself small, make yourself humble, make yourself a servant of others, and the Lord will give you the ability to understand how to make peace. #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 4 December 2018
  • “The beginning of faith is feeling the need for salvation: this is the way that prepares us to meet Jesus.” @Pontifex 5 December 2018
  • ““Saying or doing?” Am I a Christian of words or deeds? “Sand and rock?” Am I building my life on the rock of God, or on the sand of worldliness? “High or low?” Is my life inspired by the Magnificat? #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 6 December 2018
  • “Video – The Pope’s Prayer Intentions” @Pontifex 6 December 2018

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The Weekly Francis – 29 November 2018

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 18 November 2018 to 29 November 2018.


General Audiences




Papal Tweets

  • “May the Virgin Mary help us joyfully follow Jesus on the way of service, the royal road that leads to Heaven.” @Pontifex 21 November 2018
  • “In the eyes of God human life is precious, sacred and inviolable. No one can despise the lives of others or one’s own life.” @Pontifex 22 November 2018
  • “Men and women bear God’s image within and are the object of His infinite love, in whatever condition they were called into existence.” @Pontifex 23 November 2018
  • “None of us can survive without mercy. We all have need for forgiveness.” @Pontifex 24 November 2018
  • “While the great ones of the Earth build themselves ‘thrones’ for their own power, God chooses an uncomfortable throne, the cross, from which to reign by giving his life.” @Pontifex 25 November 2018
  • “Let us ask the Lord for the grace of being generous, so that our hearts may be opened and we may become kinder. #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 26 November 2018
  • “This week the Church invites us to ask ourselves: what state do I want the Lord to find me in when He calls? #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 27 November 2018
  • “We cannot truly follow Jesus when we are weighed down by things, because if the heart is crowded with other goods, there will be no room for the Lord, who will become just one thing among others.” @Pontifex 28 November 2018
  • “Faced with the tragedies of life, we are called to look to the horizon, because we have been redeemed and the Lord will come to save us. #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 29 November 2018

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The Weekly Francis – 21 November 2018

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 1 May 2018 to 21 November 2018.


General Audiences





Papal Tweets

  • “Do not follow Jesus only when you feel like it, rather, seek Him every day. Find in Him the God who loves you always, the meaning of your life and the strength to give of yourself.” @Pontifex 16 November 2018
  • “Nobody can delude themselves by thinking, “I’m fine because I’m not doing anything wrong”. To be a follower of Jesus it is not enough not to do wrong, because there is good that we must do!” @Pontifex 17 November 2018
  • “Let us ask for the grace to open our eyes and hearts to the poor in order to hear their cry and recognize their needs. #WorldDayofthePoor–2018.html …” @Pontifex 18 November 2018
  • “You cannot love only as long as it is “advantageous”. Love manifests itself when it goes beyond one’s own self-interest, and when it is given without reservation.” @Pontifex 19 November 2018
  • “Faithfulness is the characteristic of free, mature and responsible human relationships.” @Pontifex 20 November 2018
  • “Since today is World Fisheries Day, let us pray for all seafarers and advocate for a global commitment to stop human trafficking and forced labor in the fishing industry. #WorldFisheriesDay” @Pontifex 21 November 2018
  • “May the Virgin Mary help us joyfully follow Jesus on the way of service, the royal road that leads to Heaven.” @Pontifex 21 November 2018

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The Weekly Francis

The Weekly Francis – 15 November 2018

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 15 October 2018 to 15 November 2018.


General Audiences




Papal Tweets

  • “Where there is sin there is also the merciful Lord God who forgives if you go to Him. #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 9 November 2018
  • “The scientific community today is called to establish a leadership that offers solutions for the sustainable and integral development of all peoples, which is indispensable for building peace. #WorldScienceDay” @Pontifex 10 November 2018
  • “ Sunday is a holy day for us, sanctified by the celebration of the Eucharist, which is the living presence of the Lord among us and for us. #sundaymass” @Pontifex 11 November 2018
  • “Let us pray today for bishops so that they may always be what Saint Paul calls them to be: humble, gentle, servants. #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 12 November 2018
  • “The first step to knowing Jesus Christ is to recognize our own poverty and our need to be saved.” @Pontifex 13 November 2018
  • “Jesus is not pleased with a “percentage of love”: we cannot love him at twenty, fifty or sixty percent. It’s all or nothing.” @Pontifex 14 November 2018
  • ““The Kingdom of God is in your midst.” It is not spectacular. It grows in silence, in hiding, through witness, prayer, and the attraction of the Spirit. #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 15 November 2018

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The Weekly Francis – 08 November 2018

pope-francis2This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 27 October 2018 to 8 November 2018.


General Audiences




Papal Tweets

  • “Jesus made it so death does not have the last word: those who believe in Him will be transfigured by the Father’s merciful love for an eternal and blessed life.” @Pontifex 2 November 2018
  • “God is faithful and our hope in Him is like a fixed anchor in heaven.” @Pontifex 3 November 2018
  • “Sunday Mass is at the heart of the Church’s life. There we encounter the Risen Lord, we listen to His Word, we are nourished at His table, and thus we become Church. #sundaymass” @Pontifex 4 November 2018
  • “Jesus loved us freely. Christian life is imitating Jesus’ free love. #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 5 November 2018
  • “Let us commit ourselves with prayer and action to distance our hearts, our words and our deeds from all violence in order to take care of our common home.” @Pontifex 6 November 2018
  • “Jesus invites us to celebrate with Him, to be close to Him, to change our lives. #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 6 November 2018
  • “Video” @Pontifex 6 November 2018
  • “Praying means knocking at the door of a friend. God is our friend.” @Pontifex 7 November 2018
  • “May the Lord help us understand the logic of the Gospel, that of mercy with bearing witness. #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 8 November 2018

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The Weekly Francis – 01 November 2018

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 27 September 2018 to 1 November 2018.


General Audiences




Papal Tweets

  • “Health is not a consumer good, but a universal right: let us unite our efforts so that health services are available to all. #HealthForAll” @Pontifex 25 October 2018
  • “It would be wonderful if, every day, at some moment, we could say: ”Lord, let me know you and let me know myself“. #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 25 October 2018
  • “Saint Paul gives us very practical advice about preserving unity: ”Bear with one another in love“. #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 26 October 2018
  • “You will build the future, with your hands, with your heart, with your love, with your passions, with your dreams. Together with others.” @Pontifex 27 October 2018
  • “I would like to say to the young people: forgive us if often we have not listened to you, if, instead of opening our hearts, we have filled your ears. #Synod2018 …” @Pontifex 28 October 2018
  • “Faith is life: it is living in the love of God who has changed our lives. Faith has to do with encounter, not theory. #Synod2018 …” @Pontifex 28 October 2018
  • “To all of you who have taken part in this “journey together”, I say “thank you”. May the Lord bless our steps, so that we can listen to young people, be their neighbours, and bear witness before them to Jesus, the joy of our lives. #Synod2018 …” @Pontifex 28 October 2018
  • “We are called to listen to what the Spirit tells us. The Holy Spirit is always something new.” @Pontifex 29 October 2018
  • “If you want to listen to the Lord’s voice, set out on the journey, live out your search. The Lord speaks to those who search.” @Pontifex 30 October 2018
  • “We need smiling Christians, not because they take things lightly, but because they are filled with the joy of God, because they believe in love and live to serve.” @Pontifex 31 October 2018
  • “Today we celebrate the feast of holiness. Let us strengthen the bonds of love and communion with all the Saints who are already in God’s presence.” @Pontifex 1 November 2018

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The Weekly Francis – 24 October 2018


This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 12 October 2018 to 24 October 2018.


General Audiences


Papal Tweets

  • “The road of the disciple is one of poverty. Disciples are poor because their richness is Jesus. #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 18 October 2018
  • “The leaven of Christians is the Holy Spirit that allows us to grow amidst the difficulties of the journey, but always with hope. #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 19 October 2018
  • “God can act in any circumstance, even in the midst of apparent defeat.” @Pontifex 20 October 2018
  • “The transmission of the faith, heart of the Church’s mission, comes about by the ”infectiousness“ of love. #Missio …” @Pontifex 21 October 2018
  • “Join Caritas and walk 1 million kilometres together with migrants & refugees. We are all on the Road to Emmaus being called to see the face of Christ. #sharejourney” @Pontifex 21 October 2018
  • “The company of the saints helps us to recognize that God never abandons us, so that we can live and bear witness to hope on this earth.” @Pontifex 22 October 2018
  • “Hope is not an idea, it is an encounter; like the woman waiting to meet the child who will be born from her womb. #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 23 October 2018
  • “This Synod is intended to be a sign of the Church that truly listens and that doesn’t always have a ready-made answer. #Synod2018” @Pontifex 24 October 2018

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The Weekly Francis – 17 October 2018


This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 20 September 2018 to 17 October 2018.


General Audiences




Papal Tweets

  • “In a decisive moment of his youth, Saint Francis of Assisi read the Gospel. Still today the Gospel lets you know the living Jesus, it speaks to your heart and it changes your life.” @Pontifex 4 October 2018
  • “Let us ask the Holy Spirit to throw open the doors of our hearts so that Jesus can enter and bring us His message of salvation. #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 5 October 2018
  • “We ask the Lord for the gifts of dialogue and patience, of the closeness and welcome that loves, pardons and doesn’t condemn.” @Pontifex 6 October 2018
  • “#OurLadyOfTheRosary #PrayForTheChurch Video” @Pontifex 7 October 2018
  • “Each of us is the wounded man, and the Good Samaritan is Jesus, who approached us and took care of us. #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 8 October 2018
  • “Spend time before the Lord in contemplation, and do everything possible for the Lord at the service of others. Contemplation and service: this is our path of life. #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 9 October 2018
  • “The newness of the Gospel transfigures us inside and out: spirit, soul, body, and everyday life.” @Pontifex 10 October 2018
  • “Praying is not like using a magic wand. Prayer requires commitment, constancy and determination. #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 11 October 2018
  • “What is worse: the recognizable demon that pushes you to sin so that you feel ashamed, or the well-mannered demon that lives within you and possesses you with the spirit of worldliness? #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 12 October 2018
  • “Let us defend ourselves from the risk of being actors rather than witnesses. We are called to be living memory of the Lord.” @Pontifex 13 October 2018
  • “The world needs saints, and all of us, without exception, are called to holiness. We are not afraid!” @Pontifex 14 October 2018
  • “Video – Pope’s Prayer Intentions” @Pontifex 15 October 2018
  • “Open your heart and let the Lord’s grace enter in. Salvation is a gift, not a way of presenting yourself outwardly. #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 16 October 2018
  • “When we listen to the Word of God, we obtain the courage and perseverance to offer the best of ourselves to others.” @Pontifex 17 October 2018

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The Weekly Francis – 03 October 2018


This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 25 September 2018 to 3 October 2018.




Papal Tweets

  • “I hope that a new phase may open up in China, that will help to heal the wounds of the past, restore and maintain full communiion with all Chinese Catholics, and take up the proclamation of the Gospel with renewed commitment. …” @Pontifex 26 September 2018
  • “Jesus gave us a simple programme for journeying towards holiness: the commandment of love for God and our neighbo” @Pontifex 27 September 2018
  • “Life becomes more beautiful when we discover that our spirit finds rest in God alone.” @Pontifex 28 September 2018
  • “St Michael, help us to fight for our salvation. St Gabriel, bring us the Good News that gives hope. St Raphael, protect us on our journey.” @Pontifex 29 September 2018
  • “Sunday is the day to say to God: thank you Lord, for life, for your mercy, and for all your gifts!” @Pontifex 30 September 2018
  • “The holy anxiety for the Gospel is the only anxiety that gives peace.” @Pontifex 1 October 2018
  • “We fly to Thy protection, O Holy Mother of God. Do not despise our petitions in our necessities, but deliver us always from all dangers, O Glorious and Blessed Virgin. #PrayForTheChurch” @Pontifex 1 October 2018
  • “The presence of our Guardian Angel in our life is not just to assist us along the journey, but to show us where we need to go. #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 2 October 2018
  • “We ask for the grace to listen to one another, in order to discern together what the Lord is asking of His Church. #Synod2018” @Pontifex 3 October 2018

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The Weekly Francis – 27 September 2018


This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 9 September 2018 to 26 September 2018.


General Audiences





Papal Tweets

  • “When I am merciful, I am a true child of the Father, because the Father is merciful. #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 13 September 2018
  • “Today the Church invites us to contemplate the Cross of Our Lord. Contemplating the Cross for us Christians means contemplating both a sign of defeat and a sign of victory. #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 14 September 2018
  • “In the suffering that ecclesial wounds cause us, we embrace the Cross of Christ, because evil can only be opposed with love.” @Pontifex 14 September 2018
  • “Only by giving our life do we conquer evil. This is what Don Pino Puglisi teaches: he lived to spread goodness.” @Pontifex 15 September 2018
  • “Let us deal with climate change through international cooperation: each person’s choices have repercussions on the life of everyone.” @Pontifex 16 September 2018
  • “It takes effort to always do good… The road to holiness is not for the lazy!” @Pontifex 17 September 2018
  • “Meek and humble of heart, close to the people, with compassion, with meekness and tenderness. This is Jesus. #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 18 September 2018
  • “Goodness is loving and never imposes itself. It is a choice.” @Pontifex 19 September 2018
  • “We ask that Jesus protect our Church always, that He protect Her with His mercy, granting each one of us His forgiveness. #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 20 September 2018
  • “If you want to reach the heart of God, take the way of mercy, and allow yourself to be treated with mercy. #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 21 September 2018
  • “Peace is a choice: it cannot be imposed and it isn’t found by chance.” @Pontifex 21 September 2018
  • “The witness of St Padre Pio of Pietrelcina encourages us to live the Beatitudes through prayer and works of mercy.” @Pontifex 23 September 2018
  • “Let us offer our lives in service and in joy, to make known to everyone that Jesus Christ is our only hope!” @Pontifex 23 September 2018
  • “Let us allow the Holy Spirit to clothe us with the weapons of dialogue, understanding, the search for mutual respect and fellowship!” @Pontifex 24 September 2018
  • “The Lord draws good out of evil through His power and His infinite creativity.” @Pontifex 25 September 2018
  • “Let us pray that programmes for development may predominate in the world, and not those for weapons.” @Pontifex 26 September 2018
  • “I hope that a new phase may open up in China, that will help to heal the wounds of the past, restore and maintain full communiion with all Chinese Catholics, and take up the proclamation of the Gospel with renewed commitment. …” @Pontifex 26 September 2018

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