The Weekly Francis – 20 March 2019

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 31 January 2019 to 20 March 2019.


Daily Homilies (fervorinos)



Papal Tweets

  • “#Lent is a reminder to stop, to return to the essential, to fast from all that is superfluous and distracting. It is a wake-up call for the spirit.” @Pontifex 16 March 2019
  • “#Lent is a journey of returning to the essential, during which the Lord asks us to follow three steps: almsgiving, prayer, and fasting.” @Pontifex 17 March 2019
  • “I pray for the victims of the horrible attack against two mosques in #Christchurch, New Zealand. I renew my invitation for prayer and gestures of peace to combat hatred and violence.” @Pontifex 17 March 2019
  • “How do we not judge, not condemn, and forgive? ”Give and it will be given to you“: be generous in giving. Not only material alms, but spiritual alms too: spend time with someone in need, visit someone who is sick, offer a smile. #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 18 March 2019
  • “Saint Joseph, spouse of the Virgin Mary, watch over the whole Church always, and protect Her in every moment.” @Pontifex 19 March 2019
  • “#Lent is rediscovering that we are made for the flame that always burns: for God, for the eternity of Heaven, and not for the world.” @Pontifex 20 March 2019
  • “I express my sorrow and closeness to the dear people of Mozambique, Zimbabwe, and Malawi, affected by Cyclone Idai. I entrust the many victims and their families to the mercy of God. #PrayForAfrica #cycloneIdai” @Pontifex 20 March 2019

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The Weekly Francis – 07 March 2019

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 5 January 2017 to 7 March 2019.


General Audiences




Papal Tweets

  • “Let’s take a little time every day to examine our conscience, to convert to the Lord. Five minutes at the end of each day will help us think about a change of heart and conversion to the Lord, without procrastination. #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 28 February 2019
  • “In order to pray well, we need to have the heart of a child.” @Pontifex 1 March 2019
  • “Sometimes we may feel we are alone in facing difficulties. But, even if He doesn’t intervene immediately, the Lord walks by our side and, if we keep going forward, He will open up a new path.” @Pontifex 2 March 2019
  • “Let us hear the cry of the earth, wounded in a thousand ways by human greed. Let us allow her to remain a welcoming home, in which no one feels excluded. #WorldWildlifeDay” @Pontifex 3 March 2019
  • “Prayer gives consistency and vitality to everything we do.” @Pontifex 4 March 2019
  • “Video” @Pontifex 5 March 2019
  • “The Lenten journey begins today, Ash Wednesday. I invite each of you to live this time in an authentic spirit of penance and conversion, like a return to the Father, who awaits us all with open arms.” @Pontifex 6 March 2019
  • “At the beginning of Lent, it would do us good to ask for the grace to preserve the memory of all that the Lord has done in our lives, of how He has loved us. #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 7 March 2019

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The Weekly Francis – 27 February 2019

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 4 October 2018 to 27 February 2019.


General Audiences



Papal Tweets

  • “Let us ask the Holy Spirit to sustain us during these days and to help us transform this evil into an opportunity for awareness and purification. #PBC2019” @Pontifex 21 February 2019
  • “Lord, you know how we resist placing the sufferings of others in our heart. Open our hearts and shape them in your image. #PBC2019” @Pontifex 21 February 2019
  • “Lord, deliver us from the temptation to want to save ourselves, and our reputations; help us to acknowledge our guilt and to seek humble and concrete answers together, and in communion with all the People of God. #PBC2019” @Pontifex 22 February 2019
  • “Lord, focus our gaze on what is essential, make us strip ourselves of everything that does not help to make the Gospel of Jesus Christ transparent. #PBC2019” @Pontifex 23 February 2019
  • “Every abuse is an atrocity. In people’s justified anger, the Church sees the reflection of the wrath of God. It is our duty to listen attentively to this silent cry. #PBC2019 …” @Pontifex 24 February 2019
  • “God’s love is the only power capable of making all things new.” @Pontifex 25 February 2019
  • “Religious life consists in loving God with all your heart, and your neighbour as yourself.” @Pontifex 26 February 2019
  • “If you believe in God you must try to live justly with everyone, according to the golden rule: “Do to others whatever you would have them do to you” (Mt 7,12).” @Pontifex 27 February 2019

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The Weekly Francis – 13 February 2019

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 8 January 2019 to 10 February 2019.


Daily Homilies (fervorinos)

General Audiences



Papal Instagram

The Weekly Francis – 30 January 2019

The Weekly Francis – 30 January 2019

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 17 January 2019 to 30 January 2019.




Moto Proprio


Papal Tweets

  • “This is the network we want, a network created not to entrap, but to liberate, to protect a communion of people who are free. …” @Pontifex 24 January 2019
  • “What prompts us to encounter each other in this WYD? The certainty of knowing that we have been loved with a profound love that we neither can nor want to keep quiet about a love that challenges us to respond in the same way: with love. #Panama2019” @Pontifex 24 January 2019
  • “In this WYD #Panama2019 I invite you to pray all together the Holy Rosary for Peace through @clicktoprayapp.” @Pontifex 24 January 2019
  • “Friends, Jesus teaches us to believe. Seek out and listen to the voices that encourage you to look ahead, not those that pull you down. #Panama2019” @Pontifex 25 January 2019
  • “Let us not quench our thirst with just any water but with the “spring of water welling up to eternal life”. #Panama2019” @Pontifex 26 January 2019
  • “With her “yes”, Mary became the most influential woman in history. Without social networks, she became the first “influencer”: the “influencer” of God. #Panama2019” @Pontifex 26 January 2019
  • “Only what is loved can be saved. Only what is embraced can be transformed. #Panama2019” @Pontifex 27 January 2019
  • “Let us not forget the victims of the Holocaust. Their unspeakable suffering continues to cry out to humanity: We are all brothers and sisters! #RemembranceDay” @Pontifex 27 January 2019
  • “To you, dear young people, a big “thank you” for #Panama2019. Keep walking. Keep living the faith and sharing it. See you in Lisbon in 2022!” @Pontifex 27 January 2019
  • “Here in Panama, I have thought a lot about the Venezuelan people, to whom I feel particularly united in these days. In the face of the serious ongoing situation, I ask you to pray that a just and peaceful solution may be reached.” @Pontifex 27 January 2019
  • “Let us pray for the victims of the terrorist attack on the Cathedral of Jolo, in the Philippines. May the Lord, Prince of Peace, convert the hearts of the violent, and grant the inhabitants of that region a peaceful coexistence.” @Pontifex 27 January 2019
  • “Go forth and bear witness to what you have seen and heard, not with lots of words but with simple, daily actions. I don’t know if I’ll be present at the next WYD, but Peter will certainly be there, and he will confirm you in the faith. #Panama2019” @Pontifex 27 January 2019
  • “I thank God for having given us the opportunity to share these days together and to experience once more this World Youth Day. My thanks go to all those who have supported us with their prayers, and who have helped by their efforts and hard work! #Panama2019” @Pontifex 27 January 2019
  • “Meekness and tenderness: these human virtues seem small, but they can overcome the most difficult conflicts.” @Pontifex 29 January 2019
  • “The secret to navigating life well is to invite Jesus on board. The helm of life should be given to Him, so that He can direct the route.” @Pontifex 30 January 2019

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The Weekly Francis – 23 January 2019

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 21 November 2018 to 23 January 2019.


General Audiences




Papal Tweets

  • “Let us be careful not to have a perverse heart that leads to cowardice; an obstinate heart that leads to being shut off; a heart that is slave to the seduction that leads to a Christian life of compromise. #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 17 January 2019
  • “Today marks the beginning of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity: all of us are asked to implore from God this great gift.” @Pontifex 18 January 2019
  • “Prayer from a humble heart is heard by God.” @Pontifex 19 January 2019
  • “What will remain on the threshold of eternity is not how much we earned, but how much we gave away.” @Pontifex 20 January 2019
  • “The Christian way is that of the Beatitudes: meekness, humility, patience in suffering, love for justice, ability to endure persecution, not judging others… #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 21 January 2019
  • “Saying “yes” to God’s love is the first step to being happy, and to making many other people happy.” @Pontifex 22 January 2019
  • “I am leaving for the World Youth Day in Panama. I ask you to pray for this very beautiful and important event on the path of the Church.” @Pontifex 23 January 2019

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The Weekly Francis – 16 January 2019


This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 6 January 2019 to 16 January 2019.


General Audiences



Papal Tweets

  • “The spirit of the world is conquered with the spirit of faith: believing that God is really in the brother and sister who are close to me. #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 10 January 2019
  • “The first step in prayer is to be humble, go to the Father and say: “Look at me, I am a sinner.” And the Lord listens.” @Pontifex 11 January 2019
  • “Smallness is freedom. One who is small, in the Gospel sense, is unencumbered and free from any urge to show off, and from any claim to success.” @Pontifex 12 January 2019
  • “Baptism is the best gift we have received. Through it, we belong to God and we possess the joy of salvation.” @Pontifex 13 January 2019
  • “Let us look at our hands, often so empty of love, and today let us try to think of some gift we can offer freely.” @Pontifex 14 January 2019
  • “Don’t let the sufferings you see frighten you. Place them before the Crucifix and the Eucharist from which we draw patient and compassionate love.” @Pontifex 15 January 2019
  • “The Spirit of God speaks freely to each person through feelings and thoughts. The Spirit cannot be confined with simple reasoning, but must be welcomed with the heart!” @Pontifex 16 January 2019

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The Weekly Francis – 09 January 2019

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 25 November 2018 to 9 January 2019.


General Audiences





Papal Tweets

  • “If we live as Jesus taught us, and in harmony with what we proclaim, our witness will bear fruit.” @Pontifex 3 January 2019
  • “Jesus is the gift of God for us. If we welcome Him, we too can be a gift of God to others.” @Pontifex 4 January 2019
  • “The Church grows in silence, in prayer, and with the good works that give witness.” @Pontifex 5 January 2019
  • “The Magi offered their precious gifts to the Christ Child. Today, let us ask God: Lord, help me rediscover the joy of giving.” @Pontifex 6 January 2019
  • “God became man in Jesus in order to share our lives. Let us keep this relationship alive with Him and with one another. Happy Christmas to our Christian brothers and sisters from the East.” @Pontifex 7 January 2019
  • “Love does not tolerate indifference; love is compassionate. Love means putting your heart on the line for others. #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 8 January 2019
  • “Video” @Pontifex 8 January 2019
  • “Do not be afraid to weep when you encounter difficult situations: tears are drops that irrigate life. Tears of compassion purify hearts and feelings.” @Pontifex 9 January 2019

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The Weekly Francis – 27 December 2018

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 6 December 2018 to 27 December 2018.


General Audiences





Papal Tweets

  • “May the symbols of the nativity scene and the Christmas tree allow a reflection of God’s light and tenderness to enter into family life. #Christmas” @Pontifex 21 December 2018 Present
  • “Let us entrust ourselves to Our Lady so that she may help us prepare our hearts to welcome Baby Jesus at his birth. #Christmas” @Pontifex 22 December 2018 Present
  • “The lights of the Christmas tree remind us that Jesus is the light of the world, the light of our souls that drives away the darkness of hatred and makes room for forgiveness. #Christmas” @Pontifex 23 December 2018 Present
  • “By contemplating God, who became a child, radiating light from the humility of the crib, we can also become witnesses to humility, tenderness and goodness. #Christmas” @Pontifex 24 December 2018 Present
  • “Christ is born for us! Come, all of you who are seeking the face of God. Here He is, the Child lying in the manger.” @Pontifex 25 December 2018
  • “The Church grows with the blood of the martyrs, men and women who give their lives for Jesus. Today there are many, even if they do not make the headlines.” @Pontifex 26 December 2018
  • “Looking at Jesus we see the face of the God who is Love, and we learn to recognize Him in the faces of our brothers and sisters.” @Pontifex 27 December 2018

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The Weekly Francis – 13 December 2018

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 2 December 2018 to 13 December 2018.


General Audiences


Papal Tweets

  • “Loving God means serving our neighbour without reserve, and trying to forgive without limits.” @Pontifex 7 December 2018
  • “What is the secret of Mary’s beauty, “tota pulchra”? Not appearances, or that which passes, but a heart totally centred on God.” @Pontifex 8 December 2018
  • “Advent is a time to recognize the emptiness needs to be filled in our lives, a time to smooth the rough edges of pride, and to make room for Jesus who comes. #Advent” @Pontifex 9 December 2018
  • “Every human person, created in God’s image and likeness, is a value unto themselves and is subject to inalienable rights. #HumanRightsDay” @Pontifex 10 December 2018
  • “Keep the faith. In this second week of Advent, we ask for the grace to prepare ourselves with faith to celebrate Christmas. #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 10 December 2018
  • ““Comfort, comfort my people” (Is 40,1). How does the Lord give comfort? With tenderness. #SantaMarta” @Pontifex 11 December 2018
  • “Let us beg the Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, to continue accompanying and protecting the peoples of the American continent. #VirgendeGuadalupe” @Pontifex 12 December 2018
  • “Even when we pray alone, we pray together with all the people of God.” @Pontifex 13 December 2018

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