The Weekly Francis – 12 September 2018

The Weekly Francis – 12 September 2018

This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 31 August 2018 to 12 September 2018.


General Audiences


Papal Tweets

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The Weekly Francis – 05 September 2018

francis-readingThis version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 12 August 2018 to 5 September 2018.


General Audiences


Papal Tweets

  • “We Christians do not have a product to sell, we communicate Life.” @Pontifex 30 August 2018
  • “The love of Christ, welcomed with an open heart, changes us, transforms us, and makes us able to love.” @Pontifex 31 August 2018
  • “May the Lord strengthen our efforts to care for our common home, and especially for water, a basic good that must be protected and made available to everyone. …” @Pontifex 1 September 2018
  • “May God’s love become more and more the force that guides and directs our freedom.” @Pontifex 2 September 2018
  • “True peace is a gift of God that springs from healed and reconciled hearts and reaches out to embrace the entire world.” @Pontifex 3 September 2018
  • “Faith helps us grasp the meaning of life: God is with us and loves us infinitely.” @Pontifex 4 September 2018
  • “Carry peace with you to give it to others with your life, with a smile, with works of charity. Saint Mother Teresa, pray for us!” @Pontifex 5 September 2018

Papal Instagram

The Weekly Francis – 29 August 2018

pope francis press conferenceThis version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 23 August 2018 to 29 August 2018.




Papal Tweets

  • “The #Family is the cradle of life and the school of love and acceptance. It is a window thrown open to the mystery of God.” @Pontifex 23 August 2018
  • “The #Family is an icon of God: the bond between a man and a woman generates life and communion.” @Pontifex 24 August 2018
  • “Our world needs a revolution of love! Let that revolution begin with you and your families!” @Pontifex 25 August 2018
  • “Is there anything precious that endures at all? Even love itself? Love is God’s dream for us and for the whole human family. Please, never forget this!” @Pontifex 25 August 2018
  • “I ask our Blessed Mother to intercede for the healing of the survivors of abuse and to confirm every member of our Christian family in the resolve never again to permit these situations to occur.” @Pontifex 26 August 2018
  • “May God’s blessing come down upon all your families, so that they may be places of love and forgiveness.” @Pontifex 26 August 2018
  • “Dear Mothers, be like Saint Monica and never give up. Pray unceasingly for your children.” @Pontifex 27 August 2018
  • “If the Lord has gifted you with riches, it is in order to do lots of good things for others in His name.” @Pontifex 28 August 2018
  • “To pray is the first missionary task of every Christian. It is also the most effective.” @Pontifex 29 August 2018

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The Weekly Francis – 22 August 2018

francis-readingThis version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 22 July 2018 to 22 August 2018.


General Audiences




Papal Tweets

  • “When we place ourselves at the service of our most vulnerable brothers and sisters we experience the joy of unconditional love.” @Pontifex 10 August 2018
  • “In silence we learn to contemplate God’s works, which surpass all our imagination.” @Pontifex 11 August 2018
  • “Thanks to the gift of the Eucharist, our lives too become “bread broken” for our brothers and sisters.” @Pontifex 12 August 2018
  • “Still today there are so many martyrs, so many who are persecuted for the love of Christ. They are the real strength of the Church!” @Pontifex 14 August 2018
  • “Mary, Mother of tenderness who is always near, teach us how to live and have faith.” @Pontifex 15 August 2018
  • “Faith is nourished by memory: how many wonderful things God has done for us! How generous is our heavenly Father!” @Pontifex 16 August 2018
  • “By embracing God’s love, we change the world and transform history.” @Pontifex 17 August 2018
  • “Love overcomes all difficulties. Love gives us the strength to carry on.” @Pontifex 18 August 2018
  • “The Eucharist, Jesus the Bread of Life, is the beating heart of the Church and renews in us the impulse to love.” @Pontifex 19 August 2018
  • “May the Holy Spirit grant us the grace of conversion and the interior anointing needed to express before crimes of abuse our compunction and our resolve courageously to combat them. …” @Pontifex 20 August 2018
  • “Today the World Meeting of #Families begins in Dublin. Let us join in prayer with all the families of the world, especially those in difficulty. @WMOF2018 @LaityFamilyLife” @Pontifex 21 August 2018
  • “The #Family is where hope is forged.” @Pontifex 21 August 2018
  • “We must protect the #Family. Our future depends on it.” @Pontifex 22 August 2018

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The Weekly Francis – 08 August 2018

francis-readingThis version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 15 July 2018 to 8 August 2018.


General Audiences



Papal Tweets

  • “Every Church member has a responsibility to become holy, by taking care of others.” @Pontifex 1 August 2018
  • “Charity is the most effective form of witness, because in it people see the love of God.” @Pontifex 2 August 2018
  • “More than anything else, the life of a Christian is a grateful response to a generous Father.” @Pontifex 3 August 2018
  • “Support your priests with friendship and affection.” @Pontifex 4 August 2018
  • “The Eucharist is our “reservation” for Heaven: Jesus leads us on our journey towards eternal life.” @Pontifex 5 August 2018
  • “The disciples’ experience on Mount Tabor is an invitation to us to abandon worldly things and to contemplate Jesus.” @Pontifex 6 August 2018
  • “Jesus reveals the love-filled face of God.” @Pontifex 7 August 2018
  • “Evil tries to convince us that death is the end of everything. But the Risen Christ reveals a new dimension of eternal life!” @Pontifex 8 August 2018

Papal Instagram

The Weekly Francis – 31 July 2018

Pope_Francis_3_on_papal_flight_from_Africa_to_Italy_Nov_30_2015_Credit_Martha_Calderon_CNA_11_30_15This version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 11 July 2018 to 31 July 2018.



Papal Tweets

  • “God wants us to call Him Father, with the trust of children who abandon themselves in the arms of the One who gave them life.” @Pontifex 22 July 2018
  • “Prayer is never in vain: it always brings forth something new that, sooner or later, bears fruit.” @Pontifex 24 July 2018
  • “Grandparents are a treasure in the family. Please, take care of your grandparents: love them and let them talk to your children!” @Pontifex 26 July 2018
  • “Holiness is not only about the spirit: it is also the feet that take us to our brothers and sisters, and the hands that allow us to help them.” @Pontifex 29 July 2018
  • “Hear the cry of our many brothers and sisters who are criminally trafficked and exploited. They are not merchandise. They are human beings, and they must be treated as such. #EndHumanTrafficking @M_RSection” @Pontifex 30 July 2018
  • “Before helping others, we need to have a personal encounter with God: we need time to pray and to listen to His Word.” @Pontifex 31 July 2018

Papal Instagram

The Weekly Francis – 19 July 2018

pope-francis-st-patrickThis version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 8 July 2018 to 18 July 2018.


Papal Tweets

  • “Try reading the Gospel for at least five minutes every day. You will see how it changes your life.” @Pontifex 15 July 2018
  • “May the Virgin Mary, Mother and Queen of Carmel, accompany you on your daily journey towards the Mountain of God.” @Pontifex 16 July 2018
  • “Jesus invites us to build the civilization of love together in the situations we are called to live every day.” @Pontifex 18 July 2018

Papal Instagram

The Weekly Francis – 12 July 2018

francis-readingThis version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 19 March 2017 to 11 July 2018. The Vatican has recently translated many previous documents left untranslated from 2017 and earlier this year.







Papal Tweets

  • “The suffering of so many of our brothers and sisters, persecuted for the sake of the Gospel, is an urgent reminder that we Christians must be more united.” @Pontifex 6 July 2018
  • “The God of all consolation, who heals the broken hearts and takes care of the wounds, hear our prayer: Let there be peace in the Middle East!” @Pontifex 7 July 2018
  • “May all humanity hear the cry of the children of the Middle East. Drying their tears the world will get back it’s dignity.” @Pontifex 7 July 2018
  • “Every occasion is a good one to spread Christ’s message!” @Pontifex 8 July 2018
  • “You too are like the Good Samaritan when you recognize the face of Christ in those near you.” @Pontifex 10 July 2018
  • “Europe rediscovers hope when the human person is at the heart of its institutions. St Benedict, pray for us!” @Pontifex 11 July 2018

Papal Instagram

The Weekly Francis – 05 July 2018

PopeFrancis-fingerThis version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 24 June 2018 to 5 July 2018.


General Audiences


Papal Tweets

  • “Torture is a mortal sin! Christian communities must commit themselves to helping victims of torture.” @Pontifex 26 June 2018
  • “We are called to assist the elderly, the sick and the unborn: life must always be protected and loved, from conception to its natural conclusion.” @Pontifex 27 June 2018
  • “Let us pray for the new Cardinals: may they assist me in my ministry as Bishop of Rome, for the good of all God’s people.” @Pontifex 28 June 2018
  • “Every kind of material or spiritual poverty, every form of discrimination against our brothers and sisters, comes from turning our backs on God and His love.” @Pontifex 29 June 2018
  • “When we are firmly united to the God who loves and sustains us, we are able to withstand all life’s difficulties and challenges.” @Pontifex 30 June 2018
  • “I ask all of you to join me in prayer as I travel to Bari on Saturday on a pilgrimage to pray for peace in the long-suffering Middle East.” @Pontifex 1 July 2018
  • “We receive God’s graces to share them with others.” @Pontifex 3 July 2018
  • “Do we know how to silence our hearts and listen to the voice of God?” @Pontifex 5 July 2018

Papal Instagram

The Weekly Francis – 28 June 2018

FrancisBlessesPalmsThis version of The Weekly Francis covers material released in the last week from 17 June 2018 to 28 June 2018.


General Audiences


Papal Tweets

  • “Dear young people, help us adults whose hearts are often hardened. Help us to choose the path of dialogue and harmony.” @Pontifex 21 June 2018
  • “Praying together, walking together, working together: this is the way that leads to Christian unity. #WCC70” @Pontifex 21 June 2018
  • “Love for others needs to become the constant factor of our lives.” @Pontifex 22 June 2018
  • “Let us ask our Lord to help us understand that love is service, love means taking care of others.” @Pontifex 23 June 2018
  • “Like St John the Baptist, Christians have to humble themselves so that the Lord can grow in their hearts.” @Pontifex 24 June 2018
  • “Faith in Jesus Christ frees us from sin, sadness, emptiness, isolation. It is the source of a joy that no one can ever take away.” @Pontifex 25 June 2018
  • “We are called to assist the elderly, the sick and the unborn: life must always be protected and loved, from conception to its natural conclusion.” @Pontifex 27 June 2018
  • “Let us pray for the new Cardinals: may they assist me in my ministry as Bishop of Rome, for the good of all God’s people.” @Pontifex 28 June 2018

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