The War Games (Ep. 1 to 3) – The Secrets of Doctor Who

The War Games begin! The Second Doctor, Jamie, and Zoe land in a battlefield where history is out of sync. Strange generals, mind control, and a brewing conspiracy unfold. Dom Bettinelli and Jimmy Akin break down the action, twists, and new revelations in this Doctor Who classic.

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Mercy (PIC) – The Secrets of Star Trek

X-Files meets Star Trek. Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss Picard’s encounter with an FBI agent obsessed with aliens; Q’s revelation that even he is not immune to death and what that means for him; and the Borg Queen plan to ruin the future.

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A Spy Humongous (LD) – The Secrets of Star Trek

Pakleds! Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory discuss the latest Lower Decks encounter with the Pakleds, including a not-too-bright spy; the dangers of anomaly consolidation duty; and Boimler’s attempt to join the cool-kids’ table who turn out to be the school bullies.

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Closing Time – The Secrets of Doctor Who

The 11th Doctor meets up with Craig again and now Craig’s son, Stormaggedon. Dom Bettinelli, Jimmy Akin, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss this Cybermen story, the way this episode bridges to the season finale, and what it does right and wrong.

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Star Trek: Lower Decks, Season 1 – The Secrets of Star Trek

The first season of the animated Trek series “Lower Decks” is complete; Jimmy, Dom, and Fr. Cory have discussed each episode; and they’ve compiled that discussion into one Secrets of Star Trek. Find out why they think this may be the best first season of any Trek series and why they’re looking forward to season 2.

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Voyage of the Damned – The Secrets of Doctor Who

It’s Christmas 2007 and the Doctor is on the Titanic. Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss Voyage of the Damned, where a newly Companion-less Doctor ends up on the ominously named spaceliner Titanic along with singer Kylie Minogue when things go wrong, as they do.

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Through the Valley of Shadows – The Secrets of Star Trek #43

Through the Valley of Shadows

On the latest Star Trek Discovery, Pike must be willing to pay a price for a time crystal and Spock and Burnham confront a ghost ship. Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss the biblical reference in the episode title and how it could apply to the themes of the show.

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The Battle of Ranskoor av Kolos – The Secrets of Doctor Who

In the season finale, the Doctor and companions deal with an old enemy, a false god, and issues of justice and revenge. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli look at how this episode works as a bookend for the season, wrapping up a story line that began in the premiere.

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Mummy on the Orient Express

Doctor Who as an exorcist, redeemer and detective on the Orient Express? In this podcast episode we review and analyse episode 8 of season 8, entitled ‘Mummy on the Orient Express’ and highlight all the themes, inside jokes and easter eggs.

Join Jimmy Akin, Fr. Cory Sticha, Stephanie Zimmer, Dom Bettinelli and Fr. Roderick for discussion, analysis and speculation!

Click this link to listen or use the player on the web site.

Links for this episode:

Check out Jimmy Akin’s blog Let’s Watch Doctor Who, Stephanie’s podcast TV Rewind and Dom Bettinelli & Fr. Roderick’s podcast Secrets of Star Wars! Subscribe to the Feed | Subscribe withiTunes

Kill the Moon (Secrets of Doctor Who)

kill the moonIn this episode we review and analyse episode 7 of season 8, entitled ‘Kill The Moon’.

Join Jimmy Akin, Fr. Cory Sticha, Stephanie Zimmer, Dom Bettinelli and Fr. Roderick for discussion, analysis and speculation!

Click this link to listen to the show or use the player on the web site.

Links for this episode:

Check out Jimmy Akin’s blog Let’s Watch Doctor Who, Stephanie’s podcast TV Rewind and Dom Bettinelli & Fr. Roderick’s podcast Secrets of Star Wars! Subscribe to the Feed | Subscribe withiTunes