Been wondering what Hans Kung thinks about Pope Benedict’s new encyclical Deus Caritas Est? Well, there’s a surprise and a no-surprise to report.
The surprise: Kung liked the encyclical and had some positive things to say about it.
"Hans Kueng [sic], who was banned from teaching Catholic theology in 1979, hailed his former university colleague for writing a first encyclical that was ‘solid theological fare’ and ‘not a manifesto of cultural pessimism or restrictive sexual morality.’"
The no-surprise: Kung thinks the Pope’s next encyclical should be based on the Gospel According to Hans Kung.
"[Kung’s] statement, written in their native German language, then said the second encyclical he sought [from Pope Benedict] should show kindness to Catholics who use contraceptives, which the Church bans, or men who leave the priesthood because of mandatory celibacy.
"Kueng asked for more understanding for ‘critical voices in the Church’ and divorced Catholics who remarry and are therefore no longer allowed to receive communion in church.
"His last appeal was for ‘more loving treatment’ for Protestant clerics ‘whose Eucharistic services have been declared invalid.’"