Hey, everyone! Tim Jones, here. Jimmy has taken a fever (not really! He’s OK! Do not send Get Well prayers) and invited me to guest blog on his excellent site, which I am only too happy to do, though I are not a righter. I’m actually working at being an artist.
I was raised a Baptist (in Alaska), but during my college years (in Arkansas) I found myself adrift in terms of faith. Apparently my Guardian Angel thought I was in need of some serious help, because I ended up becoming friends with this philosophy major who turns out to be a proto-apologist and theologian and who eventually is a major influence on me and my family coming into the Church. Neat! Jimmy is also, as you know, a fun and interesting guy with a fun and interesting blog, so in the interest of keeping your interest I’ll get to the point of this post…
Art, as you may know, had a hard slog through the twentieth century. It passed, literally, from the sublime to the ridiculous and beyond, becoming downright destructive and offensive. But, there has been a move afoot in the last decade or so (known informally as the "Derriere Garde") to revive the traditional techniques and sensibilities of the Great Masters and bring them once again into the living tradition of the present. In other words, great artwork is making a comeback. More and more artists and critics are becoming emboldened to air controversial ideas, such as to suggest that artists should be able to draw beyond a third grade level. The word "talent" has even popped up on occasion.
One of the bright spots in this new/old art movement is the Art Renewal Center (http://www.artrenewal.org). Though they are located, I believe, in New York, their main presence is on the Web, where they maintain a vast online museum of master artworks. Most of the images are available in a high-res format and can be purchased as prints as well. The ARC website also carries a wealth of educational material and articles of interest to artists. Good Stuff. Their site has definitely been an influence on my current artwork as well as on the small gallery/studio/art school that I operate in Rogers, Arkansas (I’ll post some pictures soon). I am working on my own website, as well as a blog, but I find I am more comfortable with a brush than with a keyboard. Give me time.
Two caveats about the ARC site: First, it is graphics-intense, so if you have a slower internet connection (like dial-up), you might find it equally slow to navigate around the site. Secondly, this site carries all kinds of images of classical (and present day) master paintings including some Nekkid People. Be Warned!!