The Beast from the Yeast


As if Marmite were not repulsive enough on it’s own (my own sweet wife, who used to live in New Zealand, insists she really tried to like it) some brilliant British ad guys had the nifty idea to try to sell it by doing a TV commercial parody of the old sci-fi movie classic The Blob!, and showing the nasty brown gick terrorizing the streets of London. Now literally thousands hundreds dozens of traumatized British yutes are too frightened to watch telly. Can’t have that, old man. Not Cricket. So the commercial has been pulled from the airwaves and the aforementioned ad guys received a royal growling.

First sold in 1902, Marmite was billed as a "health giving" yeast extract. It is a concentrated brown paste with a "distinctive" somewhat salty/savory flavor. Eaten on toast, and all kinds of other ways.



16 thoughts on “The Beast from the Yeast”

  1. Marmite, that stuff is NASTY! When my wife and I were on our honeymoon in Australia, we were told about it by some fellow honeymoners who were native Australians. They really liked it as kids and said that “all kids love it”.
    The next morning at breakfast, being the food goat that I am, I decided it try it on some toast. I “buttered” that toast up real good too! I must have been spitting and hacking up that first bite for two minutes. Drinking water didn’t seem to help. It was NASTY!
    On a positive note, my wife couldn’t stop laughing at me. Always eager to please…

  2. OK, Don(Kiwi), are you there? – I need to know the straight dope, brother! What’s the deal with Marmite & Vegamite & all the other -mites you folks seem to love? Is it all to fool us Yanks into eating the “good-for-you” goo so you get some laughs?
    I trust you to level with me, Don! 😉

  3. I *LOVE* Marmite. Easily obtaianable here in Canada. Hot toast – melt huge amounts of butter first, then spread marmite to extreme edge of toast. Absolutely *love* it!!!!

  4. Salivating now – off to kitchen for some now… And Jimmy – it is Atkins friendly too!

  5. Gidday Moochie alias Gene and others.
    Yeah, Marmite is great – also its close relative Vegemite, that the Aussies also love.
    Generations have been brought up on marmite/vegemite.Has heaps of Vitaman B, can be disolved in hot water as a drink in winter, added to soups or added lightly to garnish meat ready for cooking.
    Dogs also like it, so it is used to spread on the back of cats so the dogs chase them – blood sport.(Not really)
    Has been know to cure coughs, colds, sore holes and pimples on your ******.
    Does not claim to cure anorexia, hypertension, rabies, flatulence or erectile dysfunction.
    It has been suggested that the Chinese use it as substitute for dessicated ground up Siberian tiger’s testicles.
    I guess that’s enough. Love y’all.

  6. My children were quite bemused by the advertisement, while it lasted…it was nowhere near as freaky and retarded as the garbage that they show on TV to blow the minds of the under 5’s ..though to be honest, in the ad, the big brown ‘blob’ rolling down the high street did look vaguely similar to some less savoury (almost funny) substance that one can find on the pavement.
    The add campaign for Marmite used to be “you either love it or you hate it”…i may be a committment phobe because I’m straight down the middle…i don’t mind it.
    God Bless.

  7. Marmite is yukky; VEGEMITE is the way to go. A tip for the uninitiated – don’t spread it on too thickly.

  8. Thanks for the info, Don . . . um, I think! 😉
    But, if it’s all the same, I think I’ll stick with Nutella fluffernutter sammiches!

  9. Point of interest.
    Noelle ( above) is my mum. Just got my old computer going for her – she’s doing okay for 86.

  10. +J.M.J+
    If you think “Teletubbies” are scary, you should see “Boobah.” 🙂
    Marmite is actually available in my area. I’ve tried it before – and Vegemite too, many years ago – and I like them both. I do have a taste for salty foods, so that may be it.
    In Jesu et Maria,

  11. Very nice, Don! My Mom’s 86 & has no interest in computers whatsoever! But she can work a TV remote to find her beloved San Francisco Giants’ baseball games! She’s too cool!

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