Time Is Running Out! What Does Pope Benedict Want You to Know About the Apocalypse?

Time is running out, but there’s still time to sign up to get the special “interview” with Pope Benedict on the Book of Revelation (i.e., “the Apocalypse of St. John”).

It’s one of a continuing series of “interviews” I’ve been doing where I take the answers to questions on a given topic from the pope’s writings.

In this one, I look at what Pope Benedict has written about the Book of Revelation. His take on the book and some of the things it contains may surprise you!

To get the special interview, you should sign up for my Secret Information Club by Friday, May 25, and you’ll get the special interview by email on Saturday morning.

You should sign up using this form right here:

Or you can use the one in the top right hand margin or by going to www.SecretInfoClub.com (if you have trouble, just email me at jimmy@secretinfoclub.com).

Who Is the Beast of Revelation? (Part 2)

There is more evidence regarding who the Beast of Revelation is than I could fit in the first video I did on the subject, so in this video I pick up where I left off and reveal new and surprising facts–things most people have never heard of–that point to who the Beast is.

Here is a link to Part 1 in case you haven’t seen it.

And now, here is Part 2!

I’m preparing a Secret Information Club communique in which I “interview” Pope Benedict about the Book of Revelation.

If you’d like to know what Pope Benedict says about Revelation, you should sign up by Friday, May 25, and you’ll get the special interview on Saturday morning.

You should sign up using this form right here:

Or you can use the one in the top right hand margin or by going to www.SecretInfoClub.com (if you have trouble, email me at jimmy@secretinfoclub.com.

Who Is the Beast of Revelation? (Video)

One of the most sinister figures in the Bible is the so-called “Beast” from the Book of Revelation. Portrayed as a frightening monster and identified with the ominous number 666, the Beast has been the subject of an enormous amount of discussion down through the centuries.

Countless individuals, both past and future, have been proposed as the true identity of the Beast, but what does the evidence from the Bible say?

In this video, I take a calm, balanced look at the evidence from the perspective of the original Christians reading the book of Revelation in the first century and suggest that the evidence points to an individual that many will find very surprising, especially if they view the book of Revelation as applying almost exclusively to the future.

Here’s the video!

By the way, I’m preparing a Secret Information Club communique in which I “interview” Pope Benedict about the Book of Revelation.

If you’d like to know what Pope Benedict says about Revelation, you should sign up by Friday, May 25, and you’ll get the special interview on Saturday morning.

You should sign up using this form right here:

Or you can use the one in the top right hand margin or by going to www.SecretInfoClub.com.

Does God *HATE* Sinners? How Can You Use the Internet to Serve God Without Violating Canon Law?

Just wanted to let folks know that the transcript of show 032 is now available.

It deals with whether God hates sinners and how to use the Internet without violating canon law (specifically: in terms of imprimaturs).

To read the transcript, just click the big, friendly red button.

Or, if you’d like to you listen to the show, JUST CLICK HERE.


Was Jesus a Vegetarian? Should Christians Be?

Vegetarianism is a hot topic today. Many people are cutting out some or all animal products from their diet.

When done for health reasons, this is a matter of science rather than faith. But what about claims that Christians should be vegetarians for religious reasons?

Some even claim that Jesus himself was a vegetarian.

And what are we to make of the slogan “A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy”?

In this video episode of the Jimmy Akin Podcast, best-selling author Jimmy Akin looks at the evidence and reveals startling facts that are often overlooked, though they are right there in the Bible.

With charity and patience, Akin explores the truth about the Bible and vegetarianism and provides a balanced view of the relationship between humans and animals.

You can watch it online . . .


VIDEO: What Does “Hallowed Be Thy Name” Mean?

The Lord’s Prayer or “Our Father” is the most popular prayer in the world. Millions of us say it every day, because it was given to us by Jesus himself as the model of Christian prayer.

But do we really understand what we’re saying when we pray it?

How about the words “Hallowed be thy name”?

Many don’t understand this mysterious phrase.

In this video, best-selling author Jimmy Akin reveals what the phrase means–what we’re really asking when we say these words–AND the implications that this has for our lives.

This must-see video will prove eye-opening for both Catholics and Protestants as it uncovers the meaning of a much misunderstood saying of Christ’s!

VIDEO: Is the Rosary Just “Vain Repetitions”?

We’re coming up on May–a month associated with the Virgin Mary–so here’s a new video on one of the most common objections to the rosary: the charge that it amounts to “vain repetitions,” in violation of Jesus’ command (Matt. 6:7).

By the way, I’m also preparing an “interview” with John Paul II on the rosary, so if you’d like to get his wisdom on this special devotion, sign up for the Secret Information Club and on May 1st you’ll get it by email.

You should sign up for the Secret Information Club using the form on the right (top) or by clicking here to go to SecretInfoClub.com.

Sisters in Crisis Special

This week the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in Rome mandated a thoroughgoing reform of the largest leadership conference for women religious in the United States.

In an exclusive interview, Ann Carey joins Jimmy Akin to go in-depth on this dramatic announcement, why it happened, what it means, and what may happen next.

Ann Carey is a journalist who has been covering the subject of women religious for many years. She is the author of the book Sisters in Crisis: The Tragic Unraveling of Women’s Religious Communities.

According to the Vatican report, there are serious doctrinal problems associated with the activities and publications of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious–some which challenge the core of the Christian faith itself.

The leadership of the LCWR has also flouted the authority of the bishops, as when they publicly sought to neutralize the U.S. bishops’ leadership during the 2010 health care debate in Congress and when they later honored Sr. Carol Keehan, CEO of the Catholic Healthcare Association, which also broke with and defied the bishops over the issue of health care.

You can read more about this subject in an article Jimmy authored, which you can read online here.

How the LCWR will respond to the mandated reform is unknown, but in this interview Ann and Jimmy preview the dramatic developments that may lie ahead of us.

Thank you for letting others know about this program and sharing with friends!

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Today’s Music: Joy Trip (JewelBeat.Com)

Call me at 512-222-3389!

Join Jimmy’s Secret Information Club!
Copyright © 2012 by Jimmy Akin

Get the Jimmy Akin Cast app for Android at Amazon.com.

Holy See Mandates Reform of U.S. Women Religious’ Conference

In a dramatic move, the Holy See has mandated the reform of the largest leadership body for women religious in the United States.

The mandate was issued with the approval of Pope Benedict XVI at the conclusion of a doctrinal investigation of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR), which was conducted under the auspices of the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF).

The LCWR is an association of more than 1,500 leaders of U.S. congregations of women religious. Together they represent more than 80% of the 57,000 women religious in America.

In 2008, the Holy See initiated two simultaneous investigations of the state of women’s religious life in the U.S.

The first was a general survey of nearly 400 institutes conducted by the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life (CICLSAL). Its results have not been announced.

The second was a more focused doctrinal assessment of the LCWR. Details of the doctrinal assessment as well as the mandate for the reform of the organization were made public in an eight-page document issued by the CDF on April 18 and published on the U.S. bishops’ website.


Reasons for the Assessment

According to the document, during an April 2008 meeting in Rome, the CDF prefect, Cardinal William Levada, notified the LCWR presidency of an impending doctrinal assessment. He cited three principal reasons for the investigation.


Christianity = Communism ?

Last Sunday one of the readings was from Acts 4:32-35 . . .

The community of believers was of one heart and mind,
and no one claimed that any of his possessions was his own,
but they had everything in common.
With great power the apostles bore witness
to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus,
and great favor was accorded them all.
There was no needy person among them,
for those who owned property or houses would sell them,
bring the proceeds of the sale,
and put them at the feet of the apostles,
and they were distributed to each according to need.

This passages recalls one a couple of chapters earlier in Acts (2:44-47), which reads as follows:

All who believed were together and had all things in common;
they would sell their property and possessions and divide them among all according to each one’s need.
Every day they devoted themselves to meeting together in the temple area and to breaking bread in their homes. They ate their meals with exultation and sincerity of heart,
praising God and enjoying favor with all the people. And every day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved.

We’ve got a lot of communal property going on here, and not just between husbands and wives.

These passages raise a number of questions like . . . to what degree is Luke holding this situation up as a model for the Church in general? . . . what should we learn from this? . . . and does this mean that we should abolish private property?

How are we to sort through these questions?

I know!

Let’s ask the pope!