Another excellent piece from the great Thomas Sowell. This time he focuses on Californians’ obsession with protecting wildlife, specifically: the mountain lion. Excerpt:
Fearing that the mountain lion might find one of the local school children a tempting target, the police shot and killed the animal. Outrage against the police erupted up and down the San Francisco peninsula and as far away as Marin County, on the other side of the Golden Gate Bridge, more than 30 miles away.
Sowell’s commentary on the situation is excellent. He particularly goes after local academics, and I’m right with him. I’m from an academic family, so I grew up around PhDs. In fact, I think I was in my early teens before I realized that it was not normal for a man to have a PhD. As a result, I’ve seen academics up close, and I can tell you for a fact that having a doctorate doesn’t mean that you have the sense to come in out of the rain.
I also have special resonance for the nuttiness over the mountain lion in California. As I discovered taking a hunting class, hunting mountain lions is illegal in California. Know why? Well, a number of years ago the envionmentalists out here convinced the people of the state that the animal was endangered (it wasn’t) and so got the previously legal practice of hunting it made illegal. No more mountain lion licenses were issued.
The result? The mountain lion population exploded, outstripped its main habitat, and started encroaching on populated areas. Hungry mountain lions started preying on livestock and even humans.
Now, because ordinary hunters still aren’t allowed to purchases licenses to hunt mountain lion, the state has to pay professionals to come in and cull the mountain lion population. That’s right: Previously the state made money from volunteers who paid to serve as agents of the state’s wildlife management program (which only issued the number of licenses each year needed to keep the wildcat population in check). Now the state must pay other hunters to do the job that it used to make money on.
Who says California isn’t crazy?