More Wisdom From Peggy

A reader writes:

I love Peggy [Noonan]’s columns too.

One of my favorites is this one, entitled “Them: The One Group for Whom Liberals Have No Tolerance at All”:

Thanks for the recommend!

This column involves a look at the insane, completely out of proportion persecution of smokers in so many places today–particularly from social liberals who pair their intolerance for smoking with tolerance for abortion and drug use. Among other things, Peggy focuses on the recent declaration by NYC Mayor Bloomberg that smoking will no longer be allowed in local bars.

No smoking in bars of all places?

Yes, I know it’s crazy, but California did the same thing state-wide a few years ago. I gather that bar business suffered significantly.

The way it is now, a man can’t go into an Irish pub and light his pipe. Now what is an Irish pub without pipe smoke?

Author: Jimmy Akin

Jimmy was born in Texas, grew up nominally Protestant, but at age 20 experienced a profound conversion to Christ. Planning on becoming a Protestant seminary professor, he started an intensive study of the Bible. But the more he immersed himself in Scripture the more he found to support the Catholic faith, and in 1992 he entered the Catholic Church. His conversion story, "A Triumph and a Tragedy," is published in Surprised by Truth. Besides being an author, Jimmy is the Senior Apologist at Catholic Answers, a contributing editor to Catholic Answers Magazine, and a weekly guest on "Catholic Answers Live."

7 thoughts on “More Wisdom From Peggy”

  1. “I gather that bar business suffered significantly.”
    Jimmy, for someone usually as logically and grammatically precise as you, this comment surprised me.
    About 3 minutes on Google revealed the following report from that liberal redoubt, the Center for Disease Control:
    Which documents no change in revenues after such a smoking ban in the El-Paso area, and cites to studies from other locales with similar results.

  2. Esquire,
    I do try to be logically and grammatically precise. That’s why I began with statement with “I gather that,” signaling the reader that the information is anecdotal.
    Given the amount of junk science on secondhand smoke and the intense political agendas in this area, reports such as the one you cite cannot be taken at face value. There is as much special interest bias in the governmental reporting on this topic as there is in the USDA’s Pyramid of Evil . . . er . . . “Food Pyramid.”

  3. It is a pity that a man can’t enter an Irish pub to listen to great live music and get a few pointers on cranning on the cittern, because of all the asthma attack-inducing smoke, because of those there who do not love their neighbors as themselves.

  4. Business at restaurants increased significantly here after the smoking ban went into effect.

  5. Jim,
    I cherish the wisdom you give us, but I’ll have to agree with the liberals on this one. I live in Toronto, which just went smoke-free in bars and restaurants on June 1.
    I myself am a social smoker, but I still love the smoke-free bar environment. I can’t see how anyone couldn’t. I think maybe you’ve attached too much partisan weight to the idea of smokers’ rights being something trampled on by hypocrite liberals.
    Political agendas aside, its healthier, and if it keeps a few cigarettes out of a few mouths then it can’t be a bad thing.
    Ireland (the birthplace of the Irish pub) seems to have adjusted quite nicely to their new smoke-free pub lifestyle.
    I guess the only problem I can see is maybe people needing to down more drinks to keep those ciggy-free hands busy. Then again they may drink slower if they’re having to step outside for a butt every 20 minutes.

  6. what’s next — already fast food is being attacked by the government for being unhealthy. Will no restuarant be able to provide a fattening meal in the future – will that be illegal?
    Social engineering proponents love anti-smoking, anti-fat, anti-carb, pro-warning on everything – but abortion remains SACRED.
    Abortion and contraception is killing our society MUCH faster than smoking.
    Your other commentors still don’t see the irony. Love or hate smoking, want it in bars or not — our priorities as a society are outrageous.

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