I can’t believe it, but Planned Parenthood is marketing shirts that say “I had an abortion.”
Are they NUTS???
Are they so wrapped up in their warped, anti-life rhetoric that they can’t see how HORRENDOUS this idea is?
Putting this message on a T-shirt creates at minimum a defiant message and possibly a boastful one.
I can only conclude that PP has gone downhill since the days when Faye Wattleton was president of it. I remember her admitting that women know that there is a life within them and that it is a sad thing to end it. That kind of fuzzy “compassionate abortion” rhetoric contained enough acknowledgement of the truth to be dangerous. People might fall for it.
But THIS! This is simply beyond belief. It is up there in the same league as their inflammatory “Choice On Earth” campaign last Christmas.
If anybody is stupid enough to wear these things, Planned Parenthood will only be hurting its own cause.
That, of course, is a good thing. I just don’t want to see women destroy their own reputations by broadcasting such hate-filled, pride-filled messages to those around them.