Tuesday Photo Caption



  • World’s Largest Balloon Animal
  • Flannery O’Connor Proven Right! Everything That Rises Must Converge
  • Ballon Aliens Abduct Cow

Author: Jimmy Akin

Jimmy was born in Texas, grew up nominally Protestant, but at age 20 experienced a profound conversion to Christ. Planning on becoming a Protestant seminary professor, he started an intensive study of the Bible. But the more he immersed himself in Scripture the more he found to support the Catholic faith, and in 1992 he entered the Catholic Church. His conversion story, "A Triumph and a Tragedy," is published in Surprised by Truth. Besides being an author, Jimmy is the Senior Apologist at Catholic Answers, a contributing editor to Catholic Answers Magazine, and a weekly guest on "Catholic Answers Live."

14 thoughts on “Tuesday Photo Caption”

  1. When they filled the pinata with gold coins they knew that they would have to make the game much more difficult to play….

  2. Aaron: See, Moses, the golden calf can fly. Can your God do that?
    Moses: ::hits head:: Lord, help me.

  3. Hah! I knew that Cow could never jump over the moon without help. The Secret is out.

  4. 1 “Would you like to fly in my beautiful Cow-loon(TM)?”
    2 “I’m free! I’m free! You kids can stay on the ranch but not me! I’m gonna follow my dreams & spread multi-colored cow-love everywhere I go. So long, suckers!!”

  5. 1 “Would you like to fly in my beautiful Cow-loon(TM)?”
    2 “I’m free! I’m free! You kids can stay on the ranch but not me! I’m gonna follow my dreams & spread multi-colored cow-love everywhere I go. So long, suckers!!”

  6. News Report:
    Russian genetic scientists display their amazing achievement in developing a giant multicoloured rasberry, which they have suspended from the roof of a Moscow department store.
    Not to be upstaged, American geneticists displayed their genetically modified multi coloured cow. This modification was achieved in part by feeding the cow on a diet of rasberries. To everyone’s surprise, the cow was able to tighten it’s anus, thus preventing the emmision of methane gas, which, being heated by internal pressure in the cow’s belly, enabled the cow to float up to attempt to eat the rasberry.
    By slowly releasing its anal clench, the cow was able to slowly release gas to returm to the ground. Onlookers were urged not to light cigarettes.
    End of Report.

  7. “And what exactly are the commercial possibilities of bovine aviation?” (with apologies to Monty Python’s Flying Circus)
    “Despite the festive appearance of the decorations, mall patrons are advised to stand clear”

  8. Macy’s Day Parade Balloon Designer Runs Out of Ideas
    “It seemed like a good idea at the time!”
    (AP) Recycling a cow from Chicago’s city-wide urban art exhibit several years ago…..

  9. Soon after the picture was taken the burners were ignited, the balloons broke, and the cow dropped to the grill. The resulting psychedelic burgers were an immediate hit and the ensuing feeding frenzy is still talked about on college campuses across the country.

  10. Not to be upstaged by a bunch of pigeons, on a bet Bob the bull takes to the air to show off his pooping accuracy skills. Next stop the local Mercedes dealership.

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