When you look around society today, it doesn’t look good.
Even in the Church, people are committing abortion and contraception.
They are sleeping together outside of marriage, using porn, and doing a host of other things that can endanger their souls.
It can be tempting to conclude that most Catholics in America today are going to go to hell.
Is the situation that bleak?
A Question from a Reader
A reader writes:
I belong to a great parish, full of wonderful people who love God and neighbor.
However, I can’t help but be aware that at least from an objective viewpoint, most of them seem to be in a state of mortal sin per the Church’s teaching.
The most common one is the use of contraception, but there are plenty of others, including cohabitation prior to marriage, remarriage outside the Church, etc.
The Church views all these things as mortal sins, although it’s clear these people don’t view them that way.
Our society at this moment makes it really difficult for people, especially young people, to do what the Church expects.
I also know that most of these people genuinely and sincerely do not believe they are sinning. They continue to pray, to attend Mass, and have faith in Christ, which indicates to me that they don’t desire to cut themselves off from God.
Is it truly likely that the vast majority of American Catholics will end up in hell?
What can we say here?
Although we can thank God for Purgatory, things look bleak because we are living in a Time of great apostasy. We should not let our hearts become hardened like a pillar of salt, because regardless of those who claim there are no souls who have been condemned to Hell, Christ has Revealed differently. Pray for a conversion of hearts and that our Holy Father, if he believes the Message of Fatima is authentic, having read it, will do exactly what our Blessed Mother requested.
“Behold your Mother.” – Christ
“…will do exactly what our Blessed Mother requested.”
Vague innuendo that, in some way, Pope Francis is not doing so. The words “calumny” and “cowardice” just came to mind.
The election of pope Francis is not valid as he supports same-sex sexual relationships and thus same-sex sexual acts, as long as these same-sex sexual relationships are private in nature, children are not involved, and they are not called marriage. I was referring to our Holy Father, Benedict.
So, the calumny was directed at Pope-emeritus Benedict. Wow, that sure changes a lot!
I wonder what it’s like to be that nuts?