It’s My 20th Anniversary as an Apologist (Wanna Help Me Celebrate?)

June 1 is a special day for me, and it has been for the last 20 years.

One reason is that it's the memorial day of St. Justin Martyr, who is one of the main patron saints of apologists.

As an apologist, that makes it special to me.

But there is another reason as well.

I didn't plan it this way, but my report-to-work day at Catholic Answers happened to be June 1.

It's a significant day to embark on a career of apologetics, and I've always regarded it as a gift of divine providence.

Since I started doing apologetics professionally on June 1, 1993, that makes June 1, 2013 my 20th anniversary in the field. (Professionally speaking, at least; I'd been doing apologetics informally before that or I wouldn't have got the job.)

So this June 1 is my platinum anniversary, and I'm celebrating.


The More Things Change . . . 

Things have changed a lot in the field of apologetics in the last twenty years.

One of the biggest changes was the commercial availability of the Internet, which emerged from its shadowy origins as a DARPA research project to facilitate communication during a nuclear war and became the civilization-changing technology that it is today.

When I started in apologetics, it was uncommon for anybody to have an email address, and research was done exclusively though books and journals.

When I wanted to find something out, I think, "What book or journal should I look in to find the answer to this?"

I remember the moment in the mid-1990s when I realized that–via the Internet–I had the World's Greatest Research Library sitting on my desktop. A light went on in my head, and I said, "From now on, this is going to be the thing I turn to first to find research leads on a question." (Of course, that still means verifying the data, since not everything you read on the Internet is true.)

The advent of the Internet opened up new possibilities for apologetics as well. I've tried to be an early-adopter as web-based opportunities have come along, and in the mid-90s, I started a web site, which still exists today as

In the years since, I've started a blog (now pat of, an internet radio show or podcast, and a YouTube video series–as well as other efforts, including Facebook and Twitter.

I've also done work in other media, including publishing books, booklets, and audio sets, appearing on Catholic radio (which has blossomed in recent years), and reaching out in every practical way I can think of.

My goal has been to reach as many people for Christ as I can, through the best means I have available to me, and to do so in a way that's fair, accurate, kind, and–when appropriate–playful.

BTW, if I've helped you–in person or at a distance–in the last twenty years, I'd love to hear how I've done so. Just let me know in the comments box or by email.

It's been my honor to serve Christ and serve others these last twenty years.

Here's hoping for twenty more.



What Now?

If you like the information I've presented here, you should join my Secret Information Club.

If you're not familiar with it, the Secret Information Club is a free service that I operate by email.

I send out information on a variety of fascinating topics connected with the Catholic faith.

In fact, the very first thing you’ll get if you sign up is information about what Pope Benedict said about the book of Revelation.

He has a lot of interesting things to say!

If you’d like to find out what they are, just sign up at or use this handy sign-up form:

Just email me at if you have any difficulty.

In the meantime, what do you think?

Author: Jimmy Akin

Jimmy was born in Texas, grew up nominally Protestant, but at age 20 experienced a profound conversion to Christ. Planning on becoming a Protestant seminary professor, he started an intensive study of the Bible. But the more he immersed himself in Scripture the more he found to support the Catholic faith, and in 1992 he entered the Catholic Church. His conversion story, "A Triumph and a Tragedy," is published in Surprised by Truth. Besides being an author, Jimmy is the Senior Apologist at Catholic Answers, a contributing editor to Catholic Answers Magazine, and a weekly guest on "Catholic Answers Live."

4 thoughts on “It’s My 20th Anniversary as an Apologist (Wanna Help Me Celebrate?)”

  1. Woo hoo! Congratulations Jimmy!

    Your comments on “the internet” reminded me of when it gradually dawned on me that I could start looking things up and have an answer right away. There was a transition period for a time where I would forget that I could just do a search. Now with even more information on the internet, even things that normally would have not been worth the hassle to research can now be answered in seconds and in detail with pictures and videos.

    I’ve always enjoyed your articles. I like how you honestly present stumbling blocks and problems to the faith and then systematically destroy them (or at least change barriers into small speed bumps). 20 years ago I was a lukewarm Catholic. You and Catholic Answers have helped me tremendously. I am still apologetically Catholic, but in the past 20 years the meaning of “apologetically” has drastically changed for me.

  2. My first introduction to your written work was “Mass Confusion” which was a great book (I also bought the updated version). I had also seen you on EWTN and your reasoning is always sound and totally orthodox. So, I was an early “fan.”

    I’ve read your posts over the years on a daily basis. Once I began to blog, I had to make you a MUST READ as your articles each day were always gems. I believe that the greatest tribute one can have is that someone I respect so much like Fr. John Zuhlsdorf has used you as a primary reference on certain topics in his posts (and Dr. Peters is another). When I need the information, I search, Catholic Answers and New Advent. If you can’t find it there, it isn’t on the internet.

    Congratulations, Mr. Akin! You are a superb apologist. By the way, St. Justin Martyr is one of my favorite Church Fathers!

    Pax tecum!

  3. The American apologetics rennaissance that began in the middle 1980’s has helped many people come to understand what the Church really teaches on a number of topics. You, Jimmy, have been a substantial part of that movement and have imparted knowledge, comfort, and confrontation to thousands (millions) of listeners, readers, and callers in your writing and public speaking. Someone should write a counterfactual history story where your apologetics vocation began on June 1, 1965, at the end of Vatican II – how many people would have been spared so much nonsense! Perhaps, you and other converts are the hidden first fruits of Vatican II.

    Happy Anniversary!

    The Chicken

  4. I came across your blog about four years ago and appreciate that there are people like you who offer the public the wealth of research and knowledge you provide concerning Catholic history and faith. You have broadened my knowledge and perspective in taking it to subjects and referernces I couldn’t have thought to persue. My faith and understanding have benefited greatly. Thank you and may you provide many more years of service to God and the faithful.

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