Confronting Evil

A reader writes:

You may have heard about the priest in Las Vegas who is on the run after allegedly beating a parish worker.  If not, the latest update is here.  My spouse and I are parishioners at Our Lady of Las Vegas and are involved in the teen ministry.  This weekend will be our first teen meeting since the incident occurred.  I know we are going to get a lot of questions from teens; however, the entire parish still seems to be in shock.  I don’t know what to tell the kids given that I still can’t wrap my mind around what happened.  I know both people involved and it just doesn’t make any sense.  Most of the teens have a fairly weak and immature faith.  We’ve been trying to answer all their questions and misconceptions to help them develop a mature faith before going on to Confirmation.  I worry that the disillusionment of seeing a priest that they all knew and respected as a wanted criminal will cause them to abandon the faith. Do you have any advice for us?

I had not previously heard about the situation, but I read the article the reader links, and it is truly horiffic. If the man did what he is reported to have done (which includes not just beating but sexually molesting and apparently threatening the life of the church worker) then it so shocking that I find myself at a loss for words to express the enormity of the situation.

It’s hard to know what to say in such a situation.

And that’s the first thing I’d say to the teens.

There are points when something happens that is so shocking, so horrifying, that words cannot express it, when we can only groan to God with the emotions we are carrying–shock, outrage, anger, sadness. It’s okay to experience those feelings. They are part of human nature, and the teens–like everyone in the congregation–will go through them in the coming days. That shows that they are normal human beings.

It is natural to turn to God with these feelings and not know what to say to him in prayer. This is natural, and God understands it. St. Paul speaks of this kind of situation in Romans 8:26, where he writes:

In the same way, the Spirit too comes to the aid of our weakness; for
we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit itself
intercedes with inexpressible groanings.

As we work through our feelings in the wake of such an event, we struggle to make sense of it in our minds. Here there are several things to consider.

First, evil is a real. Some people commit horrible evil against other people, and we have to remember that.

If the priest did what is reported then he has committed one of the worst forms of evil since he abused his position of trust and betrayed someone.

Jesus warned us that there would be people like this, even among men who claim to serve God. Jesus told us "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but underneath are ravenous wolves" (Matthew 7:15).

Indeed, Jesus himself was betrayed by Judas–one of his own apostles. He knew the pain of betrayal personally–as well as the pain of knowing that it was coming.

God has promised that he will deal with such people. No matter what evil someone like this does, God will not let them get away with it. God will right all of the wrongs that have been done, he will heal those who have been hurt, he will make it up to the innocent who have suffered, and he will hold the evildoer to account for his deeds.

God gave us the state to investigate and punish wrongdoing of this sort (Rom. 13), and now the police are doing their job, investigating what happened and seeking the man so that he can be brought to justice.

What we should do now is pray that the man is found or that he turns himself in, that the situation is resolved without any more violence, and that the truth will come out. If the priest has done what is reported then he needs to be locked up so that he cannot do this to other innocent people.

At the same time we pray for this, we must also pray for his soul, because if he has done these things then he needs to repent and seek God’s mercy. God’s mercy is something we all need, and Jesus loved all of us–including the priest and his victim–enough that he took our sins upon himself so that we might be saved.

We need to pray for all the hurting people of the parish, for the woman who was beaten, and for the priest himself, who needs God’s mercy most of all if what is reported is true.

Whatever happens with this situation, God will make sure that justice is done and that mercy will be shown to those who seek it. So let us all seek God in prayer and trust him to help us in this horrible situation.

That’s probably as far as I’d go with the teens as a first effort. They are likely to have questions, and I’d do my best to answer their questions honestly and simply. I’d talk about my own feelings about the situation and let them see some emotion if it comes as you discuss it. That would validate and help them process their own feelings.

Of course, I would urge them to talk to their parents about their thoughts and feelings, and I would offer to talk to them myself as well, but the general points I would make and tone I would try to set is in the post above.

Now a few thoughts I wouldn’t address to the teens (unless they’ve heard about them and ask about them):

1) The fact that the priest backed off when he had the woman at his mercy is a good sign. It may indicate repentance or the potential for it on his part.

2) The fact that he ran appears to incriminate him.

3) His asking the woman if she was ready to go to heaven suggests that he may have had even darker plans in mind .

4) The fact that he seemed to suggest that he wouldn’t be taken alive is a bad sign.

5) His speaking of having been with other women at other parishes suggests that further investigation of his prior parish situations is warranted.

6) If he said that the only way he could get out of Lebanon was by becoming a priest then he may simply be a crook in sheep’s clothing, who was never really trying to serve God.

7) There is a significant possibility that some form of mental illness is involved here.

I’ll certainly be praying for this situation, and I ask my readers to keep it in prayer as well.

Author: Jimmy Akin

Jimmy was born in Texas, grew up nominally Protestant, but at age 20 experienced a profound conversion to Christ. Planning on becoming a Protestant seminary professor, he started an intensive study of the Bible. But the more he immersed himself in Scripture the more he found to support the Catholic faith, and in 1992 he entered the Catholic Church. His conversion story, "A Triumph and a Tragedy," is published in Surprised by Truth. Besides being an author, Jimmy is the Senior Apologist at Catholic Answers, a contributing editor to Catholic Answers Magazine, and a weekly guest on "Catholic Answers Live."

181 thoughts on “Confronting Evil”

  1. This will reflect badly on all priests who come from poor countries and are better off here than if they had not become priests and thus would not likely have had the opportunity to stay here.
    In my experience though such priests have been the most faithful I have encountered.
    Anyway, what a horrifying situation. The guy must have been a good actor, to have talked himself into and through seminary and a decade of service in the Church.

  2. And the results of the priest shortage continues. Either downsize the priesthood with technology or increase the pool by opening the priesthood to all adult members in good standing.
    With respect to the teens of the parish, it would be a good opportunity to emphazize the the need for sexual self-control and the ways to maintain that control and the consequences if they do not. A good starting line would be, as our Aunt Katherine used to say, if you cannot control it, slam a window on it.

  3. Two thoughts here, assuming the story to be true:
    -Thinking like the enemy now: whom would I (if I were the adversary) attack with temptations etc. the most? Would I not attack a priest of God–a soldier on the front lines–with the power to forgive men’s sins in confession and thereby an instrument in snatching otherwise-damned souls from my grasp?
    -Again thinking like the enemy: what better place to enmesh a sort of “double agent” (if you will)–a soldier who is truly consecrated to myself (remember, as the enemy) than within the ranks of the priesthood? What better way to discredit the entire organization (to many) than to place a “bad apple” in the Church’s “bushel basket?”

  4. As father Benedict Groeschel points out, the worst it has ever been for the priesthood was Holy Thursday, when 100% of the priesthood failed our Lord: 1 betrayed Him, 1 denied him with words, 1 (St. John) denied Him with silence, by not speaking up at His trial, and 9 deserted Him. It has never been that bad since.

  5. “Then Simon Peter, having a sword, drew it and struck the high priest’s slave and cut off his right ear…” ~ Jn. 18:10
    Granted, the event was before Pentecost, when Peter received the Holy Spirit, however, it points out one of Peter’s many faults. Priests are not immune to temptations, in fact they are even more susceptable to them.

  6. natural to turn to God – iffy if immature faith
    Jimmy, much wisdom in your post.
    Some thoughts off the top of my head. Those who taught me crisis therapy said that the Chinese character for the word ‘crisis’ means both danger and opportunity. It’s an opportunity (first 4 to 6 weeks) for either growth to higher level or downhill to lower level.
    Echoing Jimmy, obviously first thing is to validate their feelings.
    Jimmy hit a very important point about broken trust. That has to be huge in this parish right now.
    But this is the second time for the parish, as the preceding priest had allegations or charges of financial impropiety. It’s a good thing this is not a 20 post, ’cause I’m about to break one of da rulz. Jimmy had said it’s “natural to turn to God.” I’m not sure that that’s the first reaction, given a parish where there is a “weak and immature faith” and a second major hit.
    So I think that one of the first things is to say that it IS good to turn to God. That the reason Jesus suffered and died was to heal situations like this.
    It’s certainly not the first time a betrayal of trust has happened, as several people have mentioned above with Judas and apostles.
    It may be helpful for the teens to know of other instances of justice done, and of the importance of praying for the offender. And of course, prayer for the victim(s).
    Also good for them to know that questions don’t need to have an immediate answer. That it will take time to sort out their reactions and answers to questions take time.
    But the immediate thing when confronting evil, before any intellectual understanding, is prayer. By that I mean praying the rosary. They don’t have to understand today how praying the rosary makes the biggest difference, just that it does. Explanations of spiritual dynamics can come later.
    I’ll certainly keep all in prayer today.

  7. ooooops! I should’ve proofread so I erase the notes to myself reading Jimmy’s post. (walking away with red face)

  8. one last post is that the rosary is probably one of the most effective spiritual weapons against evil.

  9. ooooops! I should’ve proofread so I erase the notes to myself reading Jimmy’s post. (walking away with red face)
    Don’t feel bad. There’s been more than one time that I had wished I could edit my remarks.

  10. I really, really hesitate to bring this up here, but we really, really, have to watch our language about evil, as in: “First, evil is a real.”
    No, it’s not. The EFFECTS of evil are real, and SATAN is real, etc., but EVIL is not “real”; it is an absence (of good). There are numerous pastoral implications to getting this right.
    Doubtless, those are for another time.

  11. Evil is real vs. evil is the absence of something good is a real problem for me historically.
    Tell someone that is betrayed that the betrayal, although not material, is not real.
    Would appreciate more on this from the different perspectives.

  12. “First, evil is real.”
    Ed Peters makes a good distinction in his:
    The EFFECTS of evil are real, and SATAN is real, etc., but EVIL is not “real”;
    What I find, though, most of the time is that when a person says “EVIL is real” what they really mean is “SATAN is real”.
    They just somehow end up using the words “EVIL” and “SATAN” interchangeably in their mode of communication, which results in the former being said most of the time rather than the latter, which some would find more accurate.

  13. Isn’t an absence real? If not I’m going to tell my professors that my absences aren’t real and cannot therefore be held against me in any way.

  14. I think it’s true that many people use the word “evil” to substitute for “Satan” without even realizing it.
    So, postmoderns are too sophisticated to believe in Satan, but Evil seems palpable enough to them that they want to name it.

  15. Question before I head off for the rest of the day (be back tomorrow):
    Is the wind real? Or just the effects of the wind?

  16. So, postmoderns are too sophisticated to believe in Satan, but Evil seems palpable enough to them that they want to name it.
    I was going to draw attention to this fact as well; that there are folks such as these who would use the term “Evil” over “Satan” precisely because they believe the former as being something that actually does exist versus the latter — although the latter would be more in keeping with reality from our perspective.
    Also, there are people who, to be politically-correct, purposefully use the term “Evil” instead of “Satan” due to these and other folks out there who similarly deny the existence of Satan but do acknowledge the existence of “Evil”.

  17. Arise from Darkness: What to Do When Life Doesn’t Make Sense (Paperback)
    by Benedict J. Groeschel

  18. The more you ponder the fact that a priest is ordained to make present the Son of God in the most humble and vulnerable of forms – its much easier to understand that Satan’s assault on them is his number one strategy. The insult to the pride of the devil – that a filthy creature of the earth is allowed to hold the Almighty between his fingers – has to be a singular focus of hatred.
    That’s why it’s important to resist the temptation of dismissing “bad” priests outright. Their weaknesses are the interstate highway by which the minions of hell seek entry into the church to destroy it.
    Despair is the fruit Satan wants to harvest, and we have to increase our prayers (for this priest, and all the rest) so that the divine virtues grow instead.

  19. I don’t know…
    This all sounds like some kind of severe mental breakdown on the priests part. Just my thoughts

  20. Ok. Use the example of a hole in a shirt. The effects of the hole are obvious, palpable, discernible, and a bunch of other words. But what we are discerning is the ABSENCE of integrity in something good. If evil were “real” I could somehow, even metaphorically, remove it (the hole) and put it somewhere else.
    Of course, I can’t do that. I can disturb the integrity of another shirt, but I have not “transferred” the evil from one shirt to the other.
    This important for many reasons, but among them, is notion of “fighting evil” has to be very carefully nuanced. You can’t fight a hole, you cxan only fill it.
    You can’t fight “evil” you can only fill the void with charity (or truth, etc depending on circumstances.)

  21. Ed:
    That was a rather thoughtful and meaningful post there!
    I wished you’d participate more often and put up more posts of a similar nature.

  22. So…if evil is not real then could you say that God made everything, and that God made everything good?
    This “evil” distinction may help in explaining creation to my children.

  23. Ed, it’s more than an absence. There’s an active form of evil that’s more than absence. But drat you, why’d you pick today when I don’t have the time to think it out that it deserves?

  24. Father George is my priest. In fact, he was my favorite priest….
    This has been a hard week dealing with the fact that a man whom I had the normal affectionate feelings one has for a priest they admire would commit such a monstrous act. Shock and dismay.
    Fr. George seemed by all appearances to be a man of God- sounds ironic at this point to write that, but many of us appreciated and yes, loved him. There was no indication that I know of that he was capable of this devilry. He came across as warm, loving, wise and charming. He constantly preached on God’s love and the pursuit of holiness, the centrality of Jesus to the spiritual life. Ugh- it’s surreal.
    I wonder if mental illness is involved. It’s just so out of character….
    Thank you, Jimmy, for such a thoughtful post. Those are very, very good thoughts. He was captured today (maybe yesterday) in Arizona. Pray for us at Our Lady Of Las Vegas (I help out at RCIA), for Michaelina, his victim and for him for full and complete repentance.

  25. I heard a report that when the woman started praying for her life the priest ‘suddenly’ stopped his attack, apologized and said he was going to kill himself.
    It made me wonder if the man is possesed.

  26. For anyone looking for an orthodox Catholic Church in Las Vegas.
    There is a Catholic Church at 1575 E.Windmill Lane.
    Mass times are Sundays at 10 and 12 am
    Mon and 8 am
    Wed.and 6PM
    Holy days of obligation at 6pm
    This is a solid Catholic Church with no violent clergy and no abusive of the liturgy.
    Any woman who wants to be a secretary there will not have to fear for her very life.
    God bless you.

  27. There’s an active form of evil that’s more than absence.
    No, the active form of evil is the deliberate choice of a lesser good over a greater good.

  28. Barbara: I’m not sure that the incident with Malchus points out Peter’s faults. If anything, I’d say that it might point to a certain desperate courage, albeit a form of courage uninformed by the Spirit. Peter’s fault in this incident was that he didn’t understand that Christ needed to die, making his action not intrisically wrong but more ill-informed. In almost any other circumstance and with a merely human teacher (not one who is truly Man AND truly God), his actions would have been comendable.

  29. For Tim J.
    Thre can be no effect without cause. The effects of the wind are “real” because the wind makes them so.

  30. “… but deliver us from evil. Amen” How is this petition explained in light of the above discussion? I’ve been told that the correct petition should be for delivery from the evil one? If this is true, then evil is an adjective and not a noun, and I would understand. But then why isn’t the wording “evil one” in the Our Father? I would really appreciate some one’s explanation. Thanks!

  31. Ed:
    I’ve been told that the correct petition should be for delivery from the evil one? If
    Take a look at the Greek for this in Matthew 6:13; it is better translated as “evil one” than just merely “evil” due to the definite article that’s present:
    του πονηρου
    the definite article; the (sometimes to be supplied, at others omitted, in English idiom) — the, this, that, one, he, she, it, etc.
    hurtful, i.e. evil; figuratively, calamitous; also (passively) ill, i.e. diseased; but especially (morally) culpable, i.e. derelict, vicious, facinorous; neuter (singular) mischief, malice, or (plural) guilt;
    However, I believe Jimmy could provide a more literal translation.

  32. No, the active form of evil is the deliberate choice of a lesser good over a greater good.
    Tim, prayers for you and all in your parish. I can barely imagine how difficult it must be.
    Mary, I was referring to something different than a person’s deliberate choice. In Renzo Allegri’s biography of St. Padre Pio, he says that even after St. Padre Pio left, “earthenware pots and wooden chairs would break apart without anyone touching them.” That’s the sort of thing I’m referring to as an active form of evil.
    Ed P, your comment about not being able “transfer” makes me think this is a leftover from a previous discussion, to be continued in next post…

  33. It’s very likely that mental illness is involved. Having endured a close family member’s struggles with bipolar disorder, I can testify from personal experience that mental illness can lead a person to say and do things that are so completely out of character for them as to make them seem a totally different person.
    Re the question of whether evil is real, Ed Peters is using “real” in a technical sense from Neo-Platonic philoosophy that is as different from our everyday use of the word “real” as a physicist’s use of the word “work” is different from our everyday use of the word “work.” Instead of meaning “imaginary,” it means something that does not represent an Ideal, but rather represents the lessening or absence of an ideal.

  34. Ed P, let me address your example of a hole in a shirt. Nice image, but not accurate of the entirety of evil. Your phrases If evil were “real” and quotation marks around “fighting evil” are of a piece with your stated understanding of evil as an absence.
    But….. Romans 12:21 speaks of conquering or overcoming evil, not “filling in” an absence. (The NAB translation is “Do not be conquered by evil, but conquer evil with good.”)
    Since I do not have Jimmy’s training and experience in Biblical languages, I have to “cheat” by referring to the back of Strong’s Concordance. The root of the word conquer (overcome in KJV) means to “conquer, overcome, prevail, get the victory” from derived from the verb to “subdue.” Not a whiff of “filling in an absence.” Rather, very much fighting as a battle.
    But that’s not what I started out to say, so now I have to re-collect my thoughts and get back to my original thought.

  35. Leigh, he may very well have a mental illness and yes, it happens that people with a mental illness can do something “out of character.” But it’s not a characteristic of bipolar disorder to commit violence.
    Whenever something like this happens, there is frequent mention of some variation of either must have been or could be mentally ill. That reinforces in the public’s mind an equating of mental illness and violence. It does a great disservice to those with mental illness, either becoming an obstacle to seeking treatment or how the public treats people who are often some of the most vulnerable in society.
    But I don’t want to go there at the moment.
    As long as I’m on a tangent, what I noticed from the linked article is that Chaanine said “that that the only way he could get out of his home country was to become a Catholic priest.” The priests I know don’t use that as the reason for their vocation.

  36. Ed P, I wondered if your comment about not transferring a hole in a shirt was a leftover from a previous discussion (which I really do not want to start up again, only finish what was left over). The following is based on my guess that it is. If I’m mistaken, let me know.
    I’d like to preface with saying that back in the pre-historic days before digital cameras, when photographic film was developed, the result was called a “negative image.” That is, dark areas appeared light and light areas appeared dark.
    From the previous discussion IIRC a specific difficulty was the idea of an “evil eye” and similar ideas. To quote from the book,
    “(The evil eye) does not come about, as many think, by believing that some individuals cause bad luck by just looking at you; this is nonsense. (emphasis mine) … it presupposes the will to harm a predetermined person with the intervention of demons.” p. 132
    So let’s look at the flip side. Sacramentals such as holy water, blessed candles and the rosary are objects used as aids in devotion. In Why Do Catholics Do That?, Kevin Johnson says, “A sacramental produces grace, through the intercession of the Church, indirectly.”
    So there’s the idea of using an object to ask for God’s blessing on a person. (That’s the general idea. You or one of the multitudes can nitpick that after the point.)
    Holy water and candles are immediate to a particular person or area. But the effects of the rosary can be applied over time and space. An example is praying for the souls in purgatory.
    With that established, go back to the photographic “negative image” and you can see that an object can also be used to will harm to a person, even across time and space.
    That’s the essence.
    Let me know if that clarifies the leftover.

  37. Ed P, are you saying that Scripture obscures fundamentals? Not sure how to read your last post.

  38. On the reality or lack thereof re: evil.
    I see it as light and dark– obviously, evil is the dark. Darkness *does* exist, although it’s simply the absence of light. Absolute darkness is really, really rare. You can fight the darkness by spreading the light. Maybe it’s an old comparison because it works so nicely….
    On the hole in a shirt example, that’s easy: you fight the absence of fabric by sewing it up.
    Oh, and I don’t use “Evil” to mean “Satan”– I say “Evil exists” because I know a great many people who believe, to use the first example, that their is no light or dark, only shade.

  39. David, that could be. But even where Scripture uses metaphor, I don’t see what that has to do with Romans 12:21. It would be difficult, if not impossible, to portray that verse as a metaphor.

  40. This is why it is very important to pray for Vocations, on all its levels. As this post shows priests in the West carry this heavy burden that has only appeared since the 80s. Then there is the age-old burden of being a real social profession, as shown by the complaints in the other current thread on Sisters potentially reading homilies instead. As Lincoln said, you can keep some happy some of the time, but never all the people all the time, which sadly is interpreted as spiritual sloth. Then there are those seeking a dedicated religious vocation, which I know firsthand is never about current scandals, celibacy, marriage, or children, but central to fulfilling God’s Will, which is a very intimidating when one approaches that threshold.
    Not only for them but us as laity, who are to be signs of God. How many remember that marriage is God calling us to love another, and be a sign of His love for His Church? How many remember that we are to be holy as well? This was highlighted in another thread where on members pastor admits to few seeking him for spiritual counsel, and another being “apathetic” when he “turns out” those who are unwilling to begin a prayer life.
    Realist’s point of opening the priesthood to all is a blatant fallacy. It is open to all, along with the call to holiness. Few people have the *explitive* *deleted* to do so and -not- be an unintentional alternative form of exercising the First Amendment right.

  41. Skygor, I was going to say that you were mind-reading because today’s homily was on praying for vocations, especially for the priesthood. I wonder if that was the topic for homilies today.

  42. Sexual abuse and violence by Catholic priests is quite common throughout the world. In the eyes of the law, it is FELONY sexual abuse. I remain hopeful that he will be found guilty and imprisoned. It may be worth the time to check out if he commited similar crimes in other parishes. You can count on the prosecution checking out this nut’s history. He will most likely be raped and battered by other inmates in prison. In my opinion, prayer does not help a criminal. As for your teenagers, they have read about and viewed extreme violence on TV and quite possibly on a daily basis. Young people are resilient and they will find a way to understand this terrible situation in their own way. Just let them talk and ask questions, don’t lie to them and support any feelings that arise.

  43. “Sexual abuse and violence by Catholic priests is quite common throughout the world.”
    Can you cite evidence to support your accusation, or are you just giving vent to bigotry?
    “In my opinion, prayer does not help a criminal.”
    God has a different opinion, according to the prophet Ezechiel, but what does He know?
    “…support any feelings that arise.”
    *Any*? I’ll pass on supporting feelings of bigotry like yours.

  44. There. I’ve confronted 2 evils: Calumny and Bigotry. I feel good. (Cholo, of course, by his own words, *must* support my feeling.)

  45. SNAP is an anti-Catholic group. That explains everything. But, hey, anti-Catholic bigots have to get their bigotry reinforced somewhere.

  46. Getting information about the Catholic Church from SNAP is like getting information about Jews from a Nazi website or getting information about blacks from a Ku Klux Klan website.

  47. Sexual abuse and violence by Catholic priests is quite common throughout the world
    Cholo, do you also go on school sites and post that “sexual abuse and violence by teachers is quite common”?
    Second, do you consider an average of four percent to be “quite common”? That’s not to minimize the pain of those on the receiving end of the abuse, but you do a disservice to the other (average of) 96 percent.

  48. Hi Jimmy,
    I truly believe that you are concerned about the teenagers. I also believe that you and other reasonable adults will manage this awful situation just fine. Answer their questions to the best of your ability and don’t lie to them and they will work throught this terrible situation in a way that will probably amaze everybody. Trust them to do the best that they can do. Hang in there Jimmy….you make lots of sense. Best, Cholo

  49. Cholo, that’s quite the non-answer. Are you interested in a discussion or just doing a driveby inaccurate generalization?
    There’s a dog owner who has recently walked down my street, letting his dog poop in other peoples’ front yards and not cleaning it up. Your posts so far remind me of that irresponsible dog owner.

  50. Thanks Jimmy for giving such a quick response to my question. It really did help, hearing advice from someone who wasn’t emotionally involved.
    I wanted to post a follow-up on how it went this weekend. The teachers seemed more upset than the students. We opened by asking if there was anything interesting in the news this week. Everyone laughed which broke the ice. Then followed about 20 minutes of questions which focused mostly on practical matters “how’s he doing?” “what will happen now?” “how’s the lady, has she come back to church since” and procedural questions about both U.S. and church law. Some of the kids still seemed to be in denial, which is ok because so were some of the teachers. I was proud of the kids, though. When I brought up that they needed to be able to separate the actions of one man from the truth of their faith, they seemed surprised that anyone would leave the church over the incident. Thank you (almost) everyone for your comments and prayers.
    Dan Hunter: Thanks for the info, but OLLV *is* an orthodox parish .
    Tim the poet: Proud to see a fellow parishioner on Jimmy’s blog. You said exactly what I’ve been feeling. I love him too.

  51. Q, thanks for the update, I wondered how things went. Sounds like a great group of kids (and teachers). Will keep in prayer.


  53. Cholo, there’s no need to shout.
    If your sole purpose was to thank Jimmy for his fine job, why did you not mention it until your third post?
    Your first, second and fourth posts are cheap shots with a lot of uninformed prejudice.
    It’s not that your opinions are unpopular as much as inaccurate.
    You came across as a troll. However, another possibility occurred to me that you might not be a troll.
    Since the tendency to misjudge genuine concern as somehow as a reflection on teens’ ability to deal with a difficult situation happens often with teens, it occurred to me that you might be a teen. If so, just say so and we can have an actual discussion.

  54. Questioner,
    That is great news,I did not know that there was another Church in Vegas that offers the Tridentine Mass.What are the mass times for the Classical Rite?
    God bless you.

  55. Dan Hunter:
    I’m sorry, I should have done a little research first, but there are so many churches in Vegas. I did not realize that by “orthodox” you meant schismatic. I love Latin, and while I wish there was both Tridentine and Latin Novus Ordo Masses offered in the diocese, I don’t find love of Latin to be a sufficient reason to go into schism.

  56. Questioner,
    His Eminence Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos of Ecclesia Dei has just said that the SSPX are not in schism.
    Look to the Rorate Caeli site and see where he makes this statement.
    His Eminence has also declared that the mass they offer is valid.
    God bless you.

  57. Dan, Questioner has his own concerns right now. Why would he spend energy on your agenda?
    Show some common sense. Q didn’t come asking for anyone’s opinion on the Tridentine Mass, so let this one rest.

  58. Dan,
    JP2 declared that SSPX *is* schismatic. A formal declaration from a pope trumps a cardinal’s opinion.

  59. “A formal declaration from a pope trumps a cardinal’s opinion.”
    Not if you don’t want it to, David B. I know that’s true; I heard it in the Cafeteria.

  60. A formal declaration from me for you whiny wimps to call me at previously mentioned number trumps your hatred of discipline.
    Lets get it awn.
    Well hewwo again Mawy Kay how doodly doo.
    Its always fun getting your dander up ha,ha ha ha.
    I am sure you will get all bent outta shape and start snap snap snappin.
    I love it though.You are funny when your mad and then you try to get instuctive.
    Don’t ever loosen up,your so fun just as you are.
    Via con scruffy.

  61. Dan,
    Does your lack of humility and charity come from attending the Tridentine Rite? You are a poor witness for the Tridentine Rite.
    Take care and God bless,

  62. Yes Innocencio,the Tridentine Rite is the Devils own composition and its very being should be summarily crushed out of existence by the heel of the Theotokas.
    I am truly a messenger of Gehenna and I am desirous of the downfall of many.
    Lets all chant together in thrice unison,
    “I shall not Serve”.”I Shall not Serve”I Shall not Serve”.
    Yes,you have caught on to my true intent.It is about time you made a statement on this.
    Verbum Tekum Kali Yug.

  63. Well, “Dan Hunter’s” son has little respect for women. If I were the kid’s father, I’d use his “Cat’O Ninetails” on his own butt.

  64. hmm… Meant to say ‘buttocks.’ I don’t want to be crude, like Dan’s ‘son’. 😉

  65. Hi Nine Tails….what is a Mawry Kay? How come she easily angered? Has she ever been truly instructive? Tee hee hee, tee hee hee! You sure know how to tha ole Mawry Kay from SNAP.

  66. Nine tails….You sure know how to tease that ole Mawry Kay from SNAP. She is probably not a real Snapster! Cheers!

  67. Agreed. I’d be sad if JA.O was permitted to be a recruiting tool for groups whose unity with the Church is, at best, highly questionable. And recruiting people under circumstances like this is ecclesiastical ambulance-chasing, pure and simple. Over the line. Way over the line. If this church truly weren’t in schism it wouldn’t put up with stunts like that. Questioner, I greatly admire you for the charity of your response, especially under the circumstances.

  68. PS: Everybody, regardless of his faith, thinks his own parish/church/place of worship/way of life is orthodox. So it strikes me that the meaning of the term has to be contextual. So unless a poster provides some context of his own, using the term “orthodox” to mean something other than Jimmy would mean strikes me as a careless use of language at best, and an outright lie at worst.

  69. I don’t know how many Catholic priests there are in the US but if 4% have been sexually abusive of children and vulnerable adults, that’s quite a number of traumatized Catholic boys, girls, and vulnerable adults. As the details of this case unfold, there will likely be enormous pressure on your diocese to disclose protected information. If the national media swarns your community and attempts to interview individuals at your parish, how do you plan to manage the media? Trust that whatever you disclose to the media might be twisted to misrepresent your views. If you don’t believe that your priest friend is guilty, be careful when you speak with reporters, especially if you sense that there is a feeding frenzy and the goal is to convict in the press and contaminate the jury pool. Once again, trust that the teens may not be as weak in faith as you might think; and, that they are quite capable of weighing the facts and arriving at their own internal balance while remaining faithful Catholics. Teens are not pushovers. The teens and kids will make create a better world. Best, Jimmy

  70. RULE 1 WARNING: Folks in this thread (and all threads) need to be polite with each other. The deliberate taunting that has gone on here will get folks banned if it continues.

  71. Francis, I’ll have to remember the phrase “ecclesiastical ambulance-chasing.”
    Cholo, are you interested in a reciprocal discussion? Or are you simply letting off steam?

  72. Tim….I would guess that your favorite priest Fr. George is mentally ill. There are probably many investigators gathering what they call the facts of the case. Some of what happened will come out at his trial. Tim, he may feel relieved that he has been captured and locked up in jail. It may be the only safe place for him at this time. If this is the first time that he has ever harmed another person, maybe he will be locked up only for a short while. Then, placed on probation and allowed to live within a sheltered community where he can receive long-term rehabilitative care. You never quite know what will become of a person who has commited such a serious crime. I sure hope that the victim will receive all the care that he needs. I’m also interested in how the Archdiocese will view this incident over time and whether or not there is a pattern of similar behavior at other parishes. Check with your archdiocese, they may have a counselor available for you to speak with to process your concerns. Good Luck!

  73. If I were Cholo’s father, I’d take myself out to the shed and and exact some decipline on my own backside, as punishment for raising my child to act like a world-class bozo.
    Mary Kay, you deserve respect from these jerks.

  74. Jimmy, I wonder how the bishop is going to handle this situation. Will he aid the authorities or will he hide this priest from them?
    Given the hierarchy’s general response to the clerical sex-abuse crisis, that question is, sadly, a legtimate one.
    I’m sorry that Michaelia didn’t have a gun. If she did, and was legally registered, she should have brought it to work with her every day — and she should have used it when the priest attacked her. Legally, she would have been justified.
    Yes, I know that sentiment is going to horrify practically all of you but let’s get real, here. The only way that the Church Establishment is going to take the laity seriously when it comes to such abuse is if the laity fights back with methods that the Establishment cannot defuse through legal or bureaucratic chicanery.

  75. As father Benedict Groeschel points out, the worst it has ever been for the priesthood was Holy Thursday, when 100% of the priesthood failed our Lord: 1 betrayed Him, 1 denied him with words, 1 (St. John) denied Him with silence, by not speaking up at His trial, and 9 deserted Him. It has never been that bad since.
    Why do I find this nothing but sentimentalist, blasphemous hoo-hah designed to do nothing more than to keep Catholics in their little comfort zones by providing false comfort that distracts them from the evil in their midst?
    Frankly, I’m sick and tired of people exploiting the doctrines of apostolic succession and “alter Christus” to defuse legitimate criticism about clerical immorality and episcopal malfeasance. Those doctrines never justified such behavior and, more importantly, weren’t designed to!! Yet Catholics seem to be too stupid by half to understand that. Why? Are we so infatuated with ourselves and our identities that we can’t see plain truth for what it is? And if that’s true, then what does that say about Satan’s influence in the Church?

  76. Joseph D’Hippolito,
    Yet Catholics seem to be too stupid by half to understand that. Why?
    If only we were as smart as you, right?
    Are we so infatuated with ourselves and our identities that we can’t see plain truth for what it is?
    If we were as smart as you we would realize you decide the truth for us.
    And if that’s true, then what does that say about Satan’s influence in the Church?
    I would ask that question about your own life.
    Take care and God bless,

  77. Joseph D’Hippolito,
    “As father Benedict Groeschel points out, the worst it has ever been for the priesthood was Holy Thursday, when 100% of the priesthood failed our Lord: 1 betrayed Him, 1 denied him with words, 1 (St. John) denied Him with silence, by not speaking up at His trial, and 9 deserted Him. It has never been that bad since.”
    How is this “blasphemous hoo-hah”? I don’t understand. Then again, I guess I’m one of those ‘stupid by more than half’ people, so it is impossible for me to contemplate the wisdom of the great Joseph D’Hippolito.

  78. HIPPO:
    Frankly, I’m sick and tired of people exploiting the doctrines of apostolic succession and “alter Christus” to defuse legitimate criticism about clerical immorality and episcopal malfeasance.
    Who has done that here or anywhere in the Church???
    As Jesus said:
    Mark 9:41-42
    41 ¶ (9-40) For whosoever shall give you to drink a cup of water in my name, because you belong to Christ: amen I say to you, he shall not lose his reward.
    42 (9-41) And whosoever shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me: it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and he were cast into the sea.
    Again, bad, bad hungry, hungry Hippo!

  79. Hippo:
    Make sure you take note of verse 41 as well as 42.
    Keep in mind that there are innocent clergy out there as well as the bad.
    This has always been the case not only amongst the Apostles of Jesus but even in the Old Testament.
    The hierarchy that got established, it’s composed of sinners just like in our times today, who engaged in serious wrong-doing. If you look at 1 Samuel Chapters 1 and 2, you’ll see that at the time the high priests – a man named Eli was very indulgent of the priests (who happened to be his sons back in that day because they had a hereditary priesthood) and he was very indulgent of his sons who would engage in a variety of different things that could be classified as embezzlement, sexual harassment of the women who served at the Temple (I mean, it says that they slept with the women who served at the Temple), and Eli did not take effective action in dealing with these priests.
    So, that’s a fairly notable analogue to the situation that we’ve had recently where some bishops failed to take effective action to deal with priests who were sexual predators. If you had been a pagan at the time of this incident, and if you had judged the truth of Israel’s religion based on the conduct of its priests, you probably would have stayed a pagan and I would have missed the true religion.
    I’d also urge you to think about that in Jesus’ day, the hierarchy of the people of God at that time was also engaged in significant immoral behavior. In fact, it was the Chief Priest who had Jesus himself put to death. But, despite that fact, Jesus (and Jesus also had a lot of other criticisms to make of them but in spite of that) said to them don’t follow their example but do what they say (talking in this case particularly about the Pharisees and other kinds of religious leaders in his day). They still had authority that needed to be respected even if they themselves totally failed to live up to their own standards.

  80. Now to you, Esau,
    Frankly, I’m sick and tired of people exploiting the doctrines of apostolic succession and “alter Christus” to defuse legitimate criticism about clerical immorality and episcopal malfeasance.
    Who has done that here or anywhere in the Church???

    Well, perhaps you should read your last response because you do exactly that. You enter into a whole discussion about the importance and necessity of apostolic succession when I never disputed that doctrine.
    Nowhere do I contradict the doctrines of apostolic succession or “alter Christus.” I merely point out that too many Catholics use them as an excuse to tolerate episcopal malfeasance.
    Your ultimate quarrel isn’t with me. It’s with Francis of Assisi, Catherine of Siena, Alphonsus Liguori, Erasmus and Thomas More — all of whom spoke out against the same kind of thing I’m speaking out against.
    It’s also against people like Stephen Brady of Roman Catholic Faithful, who has single-handedly tried to get Rome’s attention concerning the episcopal enabling of clerical sex-abuse in his home diocese. Not only did Rome brush him aside but so do many Catholics.
    You’re right about one thing, Esau. I Samuel does a great job describing the kind of indulgence shown by bishops to clerical predators.
    It’s exactly the same kind of indulgence that JPII showed to his “brother bishops” when the sex-abuse scandal broke.
    Think about that last comment, Esau. Think about it seriously.

  81. Joseph D’Hippolito,
    Someday you will understand that you have to reconcile your self-acknowledged superior intellgence with the meek and humble heart that gave the sermon on the mount.
    I pray that day will come soon.
    Take care and God bless,

  82. HIPPO:
    Think about that last comment, Esau. Think about it seriously.
    You still don’t get it —
    The hierarchy that got established, it’s composed of sinners just like in our times today, who engaged in serious wrong-doing. If you look at 1 Samuel Chapters 1 and 2, you’ll see that at the time the high priests – a man named Eli was very indulgent of the priests (who happened to be his sons back in that day because they had a hereditary priesthood) and he was very indulgent of his sons who would engage in a variety of different things that could be classified as embezzlement, sexual harassment of the women who served at the Temple (I mean, it says that they slept with the women who served at the Temple), and Eli did not take effective action in dealing with these priests.
    So, that’s a fairly notable analogue to the situation that we’ve had recently where some bishops failed to take effective action to deal with priests who were sexual predators. If you had been a pagan at the time of this incident, and if you had judged the truth of Israel’s religion based on the conduct of its priests, you probably would have remained a pagan and you missed the true religion!
    I’d also urge you to think about that in Jesus’ day, the hierarchy of the people of God at that time was also engaged in significant immoral behavior. In fact, it was the Chief Priest who had Jesus himself put to death. But, despite that fact, Jesus (and Jesus also had a lot of other criticisms to make of them but in spite of that) said to them don’t follow their example but do what they say (talking in this case particularly about the Pharisees and other kinds of religious leaders in his day). They still had authority that needed to be respected even if they themselves totally failed to live up to their own standards.

  83. Fr. George battered a woman, raped her, threatened to kill her and pranced off looking for a hidy hole. The Catholic church has a right to protect priests who have broken state and federal law, especially those that have committed FELONY RAPE. Some priests have been wrongfully accused while others have been convicted by a jury. In my opinion, any guilty priest belongs in prison. The innocent priests are just that, INNOCENT and should be allowed to continue in their ministry. Consider asking your Bishop if other priests in your parish have committed similar crimes against boys and girls, and, vulnerable adults. They will not tell you the truth. Pressure your Bishop for the truth so that you can better protect innocent children and vulnerable adults in your parish. I believe that children have a right to thrive. They have a right to be safe and to feel safe. When any adult violates their boundaries and rapes children or vulnerable, they belong in prison. NO MERCY.

  84. Correction: When any adult violates their boundaries and rapes children or vulnerable adults, they belong in prison.

  85. If you had been a pagan at the time of this incident, and if you had judged the truth of Israel’s religion based on the conduct of its priests, you probably would have remained a pagan and you missed the true religion!
    In fact, it was the Chief Priest who had Jesus himself put to death. But, despite that fact, Jesus (and Jesus also had a lot of other criticisms to make of them but in spite of that) said to them don’t follow their example but do what they say … They still had authority that needed to be respected even if they themselves totally failed to live up to their own standards.

    Esau, those comments imply that I stated opposition to the doctrines of apostolic succession or “alter Christus” when I did no such thing. I merely said that too many people misuse those doctrines as an excuse not to hold bishops and priests accountable.
    The mere fact that you confuse the issue inadvertently proves my point.

  86. Update: AMERICA’S MOST WANTED with John Walsh – Fr. George. Click on “captures” and the legal charges against Fr. George pop up. Fr. George has stated that he engaged in similar behavior with other women at other churches. Bashing the victim with a bottle? Definitely not cool Fr. George. No surprise that he transferred to Sin City…strange?

  87. Hippo:
    The very fact that you generalize the Catholic Church as the ever-morally deficient Rome rather than the Church Christ established; the fact that you generalize ALL Catholics as being stupid (in your words: Catholics seem to be too stupid by half to understand that) and actually accepting of the abuses of certain clergy; these all speak to your incredible stupidity:
    I mean, who, exactly, amongst the general population of Catholics in the world are the majority you claim that have actually excused such heinous acts and do not hold such persons accountable?
    This prejudicial view of yours is merely an invention of your tremendous narrow-mindedness coupled with your self-importance, which is further enhanced by your utterly repugnant presumptuous demeanor that seeks to generalize folks of the Catholic Church without any real regard for the actual individuality of its members or their views on the matter.
    You, like the racist arse who judges an entire race by the actions of one member, do so likewise here by your judging of an entire people (that of the Catholic Church) as being ‘stupid’ Catholics who merely excuse the abuses of the clergy and do not hold priests accountable.
    Look at what you said exactly: Those doctrines never justified such behavior and, more importantly, weren’t designed to!! Yet Catholics seem to be too stupid by half to understand that.
    Tell me, where is the intelligence behind such a remark? I mean, did you actually perform comprehensive research to form your conclusions here??? That Catholics, in general, are stupid that they actually justify such behaviour by such doctrines??? Oh yeah, by the way, I even doubt that even a quarter of Catholics even do that, much less, a tenth! Moreover, it is more a fact that ALL Catholics have been sickened by these events and do not excuse them one bit!
    So, Bad, Bad Hungry, Hungry HIPPO!

    I’m sorry that Michaelia didn’t have a gun. If she did, and was legally registered, she should have brought it to work with her every day — and she should have used it when the priest attacked her. Legally, she would have been justified.
    Yes, I know that sentiment is going to horrify practically all of you but let’s get real, here. The only way that the Church Establishment is going to take the laity seriously when it comes to such abuse is if the laity fights back with methods that the Establishment cannot defuse through legal or bureaucratic chicanery.

  89. I think that it’s justified for a woman to shoot a man that is threatening to kill her while raping her. Fr. George sneaked up on his victim and smashed her on the head with a glass bottle. Fr. George is not a mere scoundrel, he committed Felony Rape. His assault was extremely violent and he attempted to kill the woman by choking her. I don’t believe that ALL Catholics care that boys, girls, and vulnerable adults continue to be sexually abused by priests. I wouldn’t be surprised if the victim is portrayed as a whore by Fr. George’s attorneys and that she invited this brutal assault. Go to the trial, this is not a slam dunk case. By the way, are guns sold to undocumented citizens? Where can I pick up one…for hunting rabbits and deer of course.

  90. Fr. George is not a mere scoundrel, he committed Felony Rape.
    Nobody is saying this particular priest is anything less than. But, that’s not to say that ALL priests are such a person.
    I don’t believe that ALL Catholics care that boys, girls, and vulnerable adults continue to be sexually abused by priests.
    Oh really??? And how do you suppose that???
    Any actual proof to substantiate that claim??? Or are you also speaking from your arse???
    All the Catholics I know simply abhor the actions of those clergy who committed this awful crime not only against the innocent but, above all, against God.
    Many, in fact, had been shaken in their Faith and left the Church.
    But, one cannot leave ‘Peter’ just because of these ‘Judas’ who have betrayed their God and committed this horrible offense against His dear ones.
    So, why don’t you, Cholo, just go crawl back to that hole of yours which you just came out of and shut your pie hole.
    Don’t think I did not notice how offensive you were to Mary Kay.
    By the way, the fact that you chose the handle ‘Cholo’ speaks volumes about how you look down on certain people; and if you should actually be a part of that people, it’s even more appalling to see you treat your own people with such disdain and disrespect as to use such perjorative terms which all the more puts them down!

  91. Matt 23:1-51 Then Jesus spoke to the multitudes and to his disciples, 2 Saying: The scribes and the Pharisees have sitten on the chair of Moses. 3 All things therefore whatsoever they shall say to you, observe and do: but according to their works do ye not; for they say, and do not. 4 For they bind heavy and insupportable burdens, and lay them on men’s shoulders; but with a finger of their own they will not move them. 5 And all their works they do for to be seen of men. For they make their phylacteries broad, and enlarge their fringes.
    ..Now, if Jesus was so respectful to the authority of His day, because they have “sitten on the chair of Moses”, how much more respectful aught we to be to those who sit on ..the “chair” of St. Peter?!
    I prefer to follow the Lord’s teachings and recommendations in all of these scandalous activities. And was it not the Lord also who said not to be overly surprised by such evil happenings?
    Also, if there is no evil in the world, how is it that we are to imitate Christ, take up OUR crosses, and follow Him? And when Judas betrayed Him, do we really think it would be the last of such treacherous or scandelous acts?
    A Saint once said, “I’m not surprised over the falling into to sin of many good men! But what surprises me, and is rare, is when a sinner is raised and turns to the grace and love of God!” (my paraphrase)
    So, NO scandal or evil should be surprising to a true servant, follower and imitator of Christ! It’s just ‘par’ for the course!

  92. A. Williams:
    And when Judas betrayed Him, do we really think it would be the last of such treacherous or scandelous acts?
    Good point there —
    It’s incredible that there are folks who are actually astonished that such scandalous acts were committed by a certain few of its members. After all, the Church is composed of sinners (who exactly on this world is not?).
    It’s not as if similarly abhorrent offenses did not take place in the past concerning Men of God as with Judas in the New Testament in his horrendous betrayal of Jesus as well as the scandalous events that unfolded in the Old Testament during the time of the high priests in 1 Samuel Chapters 1 and 2 where there were acts of embezzlement, sexual harassment of the women who served in the temple (the priests seemed to have made these women to sleep with them) by the priests in those days.
    That’s not to say though that such offenses are excusable since they had occurred in the past; only that they are to be expected in a world of sinners.
    Moreover, these folks will certainly be held accountable.
    As Jesus said:
    Mt 18:6 But he that shall scandalize one of these little ones that believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned in the depth of the sea.
    This is rather serious since this saying of Jesus is repeated across the Synoptic Gospels (Mt 18:6, Mk 9:42, Lk 17:2).

  93. BINGO! Esau,
    Jesus, in His Divine Prophesy, and knowing that the wiles of Satan would ‘play every hand’ against His friends and Holy Church, let us know of these scandalous ‘potentials’, very clearly, a long time ago.
    This is actually one of the prophesies that should make us believe and have confidence, even more, in Our Divine Teacher!
    He also warns of numerous other events and prodigies, one of which says:
    “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, by reason of the confusion of the roaring of the sea and of the waves;
    26 Men withering away for fear, and expectation of what shall come upon the whole world. For the powers of heaven shall be moved. Luke 21:25-26
    Interesting… considering all of the satellites, missiles and global warming/ocean rising,that we have in our present times! These things, like the scandals, also shouldn’t be a surprise to us, if we might see them in our life times! Rather, we have faith in the Lord, who warns and teaches us beforehand..and also says “Be not afraid”, “peace be with you”! and “you will know them by their love for one another”(a means of identification of his true disciples and Church).
    It’s good to remember these sayings, especially if we come across times of trials and tribulations!
    Long Live Jesus and His Holy Church!

  94. Fr. George is a RAPIST. He battered a woman’s body, smashed her on the head with a glass bottle causing her to bleed, forcefully touched her private parts, and threatened to KILL her. Domination, humiliation, sexual sadism, Fr. George is a severely mentally ill felon. Fr. George will be raped in prison, battered, cut up, and forced to engage in unhealthy sexual practice with numerous inmates. He will become somebody’s boy toy and made to like it. He will receive medical care after he is raped to stop the bleeding. The medical care will probably be provided 2 or 3 days later if the bleeding hasn’t stopped. He will be sent to hell by a jury of his peers. Long Live Jesus and His Holy Church! Su Amigo, Cholo

  95. Hi Esau, My father was born in Sonora, Mexico and he and his family just walked across the border and made themselves comfy! He was nicknamed Cholo. Cholo is also my nickname and I like it. I’ve also been called Prieto. Best, Cholo

  96. Cholo:
    I grew up in a neighborhood where many of my friends (at least, during my youth) were actually Chicano.
    Even they, the one who went to school and were determined to make something of themselves regarded such terms as degrading and looked on such folks who actually exemplified the term as uneducated nitwits who put down their culture by their very actions and behaviour and, more so, gave a negative reflection of its people rather than a positive one.
    Now, about the priest; nobody here is saying that this priest is to be excused for what he had done and, of course, should be held accountable.
    However, the way you have utterly went beyond the bounds of decent dialogue in your comments above is completely unacceptable.
    When you similarly meet your rewards in the afterlife, I hope you remember just what you’ve said here!

  97. Cholo, you’re coming across pretty strangely. I see that you’re trying to balance outrage and compassion, and I respect that, but some of the language you’ve used looks pretty offensive to other posters here. I hope you’re not doing it on purpose. And I can’t even tell what your last post is supposed to be about. I’m sorry.

  98. Cholo:
    Either moderate your tone or I will have to disinvite you from the blog.

  99. Hi Esau, I am not Mexican, Mexican American or Chicano. I belong to the Yaqui Nation. My parents’ families fled Sonora for safety. My parents met in the US at a tribal function. Many Yaqui have settled in Arizona, my mother was raised on a reservation in Tucson. Most indigenous people think of themselves as belonging to a specific indian nation. With regard to your Chicano associates, their thinking re: Cholo may be related to class and/or level of acculturation. I don’t understand how what I have posted is so offensive? Anyway, I do like your posts and especially when you used the expression “pie hole”! Now that’s FUNNY! Esau , I wish you well….Cholo ps I also have an indian name!

  100. Thanks for the info, Cholo, about your background. This word actually carried its own meaning in the neighborhood I grew up in.
    Now, about what you said:
    I don’t understand how what I have posted is so offensive?
    You actually don’t think such vivid (and I’m purposefully applying a euphemism here) language is offensive? Please review:
    Fr. George will be raped in prison, battered, cut up, and forced to engage in unhealthy sexual practice with numerous inmates. He will become somebody’s boy toy and made to like it. He will receive medical care after he is raped to stop the bleeding. The medical care will probably be provided 2 or 3 days later if the bleeding hasn’t stopped. He will be sent to hell by a jury of his peers.
    As much as I, myself, would like to see certain punishment doled out to various evildoers, I wouldn’t go as far as the graphic details you’ve so distastefully put in your comments above.
    Anyway, I do like your posts and especially when you used the expression “pie hole”!
    Okay, now, kindly stop with the innuendo, okay???
    After what you’ve just said in the above, the humour is repugnant.

  101. Cholo,
    From what I’ve read of your posts you appear to be well intentioned, if some what excessively expressive. It doesn’t however mean that you have no truth in what you are saying. If, for instance, Fr. George ins’t protected in Prison, which he most surely will be, then all of the things you ‘graphically’ mentioned could quite possibly come true! Remember Jeffery Dahmer?? PRetty much the same idea!
    Anyway, I think you got hte messege from Jimmy, to just be a bit more moderate in your comments. It’s kind of like the difference between being in jail and being in a Church. In this blog the language is generally more civilized than, say, you might find in the jail you just described (above).
    Anyway, I, at least, welcome your comments when they are given in a mature and civilized way! Everyone has a right to give their opinion under such circumstances.
    And just for your info., I happen to have a bit of Indian heritage also, ..About 3-5% Cherokee,my mother being from Wichita Kansas…and sometimes I ponder if that small % might just be the best part of me!?
    Best in Christ and His Holy Church!

  102. ESAU…I think that you continue to misread me. I made no innuendo. What you said I actually found very funny. No sexual reference was even slightly intended. Calling me a jerk, etc. is no less offensive. I’ve heard it all before. I’ve worked with many ex-cons, this is what I’ve heard and this is what actually happens in prison. I truly didn’t think that any graphic language was offensive. Incidentally, most Yaqui, even though we may be “undesirably different”, do used civilized language. I’m sorry that you perceived my comments in the way that you did A.
    All best, Cholo

  103. I don’t understand how what I have posted is so offensive?
    1. Feb. 4 1:17 “Sexual abuse and violence by Catholic priests is common throughout the world.” generalization smearing priests
    2. Feb. 4 1:17 “In my opinion, prayer does not help a criminal.” Slams prison ministry and contradicts Is. 42:7, Is. 61:1 and Mt. 25:36+
    3. Feb. 4 9:46 all caps post as unnecessary yelling
    4. Feb. 4 9:46 “Difficult for the faithful to keep an open mind.” Slam on the faithful.
    5. Feb. 4 9:46 “You don’t have to wonder” Slam by misjudging genuine concern.
    6. Feb. 5 2:29 deliberate taunting
    7. Feb. 5 2:31 deliberate taunting
    8. Feb. 5 3:51 “If you don’t believe your favorite priest is guilty” rather presumptuous assumption. Otherwise post is simply garbled.
    9. Feb. 5 6:58 “I experience you as abusive.” Stated with no interaction. Given the topic, illustrates false accusation. More realistically, an example of overly dramatic response. And an immaturity.
    10. Feb. 5 7:32 “your favorite priest” really rubbing it in.
    11. Feb. 6 5:34 “Church protecting priests” generalization and projecting smear
    12. Feb. 6 5:34 “Consider asking the bishop if others” assuming the bishop is not doing his job
    13. Feb. 6 5:34 “the bishop will not tell you the truth. Pressure your bishop to tell the truth” broad generalization that the bishop will automatically lie.
    14. Feb. 7 9:11 “I don’t believe all Catholics care” Another slam on the faithful.
    15. Feb. 7 9:11 anticipatively smears attorney
    16. Feb. 7 9:11 promoting violent response
    17. Feb. 7 1:48 caps and language unnecessarily violent for an apologetics blog
    Despite dumping much anger, did not deign to engage is discussion with anyone other than blogmaster Jimmy and Esau who mentioned Chicano friends.

  104. Well done, Mary Kay. You made a lot of effort, motivated, no doubt, by Agape, on the premise that maybe, just maybe, he really doesn’t know how much rudeness he has displayed. And maybe he truly doesn’t.

  105. Uhhhh… I was about to post a response to Cholo but after what Mary Kay had just done, I think it’s moot at this point.
    Mary Kay,
    Don’t let the bum get to you.
    Sometimes, you’ll just encounter people like that.
    Let your Faith and the Lord be your comfort.
    God bless you.

  106. MK knows how to make a list! . Esau projects his own unacceptable dirty thoughts and doesn’t even know it. He doesn’t understand how his use of the word piehole is very humorous. Hmmmmmm….what was really going on in his mind….nasty thoughts? Pray and fast! He assumes that I”m Chicano…Cholo is an identity marker and names me as my father’s son. Too bad I can’t bring him back from the dead so that 912 could physically assault him. Intellectualizing is how Esau dissociates. Using scripture to protect his fragmented self. MK broadcasting that she knows something about “crisis therapy.” What does MK know about “crisis therapy”. Spell it out MK. Let us chat about “crisis therapy”. 912 the bozo bum jerk! MK taunting and knowing it, in possession of some intrinsic value of which I am in need, even willing to talk down to me because she knows how to dialogue with a teenager? Fearful of holding Bishops and Priests accountable for raping thousands and thousands of children and vulnerable adults. Delusional, pretending that prayer will stop rapist priests. Esau also shouts out with several sentences in caps…scroll up! MK/Agape NOT! Tee Hee Hee, Tee, Hee, Hee. MK has never been raped so that’s why she can’t understand what Fr. George has done to a woman. MK is screwed up and hides behind a cross. Carry that cross girl! Jimmy no doubt a reasonable guy but seemingly unwilling to call off his goon squad. SAD. So very sad. So many dissociated Catholic’s in Saddam like hidy holes to avoid seeing what is happening to Catholic children. How come you don’t repond to Joseph D’Hippolity Jimmy….are you afraid?

  107. Jimmy your rule book doesn’t seem to apply to your friends…a seriously disturbed group of Importunate
    Romantic Oafs!

  108. A last thought Jimmy, if you think that loosing weight will make any difference, think twice about all the self damage that you have done your body by OVEREATING, being OUT OF CONTROL. You have knowingly harmed your body so that you could devour more than your fair share of the food. Hedonist? LIFELONG PATTERN OF UNHEALTHY EATING HABITS? Lack of proper exercise? If you could just shut up that piehole of yours, you might have a life, but given your present age and the decades of damage that you have knowingly inflicted upon your God given body, you’re not likely to have a long life. Check out what dieting, binge eating, no exercise and all that extra weight have done to your body!
    Cheers! Cholo

  109. Cholo: Dude, you need to stop. Insulting someone’s weight problem (which is already being addressed, by the way) has absolutely no place in this combox. None. If you discussed the issue at hand, you make have people actually interested in what you’re trying to say. Instead, all of those who’ve not entered the discussion will simply see a madman flailing away at his keyboard like an epileptic monkey.
    No, I didn’t call you a monkey, so don’t even try that one. But what you just typed was an irrational, unjustified attack. I just want to point out to you that this last post of yours was the only one I read. Based on that post, I can only assume that you have not the intelligence to approach anything in a rational fashion. Why on earth would I, or anyone, bother to read anything else you typed?
    You need to apologize. Gosh, I sound like a parent here, but I guess that’s warrented since your last post makes you sound like child.

  110. Forget the apology. Jimmy overeats because it feels good. It’s a primitive way of relieving stress. How come a brilliant man like Jimmy is so out of touch with what his body needs to remain healthy ? What does scripture say about gluttony? Tell us MK, any thoughts Esau, what about ole faithful 912? Is your star JA a hedonist? Obese people are candidates for heart disease, life threatening high cholestrol, stroke, diabetes, joint related problems, spinal problems, respiratory infections, skin related problems, vision problems, etc. Anybody that eats as much as Jimmy devours care nothing about hunger. He is malnourished. Jimmy is OUT OF CONTROL. JIMMY THE UNHEALTHY THINKS THAT LOOSING WEIGHT WILL ALTER THE DAMAGE THAT HE HAS DELIBERATELY inflicted upon his GOD GIVEN BODY. So much for preaching about God JA. Tell us why you overeat. Confess! Pray and Fast! Your body will never recover from the harm that you have deliberately inflicted upon it. You are a brilliant man, fine fine writer but you don’t know how to have a healthy relationship with your body? How come? Jimmy’s problem is all about flaunting sin, not weight control. The very second Jimmy started loosing weight, his “piehole” took control. Whenever control of food is involved, it clear that his disregard for his food addiction has taken root. Esau, stop your filthy projections…give it a rest….PLEASE. MK, do you think that you can utilize your crisis therapy skills to save JA’s life. JA = Catholic role model! What a JOKE!!! Or, is the solutiion to Pray and Fast! Maybe a new cowboy hat would help? Hey, this is getting fun. I’ve been called so many nasty names by other posters, reread their posts in detail, understand the innuendos, delight in suggestions of violence against my father. No apology for JA.

  111. In this attack, you have done more violence to your conscience than could ever be done by overeating (if that ever, in fact, was the problem, which neither of us knows). In this attack, you have done far more damage to your soul by your calumny than could ever be done by any so-called “projections.” And, in this attack, you have done more “projecting” than you could possibly accuse Esau of doing. You know NOTHING of Mr. Akin’s so-called problems.
    [BTW, I just searched this whole combox, looking for bill912’s “threats” … and didn’t find anything of the sort. I ran a search for “father” and found that David B. had said that if he were your dad he’d punish HIMSELF for raising you to be a “world class bozo.” I found nothing of the kind from bill912 (as you had previously accused him of doing). So, no one threatened your dad, dude. It is you who need to reread. And rethink. And recant.]
    But the irony of it is, that, in this attack, you have done far more violence to your own reputation than you could do to Mr. Akin.
    In other words, you type in such a way as to dissuade anyone from ever taking you seriously. And if I’m not mistaken, your posts will be gone soon.

  112. Cholo, there are two explanations for your comments. The most likely is that they are coming from pain.
    That’s a guess since I don’t know you, but if that guess is correct, you need to know that pain like that can be addressed.
    Even pain does not justify your comments. Understandable, maybe. Justify, no.
    For victims of violence, physical or sexual, whether from a priest or teacher or family member, healing does happen.
    I’ll keep you in prayer.

  113. Cholo is a teenager, and really for the most part ‘par for the course’…hip-hop…end of story. Everyone who has had brothers or sisters, or teenage children, know how they think and express themselves. It’s good to put this into context!
    Of course he is completely wrong about almost everything, except maybe ‘jail’ mannerisms and the such. And his recent posts are unfortunate ‘rants’ from an immature and inconsiderate teenage perpective.
    Cholo, If you try to grow up a bit, and also get serious, and ‘not personal’, you might be able to communicate your ideas better. And some, like my self, are open to listen to you!
    However, being immature,and thinking you are so correct and informed in everything you say, you boldly claim things you scarcely have studied or know about. Basically making your opinions from ‘hear say’, emotionalism and wild speculation.
    If you study the facts about Church Sex Abuse, that you so rant about and use as your justifications for your excessive emotionalism, anger and rash jusdgements.. you will find that your statistics are highly skewed. This is currently a highly studied topic, with the Church itself putting enormous amounts of time and money into finding out what went wrong!
    And to pin point some of the findings you will uncover facts that say and that sex abuse peaked in the years 1975-1979, and in most cases were from a very few ‘highly prolific predator abusers’. Before these dates, and in the present Church the occurance has been significantly diminished. Read reports on the Web under a Google search of ‘priest sex abuse’. There are numerous studies that have been done, and are continuing to be done in these regards. To generalize without proper statistics, and using only emotion and exaggerated arguments, is both a disservice to others, who you are trying to persuade, and an error on your account, because you are not trying to inform yourself with the truth, before condemning others.
    As for your rants against JA, you are likewise highly uninformed and filled with presumptions about items that are none of anyones business. Study further this site and you will humbly find all the errors in what you spoke.
    But the best advice to give you is to Love Jesus with all your heart, especially in the Eucharist, and in Spirit and in Truth. Love also your Neighbor, which includes even those who use the internet. And then try to be informed before you judge others too quickly!
    May God help you in the future with His wisdom and grace!

  114. Jimmy does not need to lose weight. He needs to understand malnutrition so that he can survive. Also, I would strongly suggest that he consider a traditional/biblical Mormon diet. It’s biblical and will positively improve his overall health and reduce risk secondary to obesity. If Moroni is not available for consultation, ask for miss jr. counselor. Tell us all about your “crisis training” sweetie will help save Jimmy. Your veiled rage and wisdom will not serve you except on this blog! You haven’t answered the question: What does the bible say about gluttony? Give it a go mk, junior counselor! I would advise that somebody educate themselves re: cell chemistry and educate Jimmy. Are you too polite and willing to let him get ill because it’s not pc? Jimmy is desperately in need of help understanding malnutrition. Bad boy, no donut JA. Thanks but no thanks for your prayers bloggers. Analyze your veiled anger jr. counselor…it that’s even possible…best, Cholo

  115. Jimmy, can we block this child?
    Cholo, you really shouldn’t approach a keyboard when you are off your medication.
    Is it a carefully controlled diet that gives you such cool rationality? That imparts this angelic demeanor?You sound more like you are mainlining Twinkies and Red Bull.
    Now, go to your room.

  116. Your earlier post was correct, Tim(this one, too). Prayer. Lots of it. Whether he wants it or not.

  117. Your veiled rage and wisdom will not serve you except on this blog! You haven’t answered the question: What does the bible say about gluttony? Give it a go mk, junior counselor!
    Bad boy, no donut JA.
    Thanks but no thanks for your prayers bloggers. Analyze your veiled anger jr. counselor…it that’s even possible
    In your various posts above, you’ve maliciously attacked by mere calumny Jimmy Akin, Mary Kay and others of us here; yet, in spite of all this, you are actually accusing Mary Kay of veiled rage?
    From your mad rants, it appears it is you who possess such veiled rage and are, thus, projecting such a condition by your multiple irrational posts on this thread.
    Never mind the fact that such good-natured folks like Jared and Tim J., and, yes, even Mary Kay have expressed such charitable concern for your well-being.
    Dude, you need to get exorcised for whatever demons you have in you.
    Try prayer — it just might help.

  118. Hi 912, world class bozo, next time you see your mother, take her out to the shed and spank her tush. OK by you?Are prayers for me gonna be in English? Don’t like Tweenkie’s but I do drink Dr. Pepper. 912 help us all understand what the bible says about gluttony. Give JA a helping hand….pleeeeeeze. Word for the Day: Porkchop! You boys and girls like to dish it abut when the dish flies back, you talk Bible, prayers and snipe from your hidy holes. Malnutritition is about actively dying. What does crisis therapy say about malnutrition? A compulsive piehole? 912, what does the bible say about gluttony and/or gluttons? You like to talk, please explain how a biblical diet could help save JA. He deserves to live, are you just using his blog to snipe at others? He is in fact brilliant, a fine writer and probably an all around good ole schmo. Tuck yourself underself under you mother’s armpit 912 and take a deep whiff! My anger is out there, you’re afraid of yours and couch it in scripture and acting like a child, telling on the bad boy and asking the he be removed. Don’t you think that just for a second, that there is a lesson for all of us here and it’s not just about splitting me off as bad object. Incidentally, if a certain gal gets into a crisis, HELP IS ON THE WAY. TIM J…..YOUR COMMENTS ARE FUNNY…TAKE CARE.

  119. Cholo,
    It is unfair what you have said about Jimmy.
    Did you know that the Pope in one of his Wednesday Audience addressed the fact that our Saints were sinners…we all have our faults, failings, shortcomings. So if you are looking for something “wrong” with Jimmy, I am sure you WILL find it, as we are all human. But you will never know the good that Jimmy and others at CA have done for us. So if Jimmy struggles the rest of his life with this….that is his cross. What about our own? Don’t be too quick to throw out the baby with the bath water.

  120. ‘Kay folks, just don’t – DO NOT – feed the troll any longer. Ignoring him is best for all concerned, especially him. Getting a response only encourages his self-destructive behavior.
    I took the bait before – my bad. Let’s just let it go.
    Ouija boards are bad and/or stupid, but this lady I saw on Montel takes the biscuit! Then there’s this guy Edwards who supposedly hears from dead folks… and people just EAT IT UP!
    And don’t forget the Pet Psychic. What a racket! If I had no scruples, I would be smacking my forehead saying, “Why didn’t I think of that?”.

  121. Dude: READ CAREFULLY! Bill912 didn’t mention the shed spanking. That was another poster. Nor did he mention twinkies; that was Tim J.
    The poster’s name is given AFTER his comment.
    This one is from Jared.
    Calm down. Reread. Recant.
    No one can possibly take you seriously if you can’t even get these facts right after having been repeatedly told the truth.

  122. Hi 912, world class bozo, next time you see your mother, take her out to the shed and spank her tush. OK by you?
    For your information Choli, bill912 happens to be a stand-up person and, in fact, part Cherokee.
    Tuck yourself underself under you mother’s armpit 912 and take a deep whiff! My anger is out there, you’re afraid of yours and couch it in scripture and acting like a child, telling on the bad boy and asking the he be removed.
    You actually feel proud of showing off your unjustified, not to mention, irrational anger and, even further, mock us because we are unlike you?
    We’re acting ‘like a child’?
    That’s strange; your insane posts would clearly corroborate the fact that it is you who are the child.

  123. Cholo, this is Jimmy’s blog. Instead of having a conversation with anyone else here, you seem to just want to type your thoughts on every topic that comes up. While it’s a free country and you have a right to do that, Jimmy is under no obligation to give you a forum for it, and I’m under no obligation to read it. So I’m not going to. Frankly, your posts are rude, poorly organized, and completely unworthy of anyone’s time. I hope you didn’t mean them to be any of those, but they are.

  124. Sorry, Tim J.
    Didn’t see your post.
    But, going back on topic, about what you said:
    And don’t forget the Pet Psychic. What a racket! If I had no scruples, I would be smacking my forehead saying, “Why didn’t I think of that?”.
    In the Bill Murray movie “Broken Flowers”, he actually had an ex-girlfriend who was a Pet Psychic, interestingly enough.

  125. Understanding Malnutrition and cell chemistry will improve JA’s health enormously. The only post that makes sense to me is Jared’s entry: “My cat’s breath smells like cat food.” Can I use it sometime?
    Oh, Tim J’s post is also cool. Hooray!!!
    If my posts are not worth anybody’s time, how come so many folks are trashing me? Remember this: My cat’s breath smells like cat food. I’m not sure if should add, and I don’t mean maybe!
    Sad mr. tidy bowl 912, take a whiff! Or, beat your mama’s rear end in the shed. 912 loves to inflict psychic violence. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…
    Nobody wants to explain what the Bible says about gluttony? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?
    The demon is you Esau of the filthy mind. Busted.
    This blog is not about fairness. Read EVERY ENTRY, study the nuances, the emotional tone of the language that’s used. Really study the posts of Mr. Primitive, 912 and his sidekick, innocent mk!
    912, give us a lecture on what the Bible says about gluttony. I’m waiting brother. Where are you? Come out, come out wherever you are? Paging 912 and discussion of gluttony and malnutrition.
    Esau, how might t JA stop jamming his ravenous pie hole (mouth). OK???

  126. That’s my swingset, and that’s my sandbox. I’m not allowed to go in the deep end. And this is where I met the leprechaun. He told me to burn things.

  127. Don’t let ’em get to you, lass. I’m too good for this place too. Now run home to your shack.

  128. People don’t realize that being robust is not always a defect. Look at St. Thomas.
    And why?
    Because we can only take a certain amount of suffering and a certain amount of joy.
    To much happiness ( we saw God being on Earth)
    and we die, our souls go elevated to an extreme that it parts us and flies to God.
    Our Lady, could not hold a single grace more, she assunted into Heaven.
    Too much sadness, we die.
    Somebody dies we love and had affection for, even when disproportionate, and they die because of the sadness.
    So we must balance it out. Great saints who battled the worst crisis of the Church, therfore the World, need some consolation in their suffering that no other could comprehend.
    So they legitametely took some licit pleasures and joys. Eating recieved a licit pleasure from God. Who would eat if it didn’t taste good? It would be a chore. God gave pleasure to certain acts on purpose, and they are licit when done in proportion to their right granted by God’s Order of the Universe. We have a right to certain things underthat, and if we use it is because of that. The marital act is licit because God ordered it. Extramarital acts are not inaccordance to the Order of the Universe, ergo we cannot act outside of it. We can use our bodies in repect to the Order of the Universe.
    Same applies to our mouth. We may eat in accordance with that Order. And if we suffer and find little joy, than that could be an option.
    But I say this in relation to saints.
    We who aren’t saints might have a tainted notion of that Order. So we might have some self-love in those proportions.
    In essence, don’t take it as a given that a robust person is neccesarily a gluton. A saint once said in reference to generations of the past and alos present century hardly ever commit gluttony when they are young. But adults tend to eat without order and for the right reasons. Just like not eating can have the same effect.
    Just one last point… Those saints still practiced mortification of the body and senses.
    Just that not everyone is called to do same types.
    But sacrifice helps a person be lord over himself, in which then he can serve God with a perfect act of love and servitude.
    God Bless

  129. And, as our Lord pointed out, a man is not defiled by what goes into his mouth, but by what comes out of it.

  130. St. Thomas was a huge heavy bull of a man, fat and slow and quiet; very mild and magnanimous but not very sociable; shy, even apart from the humility of holiness; and abstracted, even apart from his occasional and carefully concealed experiences of trance or ecstasy.
    Because Aquinas was heavyset and taciturn, his fellow novices called him Dumb Ox, but Albertus Magnus is said to have predicted that “this ox will one day fill the world with his bellowing.”

  131. Now you see these are sweet and instructive posts! Just as sweet as they can be. If you ever make it to Seattle, there is a mysterious story hour at the Museum of Art, tales of creation by NW Coast storytellers. The storyteller takes you an adventures with Raven and Whales. What a magical space with Raven & Whale.

  132. Who are you anon?
    Reveal your name please.
    And if everyone hates you here why are you still bugging?

  133. Obese males are more prone to developing tuberculosis. Does a man with TB bellow like a large animal? What is the feel of the bellow that you have experienced? What is the shape? How does it start and where does it shine?

  134. And if everyone hates you here why are you still bugging?
    Thanks God for SomeDay! At least somebody is quite the perceptive individual; unlike some folks, unfortunately.

  135. Twit — TB is caused by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis; not obesity.
    Understanding Malnutrition and cell chemistry will improve JA’s health enormously.
    Please, kindly enlighten me, dear Cholo, on your understanding of Cell Chemistry.
    Allow me to observe the fascinating knowledge you might carry with you.
    Perhaps you can talk to me about certain biochemical pathways in this regard?
    I can explore with you such topics if you even have such profound knowledge in all this.
    As for the ‘innuendo’ — kindly tell me precisely what ‘innuendo’ you believe I was actually referring to? In other words, it is you who actually drew the wrong conclusion in that case, not I.
    By the way, why do you care so much about what the bible says? Clearly, by your actions here, you care little for what it actually does say.

  136. Tim’s right. Cholo is a troll. The sooner we stop rewarding his attention seeking, the better. He’s only trying to get attention and when deprived, will likely escalate, but the only way is to totally and completely ignore him.
    In short, Don’t Feed the Troll.

  137. “Sad mr. tidy bowl 912, take a whiff! Or, beat your mama’s rear end in the shed. 912 loves to inflict psychic violence.”
    Stop picking on bill912. Listen, mental giant that you are, *I*, David B., posted that opinion. I take it back, and apologize to your father. He can’t be blamed for your stupidity, as parents can only do so much positive and negative to their children. the rest is your own responsibility.

  138. mk, the word for the day: PORKCHOP! I’ve never owned a Bible; I know that it is considered a sacred book by many people. There are many stories that I’ve really enjoyed hearing but they are in the Old Testament. Now mk, are you saying you hate trolls? Is your secret hostility and sarcasm your way of making a troll into a bad object? A bad guy…huh? Back to Fr. George: don’t you find it fascinating that he got moved around from parish to parish to parish and finally ended up in Sin City? Do you suppose that the archdiocese of Las Vegas knew that Fr. George had sexually violated other women at other parishes but turned a blind eye? Hmmmmmmmmm. What do you suppose tidy bowl 912? Query: mk, if you were on-call and had to report to the ER, what would you do if an abortionist came in and you needed to use you crisis skills? Would you ask Where do you born? Are you “Chicano”? Do you born is Esau’s neighborhood. Are you Catholic? I’ll tell you the correct answer soon!

  139. Esau: So was I, dude. That’s why your next line should’ve been:
    Well la-di-da, college girl! Well, I guess you’re too good for me too!

  140. Does anyone know what Simpson’s thang! is talking(?) about?
    David B.:
    That’s just your friend Cholo again who continues to taunt Mary Kay, Jimmy Akin and bill912 for some insane reason.
    Like Jared advised, just pray for him and hope he goes away.

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