Pope Benedict recently completed a series of audiences on the Twelve apostles. I thought these were particularly interesting and well done. He covers what we know about them, what is speculated about them, what their writings contain, and what their example says to us today.
Now that the whole series is finished, I thought I’d provide links to the audiences so that you can read through them as a group if you wish.
Apostles as Envoys of Christ
Profile of St. Peter
On Peter, the Apostle
Peter, the Rock
St. Andrew, the First Called
James the Greater
James the Less
John, Son of Zebedee
Apostle John, the Seer of Patmos
John, the Theologian
On St. Matthew
The Apostle Philip
The Apostle Thomas
The Apostle Bartholomew
On the Apostles Simon and Jude Thaddaeus
On Judas Iscariot and Matthias
Has there yet been proof one way or another as to whether St. Matthew the Apostle is the Matthew who wrote the Gospel of Matthew? Ray Brown gives credence to the Apostle via Tradition but some other Matthew by Content. B16 apparently goes with Tradition. What sayest thou??
My note/question of singularity and as per the new Rule 1, I take my leave.
I’ve begun putting these into MP3 format via Textaloud to listen to in the car. I’ve only listened the 1st 4 talks, but they are very good.
If only TextAlound came with a german accented voice…
Jimmy, thanks for linking these all together.
It will take me a while to read through them (maybe I should figure out what Nick is doing), but they look like a good read.