An Unexpected Candidate For 2008?

Feddie over at Southern Appeal writes:

I thought that you would like this. Bainbridge noted it on his blog:

At the link one will find this bumper sticker:


Indeed. Sounds like there’s significant support for the Old Boy (I mean, the "Old One") making a presidential bid.

And that’s not the only Cthulhu presidential sticker I’ve run into! There’s also this one:


I even have a copy of the latter.

It came with my Call of Cthulhu DVD.

Author: Jimmy Akin

Jimmy was born in Texas, grew up nominally Protestant, but at age 20 experienced a profound conversion to Christ. Planning on becoming a Protestant seminary professor, he started an intensive study of the Bible. But the more he immersed himself in Scripture the more he found to support the Catholic faith, and in 1992 he entered the Catholic Church. His conversion story, "A Triumph and a Tragedy," is published in Surprised by Truth. Besides being an author, Jimmy is the Senior Apologist at Catholic Answers, a contributing editor to Catholic Answers Magazine, and a weekly guest on "Catholic Answers Live."

29 thoughts on “An Unexpected Candidate For 2008?”

  1. It has been suggested that Metallica chose to spell it “Ktulu” because they thought “Cthulhu” might be copyrighted.
    However, “Ktulu” is a legitimate spelling. Human vocal chords cannot actually pronounce his name, so all spellings are approximate.

  2. Eh, they’ve had those for years. I’ve seen black&white versions for sale at comic and game stores. I think one had a slight modification of the slogan to “Why settle for voting for the lesser of two evils?”
    Now, the Cthulu plush dolls, _those_ were disturbing…

  3. Hey Sarah, I’ve got a Cthulhu plush doll sitting right here on the monitor of my office computer!
    Anyway, various Cthulhu for President stickers/t-shirts/posters/etc have been floating around geekdom for at least the past 20 years.

  4. Somewhere online (and the link died with my old computer), there is a story about the Cthulhu plushie and the effect of his arrival on the other stuffed animals. I believe one cute bunnie beanie baby had an untimely (yet bloodless) end. πŸ™‚

  5. My plush Cthulhu is purple, Sarah.
    And Chaosium, publisher of the Lovecraftian RPG Call of Cthulhu usually puts out a “Cthulhu for President” pack around the time of every presidential election. There’s usually a bumpersticker, button, and some sort of poster or two. They have established that Cthulhu is the candidate of the Elder Party.
    For the best in Cthulhoid cartooning see FranΓ§ois Launet’s Unspeakable Vault (of Doom):

  6. Ia! Ia! Cthulhu for president! Make R’lyeh part of the union! Make insanity a requirement for citizenship! Ha ha ha! All shall bow down to Cthulhu! Bwa ha ha ha ha!!!
    . . .
    Ahem. Quite.

  7. Great. You can now vote for fictional entities. Why not choose Godzilla for Governor for some state?And have Darth Vader run for Vice-Governor. At least many presume Ctulhu to be real, let’s also say those two are real beings.

  8. The plushies are disturbing – but in a funny way. I just wouldn’t think of them as a good kid’s toy (“Hey – why is little Susie crying at night all the time? We gave her a lovely plush Cthulu to keep her company…” πŸ™‚ Sorry to anybody who thought I was criticizing.
    The tropical vacation Cthulu is twisted. And it made me laugh.
    Years ago, I knew someone who had made her own Cthulu plush by combining a squid, the wings of a dragon, and another toy’s body. It was funny … but disturbing. Plush + Cthulu does not compute πŸ™‚

  9. I think that the Cthulhu stuffed animals are generally not intended for kids. Not little kids, anyway. Kids who are old enough to love monster movies and not have nightmares about them, maybe.

  10. Have you all seen the Christopher Walken for President stuff? Seems to be a pretty big thing, though it isn’t for real thankfully.
    The “official” web page was disappointingly unfunny though. I think the funny part is their trying to trick the gullible into thinking Walkin is actually running. The only bit of outright comedy I spoted was the supposed quote from Walken “If you want to learn how to build a house, build a house. Don’t ask anybody, just build a house.” Also it contained a very unfortunate promotion of Embryonic Stem Cell Research.

  11. What does ‘No More Years’ mean? Will Ctulhu replace the Calendar and abolish the word ‘year’?

  12. What does ‘No More Years’ mean? Will Ctulhu replace the Calendar and abolish the word ‘year’?

  13. What is this Chia pet or something you are talking about?
    Omnia Dii Gentium Sum Demonae
    (ihop i spilled it rite)

  14. Suddenly nuclear bombs ain’t scary anymore. Ctulhu makes Hitler, Lenin,and Mao Zedong look like saints. But why will people vote for someone who’ll exterminate them? But then again, We live in a Culture of Death.

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