“Good Riddance”

I really, really do not like Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter. I mean REALLY. (Did I say "really"?)

But in THIS CASE he may have been Arlen the Semi-Friendly Specter.

The issue at hand was whether a constitutional amendment banning homosexual "marriage" in the United States should receive a floor vote in the Senate.

Specter–and the majority–voted that it should, though he seems opposed to the amendment himself.

He was–at least–willing to let the measure be considered by the broader senate.

Which is what prompted a shouting match between him and Democratic Senator Russ Feingold.

After shouting with Specter, Feingold left the meeting in a huff and Specter pronounced "Good riddance!" on him.

By signalling his opposition to true (i.e., heterosexual) marriage, I can only conclude that Feingold doesn’t want to be president of the United States in 2008.

Despite rumors of his current plans to run.

There is no way in hades that the nation will be willing to elect a president who is openly pro-homosexual "marriage" in 2008.

In fact, the nation will say "Good riddance!" to any such candidate.

It’s nice to have these things pointed out early.

Author: Jimmy Akin

Jimmy was born in Texas, grew up nominally Protestant, but at age 20 experienced a profound conversion to Christ. Planning on becoming a Protestant seminary professor, he started an intensive study of the Bible. But the more he immersed himself in Scripture the more he found to support the Catholic faith, and in 1992 he entered the Catholic Church. His conversion story, "A Triumph and a Tragedy," is published in Surprised by Truth. Besides being an author, Jimmy is the Senior Apologist at Catholic Answers, a contributing editor to Catholic Answers Magazine, and a weekly guest on "Catholic Answers Live."

11 thoughts on ““Good Riddance””

  1. By signalling his opposition to true (i.e., heterosexual) marriage, I can only conclude that Feingold doesn’t want to be president of the United States in 2008.
    That doesn’t necessarily mean that he doesn’t want to be the Democratic nominee, or even that he knows that he’s not electable.

  2. Jimmy, I wish I were as optimistic as you are. This country is in such a cultural slide that I fear legal marriage is seriously threatened. Also, our runaway courts seem to be unstoppable at imposing their “enlightened” will upon us.

  3. There are times that I’m proud of our Wisconsin political heritage – not many, but there are some.
    Ol’ Russ really makes me long for those times. When he first started campaigning against Bob Kasten – an old WI stalwart, he wasn’t expected to even come close to winning. He ran a humorous, low key campaign that really made Kasten look bad – because of Kasten’s smearing.
    Nowadays, there are times when I wish I could slap Russ with a halibut.

  4. In the 11 states where the electorate got to vote in 2004 on a constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman, it passed. In most cases, it not only passed, but passed with overwhelming majorities. It even passed easily in Oregon, where the homosexualists thought they had the best (only?) chance of winning. See this CBS article, for instance. Note, proponents of sodomite “marriage” rely on judges; proponents of defending real marriage rely on voters.

  5. They want it to come to a vote so that certain senators will be on record one way or another. Thus, one might want to bring it to a vote then vote against it. It defines your enemies.

  6. Re Spector: It just goes to show you, even a blind robin gets a worm once in a while.

  7. Just remember, Senator Spector is just voting to bring a vote to the Senate floor. If it gets to the floor, he will vote against it.

  8. I say Feingold comes out of that closet where they argued and really shows his support for same-sex marriage by marrying Arlen Specter. Don’t laugh. It could happen. The senators get a couple of quickie divorces in Vegas, hop a plane to Hawaii where it’s the law of the land, and then it’s one big lei for the honeymoon! 😉
    –A Cranky Con

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