AP regional photo editor Tom Stathis said he took extensive steps to confirm the one-eyed cat was not a hoax.
Stathis had Allen ship him the memory card that was in her camera. On the card were a number of pictures — including holiday snapshots and four pictures of a one-eyed kitten. The kitten pictures showed the animal from different perspectives.
Fabricating those images in sequence and in the camera’s original picture format, from the varying perspectives, would have been virtually impossible, Stathis said.
Meanwhile, Cy the one-eyed cat may be dead, but it has not left the building.
Allen said she’s keeping the cat’s corpse in her freezer for now, in case scientists would like it for research.
She said one thing’s for certain: “I’m not going to put it on eBay.”
This is a picture of Cy, short for "cyclops."
He’s a kitten that, as you can see, was born with only one eye.
He’s also really cute–in a slightly disturbing way.
What’s amazing to me is how good he looks despite his deformity. I mean, cyclops beasts don’t usually look that good in movies, much less in real life.
Unfortunately, Cy, as cute as he was, did not stay with us long. He lived only one day from his birth.
But his image touched millions via the Internet after Drudge picked up the story.
Author: Jimmy Akin
Jimmy was born in Texas, grew up nominally Protestant, but at age 20 experienced a profound conversion to Christ. Planning on becoming a Protestant seminary professor, he started an intensive study of the Bible. But the more he immersed himself in Scripture the more he found to support the Catholic faith, and in 1992 he entered the Catholic Church. His conversion story, "A Triumph and a Tragedy," is published in Surprised by Truth. Besides being an author, Jimmy is the Senior Apologist at Catholic Answers, a contributing editor to Catholic Answers Magazine, and a weekly guest on "Catholic Answers Live."
View all posts by Jimmy Akin
He also has no nose, which makes me think that probably played into his death (kinda hard to nurse and breath through your mouth at the same time), but I’ve not seen a real explanation for his death.
Poor guy … would have been awesome if he could have survived.
I wonder what his skull looks like.
At first I thought this might be a Photoshop trick.
Guess not.
It reminds me of high school, when I went with a group to visit a University Medical Sciences lab for Career Day.
I will say no more.
It’s difficult to tell from the picture, but his eye looks like it’s missing the pupil as well. All that is visible is the iris. Poor thing was probably blind as well.
Boy, I hope there isn’t something in the water. I travel to the Bend/Redmond, Oregon area all the time (beautiful part of the state) for business and recreation.
Another oddity: Cy’s eye is open. Kittens’ eyes don’t open until 9-11 days.
Maybe “really cute” is in the eye (npi) of the beholder, but I thought it was gross. I felt sorry for it, but I could have done without it.
why is his eye even open if he is only one day old??? this has to be a hoax!
It looks like Cy doesn’t have eyelids. That could explain the eye being open.
I saw this little guy and it broke my heart. I indeed do think he was addorable, and only wish he had lived long enough to have a nice home with a loving family. Hell, I would have taken him myself in a fraction of a second. Cute lil’ sh*t!
Raised kittens for years. Their eyes are fused at birth. I don’t believe this one.
I dowloaded the image and magnified it.
I don’t think it is a hoax.
There is a slight disruption or deformity of the lower eyelid (on the midline) that corresponds to a bare patch on the nose, just under the lid.
It reminds me of the kind of thing you see with a cleft lip or palette, which is what you might expect.
The deformity is even reflected in the surface of the eye.
It would take a pretty savvy hoaxer to even think of it.
Being a medical professional I would like to offer my opinion. You can see, although the pic is an odd angle, that there is no iris and it looks like all veins which would indicate congenital glaucoma and hence explain why the eye is protruded and appearing to have no lids. Hoax? Maybe, but I dont think so.
This is a photoshop trick. Kittens don’t open thier eyes on the first day they are born. It takes a week or so.
I fell in love w/Cy, as I do with all animals-Wish he would have been able to survice. Glad he was loved soo much for the day he was with his owners. Shame to all of you who are mean, God loves us all & who are we to judge.
I fell in love w/Cy, as I do with all animals-Wish he would have been able to survive. Glad he was loved soo much for the day he was with his owners. Shame to all of you who are mean, God loves us all & who are we to judge.
“This is a photoshop trick…”
I don’t think so.
I could be wrong, of course, but I have done a good deal of photo retouching professionally (in Photoshop) and I don’t see any of the tell-tale signs of retouching in this photo.
Spotting retouched photos in ads and magazines, etc., is kind of a hobby.
Reading people’s reactions to something that strays from the “norm” just reinforces my cynisism towards the world and reminds me of the emptiness and cruelty of people. Like Chrissy says, God loves us all and all living things have a purpose. Cy’s purpose seems to have been to bring out the warmth and loving instincts in some but sadly expose the coldheartedness of most others.
I heard about Cy and had to come see for myself. As for being a photo shop trick, I dont think so. You can see that the whole eye are is deformed and there appears to be no eyelid. If this is a hoax shame on whomever is responsible. This just shows that everything in nature does not look the same.
poor thing, such a cruel world we live in. the little guy didn’t deserve it at all.
i don’t know if it’s real or not, but if it’s fake, than shame on you on trying to fool everyone with the pain it has in its eyes.
not funny.
I only hope that Cy didn’t suffer. Were there other pictures taken?
I’m sorry, I’m not finding the cold-heartedness and cruelty in these comments that you are.
Did I miss something??
Hey, I didn’t think kittens opened their eyes right away, I thought it took a few days for them to open their eyes!!
Many viewers were tempted to write off the above-displayed photograph, distributed by the Associated Press (AP) on 9 January 2006, as a fabrication because it seemed so far outside their realm of experience. However, the congenital abnormality exhibited by this kitten, although not common, has been observed and documented before in a variety of species. Additionally, the AP took significant steps to verify that the photographs of Cyclopes provided by Traci Allen were genuine:
“AP regional photo editor Tom Stathis said he took extensive steps to confirm the one-eyed cat was not a hoax. Stathis had Allen ship him the memory card that was in her camera. On the card were a number of pictures — including holiday snapshots, and four pictures of a one-eyed kitten. The kitten pictures showed the animal from different perspectives.
Fabricating those images in sequence and in the camera’s original picture format, from the varying perspectives, would have been virtually impossible, Stathis said.”
Cyclopia (or synophthalmia) is a birth defect in which a normally two-eyed animal is born with only a single fused eye, generally disproportionately large and centered on the face above the area where the nose would usually appear. Typically in cyclopic births the nose is either absent or present as an appendage located above the single eye. (Eyelids are also generally absent in such births, which explains why the eye of the one-day-old kitten pictured above is open even though cats are usually born with their eyes shut and remain in that condition for the first week or two of their lives.)
Taken from: http://www.snopes.com/photos/animals/cyclopes.asp
no nose most likely was the fate
prolly couldn’t feed for very long without losing breath. prolly the runt of the litter.
i’m sure it would of seen perfectly fine through
that one eye witch looks like the two eyes
merged during the lifecycle to form this one huge eye. it resembles the cyclops in my movies..lol
hidious yet not.
it’s too bad it didn’t make it.
a full gorwn cyclops cat would look trippy.
maybe even scary to most.
we always fear what we dont understand
and have never seen before.
something to this nature.
i’m sure it had a problem breathing
and couldn’t feed proper.
perhaps was not meant to be
but was born non the less.
maybe evolution is changing again.
almost looks like the eye of a monkey.
it’s huge!
R.I.P. “CY”
ah kittens don’t have open eyes until a lot later, like 2-4 weeks later. And like someone else said the kitten’s eyes aren’t clean more milky looking. So to say this is a real picture fine I have seen some deformed kittens (really horrid) but the eye open is fake.
the good lord above gives cats 9 lives and cy will be back.
Posted by an adolescent who obviously understands “Ugly”.
I think he is adorable, a shame he didn’t live past his first day. it doesn’t matter to me if you people say its a fake pic. I believe its real. Just cause u people think its impossible for this kitten pic not to be real, doesn’t mean it isn’t. Nothing is ever impossible when it comes to nature.
“Nothing is ever impossible when it comes to nature.”
“Nothing shall be impossible with God.” Luke 1:37
You seem to be confusing nature with God.
Hey, Gigantic Idiot-
If you want to participate in the discussion on a Christian blog, and have people answer your questions, drop the offensive nickname.
In other words, come back when you grow up.
I am reading all of these posting saying that kittens can’t open their eyes right after they are born. Hummm let’s think about this MOST KITTENS HAVE TWO EYES!!!! THIS IS NOT A NORMAL KITTEN!!!!!!
That’s a pretty big eye, is it two eyes combined into one?
I am reading all of these posting saying that kittens can’t open their eyes right after they are born. Hummm let’s think about this MOST KITTENS HAVE TWO EYES!!!! THIS IS NOT A NORMAL KITTEN!!!!!!
I teach embryology and assure that Cy is a real possibility. The condition also occurs in humans but is very rare. It could be a hoax but it is based on very real stuff if it is.
I don’t think is a hoax, but for some strange reason god wanted us to see him for a reason. Everything comes in all different shapes and sizes with some deformation but this little precious was here for us to see anything is possible.
Is it possible with whatever system Jimmy is blogging with for him to trash the offensive post above? We all know the one I’m talking about.
Tim, I was going to answer that I was referring to comments I had heard from all over, not just on this site, but having come back and read some more, I see that it didn’t take long for the ugliness in people to come out.
Josie, other than Gigantic Idiot, who are you talking about?
We’re supposed to be discussing that poor little kitten and yet Tim and Bill have decided its more important to single me out, mighty Christian of you and thank you for making me feel so welcome.
Yes, Josie, we asked you questions so we could understand what you meant.
It would have been cool if the little guy could have pulled through. Anyone who calls this a fake needs to get a reality check. There are people above saying kittens don’t open their eyes till 9-11 days. This is not a normal cat. Be glad u got pictures while he was alive.
R.I.P “CY”
Wheather it was real or not. As a owner of 2 cats, I think it is very sweet. Further more for all the nasties in the world..GET A LIFE! Who are we to judge anybody…for the moron who said get Cy off the internet…it’s a surprise to me that you even have a brain…it’s people like you who make this world troubling…your prbably actually sitting in a box right now downloading uneducated websites that make you the person you are..for all the believers such as myself…thats the difference between good people and the rest of the dumbass’ in the world!
As a mother of a special needs kitten, I think that Cy is very precious and I would have loved to have cared for him, had he survived. There are many unrecognized angels in this world and I believe that Cy is one of them. As for all of you who made negative comments…. I pity you. I imagine that you are the type who also makes fun of people with physical and mental deformities. I hope that Karma comes around and serves you. I hope that one day you too will have to live just as the things you mock. God Bless Cy. We will see you on your next round of life.
Are all of you serious? How much longer are you going to argue over your disagreements with eachother. Why do you care what other people say, post your remark (what you believe) and ignore others.
This is the most bizarre thing I’ve even seen. That one eye is so huge that it’s scary looking. Poor little guy didn’t have to change to grow up and scare the crap out of people while wandering the streets at night.
kittens are born with their eyes shut or eye in this photoshop case!!!!!!
I’m pretty convinced because I witnessed a birth of another kitten just like it!
My goodness I’ve never seen anything like it! It’s the greatest evolution discovery of all time, besides foodstamps!
Poor Cy! He is cute..and its sad that he only lived a day. For those who are questioning his eyey being opened…cyclops dont have eyelids, and their one big eye is the place their nose would normally have been, hence the reason why he has no nose. I think if he lived though, he would have been suffering, and would have lived a painfull life.
Rest in Peace little Cy!
If the steps have been taken to prove this is true why think otherwise? People these days are so narrow minded and want to believe the things that are not in the norm. are false. Yes, kittens don’t normally open their eyes until days after birth, however, obviously, this is not a normal kitten so the normal laws would not apply. So if a child is born deformed and not normal are you skeptics going to think it was a “photoshop” stunt, or just the way nature made this being. Give me a break, and believe the unbelieveable!! This is truly a case for Ripley’s Believe it or Not.
i think it’s kind of cool in an odd way. he’d be great in a movie.
Strange, but beautiful. I really wish he could’ve lived. Would’ve definitely been a cool cat to have.
God bless this little baby!
He’s in heaven now having a hay day chasing all the mice he can and sleeping with angels.
OMG! I love him! I SOOOOOOOOO wish he would have lived… poo thing though… no nose? Well anyways I think he is adorable.
my first thought was, “o my” and probably a lot of peoples first thought was the same. god bless that little tyke and we’ll see you on the other cy.
I wonder what is in the ground where cy was born?…. just a random birth defect??? or is it an indicator…. a canary in a coal mine… another example of what happens as we treat the earth as nothing more than waste basket, as we take, take, take, and give back nothing but our waste and pollution.
Get used to ol Cy. Eye also have to marvel how many people are so affectionate to this cat…. while we lay waste to the bread basket of the planet… babylon, the birthplace of the human species… the garden of eden, the isthimus of the Tigris and Euphreates… Iraq. Cy is sad, but our use of depleated uranium in Iraq is beyond treason… beyond reprehensible.
Depleated Uranium has a half life of 4.6 Million years… it is already making Cy-like babies, both human and animal, and will long after America is nothing but a page in Earth’s history.
Thats something to feel sorry about… priorities please!
This little cutie sure pulled on the heart strings. He’s adorable and touched all those who saw his picture.
He’ll be resting in God’s hands now.
To the above poster,
Catholics (and Christians worldwide) would disagree with your statement that God is not tangible.
Quite apart from all else that could be mentioned, I’ll just say one word:
God Bless.
p.s. That one word may not mean a whole lot to you. But to Catholics, it’s the Real Presence of the Lord.
I wouldn’t mind the little guy as a pet, because embracing the abnormal is what I do best. If he had a working nose I think he might have survived. Sucks not being able to blink though
Sorry, but this is a hoax, as if it lived only one day, the “eye” would not have even been close to being open.
Try again, dude.
Sorry, but this is a hoax, as if it lived only one day, the “eye” would not have even been close to being open.
Try again, dude.
(No disrespectet intended)
To Catiea…. have you not read the many many other statments about why the eye would be opened earlier?? It may help to read posted info. before making a comment. Those posted comments make much more sense then just assuming b/c it is a kitten it must not open its eye(s) right away. Hello, obviously this is not a normal kitten!
And to colbydog… if you hate this planet and what we as humans are doing to it then do something about it or remove yourself, but remember you are a human species too so stop complaining about your species. Also, this comment page is about Cy, not the depleating uranium.
I believe Cy was alive, until someone proves otherwise, why dobut. Poor thing to have so many people say some of the things they are saying about it.
Colbydog – I must say that you are pretty brazen to make such a bold statement without knowing the background of the others on this board. I for one am very concerned about the earth. I recycle everything and have many concerns with polution. I just happen to also care about Cy. Your post is completely irrelevant to this topic.
As for everyone who does not believe Cy is real…ever read CNN about the 2 headed snake? This does not seem possible, and yet it is. The snake is alive and well.
Ok, All I have to say after reading all of your posts is as follows. If such a rarity was to exist and indeed be found as not a hoax, don’t you think this would be something the media would jump all over? Yet, other than this and its link we have heard of nothing…It just seems that in a society that jumps all over so many other things that usually are found to be false one that was real and such an oddity would be all over the news.
Please get your cats spayed and neutered. There are millions of kittens dying for homes in shelters across the country. Thousands of cats must be euthanized every day because there are not enough homes.
Why are his ears on the side of his head and not on the top? Do newborns look like this?
It look’s like a genuine case of in-breeding. I have seen kittens fused at the legs, and multiple organs exposed…Please spay or nuter your cats! Don’t mate with your direct family either, a worse case may result.
Bob Barker
Just remember, we arose from the slime, over billions of years, due to countless genetic mistakes such as this. The “good” mistakes survived, the “bad” didn’t.
DUDE!!! This cat is freakin awsome…real or not. If this is a true coincidence, rock on Cy! It really is a shame you didn’t get to amaze people once more when you grew up, but I’m sure you’re waiting in Limbo for the Holy day when all the worthy will be accepted into the Lord’s Kingdom. Then again, who the heck am I to make this statement. Anyways, if this is a hoax, once again as you’ve been told, shame on you….good photoshopping……but disgraceful. Then again…
………………The world is full of mysteries.
i’m back. and ive done some srious research to find out why Cy was the way he was. His eye only has a visible cornea, there fore he was blind. the little guy may have not had eyelids either. I have seen many cases of blind cattle that only had a cornea. Cy may have had a rare condition called holoprosencephaly.
Oh and colbydog is a dumbass
It’s funny how some people think that this is “absolutely” a fake. Haven’t you guys seen a two headed turtle or snake before? Or how about a human with a defect? Or do you think that everything is perfect and these things don’t happen?
True or not…..does it really matter? Let the picture do in you what is necessary. Think your thoughts and listen to your heart. It is all that is needful.
Oh, and do not tear one another apart for being thinking, believing, or non-believing people.
ROFL.. from a one-eyed kitten to the Eucharist..
Surely this is a new commenting record.
Cy lived. He lived all his/her life in one day, that’s all. He/she was loved and received TLC the whole while.. not such a bad life.
May God bless all here.
I just want everyone to know that the comment just above that says it is from Steve isn’t, it’s from me! I don’t know what’s wrong with this site, but someone just took my comment. I’m sure this comment will also have another fake name, but it’s from me! KAIRI! This is why some of the comments above don’t make sense, because thay say they are addressing a certain person, but it is FROM that person. YOU SHOULD REALLY ADDRESS THIS PROBLEM IMMEADIATELY! IT IS EXTREMELY INSULTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At the risk of appearing discompassionate, this looks to me like a good example of risk versus reward. The risk of being a complex organism is the potential for deformity and the reward would be heightened awareness and/or physical abilities. I think we should all be thankful for what we have.
I sure like the cat fights posted above too!!
By the way, I do like cats.
‘ Great personal companions.
Come on, folks! Nothing is wasted in nature! And we are all part of nature, even Cy. But it also brings up the question of how we treat each other! Whatever happened to love and tolerance of each other, even those that we do not like – “what does it profit a man…..” and “take the beam out of your own eye (npi)……” Peace!
DUH whatever!
Dear KAIRI, Yes, I be a real person just like you. Didn’t “take your comment” as you allege. Just posted my own belief concerning this feline anomaly. Smiles to you . . .
hey cool cat i hope it makes it with out dying
‘ Been reading the posts and find there are a few that wish the kitten had lived. I wonder why though. We can see what’s wrong on the outside, but what about the inside of its head? At the very least it wouldn’t have had depth perception.
Shawn who posted at 7:58 this morning mentioned the possibility of the nose forming above the eye. It seems to me that there would then be a high probability of things on the inside being pretty scrambled up.
Although many of us disagree about the authenticity of this image, nature has produced the unexplained. Take everything with a grain of salt and do not critize what you do not know.
Come on people if nature or god can create a two headed turtle, or other with five legs. And other animals or people with werid an strange problems why not this one cat. I think alot of people are blind. a probably shit themselfves if reality them. so to Cy sleep in peace
Come on people if nature or god can create a two headed turtle, or other with five legs. And other animals or people with werid an strange problems why not this one cat. I think alot of people are blind. they would probably shit themselfves if reality them. so to Cy sleep in peace
“Traci Allen says the kitten she named Cy, short for Cyclops, was born the night of Dec. 28 with the single eye and no nose.
Allen said she stayed up all night with the deformed kitten on her recliner, feeding Cy a liquid formula through a syringe. She says she cared for the kitten the next day as well, until it died that evening”
Also taken from the same Snopes web page that Shawn cites. (right under the image)
One must wonder what role the “liquid formula” plays in the death of the kitten.
By clicking on the link at the top “Learn More About Cy” I went to a Yahoo!! page with a caption that mentions only two kittens in the litter. This sounds like an unusual pregnancy as well.
i think this is the absolute cutest thing i have ever seen!! i dont normally like cats but this one took my heart as soon as i saw it…it really upsets me tht he died..well thts all i have to say except its the cutest thing ive ever seen
i think this is the absolute cutest thing i have ever seen!! i dont normally like cats but this one took my heart as soon as i saw it…it really upsets me tht he died..well thts all i have to say except its the cutest thing ive ever seen
Are you all really that stupid???? The joke’s on you.
People think Cy is cute?! I guess beauty must truly be in the “eye” of the beholder (pardon the pun).
I think a lot of you are being taken for a ride.
This is a hoax.
The eye you see is virtually identical to that of a bird, in my opinion you are looking at a paste job of the eye of a baby-chicken. Some people pointed out the obvious eye open being less than a day old (if it was closed it would not have the same impact). How large the eye is, how perfectly centered it is to emulate the description of a mythical creature as we know it.
Oh yeah call upon a known extremely rare deformity and go look it up in a book. You’ll see that no mutation is that perfect looking.
You can clearly see the it is a paste job if you look closely enough and last but not least we even had a nerd claiming to have medical training. The beauty of the net is that anyone can pretend they are doctors but any doctor would tell you that an eye that big is even bigger inside, I don’t have the time to explain the implications of that now.
By the way the poor thing very conveniently dies and although supposedly many pictures were taken we only see this one.
Jeez, people can’t you see how many things are just too perfect here to give you a cycloptic cat?
I am just amazed at what some people would do to mess with other people and how many are so gullible.
A bunch of people getting angry over someone’s practical joke… If you believe that picture is real that is fine but it is a flea circus.
It has to do more with what you want to see than what is really there.
Goodnight friends.
I think Cy was adorable. Shame on those who think it is a hoax. Children are born with deformities and we don’t say that is a hoax.
Whilst i am a strict aithiest, i have only sincere hopes that lil’ cy has gone to a better place than the earth that doomed him.
I can really appreciate what his presence has done for everyone, it kind of broadens the perspective of life as we know it…was this divine intervention or simply an accident? Either way, its all positive, positive, positive. Makes you think dosent it?
Shame on what Jen!
How do you know that cat is deformed or even dead for that matter?
How? Is it yours? Did you personally hold it in your hands?
Did you bury it?
You cannot possibly be 100% sure that any of that is true. Just because you buy it?
You are assuming there is no possibility that picture is fake…
Whatever you do if you ever get called for jury duty just stay home. 🙂
Please do not bring children with legitimate conditions into this. One thing has nothing to do with the other and is kind of silly for you to even compare that to a doctored picture of a cat with a big eye that belongs to an entirely different species.
If you want I can send you a picture of George Bush with three eyes and you might believe that to be true as well.
Shame on what Jen?
How do you know that cat is deformed or even dead for that matter?
How? Is it yours? Did you personally hold it in your hands?
Did you bury it?
You cannot possibly be 100% sure that any of that is true. Just because you buy it?
You are assuming there is no possibility that picture is fake…
Whatever you do if you ever get called for jury duty just stay home. 🙂
Please do not bring children with legitimate conditions into this. One thing has nothing to do with the other and is kind of silly for you to even compare that to a doctored picture of a cat with a big eye that belongs to an entirely different species.
If you want I can send you a picture of George Bush with three eyes and you might believe that to be true as well.
I am sure this is not a hoax because even a person with too much time on their hands could think of a better hoax for attention don’t you think, now the one with the Larve living in the woman would be more doubtful I think. Cy is a special creation which is truely believable.
Poor baby cy, if this picture was a hoax then shame on who ever did this. but I have seen many strange births in the animal world including kittens ,and this doesn’t seem so far fetched. Anyway God makes all living things and to him we are all beautiful, so why do we as a people find it hard to except something that is beautiful in Gods eyes.
The sad thing is that everyone is so worried about whether we are being fooled again or not. Does it matter? How many times in real life have we seen animals that are born with only three legs instead of four? How many times have we seen deformities that animals and humans are born with? How many times have we seen people born with afflictions that cannot be fixed? On an almost hourly basis beings are brought into this world with burdens that they alone must bear. We are all aware of these things. Whether be it over-sensitivity, a birth defect, a tottaly callous nature, etc. We all deal with what life has to offer. This picture to me was just another example of what can happen through genetic defects, like we all have. The unfortunate thing was that this particular being wasn’t allowed time to adjust and overcome it’s short-comings like the rest of us are allowed. To condemn this picture as fake because we can’t accept that abnormalitites haapen in life is just ignorance. As logical thinking beings, we should be able to accept that these deformities could and do happen. The people that post cynical views are only hiding their deepest fears that something like this could eventually happen to their eventual offspring. If that does happen to you, then I hope that you have more compassion to the situation than what you have shown here on this website.
Hi, I’m the Karen who posts here more regularly lately, not the one that posted earlier.
Anyway, Snopes.com has deemed this real, and not a hoax. Check out the article here.
I can’t say much except that you freaks should not mock at God’s creation,what if it had been you???? I just wish Cy had lived-May God bless him.
I think Cy was adorable in his own right.. I would’ve loved him. *kisses* to Cy.. RIP
If it had been me, “eye” would have wished to die after only one day (pardon the pun again).
*R.I.P Cy* i feel so bad for him and hes soo cute. Kinda looks more of a cute little monkey than a cat. Too bad he only lived one day. I would have wanted to take him in. Hes so adorable, but maybe its good that he went because he would be in all of pain and misery if he lived, because people would gape and his obnormality. I feel so bad.
If u think hes ugly, u are seriously disturbed.
I think Cy was adorable in his own right.. I would’ve loved him.. *kisses* to Cy..
If Cy really existed, then we should be alot more upset about the other issues concerning adaptation and whatnot, not just the kitten suffering. As awful as that is, (and I do feel terrible for the wee one) one thing I would like to point out that should strike you as odd, is the eye is huge. If in fact there was a cyclops animal (as a deformity) the eye should be of a normal, possibly even shrunken size in the middle of the head. Not larger. The middle eye size in actuallity would not compinsate for two. Another thing, since we really don’t have any other cases of cyclops, if this really did happen at all, we should be worried about this new deformity rearing its head in other cats, maybe even other species. And IF this cat existed, it would be blind, (via; missing eyelid) Then this would also be something that attacks the rest of the system.
Or the cat may be a hoax.
Maybee the goat’s a fake too…
People are willing to believe that a cat was born with one eye and no nose, but have trouble believing its one deformed eye might be opened for one reason or another? Maybe most kittens don’t open their eyes until 2 weeks, but then most kittens don’t have one eye and no nose.
Poor Cy. 🙁
Wonder if he could see his future.
See this web page for a fascinating read on one possible cause.
I think his mom was a crack head. I’m sorry but that’s just wrong….
First a cat, then a goat cyclops, now the well-respected journal Science weighs in with their own theory on these “fake” animals. “Eye” think it’s all a vast, left-wing conspiracy. Next, they’ll want to start teaching our children evolution theory–Ye Gods!
The eye is open and look at the ear…it ‘s position and appearance are that of a squirrel monkey…fake!
You people that say its a hoax are sick, who are you to create all the theories and conspiracies above? Does it even matter if its fake? Its taight me one thing, that it has brought out my deepest emotions and the worst emotions of you scumbags who are sceptical, mat Cy rest in peace….
Yeah! Who are you people to express an opinion that somebody else disagrees with? You think you live in a free country or something? You think you got a right to Freedom of Speech?
The kitten is cute, and who cares if it has one eye? The fact that it only has one eye makes it even cuter!!! And i don’t care if it’s a photoshop trick or not, it gets a point across nonetheless. The point is, you shouldn’t expect the normal, because something can be different. If it is, it doesn’t matter if it isn’t similar…
I think the PETA people should get involved in this case, as in People Eating Tasty Animals… a nice, medium-rare Cy steak sounds good right about now!
That’s deplorable, Deplorable! (I prefer my steaks rare.)
Um…this thread is, shall we say, odd.
Re: Cy, the cyclops kitten
I don’t know enough about photoshop to tell whether this is a hoax or not. If it is, then there is one sick person out there. It wouldn’t surprise me if it’s real, though. Some of these purebred animals are so in-bred that deformities like this are unfortunately too common.
Fake – A really bad fake.
Hey Thomas…
I know what HOLOPROSENCEPHALY is and it hardly ever produces such a neat result. Usually you will have a noticeable fusion of the other eye with pronounced atrophy.
Come on brother just because there is a name for it doesn’t mean THIS CASE is real beyond doubt.
Why don’t you look up LYCANTHROPY Tom?
You don’t see any werewolves running aorund just because the actual name for the condition exists now…
Can’t you see the change of pigment in the fur around the eye? It gives you a perfect outline of the likelihood of photo-cropping.
Yes there are rare things out there but this one has a strong probability that is just a joke played on us.
A while back a video tape was submitted into a lab in London. In this video tape there was evidence of the creation of a crop-circle filmed while it happened. It was hailed as proof positive and even a lab proclaimed it was authentic. Needless to say it was a big deal because it was proof that there was some other kind of intelligence out there.
Several months later a skeptic tracked the man that filmed the tape and the man confessed it was a hoax. he did an outstanding job with his PC and film equipment.
Look, I am not posting here to be the negative guy but just in case someone is playing with our emotions, beliefs and ect… We have to ask until it is proven so that all your thoughts of curiosity, your attention and even your feelings of compassion for an event like this are based on something real and not manipulated by some joker who wanted to have 15 mins of fame in the net.
The hoax red flags pointed out by some people and myself here have merit.
Is it possible that this particular case is true?
Yes but not probable. We have our theories now where is the follow up?
Someone here could be right.
I happen to think it is an elaborate joke and some people are even quoting the Bible over this picture of what COULD BE a one eyed kitten but it COULD BE a hoax as well.
sure it’s a fake, but it is probably a real, live kitten (with two eyes) and will live for years. don’t feel sorry for it, it’s fine. good for a laugh, but a total waste of time.
I am sorry I just realized it wasn’t Thomas who posted that reply so I meant it for you Clayton.
Oh and Animal lover, your lack of respect for other people’s opinions is astonishing. People can ask questions and can have a different opinion. They do not need your approval or judgement and in all likelihood it is you who is sick if you are not even able to handle yourself like a civilized person, calling someone a scumbag when no one offended you as a person says more about you than anything else.
I am glad the Cy story taught you something and brought out your deepest emotions.
Unfortunately your deepest emotions showed themselves clearly in your post, they are what you are full of…
Anger and its derivatives.
So you might want to get some help there.
Looks like this thread is turning into a Search for the Historical Cy.
Well, there’s only one way to settle if Cy is fake or not. Let’s check his empty tomb.
On second thought, even that method didn’t convince many people when it was last used. 😉
Im sure he would have been a wonderful kitten(cat)……….oh and im uhh sorry to the family who lost him, and I will pray for Cy!
S CHICK: Your use of vulgarity proves that YOU’RE SO UNBELIEVABLY DUMB! DON’T YOU HAVE A LIFE! (Above the adolescent level, that is). Get on with your life. Find some maturity, okay?
Is there a moon-bat convention this weekend?
A lot of people keep saying “Kittens don’t open their eyes at birth”. That is true, but don’t forget that this is not a ‘normal’ kitten….nothing about it is what is should be so you can’t use logic in that way. I find it amazing what mother nature can conjure up, but at the same time I hope it did not suffer. I hope that the owner was’nt going to use it to breed a ‘cyclops’ strain of cats if it survived. There are a few odd breeds of cats whose oddities have been exploited. I am sure that was not the case though.
Ah! This post smells so much better now that it’s been cleaned up.
Cute lil bugger he is. Too bad he didn’t live long enough, but at least he knew/felt that he was loved for the time that he spent with Traci Allen. What more can anyone ask for than, the feeling of being loved and taken care of. It takes a special someone to do that. Personally I would have done the same thing, cared for him, and loved it for the short amount of time he was here.
Amen! May Cy rest in peace.
Why is it that the biggest morons of the world are the ones most convicted in their uneducated/uninformed opinions?? *groan*
Go take a Google at birth defects…there are a LOT stranger things happening to humans and animals than this. Try READING sometime people, you might just learn something. (Thank you, Shawn, for the medical reference.)
If this kitten was actually born a cyclops, why then is it’s eye open? Everyone knows that they are born with thier eyes shut. for weeks thier eyes remain shut. I think this is a computer hoax, if anyone is smart they would believe that also.
where is the cats remains now? I bet you burried it, so you cant be proven wrong, if its in some lab, if scientists can say this is real, great! but if it was born live, it could have been saved, by surgicallly implanting another breating hole, and putting something in its eye to prevent dryness, and did it die because you pry’ed it’s eye open?
This picture is not a Photo Shop hoax; they didn’t have to use Photo Shop. It’s just one large eye pasted over his real ones. Ever wonder why the eye is so big? See the eye slit just outside the big eye? Then the owner shaved his nose for effect. Is everybody out there stupid?
Yes, Tim, it seems there is.
I hadn’t noticed that, Earl. That’s why the eye is so big and not the normal size a kitten that age would have, so it’ll cover its two little eyes. I see the slit now, the fake eye wasn’t big enough to completely cover both slits, and that’s why the picture was taken at an angle. The other slit is hidden. The story I read also said that it had no nose, but I can see the nostrils; they just shaved it, like you said. They’ll probably never produce the body either. The excuse will be something like, “We cremated it,” or “We just want it to rest in peace,” or some other crap like that. This sentence is addressed specifically to the person who pasted that fake eye on that kitten, “Got those fifteen minutes, didn’t you?” Tina
I agree it’s a hoax. It’s all a vast conspiracy by the “Cyclopians” to brainwash our children. Just look at this link to the cyclops goat–a clear fabrication…
Well, they certainly won’t fool me–Scientists! What has science ever done for us?
Thanks, Wendy…
I’ve done my google searches, viewed many disturbing pages, and learned a lot.
I don’t think Cy suffered because he was never really alive.
It seems as though when the brain division is arrested EARLY in fetal development, it doesn’t develop the internal components and I don’t believe Cy attained any form of conciousness.
Remember Terry Schaivo?
It doesn’t take much brain function to give the appearance of life.
It doesn’t take much brain function to be a barbarian, either.
It’s interesting how many people think he’s cute. Even with such an unusual and severe condition. I suppose that’s natural, though. If babies weren’t so cute, we wouldn’t be so inclined to care for them. Might be kind of hard on population maintenance.
do you mean someone physically shaved the nose and pasted a big eye ontop of the real eyes in photoshop? I can’t see the nostrils as you said
Well…..I think it’s probably true. If you notice, the kitten also has a deformed left front paw and its ears are set too low on its head to be normal. Go check out the pictures of animals with holoprosencephaly on the internet and you’ll see that all these deformities can happen together. The poor animal would have been born with the most minimal brain function – enough to attempt sucking and that’s it – basically a reflex action.
The goat, by the way, is not a hoax. My daughter raises goats and in the breeding and veterinary courses that she took prior to getting her herd, they were shown many pictures of possible genetic defomities that could occur. Holoprosencephaly is not all that uncommon in highly bred animals, unfortunately.
And Bob White – no the kitten could not have been saved by providing it with another mechanism for breathing. It would still need a functioning brain in order to sustain life. and another point here – animals follow their basic instincts more than humans do. If, for some reason, this kitten HAD survived for a day or two, the mother would almost certainly have rejected it and not cared for it. Animals know when their young do not have sustainable life and they do what we humans could never do – they leave the baby to die – sooner rather than later – in order to not drag out its suffering.
If this kitten was taken to the vet at all, I’m sure that vet would have wanted to do an autopsy just for the educational value – has anybody asked the owner of the kitten if an autopsy was done?
One of the links to additional information, I don’t remember which one, said that she has the remains in a freezer for future scientific value.
Thank you for the Cyclopia link, although the conspiracy thing is a bit over the top you did show what I had said before. The cycloptic condition shows severe atrophy of both eyes fused.
Our little friend here is boasting a baby-chicken’s eye image pasted over his very real closed eyes.
You can see the closed eye-lid at the very edge of the huge eye which is huge because it needs to be in order to cover the area. You can also see the color change in the fur around the eye.
In today’s world of digital cameras this picture happens to be low resolution because it helps to hide the paste effect.
What have scientists done for us Greg?
Next time you take a medication or treatment for a condition that a few years ago could have killed you…
Next time you can call for help from a cellphone when 20 years ago you could not…
Next time you remember that the electricity that powers your home is the result of scientific achievment…
Then you might figure out what those people have done so that you can live your life in the comfort you enjoy today.
There are rare thing out there I am just saying this one is not the real deal.
Notice how there is no follow up on the Cy story…
Wendy… Why is it that you believe you are so right and call others morons?
Did you see the cat with your own eyes?
Did you hold it in your hands?
What if tomorrow you see a news article as to how the Cy thing was a hoax?
Who is the moron then?
Groan to that possibility because the educated mind actually asks questions. You don’t know how much some of us read for you to suggest that we should when you might not even be in the ball-park figures in reading material yourself.
Your arrogance in that assumption does suggest a clue though.
A problem with Shawn’s reference material.
1- We do have eye-lids in the pic. They happen to be identical to those of a common baby chick hen.
I have seen two headed snakes, three legged dogs and six fingered humans. I do not doubt the possibility but why can’t some people accept that there are signs here that point at the possibility that you are being… How my friend says… Suckered!
I half & half on whether or not this is a really cyclops cat or not. pretty much the only way to know for sure if it is the real thing is to actually see the cat, but from what im hearing there seems to be no body of the kitten at all. it could be a real cat, there have been strange births before, like the 2-headed snake & the mermaid baby not too long ago, so ill keep my mind open to such possibilities. it could be fake picture also because of technology these days & how we are able to alter pictures to look real, my brother was able to make himself look like twins & people couldnt tell it was fake (people were actually startin to ask him if his twin was single or not). honestly, i love cats very much & i think that Cy may have been real, but since ive seen only one picture of this cat & there really is no hard evidence that Cy’s real, i cant agree with others that he was a true cyclops cat. if Cy was real, then may he rest in peace. if someone made all of this up, then their an asshole. one thing i will agree with though, even though he was deformed a little, Cy is actually a very cute kitten.
I wonder if Tracy would consider contacting someplace like CSU in Colorado to see if they would like it for a teaching aid. I hear they have a good veterinary clinic.
This is really wierd!!!!! Huh? Kittens dont open their eyes until a few days!
To those that don’t believe it exists:
I still say it’s a hoax, and all scientists are engaged in a giant conspiracy to defraud the honest people of this country.
[Does anyone catch a whiff of irony here?]
So, a baby can be born with TWO HEADS, but this can’t be true?? People, please, lol.
LMAO, Greg =D
Tsunami get over yourself.
I think I get your meaning.
They is just too many out thar that ain’t got no sense!
I’m glad a few got what I was going for.
I think this officially ends my 15 minutes of fame (or shame, depending on your perspective).
Greg is officially signing off.
It’s been fun!
Same here…ADIOS! Have fun, kids! =)
^ oops, that was me ^
yeah, that’s not real. if you’ve even seen a newborn kitten, you’d know that it’s not real. a kittens eyes are never that big, even if they’re born without eyelids. at least other people are smart enough to also bring up the point that kittens can’t open their eyes at one day.
maybe i’ll photoshop a ladybug over a kitten’s face and nickname it, bug eyes. we’ll see how many people fall for that one.
Relax Colleen,
It’s just that suspicion is very contagious and people are afraid of what they don’t understand.
They don’t understand each other and they don’t trust each other. So many people expect to get screwed and they believe so completely that they are going to that no amount of evidence will convince them that what is being presented is fact.
I think this thread has been interesting, yet I do have a life and want to get back to what really matters.
Thanks, and Bye.
I made this hoax a few weeks ago. It worked so well on other pages that I decided to try it on other sites.
hilarious!!!!!! Thanks steve!
I think that whoever Made this….If It WAS a Hoax Should Feel HORRIBLE!!!!! Deformity is not entertainment, And I Hope you can’t sleep at night for the guilt you should have.Shame on you!!! And is Cy is Real We should Respect Him and Admire him for taking a new step in the Evoulutional chain. May He Always Rest In Peace.
ILY “Cy”
I feel so badly for the poor little kitten. I have a Ragdoll myself. He is very beautiful.
like woo!
Gee, that’s not a very nice thing to say.
Not very brave of you to post like that and not let everyone know who you are!
OOPS! You got pulled! HA! HA!
No one is saying a one eyed cat is impossible guys, just that this picture looks like a hoax are we clear now?
If it is a hoax then someone is real mean and no skeptic here is being bad. Some of you act like anyone who questions the picture is doing something bad to the cat (if it is real).
Come on Thomas, this is just a conversation.
Man, some of you guys really suck at agreements to disagree. Can’t we all just get along? lol
I am in a good mood today if Cy was real then he is in a better place. If not then he’s eating his meow mix and learning to chase mice with his two good eyes ok.
Greg I see where you are coming from man, you are one cool and funny dude.
Wendy, come back please give me a 2nd chance we can work it out… 🙂
Colleen… One word ‘Xanax’
Megan… You are a well balanced lady open to both possibilites, I see a great future for a your keen mind and I hear you are pretty too 😉
Guys and girls just make believe we are all in a camping trip around a fire talking about this just as a subject that should not get you all worked up.
Ok since the Admin took care of that anonymous post that was really bad there is no need for to talk about it.
Please Admin: Edit my previous post by deleting everything up until the part that says ENOUGH JOKING and thank you.
The dude is forgotten…
A kitten’s eye isn’t that LARGE, which is why I think this is a hoax. I’ve seen too many new born kittens to believe this is real.
You’re makin a good point about keeping it all in perspective and not getting too rattled. Kudos to you for helping us all to stick with the big picture and stay more on the subject.
Fake or real i dont see why people are getting on others just because they have a different opinion. Looking at the pic i can see what looks to be like a slit of where the real eyes would be and i can see what looks to be like nostril holes. I can also see how people would come to believe that this kittin is real.
according to Snopes It’s real
Cyclopia (or synophthalmia) is a birth defect in which a normally two-eyed animal is born with only a single fused eye, generally disproportionately large and centered on the face above the area where the nose would usually appear. Typically in cyclopic births the nose is either absent or present as an appendage located above the single eye. (Eyelids are also generally absent in such births, which explains why the eye of the one-day-old kitten pictured above is open even though cats are usually born with their eyes shut and remain in that condition for the first week or two of their lives.)
When kittens are born the eyes are not open for around two weeks.If this kitten only lived one day its one eye would not have been open.
Nobody said that Cyclopia didn’t exist. THIS ONE doesn’t exist. It’s a hoax. And it was NOT done in Photo Shop, it was done on the kitten itself. The hoaxsters don’t have to use Photo Shop when they have actual kitten. Photo Shop is used when you want to crop out Brad and inject yourself in next to Angelina. The fake plastic eye is pasted onto the actual kitten itself, the nose is shaved, then a regular picture was taken. How do I know all this? Makes you wonder, doesn’t it?
I have raised cats before, I’ve seen cats open their eyes after one day. There are odd things that happen everyday that can’t really be explained. Poor cat, too bad he didn’t live.
You know, one of the things that surprises me about the comments on this pic is how many people insist that the kitten is “in a better place” now that it’s dead. Why would we assume that, when the traditional belief in Christianity is that animals don’t have immortal souls and aren’t going to Heaven? I’m not saying that there isn’t an afterlife for animals- just that we have no theological evidence (Scriptural, Traditional, logical) that suggests that there is.
As for me -heartless person that I probably sound- I do think an animal with such deformities may be better off dead, because animal suffering (unlike human suffering) is not redemptive. But I don’t think that Cy is necessarily “in a better place.”
I believe it’s real. I looked at some really disturbing pictures of human fetuses with cyclopia. If it can and does happen in a human, why not a cat? One research paper I scanned on cyclopia said that some form of cyclopia is present in 1 in 10,000 human births. It is present in 1 in 250 spontaneously aborted fetuses. In sheep, there is a type of lily that if it is consumed in large quantities on gestational day 14, there is a much higher risk of cyclopia. One picture of a human fetus in particular was very disturbing. It was on a university site. The fetus had one large eye, no nose, and no visible lips. The eye looked similar to the kittens eye. It even had a cleft in the skin around the bottom of the eye like the kitten, though it was much more pronounced.
It broke my heart to see this poor kitten born with one eye, and hearing he had died within 1 day. If it was still alive, i probably would’ve adopted it right away, and would love for it forever. 2 bad im allergic to cats, though… but still, its gross but adorable.
You know what I think is so great about this….That this little special creature has created so much talk, of so many people good or bad…The sad thing is, who cares…at this point, we’re all still talking about Cy for whatever reason…and I think it’s awesome, like I said before..as a cat owner, he’s sweet and we’re still talking…YOU GO Cy!!!!! on another note…GO STEELERS!!!!
this is hilarious, its just a cat and you’re all bitching at each other about god
This adorable kitten is so cute but weird
I don’t know what’s funnier the one eyed cat or all of you people. Do you all take your so-called “lives” so serious that you feel the need to actually debate the wrongs and rights of a deformed cat? By this animal living only 1 day only cut short the inevitable and was surely more humane than trying to raise it for show and tell.
…. God loves all things….yeah and God realized he made a mistake and fixed it the next day. GO LIBERALS!
You know, I was about to post something in reference to this picture, but regardless of what anyone else says, this argument isn’t really going to end.
I wonder if the host(ess) could close comments to this particular post to stop all of the ruckus?
This isn’t even possible. Kittens are all born with blue eyes, never brown, and they don’t open their eyes for a few days. Not only that, but that is one HUGE eye, even for a cyclops. It’s sad that so many people have believed this hoax.
Obviously those of you who think its a hoax has never heard of sonic hedgehog {not the game}. Sometimes during development the fetus just doesn’t get that lovely median line that it should have. Creating either an individual with one small eye, fused eyes, eyes close together, normal, or eyes too far apart. Don’t you people read? Or did you nap through science? Google it…..millions of extremely interestings pictures of one eyed people, people with fused lower limbs, heck there was even a boy in India with a second head growing out the top of his head!….
If a kitten only lived one day after birth that kitten would not have it’s eye(s) open. Unless this kitten didn’t have an eyelid it is a faked pic.
“God” has nothing to do with this deformity and there is certainly no message that a supposedly loving God could send in the form of a tortured little creature that becomes something for people to gawk at. For God’s sake, get a clue!
Why do you religious idiots always use God to fill in the voids of your empty skulls. Go to school and learn about subjects before you make a public mockery of God.
I don’t see “Intelligent Design” playing a role in a one day life-span of a mammal. And I can’t believe how ignorant Americans are becoming. Some of the religious leaders in this country should be tried for mass murder of the intellect.
– Shocked and appauled in San Diego.
So, Sharky, you would believe that the one-eyed cat and your brain are equally the products of the random actions of matter over time?
In that case, your comment is also the end product of blind chance, and can hardly be considered the result of some phantom process of “reasoning”.
According to the view of strict materialism, neither your comments or ours can have any real meaning, except as the by-product of electro-chemical processes in the brain.
In that case, what is there to get all twisted-up about?
Yeah, Tim. Also, from his point of view, people’s being “religious idiots” (a very intellectual remark) would be the same type of by-product.
“If a kitten only lived one day after birth that kitten would not have it’s eye(s) open. Unless this kitten didn’t have an eyelid it is a faked pic.”
Jenny, have you read all the material? Did you check out the pictures of the goat in the update to this story that Jimmy posted the day before you made your remark? The goat pictures are most definitely not faked & the deformity is obviously the same as that of Cy. This is not a faked picture.
And I’ll never understand why folks such as Sharky get so vehement when believing Christians see their God in situations. Why does he care? Why let it raise his blood pressure? While I’m sure Sharky would benefit from belief in a loving & merciful God, I’m able to deal rationally with the fact that he feels differently than the rest of us. So why can’t he & others like him do the same? They want to abuse others, it seems. Perhaps he needs a nap? I’ll pray for him.
OMG this is the most sad thig im like ever i am like shocked that this has happened it dont evn relly look like a kitten in the pic i hope the poor thing had at least one goodish day on earth
AH! I love this pretty little kittiiiiie!
That thing is F*ckin creepy. All oddness aside though, i’d keep him. Hella cute, in a disturbing way.
Hey Thomas,
You have just made a friend here brother!
I am tired tonight but man I miss this talk 🙂
Be back soon,
I love Cy. I would have taken him in and told him he was beautiful every day. God Bless his little soul who teaches us about respect and acceptance of every living thing
There is an article in the bendbulletin.com about poor little Cy. A local vet says that Cy is indeed real. The picture upset me so much I hoped it was fake, buy it is not.
Someone said “‘ Been reading the posts and find there are a few that wish the kitten had lived. I wonder why though. We can see what’s wrong on the outside, but what about the inside of its head? At the very least it wouldn’t have had depth perception”
I don’t have any depth perception either. Does that mean my life isn’t worth living?
Someone said “‘ Been reading the posts and find there are a few that wish the kitten had lived. I wonder why though. We can see what’s wrong on the outside, but what about the inside of its head? At the very least it wouldn’t have had depth perception”
I don’t have any depth perception either. Does that mean my life isn’t worth living?
I havent read every post on here but I love the ones that start out “who are we to judge”, then go on to call someone a moron for saying something they didnt like.
As for all this God business, maybe people should put a little faith in themselves, and not consider everything to have divine meaning.
You know Rich…
I agree with you 100%.
Some people had a different opinion and oh boy they came down with the nine biblical plagues on whoever said anything different.
It was like some individuals are looking for a reason to be offended but thank goodness most people here are not that way.
Do you think this Cy picture is real?
cy is the cutest thing i’ve ever seen. my dad says “hes a crack kitten” i wish he had lived…
At first I thought it may have been real, but now I have my doubts. I’m a digital artist who uses photoshop every day, and this sort of thing would be easy for somebody to do. The fur around the eye is brighter and not as textured, so it looks as if it’s been smudged to blend in with the picture.Plus there’s a slit next to the eye where the other eye could have been. With that said, I read somewhere that somebody had seen the actual photo on the camera (or camera memory stick) itself. So really I have no idea what to believe. But right now I’m leaning towards hoax. You never know though…
Poor kitten I wish he have lived.
according to snopes its real
My cat just had kittens and one of them had one huge eye and one small eye (not covered). She lived 1 1/2 days. She also didn’t have the top of her skull and you could see the brain. No palette either. I don’t know how she even made it 1 1/2 days but her eyes were wide open (there weren’t any lids to close).
i had a litters of puppies once were one was born deformed with a eye in on top of the skull opened and two regular one also opened at birth so to all u folks who think that is impossible think again.. the puppy did not live more than a day but no way would i have taken it picture at the time but now i wish i had
I saw it in my Ripley’s book……..It’s a horrible fate of what happened.:`(
IT’S SO CUTE!It would be well cool to have a one eyed cat.But to even have it for a few hours like the owner of ‘Cy’ would be unbelivable.
Does that kitten have one eye ball?
i really fell sory 4 this poor lil kitten u don see this all the time let the poor kitten rest in peice we all will remember the poor cy
wow and i though my friends cats kittens where funnie loking they like had no noes and shit and they had no eyes and no mouth missing legs and stull one had no spine it was so gross but we let them bee and they slowly died off and if this is a fake kitten its rude to do something like that cuz my cat had a kitten that had not eyes i think that its really sad to see something like that to see that that kitten did not get to live that long i am guessing but i hope that in the next year or soo we will see some type of amasing cat diformaty that lives and dose not die i am sorry
I have a rather scientific mind and no matter how I look at it, I’m finding it troubling that people can think this kitten is cute. For god sake, it’s pretty hideous and freakish. Medically speaking. But nevertheless, would it happen to survive and be mine, I would have loved him and cared for him the best I could. Cyclops actually do happen… as a matter of fact, even worse things happen, but for some good reason, we don’t get to see them. This one is special because well… everybody knows what a cyclop is and there are all kind of associations… mythology, lore, comics! It’s the kind of stuff that tickles the imagination and defies. This makes it all the more unbelievable. Just think of siamese, born sharing organs and living as two entities in one… compared to it, being born with one eye instead of two isn’t so far fetched.
y r all u people being so defensive about this and trying to prove this a hoax it is obviously REAL get over ur selves, this kitten looks amazing so stop moaning about, it jus shows us tht jus cos someone/thing is different dont mean its fake, and heres the proof.
Ok, according to all of these posts, god is responsible for this kittens suffering because he wanted to show us something. So in a broader way, god is responsible for the WW1, WW2, and any other people suffering because he wants to “show us somethine”. Sick christians. This kitten was just born deformed, like some people born stuck together or without properly shaped nose.
I stumbled upon this picture as i was looking for a picture of a kitten one day randomly on google and i have read most of the comments that people have posted on her, sure a lot of people out there do not believe that this is true but i my self do not see how it would be impossible for it to be there is a never ending possibility to life and evolution we werent always as we are and we hvae like many other creatures evolved why is it so hard for those of you who are non believers to admit that this is a possibility i believe it is because you are scared of those who are different more than likely the people of you who hav eposted on here saying it is a fake or a hoax why dont you look up diseases and deformaties which are possible is it possible for a person to bleed t death if they get a cut yes it is there are diseases that supress the lives of some people, some are born sharing bodies, livers, kidneys i once saw a set of conjoined twins that were joined to the skull is it to say that they were photoshopped no because it is a fact of life that things like this are possible, dogs and cats are born with three legs some no tails no ears, people can be born with out any genitals at all there is absolutely no reason to doubt the workings of genetics.
I think that CY is one of the most adorable kittens i have ever seen and i would have been proud to be his owner or to witness his existance first hand because he truly is a miracle showing us believers and non believers alike that things like this really are possible.
i still think that kittens are blind when they born and after 2 weeks they start to see the daylight, soo if that kitten lived only one day…he should be still blind 🙂 maybe im wrong 🙂
*sigh* this blog just goes to show how people who think they know everything are never going to let anything change their mind, not even solid proof. Why can’t they just accept that Cy was as he was?
As for cy, he’s adorable and it’s such a shame he didn’t live. ;3;
Aw, gee, I wish human fetuses were this cute.
I believe the photo is real and it’s obvious that the little kitten has several deformities, including the nose. It looks like maybe when it was a very early fetus, 2 eyes had started to form and somehow didn’t. There’s a little partition on the lower rim of the eye in the center. Poor kitty. I wish I had never seen this photo, though.
Wow… I Do To Believe That CY Is Real, And When I Was Reading Through All The Comments I Was Disappointed On How Some People Slagged Of CY, So What If He Was Born With One Eye And No Nose… Nature Is Beautiful And So Is CY…
Also Some People Say “Well It Is A Hoax Because Kittens Don’t Open There Eyes When There One Day Old” But If You Look Closely CY Has No Eyelids… So He Couldn’t Help To Have His Eye Open.
The Comment That Didn’t Make Me Disappointed Are All The Nice Ones About Cy, Especially The One Sandra Wrote!
R.I.P CY!… (Bless His/Her Little Cotton Socks) xxx =’(
Sorry, Made A Mistake… It Was The One Comment Posted By Sam… I Think… Any Way, Its The One That Says Stuff About How They Found The Pick When Looking For Kittens On Google…
R.I.P CYxxx
Well, Cy was definitely, unquestionably real, since his corpse has been sold to a museum.
Warning: he looked cuter before he was dead – if you don’t want to see his one eye all dried up, don’t follow the link below.
This has got to be the cutest thing ever…i know he only has one eye, but i would had him as my pet straight away….What a way to freak the house guests??
I nearly cried when i found that he only lived for one day…poor little mite!!!
what a cute thing hes adorable, i sure wish i coulda raised him. and i go w/ everyone, if you did this as a hoax shame on u but im not quite sure if it is, by wat im hearing its preetty real to me!
RE: This post and all above comments.
What happened here?
Aww. That kitten is so innocent looking. Imagine a sweet, tender, pure and unique soul that existed for a day.
If I was Cy’s owner, it’d be an enlightening day in my life, for once experiencing the existence of a one eyed, no lid kitty.
Although Cy may’ve lived only for a day, I’ll remember him in my heart for a lifetime. 🙂
If this were a fake – I say the creator is fantastic. If this was real, which I think it is, it’s made my day. 🙂
Thank you for opening my heart a little wider, allowing me to learn a little more and letting observe yet another part of the beauty of nature.
I appreciated the post a lot, thanks! 😀
R.I.P Cy, I’ll be thinking of you! n_n
I do not think it is fake. I like him he is very cute. I have … alot about him. And nothing actually sais it is fake. Pore little guy! He is very cute. If you wanna see a real monster check out Sam “World’s Ugliest Dogg”. Creepy dude. >.< Cy... to badd u didnt made it.
awwww its really cute . but at first i was like wat the hell is that and then i said it looks like a 1 eyed kitten and it was .its amazing i never new that anything would look like that
awwww its really cute . but at first i was like wat the hell is that and then i said it looks like a 1 eyed kitten and it was .its amazing i never new that anything would look like that
This is a fake thing kittens can not open their eyes when they are born and that looks like a human eye.
i clicked on internet explorer, typed in google, and then typed in: the cutest kittens. i was looking through, and then i saw this picture. at first i thought it was some kind of stuffed animal. so i clicked on it, and it was real. it broke my heart to see this little kitty. and it died so fast. i called my whole family over to look at him. god rest his soul.
Animals do not have spiritual souls, but that post by animal lover raises some interesting questions.
First of all, will animals be present on the New Earth after the Second Coming. If so, will they be new creations or will they be the animals of history resurrected.
If they are resurrected animals, will those we consider deformed be made normal? How do you really distinguish a deformity from a natural variation, since all organisms are affected by their environment and all have traits that go back to ancient mutations.
Specifically, will Cy be normal? Maybe he was meant to be that way. I think it would be really cool to have a cyclops kitten in existance for eternity. But what about mutations that are just repulsive? How do you distinguish good mutations from bad? Very thought provoking.
Animals do not have spiritual souls
But he didn’t say spiritual soul. He said “god rest his soul.” The same term (nephesh chayah, “living soul”) is used in the Hebrew Bible to describe both humans and animals.
“All flesh shall see the salvation of God.” (Luke 3:6)
Jesus said, “Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15)
“The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them.” (Isaiah 11:6)
Sup people whats with the one eyed cat?
YOU LIE!!!!!!!
i think CY is dead cute, i saw his photo and wanted to cry, he was very much loved as you can see from him being craddled in a giant hand, probably three times as big as him. he must have been very scared with people poking and prodding at this amazing creature, it was probably best 4 him that he passed away, cats dont lyk much attention, and im guessing he would of got a lot of it, and scientists would have been poking their noses in and they wud probably have destroyed him, although if i had the chance i wud snatch him up and craddle him through his life, looking after him so that none of the two eyed cats hurt him. R.I.P LITTLE CY. X
that pic is in my book, ripley’s believe it or not 2007
I don’t understand why people can’t believe this. I think it’s real, very real. There was no fake eye pasted over the real eyes of the kitten. The nostrils weren’t shaved off. This stuff happens whether you like it or not. Maybe it does look like the poor kitten was messed with just to screw with peoples’ heads. No, that’s not it at all. I’ve studied it carefully and looked at every detail. It seems impossible to me that a huge eye could be placed over a kitten’s two eyes. They aren’t THAT close together. It looks like it’s head may be a bit smaller than usual, but I don’t know. I’m not around kittens that much. The ears look deformed and not normal at all. I think this is all real. Why would scientists try to fool people into thinking that it’s real? Why would it be taken to a museum? Huh? Explain that to me, please. I may not be around kittens that much, but this can’t possibly be fake.
– Renee
Fox News thinks CY was real.
It Is Vary Sad. My Little Brother Is A Kind Of Cy. He Was Born With One Eye and His Head was Not The Right Shape He Died At 3
That Was 6 Years Ago I was 10 At The Time If This Cat Lived I Wood Haved Adopted Him And Named Him Matty After My Baby Brother Matthew THis Cat Is Prfect Just the Way he IS I Hope He Meets My Brother In Heven
Be A GOOd Angle matt and matthew I love you both
the kitten has its eye open bc it has no eyelids so i dont know why most of you ppl are sayin its fake bc its eye are open but if you actually look at the pic you would realize that it has no eyelids. at least some people here has seen that.and just bc its eye is way 2 big does not mean that CY or anything cant be born that way.maybe god had a reason he was like that and maybe god a reason to take him back.
the kitten has its eye open bc it has no eyelids so i dont know why most of you ppl are sayin its fake bc its eye are open but if you actually look at the pic you would realize that it has no eyelids. at least some people here has seen that.and just bc its eye is way 2 big does not mean that CY or anything cant be born that way.maybe god had a reason he was like that and maybe god a reason to take him back.
Look it’s nothing to do with in-breeding. I have a cat who mated his mother and the kittens came out fine…beautiful.In fact they were more cute than the ones from another cat where there was not in-breeding. I am interested to know what caused it. Was the mother on medication such as ringworm medication?
Well hes not that cute. He looks like something you’d see in a video game.
Well hes not that cute. He looks like something you’d see in a video game.
I just think this is wierd, tho i do feel sorry for it, it deserves to live longer. Plus I do think it’s eye was supposed to be open cause it has no eyelid.
yeah… a video game… whatever
OMG! I cant stand it! he is so cute! Lets just hope he is in a better place now, and that that wasnt done on photo shop which my friend thinks it was, but Cy has touched my heart forever…
Lets just hope he is in a better place now…
He is — he’s in his owner’s freezer!
One-Eyed Kitten May Not Be Fake
Esau! That’s…er…cold.
I feel soo sorry for the poor little guy. This photo isn’t a hoax, because Cy has a disformed face this could explain the one eye. The poor thing may have died, because some parts of the face may not have had enough blood getting to it, and I hope Cy didn’t suffer. God bless Cy, and god bless everyone reading.
I like how so many people are harping on the open eye. I think the fact that it’s a deformity is a good enough explanation for the lack of a fused eyelid. Think about it; there are people born without important/typical body parts, there are animals that are born missing important parts, too. Yeah, a lot of oddities online ARE hoaxes, but there’s legitimate stuff out there too. I swear people keep forgetting that things like this DO happen in real life… I mean, c’mon, two-headed animals; a cyclops kitten isn’t such a shot in the dark.
Someone posted in January how the news would have been all over this, but the sad truth is many things like this do not get recognized. This is a rare deformity, true, but it does have a name “Holoprosencephaly”. In this case, the two eyes probably fused together when the cat was still an embryo, than replaced the nose. The lower eyelid is quite deformed as someone had previously stated, and if someone wanted to pull off this as a hoax, I can assure you it isn’t.
Someone posted in January how the news would have been all over this, but the sad truth is many things like this do not get recognized. This is a rare deformity, true, but it does have a name “Holoprosencephaly”. In this case, the two eyes probably fused together when the cat was still an embryo, than replaced the nose. The lower eyelid is quite deformed as someone had previously stated, and if someone wanted to pull off this as a hoax, I can assure you it isn’t.
i feel really sad that he died.
He looks really cute!
sorry he died when i first looked at him he caught my eye!!!
awwwwwwwwww poor cy he is so cute it is a shme he died lets hope he is happy now
i don’t think he is a hoax he is real alright poor guy
i truly think that cy is one of the cuttest kittens every to set foot, or paw, on this planet! i really feel bad that some sad people out there would make fun of or mistreat this myricle. i would love it 4ever!
R.I.P CY!!!!!!
omg, i feel so bad for Cy. Its sad that it only lived for one day. i will be really mad if this is a photoshop trick, because this is sad. i love cats. poor Cy.
Well, he is cute(in a disturbing way), and he relly looks a lot like ciclops. Por kitten. I wonder what coused this genetic structure???
is that realy a kitten???
i feel so sorry for this kitten and for what some of you insulting shameless and worthless people are saying. i beleive that this is not a hoax. the truth is we are afraid of what we do not understand or what we do not know therefore we question it or insult it. As for those few people insulting religions in your comments shame on you. if you feel so much anger towards this picture which you call fake then make no comments and leave because no one needs ur absolute nonsense. May CY rest in peace and may all u pesimists and rude people shut up!
i have raised kittenz and catz 4 yrs!! bt this is the only one i acctualy fell in love with, 4 sme reason!!! he is sooooo cute!! i wish he survived! he is one of a kind….. he is a miricle!!
R.I.P little guy!! mwamwa
i have raised kittenz and catz 4 yrs!! bt this is the only one i acctualy fell in love with, 4 sme reason!!! he is sooooo cute!! i wish he survived! he is one of a kind….. he is a miricle!!
R.I.P little guy!! mwamwa
Aww, poor little guy..
I think hes cute.
I don’t think this is a photo shop trick, as it looks really realistic.
But who knows.
I could be wrong.
I don’t think its a hoax, though.
I hate it when animals die, though…
Just thinking about it saddens me. :/
Ha…what a strange waste of time.
i feel so bad for the little guy butt still if it is only a day old why is his eye open and not shut. Oh the poor the must have been blined this breaks my heart
i feel so bad for the little guy butt still if it is only a day old why is his eye open and not shut. Oh the poor the must have been blined this breaks my heart
i feel so bad for the little guy butt still if it is only a day old why is his eye open and not shut. Oh the poor the must have been blined this breaks my heart
he is so cute and i feel really sorry for him i wish that he/she were steal alive it would be so cool if i ever find a cat like that i’m keeping it and nersing it my-shelf
the poor thing i think it is very cute. i know it is resting in God’s hands and doing just fine.i’m glad u put this on here, but u could at least given the little guy a name!name him jerry if a boy and susie if a girl!
i don’t care what anyone says, it is cute and should have lived!let us all put our heads down and pray for the little kitten!it is healthy and up in the clouds gettin along with the rest of the kittens up in heven!we love ya!<3
i don’t care what anyone says, it is cute and should have lived!let us all put our heads down and pray for the little kitten!it is healthy and up in the clouds gettin along with the rest of the kittens up in heven!we love ya!<3
i don’t care what anyone says, it is cute and should have lived!let us all put our heads down and pray for the little kitten!it is healthy and up in the clouds gettin along with the rest of the kittens up in heven!we love ya!<3
this is an kiten which god has made it it is the allah who has made it like this dont laugh at it plaese.
Believe it or not that kitten is REAL! That proves that myths are real, or at least partially real. And I think DRAGONS were real and maybe still are.
Godith Bless You CY
R.I.P little one
Godith Bless You Cy
Forever you shall live in stardust(heaven)
Ya um that last one was posted by me
U r so scary and i’m going to call the popos on u!!!
Nooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙁
And is it dead? :(((
That’s not fair!
i am so sorry for this kitten if someone could have saved it i would be happy for it but no one could save it so me and my cousin are cryin
i am so sorry about the kitten but life is not fair and every thing dies if i was the kitten i would watch u from u above from heaven i had cat and kittens all my life to so and my kittens died 1 day after birth to so don’t fill bad but a kitten with 1 eye i just fill bad
i dont believe this is real. if it was, this story would have made world wide news. seriously, its NOT every day or every year, or even every 10 years that you EVER see a cat with one eye. This would have attracted media all over the world and scientists would have been speculating about this for months..
.. but they havent, have they?
.. and no news was heard of this, was there?
i only went to google “kittens” for images and came across this. this was the only way i heard of this. so if you ask me, its fake. nice editing on the pic by the way. (to whoever did that)
here is another photo of a very nicely edited pic of a kitten.. in alien form.. with a great amount of eyes. =P

well. guess they blocked the pic out.. just google and search under “kittens” you`ll see the image of the alien kitty..
If it’s only a day old, why’s it’s eye open already????
C: Some of you are being so mean, why would anyone write something so sad as he dying the day after his birth? Shame to all you who are being so mean!
N: Why would anyone say that about a poor little kitten if it was fake, i mean i have to learn about this stuff when i am older so i research a lot about kittens and other animals so i can prove that pic is not photoshop
I really hope this is a computer fake, I wouldn’t whish for any leaving thing to suffer in such terrible way…I hope its not real…:(
i mean LIVING not leaving……sorry my self english not much good…:p
Meanwhile, Cy the one-eyed cat may be dead, but it has not left the building.
Allen said she’s keeping the cat’s corpse in her freezer for now, in case scientists would like it for research.
She said one thing’s for certain: “I’m not going to put it on eBay.”
Cy is a Popsicle
AWWW!!! poor Cy! too bad he didnt live! but when was he born? just curious
he is ugly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aww poor little guy T^Tㅠ.ㅠ so sad………cruel world….
I’ve let Jimmy know of whoever it is so obviously living in darkness.
awww he is so cute. I never seen a kitten like this before and it a shame that it only had one day to live so R.I.P Cy.
aww its kinda cute
aww its kinda cute
many people think as Cy is ugly, but to my he is beautiful! I want to have this kitten… But also, then it be a cat, it never had kittens because, more kitten will be deformity.
whi this kitten born like that? Verry interesting!
pro-life: “Aw, gee, I wish human fetuses were this cute.”
Thank you.
My eighth grade teacher told me about a survey: if a baby and a puppy are drowning and you can only save one, which will you save? She said the majority would save the puppy.
That’s really sad.
Sure, Cy is cute. But it’s a cat. Why are we making such a big deal about a cat?
OOhhh! :*( I Feel so sorry for him. He probably would cry if cats had tear glands.And if cats did have tear glands, I wonder how big his tears would be. If he had lived and you were giving him away,I would have bout him in an instant!
Ohh! The Poor, Sad little kitty
Ok HELLO not a Hoax…try and read stuff b4 u poast…I read the fist like..30? ..then i got sleepy…so..anyway.. RIP Cy..he was a very cute kitten. And it is probabily good..because like someone up there ^ said he had no nose, and if he lived..he would have suffered…poor thing….again i say RIP.
C’mon!! Kittens don’t open their eyes before a week!! So a hoax!! And if they don’t feed within hours, they die, and if Cy “got milk”, as someone wisely said, is hard to breathe and drink… hard??? Impossible!! So, he dies anyways… but, wait! Cy can’t die… COZ IT’S A HOAX.
Anyways… this goes next to bonsai kittens and Jacko is a normal guy. Oops, thinking loudly again…
hello. i was just looking at pictures of cat’s on google images.. and i came upon this. i think that he is cute, and i am almost completely positive that this is not a photshop. rip, cy. i think he is a cute kitty. 🙂 <3
Owe dear kitten this world was not kind to you but as one of gods creatures may your soul rest in forever peace. Your life was only temporary but the world just wasn’t ready for you.
All will morn your lose how now what you would have become sleep forever in a grease full peace. May you soul go forth with no fear of the shadow of death and be with the holy valley with the lord and creator.
My condo Isis
poor guy, fell srry for him… to bad he didnt live long he seems awfully small to( i mean i know its still a baby but still)
He was a cute kitten. ^-^ Its good that he is in heaven with God, and not in the cruel world we live in. Things could have happened to him he might not have liked, like maybe he gets lost, and someone finds him, and kills him because he’s one eyed? Anyways, you were a cute kitten Cy, Love you even though I didn’t know you, have a fun life up there. ^^
The same was discovered running in a house frontyard in Kuwait (I have 2 pictures) , subsequently lot of emails were around talking about that it was seen also in other part of the world.
Please update me if it has been seen only in US, or else where in the world.
Is it bred out of a normal cat or how it was found?
While my opinion, I feel it is sent for experiment by other living creatures in the universe to examine the possible living on earth. Or, if we take it religiously, it is one of end of the world signs.
This is obviously fake, as kittens don’t normally open their eyes for a few days to a week after birth.
Nice trick, though. =)
to bad he died he’s so cute
this kitten is kinda strange….yah……i dont see how you would think its cute but okay….how mnay legs does it have and how does its mother and father loook ?
I hope that you sent his body off to be investigated. because such a thing like that should be scientifically investigated, that doesn’t happen everyday, there has to be a reason.
Hey, listen, it was for the better anyway. Think about it:
Cy didn’t have a nose so he wouldn’t be able to run around like normal cats and what if he got bronchitis or something?
Cy also didn’t have eyelids, so he wouldn’t be able to blink. Try not blinking for a day. Pretty much impossible without a lot of discomfort…
Would he really be happy anyway? He’d be suffering…. 🙁
stacy- I agree with u. God made little Cy, and god took him away. All I can say is that god had his reasons.
Stacey- I agree with you, all I can say is that god has His reasons, He made cy, and he took cy home to be with Him.
Oops, didn’t hit shift key I meant, God has his reasons
The picture of Cy is so sad and I am glad he did not have to suffer long. For those of you who keep saying kittens eyes dont open for about 8 days yes that is true but this is not a normal kittens eye now is it. It is amazing that he was born alive at all. Rest in peace Cy.
i must say this is the cutest cat ive ever seen. i wud have most definate taken him in. hes so adorable. R.I.P. Cy!
That makes me wana CRY
poor thing it would of been awsome for him to live. wait im reading these notes and they say THAT THIS IS NO NORMAL KITTEN!
peope this is a HOAX! (WICH MEANS A FAKE) com’on kittens don’t open there eyes till weeks. it’s hoxa i tell you hoax! somebody said up there ^ that it has no nose i know why because it ‘s a hoax!
it’s stupid to believe that god and jesus or whatever else there is ever existed, it’s all bullshit
wat en ugly kat just kil it
wat en ugly kat just kil it
poor thing i feel bad for it
he is pressious he still deserves to live and he is not and it he is a he or a kitten. and to me he is still beautiful and still deserves to live
i’m disapointed in my race this kitten whether real or not i in pain and even if he was digitally created i pity the person who came up with him. i love animals it makes me sad to see this one scorned and talked about pray for him and you will have done something to help otherwise go away
Love Libbi
rest in peace Cy
I’ve read lots of things on Cy. I’ve also seen an interview with the owners. This isn’t hoax. My friends has read every thing in english on Cy. So, why say english? Cy lives on in other countries! R.I.P Cy For in your short life, you brought a new link in all people!
I’ve read lots of things on Cy. I’ve also seen an interview with the owners. This isn’t hoax. My friends has read every thing in english on Cy. So, why say english? Cy lives on in other countries! R.I.P Cy For in your short life, you brought a new link in all people!
umm kittens don’t open/develop their eyes until about 2 weeks.
awwwwww…he’s so cute!too bad he didn’t live….i don’t see why people are judging him b/c he has one eye and its open…he wasn’t like normal kittens….it may be unnatural for others but normal to him!
Well, I personally prefer human children’s deformities, but a kitten deformity, altough probably a hoax is quite nice too.
But, again, a human child with no arms or some nice deformity (some tumour, for example) would have been a lot funnier to see and to use as a Christmas Card.
If you have pictures of human deformity (preferably children), please send them to me: I need hem to feed my voyeurism.
Ghad Bless y’all!
its cute
uh, has to be a hoax, despite its photoshop mastery, because kittens are always born with thier eyes shut, for several long days…
all of you idiots saying this is a hoax can suck a dick. You should check out the pictures of human fetuses with defects that have their eyes wide open in the womb.
Dude….. when the hell did all this come to be about religion? From what I saw I seriously thought this was about leaving a little comment for the lost soul. Not about whether this is a hoax or real? Despite what people think, deformities happen all the time. When it all comes down to it Cy was a KITTEN, a CAT, a LIVING CREATURE. Give him the respect you’d give to any one or anything that passes away. Jeesh.
i think this kitten is beuatifuler than with two eyes
this story touched me it was very sad i had a two tounged cat it lasted 4 lik 3 days her name was lucy i ound out when she was eating well bye
I think that this is not a hoax and that it was just a poor little kitten that just didnt have enough strength to live on.
OKay hmm ….
he i’m assumeing is very adorable born diferent from others or not he eserved the right to live. Even though he died because yes he probably couldn’t feed and breathe at the same time but his innerds or whatever u may want to call them might’ve been to big for his body which does cause problems in most casses because they might put pressure on such things like the lungs the wind pipes which may cause hm to stop breathing period ! and well yes suffocate to death. Nobody should be making funn of this poor little innocent kitten for he has done nothing to you people to be treated this way. Gods little angel Cy was sent to this earth for a reason the reason may not be evident right now but in time i hope it reveals itself fast especially to those who have made fun of him or even dared to speak nonsense of his appearence and so on.I also do pity on those who have even thought of laughing or even wrteing a neggative comment. I want all of you whoever is reading what i typed to know that i am not in my 20’s 30’s 40’s 50′ 60’s 70’s 80’s or even my 90’s i happen to be one of many 12 YEAR OLDS IN THIS WORLD IT SHOULD SHOW THOSE OF YOU WHO HATED ON THIS KITTEN SOETHIN THAT A 12 YEAR OLD ME TO BE EXACT HAS MORE RESPECT THEN YOU HAVE EVEN IF IT IS FOR A KITTEN DEOFRMITIES HAPPEN ALL AROUND THE WORLD EVERDAY! stop smell the rosses open your eyes peak outside the walls of your own little world and relise what ges aroudn comes aroudn and that whathappendto that kitten could’ve happend to you !
I thought Cy was such a cute little sweety, I shed a few tears. What a darling.
I hope he didn’t suffer.
Ok. I am a nurse and I own many medical books.
Of course there is always the possibility that this particular photo is a hoax, but according to MANY MANY other on this blog, the photo has been well looked at and researched.
The condition this kitten most likely has is cyclopia as stated many times on this blog before.
To those of you who don’t believe this could happen, I could show you an image of a human neonate with the condition but that would be crule, cold, disrespectful, and traumatic.
This is a real condition. It is VERY RARE, and the majority of mammals that have this condition are most likely miscarried, as they are so deformed they just cannot survive.
This kitten was lucky to have lived one day, as there are other head and facial abnormalities that go along with this condition.
I find it difficult to believe that so many people cannot believe such a condition cannot exist.
Mammals are very complex beings. One tiny thing that can go wrong during the splitting of the cells after conception can lead to a number of deformaties.
People are (again very rarely) born with 3 arms, 3 legs, 11 fingers/toes, etc.
How can a kitten such as Cy not be possible?
AND TO THOSE WHO SOLVE THEIR KITTEN PROBLEM BY DROWNING THE KITTENS, YOU ARE SICK! (i was recently told another storey about how someones uncle is too lazy to desex his cat, so he drowns the kittens).
And to those who keep saying kittens are born with their eyes closed, is this a normal kitten with normal eyes? Not difficult to figure that one out! Geez!
how cute
hes so cute.but its sort of a fake if it is
cy is soooooo cute I wish I had a kitten like cy.I hope you didnt suffer cy.cy I wish you had lived a bit longer to see your world.cy you are a cute cat you diserved to live.Some people don’t see how cute you are.They think your ugly but I know your the cuttest thing ever.I hope your having a good time in heaven and that they are giving you a little more appreacheachin than some of us people are giving you
Even with one eye Cy is cute, i love animals so if he had survived i would have loved to own him, its ashame he didnt. Hoax or not this kind of thing does happen and its nature ther’s nothing you can do about it, it saddens me that the first reaction out of people to this is disgust but thats human nature as well.
Ummm….he lived only a day after his birth? Kittens eyes dont open for two weeks. So therefor, thats a lie.
i think he is still a beautiful cat
i feel kinda bad to say this but thats soo CREEPY! i feel so bad was there something wrong with it’s mother? even though cy didn’t have a pupil his eye would be undeveloped and he would be blind. why is his legs and ear hairless?
ps. RIP CY )))=
yh u lot fink dis kitten is “ugly”… How would you feel if you looked like this poor inocent cat hey? yea i fink its impossable to be born with its eyes open..but i just might have…it didnt grow propally…i meen my dogs pregnant and dis happend t her then….i woud give that alot of tlc and if i rated it out off ten… i would pick 100 coz i would do whatever it takes to keep the creatcher alive…cy was loved for one hole day…atleast he got the respect he deserved off the people that loved him and aint crull people… i meen… if you have a pet.. would you treat it like you are now hey? i no for a fact i bloody well wouldent
R.I.P rest in peace cy…your dearly lovd even by people who didnt even meet you x
i would love to have a one eyed kitten. he is unbelieveably adorable. i am sorry that his life was cut short. at least you had a little time with such an amazing little kitten
it’s ugly but it’s sad that it died
”Umm kittens don’t open/develop their eyes until about 2 weeks.”
Well, have you noticed that this kitten isnt exactly normal?
Cy was an abomination. This was a punishment from God to chastise all evil sinning cats. Female cats usually have multiple partners. THIS IS A SIN BY ALL BIBLICAL STANDARDS! Cats need to be monogamous within the bonds of matrimony or suffer the damnation of Hell fire. Cy is already burning in Hell. If any of you want to see a cat wedding, contact Tasha. She has a video. Amen.
Poor thing
im not the type that would just believe something straight away, but when i saw this cat i just feel in love with it. It is so adorable and is so sad that it only lasted about a day.
Best wishes for Cy where every he is now and if there is a second life he would have plenty of fun!
-x..from abbi..x-
who ever “Paige” is saying that Cy is a sinner and god has put him to burn in hell must be a cruel person and stop getting so screwed up in this ‘god’ and maybe look at the real world. people need to wake up and think, hay maybe if i wasnt busy praying to this picture of a god all day maybe i can do something in my life!!!
I am not saying that there should be no god/gods and that everyone that believes in one are completely stupid, i am not a racist, but do you really have to say that because the cat is a cyclops and died because of its disability a day later a type of sprit up there has taken it to the depths of hell?
even if you do believe in a god/gods you must think there could be even the smallest scientific explanation to his death.. and im only 12!
that kitten is sooo cut y cant it be like other kittens can it see properly is it still alive now
Wow.First i thought that it was some Adobe photoshop trick,but,i guess not.I feel bad for the little dude,he was very cute,and even if he didnt have a nose nor a second eye,i would have been extremely proud to have him as a precious gift,it makes me want to cry,i love you Cy!
I dont think it was a camera trick he is just diffrent and thats no crime.
Yes, we all know that kittens don’t open their eyes as soon as they are born. That does not qualify this as a hoax. AVERAGE kittens do not open their eyes right away, but Cy is obviously not average- even the most ignorant can see that.
He’s very cute and I hope his death was painless.
I am still amazed how much attention this post gets….
I think that is so sad but why did he die. i mean there was a big possibility that he would die with his deformity and all but what ws the actuall cause. This is really intresting.Wow only one eye,mouth, and ears…. no nose. I only wish he would have lived longer. poor thing i wish i could have petted him.:(
cy is so cute, i love cats, and all other animals i know it sounds strange comin from a guy.And believe me its not a hoax, i have owned 17 cats in my 12 year old life, and i had this one cat with two tails named huey, and only one ear!
this kitten, be it real or imagined- be he a special beast of the lord or agent of satanic perversity, must be loved, kissed and given sweet sweet milk from it’s mother’s teet.
i think that that cat is very unique. That she should be able to see better than other cats (straight and forward- direction) but not able to see what is at the sides of her.
This seems to be, by far, Jimmy Akin’s most popular post!
I feel really sorry for dat kitten, how cute is it !! I would would of taken much,much care of it..
Luv that kitten
You jesus freaks going on about God scare me more than this unfortunate kitten.
i luv the kitten i feel really sorry for it but i would of taken special care of it if i had the chance to see it and i luv luv luv luv luv luv luv luv luv luv it so much poor thing….
i luv the kitten i feel really sorry for it but i would of taken special care of it if i had the chance to see it and i luv luv luv luv luv luv luv luv luv luv it so much poor thing….
i’t so weird and some what cute and i admire weird things and it’s totally cool
i think its cute but no wonder why it dident survive.beacase it dosent have eye lids to keep all the backtirea out so it probably died of disise! i even know that and im 12 so its probably real just you don’t know any better
Dont really know what to think…… being a graphic artist, i have to say ive manipulated images through photoshop that have fooled even the most analytical of people. but ive seen enough oddities in my life to not totally rule out that such a thing could exist….. but on the other hand… i do not have enough proof to deem it truth….
long story short, i need more evidence to shape my opinion… but hell, who know except the one taking the photo.
what the hell this is a load of crap,all you lot that belive this are stupid, im 11 years old even i know that this is not real, a kitten with one eye, ok kittens can be born with one eye but not a huge one in the middle of its forhead. you are all idiots that belive this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also that is a hidious photo for ppl who think thats cute!
Adorable kitten, i feel so bad that he died 🙁 n Cayda its called neuter or spay, not desex.
People who think this is a hoax, some people are born with 1 arm, some animals are fised together creating to heads, this isnt a hoax its a beautiful poor kitten 😀
how are you
Wow, one Labrador is far less negative than one lecherous nutria. soma by chicos
Ummmm at that age the cat cannot have its eye(s) open while so tiny… ive raised many cats….
how are you
Dear me, a ladybug is far more scornful than a creative kangaroo. kohler kitchen faucets
I truly believe that this was not some kind of sick joke, however, it does show how much we pay to those who are different, even though they may be beautiful, like Cy…
nnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooottttttttttttt real. its a trick photo
If people want to believe this so they can imagine that it’s some sappy lesson about tolerance from God, then that’s fine, but it’s completely irresponsible of you to try to pawn it off on others as being real when you have no proof of it’s existence and it is so obviously fake.
What in the hell is wrong with you people on here. Some of you seem to have bigger problems than that poor cat had…
“i don’t know if it’s real or not, but if it’s fake, than shame on you on trying to fool everyone with the pain it has in its eyes.
not funny.”
Okay, what in the hell did THAT just mean??? Eyes? Pain? If its fake then there is no pain. I mean, c’mon. I damn near had an aneurysm reading all this stuff.
“…I hope he lived..”
Step away from the keyboard if yall don’t know what the hell your talking about. Im so pissed off right now from realizing how many IDIOTS live in the same world as I do. This thread needs to stop now. I hope im the last one to post on here. Seriously. The guy should of never posted this picture.
(i wonder the age of the people that responded to this page)
the anon person is right. This is a fake, as neat as it would be to have a cy-cat this one is not possible. even if it was it would have been dead at birth, because of a few simple reasons
1. as already stated the eye is open and its only a day old.having one eye doesn’t give it any special privileges.
2. if you look at the edges of its “eye” you can see the slits of its real eyes underneath. (the eye is wide open)
3.there is a slight discoloration around the eye, photoshop, someone was bored, thought their little kitten looked freakishly cute and wanted to see it as a freakishly cute little cyclops kitten. then decided to post it on the internet to see how many people would take the time to leave comments.
4.the thing that i noticed the most was how big and cute its eye is… a little too big, and judging by the amount of it thats visible the eye would take up over half of its skull leaving no room for brains or bones, as an artist im quick to pick up on these things.
im not the type of person who wouldn’t believe in these kinds of things, when i first saw it i thought how neat but the size of the eye gave it away as a fake. i come across these kinds of things a lot (guess its bound to happen when i spend all my time listening to nights with Alice cooper and Mysterious Universe) and i believe them unless i find something that doesn’t fit. but if your interested in something really strange about a cat check this one i found last year.
i did not post this to try to piss people off or make them feel stupid, i just want to expose the pranks and reveal truths.
how sad it would be a miracle if he lived and cy hope you rest in peas
how did the cat have one eye
At first glance we were terrified but once we came to terms with what we were seeing we realized how beautiful this little guy was. Abnormalities occur everyday and in every species, it’s awful for people to immediately think it’s a hoax just because it’s different. Rest in peace little guy, you’re beautiful just the way u are xox
did you all see the thing that said there was 4 pictures and they were investigated and they were not fake?!
stop saying, “cats can’t open their eyes for blah blah blah cause I’m an expert on cats and photoshop…must be fake”
the cat was real and it was a sad thing that he couldn’t function well enough to live. stop trying to disprove it like you know stuff.
btw, rest in peas? lolz yummy
I just have to say that i have been reading these comments and most of them are dumb, people are saying, oh… God did this and God did that… What the hell you people it’s just a cat with one eye and thats it, nothing else.
I DON’T think its a hoex, NO wait its NOT a hoex and everyone get that in your head !!……If it was a hoex you would be able to see if someone had changed the picture on a comtpuer….and if you think its a hoex then go F*#K your self……Na jokes…but stuff off though coz you don’t know no nothing ! 🙂 And yes I do have anger problems Deal with it
Ta-Ta TTFE (Ta Ta For Ever) 🙂
I didn’t nessecarily think it was cute, its not the ugliest deformed cat I’ve ever seemed, I mean really compared to other deformed cats, he’s really cute. I dont really believe its a hoax.
I feel so bad for that poor kitten! My mom is a doctor and sees children with the same condition they normally live for an hour or so so this kitten was lucky to live for such a long time for it’s condition!
I however am happy the poor thing left this horrid world. Lets see now it has one none functioning eye, it has a messed up brain, and it has no nose! To me it looks like it only has one arm and leg.
Instead of feeling bad for it dieing in it’s condition, I feel bad for it ever having this horrid thing. It never deserved it. I wish it had a normal body with a normal life.
Poor little thing
its amazing that it was born but if only it had survived imaged what it would look like now poor little soul R.I.P.
awww thats so sad!even though he only had one eye and no nose he was still cute.
yes you are all cruel hearted! and um i have been doing research on cats for years! i love them! and i know everything about them. it is VERY possible for a kitten to be born with no nose and no eyelids. with would explain it being blind. and because of having no eyelids while its in its mothers tommy burned up the puple.don’t try to say anything different. i know better. one of my cats kittens was born with 2 heads. one dead and one alive. it lived for 2 hours.
sorry everybody nalana’s my YOUNGER! sister shes only 13. but really shes has been doing research on cats for like 5 years. but i’m not so sure if what she said about the burning up part is true or not. she probably got mixed up with something else. oh but the cat with 2 heads is true. but don’t make fun of her. she thought she knew what she was talking about. she might be right. shes a very very intelligent person.
ha ha!!!!! got you all! didn’t i????????????!!!!!!!! i’m not intelligent and i know didley squat about deformation. seriously this is the real nalana and kind of person i am. oh ya i don’t have a sister named cassie. but i have a sister name *****. ha! not telling you!!!!!!
Aww! I could have taken him home in one scond if I saw him! I have a kitten that I have raised for 5 weeks she is just now 7 weeks old! I have had her since she was 2 weeks and loved her ever since I saw her and took her home with me. Well I saw a box of kittens at the humane society and they had no mommy this woman had been raising them since they had there umbilical cords. But it was a great thing how it happened because also we had to ruch to Walmart and get a cat bottle and some kitten formula and there I saw one of my friends and they had been wanting a kitten and so they rushed over there and got another kitten. But the thing is that if the woman gave the kittens to the humane society beacuse she was going to go to Arizona for 14 days they would put them to sleep then and there because they did not have the man power to bottle feed them. But unuf about me… That kitten is cute I would have picked it just because of its problem over any kitten in the world!
Aww! I could have taken him home in one scond if I saw him! I have a kitten that I have raised for 5 weeks she is just now 7 weeks old! I have had her since she was 2 weeks and loved her ever since I saw her and took her home with me. Well I saw a box of kittens at the humane society and they had no mommy this woman had been raising them since they had there umbilical cords. But it was a great thing how it happened because also we had to ruch to Walmart and get a cat bottle and some kitten formula and there I saw one of my friends and they had been wanting a kitten and so they rushed over there and got another kitten. But the thing is that if the woman gave the kittens to the humane society beacuse she was going to go to Arizona for 14 days they would put them to sleep then and there because they did not have the man power to bottle feed them. But unuf about me… That kitten is cute I would have picked it just because of its problem over any kitten in the world!
Oh my, that’s absolutely amazing. I’ve never seen such a thing.
It’s lie :
Gorge w bush is a IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lololololool and dat cat is fake and really not that cool or funny.
Speaking of not cool or funny…..
That is so sad and if this is a photoshop picture i find it very cruel to find somthing like this funny
i feel like ripping some1 to shreds lookien at this lil guy
this is terible i can’t beleive that animal is like this it should see a vet
how sad i feel bad for the thing but what JESS REVAE SAD IS MEAN
Hi, some smooth ocelot jauntily took across from that wholehearted leopard. genre reading inventorie
Would Cy really want us … discussing his deformed beauty? And why is god dragged into this discusion so much? I mean, if there is a god then this is pretty sick. But watever to each his own.
To Cy, the cute lil cyclops kitten.
May ye rest in peace.
Ok, when I first looked at it I thought, this looks real! But then i had a closer look and u can slightly see a square around the eye, as if a guinea pigs eye or something has been place there instead. So I think its fake sorry.
Fake. Ive brought up many kittens in my day… his eye is just too big to be real
Sad that kitten should have lived becauce I would have took it in! It’s sad how animal’s die before getting a chance in the world out of the place it was born! This is really sad i’m gonna send this site to all of my friend’s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(maybe, maybe not)
i laght my haid of is so funni
is so cute but ugly at the same time i’d love to see wat it really lookes like in person lol it must be blind because there is actully no puple
is so cute but ugly at the same time i’d love to see wat it really lookes like in person lol it must be blind because there is actully no puple
People, this isn’t evolution. It is a genetic mutation. Mutations are ALWAYS, ALWAYS bad. There is not one documented case of mutatiions being good. Mutations DO NOT add to the genetic code OF AN ORGANISM. Therefore it is not evelution. Evolution itself has no proof. Where are the links? Still missing. What of Nebraska man? He was based on a tooth. The tooth has been proven to be nothing more than pessary tooth!!
(a pig!!) Australopithecus afarensis is also a lie. It was proven to be no more than an ape that walked on its knucles!! Think people! Don’t accept what someone says. Find out the truth. Here both sides of an arguement before deciding what is truth!! Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes truth. That my friends is evolution.
i stil fink its cute but it is tight of avin a cat wiv 1 eye thou but i dnt know y a lot of ppl dnt like it cz it onli gt 1 eye.it dsnt matter if as onli gt 1 eye ya neva now ne1 of yas cud of ad 1 eye hu as poted a coment on this wen they were born so shut up n dwnt b mean bwt da poor kitten.how wud ya know wt it wud look like if it stayed alive it myte of looked even cute cz it will av mur fur on it sam i lv cats myself
I have always loved any animal… infact my 4 month old kitten is sleeping on my lap as I’m typing this… His name is Bailey, and belive it or not, he was dead when he was born. My dad had to shack him and rub him really hard on his belly with a towel so he could breathe. It was the scariest moment of my life. So I know how it feels to have a dying animal that had been in your life since, well, the moment the mother cat got pregnant
People can be so stariotypical about an animal, just cause it has 1 tinny flaw or 1 huge deformity. Like, when i first got my boxer dog, tinkerbell, her belly was the size of a watermelon, But I still loved her all the same. When people saw me walking her arround my block they woul point and just look at her like she was some kind of monster. But, her belly was so big only because she ate to many treats. Now people are just jelouse of how gourgeus she is now at 2 and a 1/2 years old. 😛
Bailey is my kitten by the way. He’s still laying on my lap though (but his head is laying off the side of my leg now) (lol) Bailey’s eyes were open when he was only like 1 or 2 hours old… Since he was sick when he was born. So… STOP BEING MEAN AND DON’T SAY MEAN STUFF ABOUT CY OR ELSE!!!
no more than trick 😀 one day old kittens don’t have eyes open! They open eyes after one week
however this eye looks artificial and is too big for animal this size
poor little cat its in pain
I fill so bad that he only lived a day.
1. This is the most ridiculous post I have ever read. A cat born with one eye turns into a giant theological slander-fest…
2. I think this cat is bad-ass, no matter what. Do you know how much I would kill for a cyclops cat?
3. Please stop calling people idiots when your spelling and grammar are more horrifying than a cyclops cat.
4. And I say, if it is a hoax, which I refuse to believe, BIG CONGRATS to the AMAZING PHOTOSHOP SKILLS.. why is it “cruel” and “mean” and “not funny” to create some kind of weird cool fantasy creature? Do you think every sci-fi movie or summer blockbuster with amazing visual effects is “mean” and “cruel” for leading you to believe in something of pure imagination..give me a freaking break.
i wish u ppl that r making fun of it wouldn’t, it’s a poor, helpless, dead kittn and all u ppl can do is poke fun @ it. R.I.P. Cy, if there is a life after death i wish u luck and hope u have fun.
who cares if the eyes real or no. i mean i like cats but this much fuss over a dead cat is stupid.
I think that this kitten is not a ugly animal but yet a diffrent type of animal it is not a cyclops ether but it was just born that way so check your research.
I think that this kitten is not a ugly animal but yet a diffrent type of animal it is not a cyclops ether but it was just born that way so check your research.
I would just like to let everyone know about the truth of this picture. Cy is actually a monkey not a kitten that is why his eye is open. Cy was born with a disease known as holoprosencephaly which we are in the process of studying in Biology. Cyclopism as some have referred to as is one of the many side affects (I guess you would say) cause from this disease. The disease also cause tumor growth and deformations of the face. You can type the name of the disease into google image and see all of the horrific affects of this disease. I will mention the pictures are not for the weak at heart or stomach they are graphic and sad. So just a recap Cy is actually a Monkey not a kitten.
Thank you.
It’s been more than a year since Cy. Let’s move on.
I wish he woudl have lived…:(
I think cy is real and to all those idiots who think cy is fake get a life look at it close up.Cy rocks rip.
get real you freaks cy is real he is not normal so stop saying its a hoax he has no eyelid its sad he died.
Ok. I think its real. And ya it would of bin nice if it lived. But then in a way. Im glad it died. It would of have problems in life. Like someone said No EYE LIDS. Plus someone else said there no pupils. Witch means it would of bin Blind also, No Nose. No Sence of Smell / No Eyes. No good could of came from that. No way to smell if there food. Cant see were its going.
Hes really cool, i would have loved to see him when he was fully grown and his hair had grown to the right length.
I believe this photo a fake but not this link.
This is near from apocalypse
He is so cute that is so sad he passed away.
oh no it didnt survive
There’s articles about this one several news sites (MSNBC, CNN, etc) The remains of the kitten were bought by John Adolfi of Granby.
I guess it is cute but kind of creepy. if I get a cat[I probabley won’t because my mom is allergic to cats]I really wouldn’t want this to happen to it.
But also I feel kind of sorry for it.
i sorry about cy i wished he lived
i sorry about cy i wished he lived
i wonder what the mother of the cat look like can u show me
OmG POoR bAbY hEs AdOrAbLe
KiNdA lOoKs LiKe A mOnKeY
bs. that’s obviously photoshopped.
i think hes soo cute i wanna see the parents and how they look!!! i wish he woulda survived poor thing i woulda took if u wouldnt wan him
this is so sad, and i doubt its a hoax. I wonder who his mother is…i think God had a reason for this… maybe he wanted to teach us that looks don’t matter, and that we should live our lives through expectations and not looks. He loves us, and has a reason for everything!
i wonder if he would of lived to become a grown cat what he would look like.
cy cy was a beautiful creature. i am dearly sorry that it had to die. its eye changed my life, showing me how fortunant i was to have two eyes in this cold world i live. i only wish that it couldve lived a day more, so that i would have the privelidge of stroking its long golden mane.
I love animals as well. I remember seeing Cy and was heartbroken when I learned he died. He would’ve probably turned out to be an extremely sweet cat.
I am glad that he was in loving hands.
awwww! porr little thing. i thought it looked cute! i felt really sorry for cy. never judge a book buy its cover! xxx
*_* i agree with thoose who think this is a hoax,. The slit on the side of the cats eye apears to be a closed eye just pasted over. And at the bottom middle of the uni eye is an arch indicated a nostril feature.
X.total hoax.X
The large eye is not that of a kitten but of a adult cat. Put this picuture in the hoax pile.
that thing is ugly
that looks…. like a turd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
who ever kitten was that im sorry it turned out like that and its death
… Have I mentioned how much it amuses me that folks keep finding this post?
And that half of them are making themselves look foolish by declaring a deformed kitten being deformed proves it’s a hoax?
Awww! I think he is very cute. I would have taken him home with me, blind or not blind, deformed or not, he is so lovely! I wish he would have made it…this ahs made me cry. Honestly, it has. I have two cats, and if this were either of them, I would be heartbroken. I don’t think he would have been in pain though.
And besides, this is no hoax! You couldn’t make it that realistic. I use photoshop, and there is NO way you could. Why can’t all you suspicious people just grow up, and realise that some poor creatures aren’t as lucky as you are! It makes me sick to read some of your comments. You might be “Medical Professionals”, or “Expert Graphic Specialists”, but one thing you don’t undertand is love. So what if he isn’t exactly perfectly normal? Deal with it!!! Get a life, go tell someone who cares about your coldhearted thoughts!!!
Who cares if this is a hoax or not! if jimmy akin is lying then he will suffer by himself! SERIOUSLY! Do any of you lie to yourselves?
maybe jimmy akins was trying to make the story sound more tragic by telling you that it only lived for one day. It may have lived for 2 weeks.
People, people, people…
Hoax, eh? Impossible to hoax, eh?
NEITHER side has posted sufficient evidence so far… I use Photoshop CS2 and I could easily eradicate the “hoaxing errors” so loudly screamed in here. My dad, really still a PS novice, could do better.
So, if it is a hoax, why isn’t better? Conversely, why does it look so much like a hoax?
What all of you here yelling in all caps for one argument or the reverse need to realize is this: No one will ever win until everyone shows a little god-danged skepticism AND humility. Don’t believe either side without good evidence, and be willing to admit you MIGHT BE WRONG.
I speak to everyone here.
And no, I will not capitalize god. I’m atheist. I use the word god for reasons of connotation. Not saying religions suck, I have respect for all religions. They give people hope. I’m just saying I don’t have one.
Good night.
to the poster above
like a hundred people have said that already!
oh and the People people people thing, it doesen’t grab much attention.(no offence)
i read about halfway down the comments and thought, “though a part of me wants to believe the cat was real, a so-called ‘God’ sent it for good rhyme and reason, and a large sum of people learned from it, I don’t feed into it. People are still arguing over it’s authenticity after almost two years, but we’ve had not one substantial piece of evidence. It’s a picture, it could be formulated as a movie prop or robot would be. It could be photo-shopped, and yes a cycloptic kitten, or any animal of that matter, could very well exist, but the fact that it is not scientifically substantial according to all of the norms of a cycloptic being, I far from believe it.
To mel:
Actually, I have read through the comments, and almost nobody makes the rational argument for both sides. (Kudos to those that do.) Most people just decide to stick with the previously discredited “It’s eye shouldn’t be open!”
Also, your lack of the most basic grammatical prowess lends a lack of credibility to you. (No offense.) My advice is to use “like” where it works, and not where it doesn’t.
Based on your use of it, I would estimate that you’re currently in middle school or high school.
Lastly, the “People, people, people…” is an age-old tool of condescension toward those that need to realize they should start thinking sometime soon.
Oh for all those fucking sons of bitches out there:
If it is f*cking photoshopped who f*cking cares! Go post your f*cking comment somehwere else!!
If it bothers you soooo f*cking much then just just go elsewhere, some people on here actually have a heart.
Maybe in stead of maginifying it and doing everything possible to make sure it’s 100% fake, then see if you can ask the guy for some more question and maybe more pictures [if he has any]
The guy is just trying to show us something! don’t f*cking blow up because it’s ‘fake’
Now in my personal opinion, I think it is real. Because it was probably born with out eyelids so how could it close it’s eyes. RIP cy <3
Yeah he must have died because of other deformities within his brain. It’s kind of sad. He might have been the starter of a new species of one eyed cats.
that cat is fu*%ing sick. im actually the one who killed it. good ridence
I must say, though, wouldn’t it be painful without eyelids?
If normal (human) eyes are left open for long periods of time, they begin to sting, water, and eventually dry out, correct?
So would they have needed to constantly be giving it eyedrops?
A kitten like that would have been extremely expensive, costing a lot of money to keep alive.
It probably would have had a lot of medical complications.
Clean-up on aisle Cy. Someone spilled a bottle of curse words.
I feel so bad for him. He was really cute in the picture and I cant imagine how painful it would of been for him. I feel sorry for his owner I’m sure they miss Cy even though he only lived a day. It would of been cool to see him now. But i’m sure it would of been expensive to take care of him. Someone would of had to be with him every minite of the day to put eye drops in his eye. Plus they would of had to feed him by hand and not to fast because he would of died if you kept feeding him with out Cy being able to breath. I give my sincere apologies.
I wish It Could Live.
Poor Thing.
i com from holland
i am verry verry scoccing from this cat
lol lol lol lol lol l ol ol o lol
he is soooo cute I would have kept him if he had lived
That is a cute kitty.Talk about Unusual! It is very neat and special cat there.
Thoes whom look apon a face which is different are thoes whom are different themselves! People, dont juge on the outward appearence, think about what the poor thing is going through! Love yo Cy! Make peace lil one!
Do you have an updated picture of the kitten? What does he look like as he’s grown up?
oh, duh. sorry i didnt read the story fully. there are no updated pictures. that would have been neat to see him grow up though
Yeah, being dead kinda removes the possibility of updates 🙂
Too bad about that, huh?
Clean up on aisle Cy, Someone spilled a bottle of curse words!
Why on earth do you need to use f*ck in every sentence? Why dont you go taste your own medicine and post you comments elsewhere>????(see september 30 comment by compu-bob)
I am glad that Cy has passed. Not that I have something against him but he would have had an INCREDEBLY difficult life with no nose or eyelid. Be happy that you could see him while he was here and think about it, he would not be able to eat or drink a lot because the needs his mouth for breathing and his eye would dry out of get grime in it if it cant close. RIP god bless you Cy!!!
i dont think cy was a monkey as some people say because you can see claws in the picture. This doesn’t seem like the type of monkey’s who have claws…
it is so cute
poop butt
poop but fart poopy pea
Delete above comments, please. Thanks!
Honestly, not to be rude, but I think it’s ridiculous how many of you believe this picture is real. Photoshop doesn’t only include blurring and changing colors and backgrounds. You can super impose images, just like you can super impose things in movies and make them look real. These are often called “special effects.” Although I acknowledge the possibility of cyclops’ being born in any species, this is not what it would look like. This is too ideal. With no eyelids, how would you expect the cat to have such a orbital and glossy eye? Wouldn’t you think that after having been out of the womb for ten minutes with your eye wide open, it would quickly shrivel up? I believe in sound science, posted in text books and encyclopedias. Not junk science from the internet or a magazine.
Looks pretty real. Looks kinda cute too. Shoulda been taken to the vet and fed through a tube. If it had been born with one eye, whats so weird about it being open. cy shoulda been famous
Cy was sooooo cute. Shame about him dying
Anyone will believe anything on the internet. What a cruel hoax.
how do you know it’s a hoax
this is one cute kitten wish it could have lived longer cus i definately wud have brout it it sooooo cute and i luv it my heart fell wen i first saw the pic its really sad to no thats the only day it ever came into earth and i think its so mean of u people who think that its a fake just cuz it looks different dosent mean its not real why cant u just accept it by who it was cus inside its probaly just the same as all the other kittens.
rest in peace “Cy”.
its a really cute kitten and its a shame it didnt live for longer.
if it did live for longer it should stay with its original owner and not be sent to a cience lab for testing.again its a cute kitty and its a shame it lived for only a day
peace to CY
That’s so sad. He’s in a better place now.
Awwwwwwwww!!!! This cat really is cute,in a disturbing way. But really, we shouldn’t judge animals or people by what they look like, its what you like about them. And if you switched places with that cat, he would have said the same thing. And if he were here right now, he would have been very thankful for what you said.
God Bless you Cy R.I.P ♥&hearts
I hope hes is heaven right now watching down on us! God Bless &hearts
this cat is lice et he might want to call home………..heys cute it’s not his falt that he looks like that…………………..god bless……..
When i saw cy’s pic., i began to cry as i adore cats…i feel soo sorry for this little thing god sent to this earth….RIP cy…
Jimmy, SDG, Tim J:
Any possibility of spilling some disinfectant on this thread? There’s a lot of filth above.
aww he is so cute awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww====================================================================================
poor poor cy i’ve seen a lot of sad things happen to kittens but this is the worst. POOR CY
Poor little thing. I admit I
was pretty shocked by this picture, but a kitten is a kitten, and I’d have loved him anyway. It’s a pity he didn’t live to grow up; he
would have looked so cool
when he was older.
would have been kool if he lived to try and get more
He is one of the cutest kittens that I have ever seen.GOD bless you.Even if he is going to die he will be in the hearts of millions and millions of peopole.RIPcy.you will be in our hearts forever!!!!!!!!!!
this thing dose not look like a cat…I t is the uglest thing i ever seen..
u guys are all f*cking bastards.jeez have a heart.i luv u wittle cy
u guys are all f*cking bastards.jeez have a heart.i luv u wittle cy
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!.Its well cute dont be so mean i think its just nature having a change just cos its different dont mean everyone has to be aginst it!!!!Really wated him to live though i would have asked the owners if i could have him hes just soooo georgous!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BY THE WAY WHAT WAS HIS NAME???
sorry bout that i know hes called cy it just left my head for a sec then i reallised when i sent iy sorry!!!!!!!!Love you little cy!!!!
Why don’t you grow up?! What makes you think that ur right? I’m going out on a limb here and guessing that u r an Atheist? if so i want you to listen closely,… WHAT IS YOUR PROOF THAT THERE IS NO GOD????!!!!!! And Guess what? YOu are being stubborn, in your rejecting God. Since you know about Christians Im’ betting you know the stories to like about Jonah, AND DON’T YOU DARE ROLL YOUR EYES! Jonah did what he wanted instead of what God wanted, and guess where it landed him hmmm… in the belly of a whale! SO unless you have a preference 4 whale barf, I suggest you get off your high and mighty pedestal and realize that God granted you your life just like he granted Cy his. Oh, and guess what? God can take your life away just as quickly as he took Cy, only Cy is in heaven with God, and guess where you would be going. And if your saying, u say ur God is loving, then how could he make Cy a Cyclops and let him die? Guess what, There were no problems like Cyclops before sin. AND EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS HAS A PURPOSE 4 GOD. Now I don’t know about you, but if going to hell wasn’t enough to scare you into being a Christian, than maybe you should read Revelation, and larn what could happen to your sorry self if you don’t believe while you still have the chance
What kind of drugs are you taking that could possibly give you the idea that I am an atheist?
You mean to say you don’t know that being named “Bill” makes one an atheist?
O, ye of little knowledge…
Moron — I mean — GodLover:
And if your saying, u say ur God is loving…
Now I don’t know about you, but if going to hell wasn’t enough to scare you…
So is bill912 an atheist or not?
Had Godlover used quotation marks starting with “ur God” her (or possibly his) thoughts right there would have been clearer. She (he) was trying to express one of the common arguements of atheists, that “if your God was loving he wouldn’t…”.
And I don’t think it is charitable to call her/him a moron. Jesus didn’t exactly approve of that kind of language.
Probably this is just someone in their early teens (or even preteens) who is strong on zeal but still very lacking in brains and judgement. This particular post seems to attract that demographic in droves.
And I don’t think it is charitable to call her/him a moron. Jesus didn’t exactly approve of that kind of language.
If Paul can call the Galatians stupid, I can certainly call Godlover a moron; but, point taken.
Probably this is just someone in their early teens (or even preteens) who is strong on zeal but still very lacking in brains and judgement.
I remember what that was like. Still a little lacking in the judgement area…. 😉
I think God Lover was lacking in the judgement area. They are probably just a preteen kid who may eventually grow into their zealous spirit.
Hey bill912 you replied to this:
Posted by: Stacey | Jan 13, 2006 8:50:22 AM
“Nothing is ever impossible when it comes to nature.”
“Nothing shall be impossible with God.” Luke 1:37
You seem to be confusing nature with God.
With this defense:
Posted by: bill912 | Jan 13, 2006 8:55:43 AM
Hey, Gigantic Idiot-
If you want to participate in the discussion on a Christian blog, and have people answer your questions, drop the offensive nickname.
In other words, come back when you grow up.
bill912, You blast your message loud and clear, you either, A: are an Atheist, B:are not a Christian, or C: hate God. I went off earlier. And I am sorry. I had no right to, when I have not met you, but you have no right to go off on Christians, like you did to Stacey, because you have not met her, whether you are A,B, or C.
Oh and by the way,people were trying to guess my age, bill912 sound like a teenager to me. Making comments such as,What kind of drugs are you taking that could possibly give you the idea that I am an atheist?
Posted by: bill912 | Feb 23, 2008 7:28:38 PM
What kind of drugs are you taking that could possibly give you the idea that I am an atheist?
First of all, notice names of posters appear below their posts, not above. The comment you attribute to Stacy was writen by bill912 himself. The post below it was not a response to bill912 but to “Gigantic Idiot”, by Tim Jones, the other JA.o blogger (the third, who I think was still around back then, has since quit apparently). Both Tim and bill912 are adult Catholics who have been commenting here longer than I have, which is saying a lot. Also, if my memory serves me bill912 is a police officer. The drugs comment is not significant since many adults would say such things. Adults are nothing more than grown-up teenagers, after all 😉
BTW, I’m 22, comfortably between both age groups. Or uncomfortably. Anyway, there is nothing wrong with being old or young, but it is true that when younger a lot of us would say and do less than prudent things. I remember some of my attempts at defending the Faith in my freshman year of college that make me cringe today. Likely enough I’ll feel similarly about some of the things I’ve posted on this website in a few years.
If you want my advice, I’d say the mature thing to do from here would be to just admit you misinterpreted the posts, say you are sorry, and let it drop.
I guess I’ll add, since I was still trying to figure out how you could think bill912 was an atheist, that maybe you messed up the first part of your last post but really did think bill912 wrote the post about confusing nature with God. I can kind of see how a casual glance at that most might make you think bill912 was saying what Stacy thought was God was actually just nature.
But look again. Stacy had said that nothing is impossible with nature. bill912 corrected her by quoting Luke that nothing is impossible with God. bill912’s point was that some things are in fact impossible with nature, but nothing is impossible with God.
And the guy who was referred to as “Gigantic Idiot” was someone whose posts were deleted later for Rule 1 violations. His actual handle was “Gigantic —–“, but others, in responding to him, chose not to use the part of his handle I represented by dashes.
Thanks, JRS
Thanks Stoodley & others for trying to calm things down. It’s nice to see that peacemaking isn’t a lost art among combox Catholics.
Everybody take a deep breath and let’s start over, without the name-calling and hasty interpretations.
Guess I missed the excitement. I’ve only read the last few posts, enough to know that there’s someone in the world who thinks that Bill912 is – I can barely write this – nonChristian, even atheist.
Good grief. It’s a good thing I wasn’t drinking water at the time, or whoever it was would owe me a new keyboard. What it does tell me is that the new person(s) have not read this blog for very long.
Every day there are people who come across this blog for the first time, but there’s also a group of people who have posted here for quite a while (Bill912 being one of the most consistent), long enough to establish a common history and inevitably, comments that those who have been around for a while, get. This is called normal group behavior.
For the newer people here, there is always room for reasonable discussion. But just like anything else,
when you meet people for the first time, you get to know them and let them get to know you. Generally, it’s not wise to start off by picking up on an isolated comment to make wild accusations.
My two cents for the day.
FWIW, AFAIK, keyboards today are sufficiently liquid-resilient that they can survive even moderate accidental spillage. Short of immersing your keyboard in a tub, you’ll probably be okay.
I have fully immersed and rinsed keyboards under a running tap and have sometimes succeded in revival.
This was a last resort when the keyboard was otherwise ‘terminally incurable’ due to sticky drink spillage.
WARNING: Disconnect first. Allow to dry absolutely thoroughly before re-connecting to electricity. Don’t try this with laptops. Remember that keyboards are now much cheaper than when I did this.
Thanks for the info, although to be honest, I hope to never need it. I’ve learned all sorts of unexpected things here.
Top sign that Jimmy has been away from his blog too long: The hot combox action is in “Cy, The Cyclops Kitten.”
bill912 I seem to have misjudged you. I’m sorry.
J.R.Stoodley- thankyou for your words of wisdom and showing me the error of my ways. I don’t like, or appreciate being told I’m wrong, and that’s something that I’ll have to ask God to help me change, but once again I am sorry.
Fair enough. Shall we be friends?
Godlover, I didn’t follow whatever was said, but I have to say that’s the best apology I’ve read here. Looking forward to your comments (not promising to agree with them, though) during the next meaty discussion.
Top sign that Jimmy has been away from his blog too long: The hot combox action is in “Cy, The Cyclops Kitten.”
Ha ha, very true. I was just thinking, if the reason why Jimmy hasn’t been blogging lately is really that he has too much real work (other reasons could be imagined too of course) then maybe a good idea would be to combine it somehow, since the subject of his job is the primary subject of this blog. He could say I just wrote this in response to this and give the text or just a link if it’s an online thing. I don’t know if the actual detales of Jimmy’s job would work for that but it’s an idea. Or he could copy and paste stuff from the Catholic Answers forums and the EWTN Q&A thing. Anything to keep the blog going and meaningful during busy or dry periods. Not that he’ll probably read this.
I’m alittle out of the loop. When was the last time Jimmy blogged?
Jimmy’s latest post was Feb. 14. For a while now, several months I think, he’s been doing maybe an average of about one post per week (though often it’s several in a fairly short time and then nothing for weeks), and what he does post are mostly short and not dealing with heavy apologetics. This compared to how it used to be with two or more posts most days, covering a wide variety of subjects. Time was not long ago that if Jimmy was not going to be bloging on a weekday for some reason he would let us know ahead of time, it was that regular usually. Now Tim J. and SDG, whose posts used to be a small minority of the total, post more than he does. The combox has slowed down considerably too, suggesting less people are reading it.
Not that I’m complaining. It’s his blog and if he is too busy or is tired of it or is going through something in his life or something then that’s just how it is. It’s just it’s a shame to see a good thing like this decline. It used to be, almost without any doubt, the best Catholic blog on the internet.
Those who miss Jimmy’s apologetics could (re)read some of his articles dating back to 2004. Look on the left, towards the top, find Categories, Apologetics. Also look at the related subjects. Plenty of good stuff to chew on and digest.
IMHO Jimmy’s apologetic and related writings will stand the test of time and prove to be his most enduring gift to the internet. His political stance is, IMHO, primarily “conservative/Republican” rather than specifically based on Catholic Social Teaching (with the obvious exceptions such as abortion etc.).
NB I draw this distinction not to start a political argument (on a Cyclops Kitten thread!), but to praise the exceptional quality of his Catholic apologetics.
dat cat iz butterzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz hashaqhahhahahahh
Aww poor kitten, i feel so bad and he only survived one day T_T i showed my friends and we all nearly cried :'(
he/her is so kute i hope the people die if they make fun of this poor thing
ssssooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo kute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
it is a lie! baby kittens always be with closed eyes 10 days after birth,and when tey finaly can open theyr eyes always be blue with a little gray. so dont believe in this funny photoshopped picture
I’m starting to get pissed off. This is NOT a Photoshopped image! A bunch of you continue to say “kittens are born with their eyes closed and they remain that way for about 2 weeks”. Umm… HELLO? It’s fairly obvious that Cy is NOT a normal kitten. He clearly had an issue, and it lead to his death. Plus, as mentioned towards the top, someone would REALLY have to spend A LOT of time editing a picture of a kitten to make it look that realistic. To be honest, I don’t think that would be worth it at all and neither would the majority, if not all, of the people here. So please, accept the fact that these things can happen.
Personally, I fell in love with Cy the first time I saw him (which was many months ago). He’s adorable, in my opinion. To any of you who think he’s ugly, he’s not. Just because he had a little problem and ended up with one eye doesn’t mean he’s ugly. Cy is beautiful in his own way.
I agree with Jack, except for being p****d off. I don’t get mad at people if they say it is a photoshop trick. Hey, if that’s what they want to believe, let them think it’s a trick. Awfully sad though that people have trouble discerning fiction from realty, huh?
I just realized what this thread reminds me of: a YouTube discussion.
bed photoshop 🙂 http://www.gizlihazineler.com 😀
I think he is very cute but I think he’s gonna give me nightmares. With that one eye, staring at you with it’s cold glassy look!
I think he is very cute but I think he’s gonna give me nightmares. With that one eye, staring at you with it’s cold glassy look!
i like cheese
kitten with 1 eye……cool
bye bye!
i said bye bye
will you go already???!!!!
im warning you!
ok im tired of this now
This is a disease called Fraser’s Syndrome, also known as cyclopism. It can occur in all mammals, including humans. This is a very rare disease caused by an abberrant mutation in the sonic Hedgehog receptor pathway (I’m not kidding, that’s what its actually called)that is one of the factors that controls embryonic and fetal development. What happens is the 2 eyes will fuse into one, and part of the brain never develops (the forebrain), as well as other mutations.He cannot see out of that eye. The poor little guy would never have survived for long, but at least he was loved by someone
i do eleive this is true the reason his eye is open is because e doesn’thae an yelid i think CY is rea it is not a hoax that is just cruel if you are mean enough to think someone would lie about someting like this so please beleive it
R.I.P LITTLE Cyclops everyone (who beleives) will mis you
oh my god that is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sooooooooooooooooooooooo sooooooooooooooooooooooo sooooooooooooooo sad i feel soooooooooooooooooooo soooooooooooooooooooo sorry for the poor littly thing it must be sooooooo hard for it
i feel sooo sorry for it
ok by
for real
i still feel sorry or the little thing
its just soo
sorry for it
I think that the little guy was cute! Poor guy!
I never noticed —
how CUTE he was!
Don’t you feel sad!
I feel sad!
and he was CUTE! In an ugly way. An ugly cute way!
Except maybe it’s a hoax. You can tell it was Photoshopped.
Irregardless, he’s sooooooooo CUTE!
Did you know irregardless wasn’t really a word?
Some of these posts are so poorly…well, poor, that I don’t know whether are, like yours, a parody. ‘-)
This post is cursed. One can’t type properly-worded posts. 🙂
SDG its NOT Photoshopped!
How many timez do I have to tell you?!?
You’re just a loser. You don’t even feel sad. I feel sad. Cy is cuter than you. He’z real.
I’m not even kidding. I can’t believe you think it’s not real. It is real. Cy is cuter than your cat. I’ll bet you don’t even have a cat.
You don’t even have cats.
It’s real.
How can you say it’s not real?
It’s so totally real it’s not a hoax cuz CY just wuz born that way because he was supposed to teach us how to love and to be loved and CY just needs us to luv him so puhleeeez watch yourself dude and be nice it’s not a hoax.
CY is totally real and if anyone thinks he’z not then they can go and find another cat to love becuase CY is my friend and I would never photoshop my friend would you I know I wouldn’t.
I can’t believe you he’s so cute and you make me sad SDG.
Oh wait. I just saw something.
Ok maybe it’s a hoax bye.
The natives are restless….
That poor little thing!!! I really wish that the little guy lived so then he would be happy and he really is cute sure he may have 1 eye but hes still a cute little kitten.
I found out how the kittenh could have died look up the word holoprosencephaly, that might be the reason why Cy died.
T_T aww poor Cy. it sure does suck that he/she only lived a day. godbless maybe he/shes in a better place now..
This is starting to look like a combox on Youtube. Not that there’s anything wrong with that…
I too had a kitten born with one eye many years ago. It’s eye was open at birth, it had no eyelids. It also had a teeny nose with only one extremely small nostril. The poor thing died the next day. The vet said it was because 1. it could not breath and nurse at the same time. 2. it was not getting enough oxygen through its nose, and even though it had a mouth, it was slightly deformed inside and would not have been able to breathe properly nor eat or drink.
Yes, kittens ARE born with their eyes closed…hence the deformity.
I think all of the posters claiming this is a hoax and making disgustinly rude comments should be ashamed of themselves. Jimmy shared this precious kitten with us, and we should not be judging him or calling him a liar.
That is so sad
You’re right. this is akin to a YouTube chat.
(I find the discussions on here far more entertainig though.;)
P.S. anyone heard from Bill912 recently? He hasn’t posted in a while.
Poor thing he’s so cute. The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. We must dwell on the fact that God has a master plan and everything happens for a reason. We must not ask why? But understand that God has a perfect purpose for us.
whoa. This is an excerpt from one of the emails my friend Britney sent me.
Subject: FW: Untimely Deaths
——-Original Message——-
Subject: Untimely Deaths
Death is certain but the Bible speaks about untimely death!
Make a personal reflection about this…..
Very interesting, read until the end…..
It is written in the Bible (Galatians 6:7):
‘Be not deceived; God is not mocked:for whatsoever a man sow,that shall he also reap.
Here are some men and women, who mocked God :
John Lennon (Singer):
Some years before, during his interview with an American Magazine, he said:’Christianity will end, it will disappear.I do not have to argue about that. I am certain. Jesus was ok, but his subjects were too simple, today we are more famous than Him’ (1966).
Lennon, after saying that the Beatles were more famous than Jesus Christ, was shot six times.
Tancredo Neves (President of Brazil ):
During the Presidential campaign, he said if he got 500,000 votes from his party, not even God would remove him from Presidency.
Sure he got the votes, but he got sick a day before being made President, then he died.
Cazuza (Bi-sexual Brazilian composer, singer and poet):
During A show in Canecio ( Rio de Janeiro )while smoking his cigarette, he puffed out some smoke into the air and said:’God, that’s for you.’
He died at the age of 32 of LUNG CANCER in a horrible manner.
more in next post
This is the rest of Britney’s email. Thanks to Tallie for Forwarding it to her.
The man who built the Titanic
After the construction of Titanic, a reporter asked him how safe the Titanic would be.
With an ironic tone he said:
‘Not even God can sink it’
The result: I think you all know what happened to the Titanic
Marilyn Monroe (Actress)
She was visited by Billy Graham during a presentation of a show.
He said the Spirit of God had sent him to preach to her.
After hearing what the Preacher had to say, she said:
‘I don’t need your Jesus’.
A week later, she was found dead in her apartment
Bon Scott (Singer)
The ex-vocalist of the AC/DC. On one of his 1979 songs he sang:
‘Don’t stop me; I’m going down all the way, down the highway to hell’.
On the 19th of February 1980, Bon Scott was found dead, he had been choked by his own vomit.
Campinas (IN 2005)
In Campinas , Brazil a group of friends, drunk, went to pick up a friend…..
The mother accompanied her to the car and was so worried about the drunkenness of her friends and she said to the daughter holding her hand, who was already seated in the car:
‘My Daughter, Go With God And May He Protect You.’
She responded: ‘Only If He (God) Travels In The Trunk, Cause Inside Here…..It’s Already Full ‘
Hours later, news came by that they had been involved in a fatal accident, everyone had died,
the car could not be recognized what type of car it had been, but surprisingly, the trunk was intact.
The police said there was no way the trunk could have remained intact. To their surprise, inside the trunk was a crate of eggs, none was broken
Christine Hewitt (Jamaican Journalist and entertainer)
said the Bible (Word of God) was the worst book ever written.
In June 2006 she was found burnt beyond recognition in her motor vehicle.
Many more important people have forgotten that there is no other name that was given so much authority as the name of Jesus.
Many have died, but only Jesus died and rose again, and he is still alive.
PS: If it was a joke, you would have sent it to everyone.
So are you going to have courage to send this?.
I have done my part, Jesus said
‘If you are embarrassed about me,
I will also be embarrassed about you before my father.’
You are my 8 in 8 seconds. I am not breaking this. No way!
I’M TOLD THIS WORKS!!!!! Bishop T.D. Jakes ‘8 Second Prayer.’ Just repeat this prayer and see how God moves!!
‘Lord, I love you and I need you, come into my heart, and bless me, my family, my home, and my friends, in Jesus’ name. Amen.’
Pass this message to 8 people {EXCEPT YOU AND ME}.You will receive a miracle tomorrow. I Hope that you don’t ignore and
let God bless you.
Everyone who reads this counts. Do not ignore.
hate to be the guy who built the Titanic. all those deaths hanging on your head, all for what you said…
A holy man was having a
conversation with the Lord one day and said,
‘Lord, I would like to know what
Heaven and Hell are like.’
The Lord led the holy man to two doors.
He opened one of the doors and the holy man looked in.
In the middle of the room was a large round table.
In the middle of the table was a large pot of stew,
which smelled delicious and made the holy man’s
mouth water.
The people sitting around the table were thin and
sickly. They appeared to be famished.
They were holding spoons with very long handl es
that were strapped to their arms
and each found it possible to reach into the pot of stew and take a spoonful.
But because the handle was longer than their arms,
they could not get the spoons back into their mouths.
The holy man shuddered at the sight of their
misery and suffering.
The Lord said, ‘You have seen Hell.’
They went to the next room and opened the door.
< FONT colo r=#cc33cc>It was exactly the same as the first one.
There was the large round table with the large pot
of stew which made the holy man’s mouth water.
The people were equipped with the same long-handled spoons,
but here the people were well nourished and plump, laughing and talking. The holy man said, ‘I don’t understand.’
‘It is simple,’ said the Lord.
‘It requires but one skill. You see they have learned
to feed each other, while the
greedy thi nk on ly of themselves.’
When Jesus died on the cross, he was
thinking of you. It’s estimated 93% won’t forward
If you are one of the 7%
who will, forward this with the title ‘7%’.
I’m in the 7%.
Remember that I will always share my spoon with you.
Thanks 2 Kat 4 this I’m sharing it with everybody I know.
“think…it’s not illegal yet.”
-my two cents courtesy of Diana
A rich, holy man has a dream, and in it, God tells him he is going to die, but because the man was so holy, God tells him he can bring 1 suitcase to heaven with him. So the next morning, the man goes out and buys himself the biggest suitcase he can find, and fills it so full of gold bullion that he has to have his 600 pound friend sit on it to get it closed. the next day he dies, and when he gets to heaven (panting and wheezing from carrying the suitcase) , he is greeted at the gates by the apostle Paul. Paul says,”I’m sorry sir, but no suitcases alowed.” the holy man tells him that God said he could bring the suitcase. Paul then says, ” all right sir, you can bring it in, but I have to see what’s in it.” So the holy man opens the suitcase and shows the gold to Paul. Paul then turns to Matthew who is helping gaurd the gates, and whith a broad smile on his face says, “Matt, this guy nearly killed himself again, just to bring along a suitcase of driveway patch!”
Joke courtesy of my dad.
people r probly wondering why I just posted 5 times in 2 hours. Because I just got back from a vacation, so I haven’t checked my email in 4 weeks ( I kept putting it off after I got back three weeks ago) And 4 some reason it seems like in those 4 weeks, every one i know sent me funny little sayings, stories, and jokes. I only posted 4 out of about 20. Those were the funniest in the bunch.
I have no idea if that is a real photo, or a joke. But i feel bad for it. it is probably very happy were it lives, and its family must love him. sincerly, amanda. I am so sorry for him, but lso happy that he lived.
Kittens are born w/there eyes closesed. They remain that way for about two weeks.
Amazing if true, but honestly it go’s against the laws of nature.
Poor this litle kitten. He couldn’t survive long. Sometimes, I think nature is unfair. Hope that he would have a new better life.
Yeah so not real wanna know why it ain’t real it is cause when kittens are born it takes 2 weeks before there eyes are open and if it died the first day it was born like you put down it did his eye wounldn’t be open so haha and plus you would end up being famous for it and then they would take it and put it in a jar and presevre it for many years to come to show other people so this is a fake!!!!
he looks so cute its so sad that he died it must have been hard for him to beath with out a nose.
poor kitten. i wished he could’ve lived
shame! shame! shame! on all u how r evil and yes they r evil because u dont have to want to take over the world to be evil so
to: CY
just shame! those who belive in little cy im am glad. but those who say he should have lived i wish u 2 know that im sure he is happier now with god and he would have lived a painful life. he would have had 2 go around with his mouth open 2 breath and he would probably choke a whole lot trying to eat and breath at the same time. shame for the day of malnurishment he suffered.
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Poor Cy! [Lol, when I first saw his pci, I thought he was a one-eyes monkey XD]
i have never seen a cyclops kitten before and it was very interesting to see one. i feel bad that he or she didnt live long. when i first saw the kitten and read the story i started balling my eyes out and i could imagine how you must have felt. it would have been hard for me too.my cat had four kittens and three of them didnt make it. they only lived for three or four days.
Even if this is fake I still think hes cute 🙂
oh my gosh thats one messed up kitten
that’ one cool little animal, I wonder how it will look when it grows up, nice right.
poor little kitty…oh! its sooo sad and the kitty is sooo cute. i love that poor helpless kitty and it looks so sad 🙁
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww so cute
oh no ive started crying dont wanna talk anymore
this is the coolest monkey ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How discusting are all you people saying this is a fake because its not. Face it or not mother nature has brought in some creatures that are different and this is one of them.Cyclops are creatures that don’t have eyelids and if you used your commen sense you would be able to see that he is not a normal kitten. Cy is cute and I wish he was able to live a little longer. R.I.P Cy rest with god.
i think that the person that took this photo and put it on the internet is coldhearted enough!!!! the poor thing couldnt help being deformed so why humiliate him on his only day of life!?!?! SHAME ON YOU FOR POSTING THIS PICTURE!!!!!!
That kitten is so dang cute!!! Sinceall things do have a living purpose, I believe God put the kitten there to make the family feel happy…. for one day. And he probably made the kitten die because he knew the family had something else on their mind that they shouldn’t have. I feel sorry for the poor thing, but if God wants it, I’m okay with it, and it needs to happen. But don’t worry too much, I have 5 cats, and used to have 8 kittens that all except one had a tragedy death. Look at the beginning of that sentence. God did have a purpose for them dieing, but in a replacable way, he gave me five other cats, and one of them is still the one who barely survived… 5 years ago. He does have a special condition, but at least I have him. So God will replace the family’s kitten somehow, and keep this on your mind. “God has a purpose for everything;when one bad thing can happen, God comforts you with another good thing. DO NOT FEAR GOD OR WORRY, just believe he will help you, and you will truly believe who he is on the day of a miracle.”
Like Alysia said, the kitten would have lived a very painful life, and he probably feels a lot happier and better in heaven.That is where he can live his usual life perfectly, and live very, very, very long. Just think about how happy he probably is now…. don’t you feel happy for him, and feel that his death should have happened so he didn’t live a painful life?
By: Kayla, a true christian believer of God.
You all might be wondering why I keep posting comments. Well, I have a lot of things to say at different times. Look, that kitten could have grown up to be a famous movie star! See, that can actually happen up in heaven. I believe all of you sad people, but think about my advice. Feel happy for the kitten; he wouldn’t have a good life down here, and all cats die at a time, so IT’S NO DIFFERENT ALREADY!!!!!
Posted by Kayla, a very happy christian believer of God.
peace be the journey little guy
kayla get a grip, i never read anywhere in the bible that stated animals get a place in heaven..
Poor guy
Lol people are dumb to think this is fake.
Obviously you know nothing about the medical world.
or photoshop.
i love cy. ^-^
If only he was born with a nose, he might still be with us.
its cute but its got weird mouth
its cute but its got weird mouth
there is no way this kitten is real. all kittens don’t open their eye[s] until about a week after birth, but this kitten opened its eye the day of it’s birth.thus, this kitten story is false.
Like the cow born with six limbs or the snake hatched with two heads, Cy was just proof that sometimes things go awry in development. I am so glad that he was born to a family that cared for him and loved him in his one day on this planet. I nursed a kitten from birth who only survived 39 hours (her mother had abandoned her). Sometimes the mortal defect is not so obvious as Cy’s, but while the little ones are here, it’s amazing how they touch your life! Little Love.
Oh! By the way, kittens and puppies open their eyes at 10 days or thereabouts providing everything in their tiny skulls is developed properly (which was not Cy’s case).
~Yes, i am posting 3 years after most people.~
It dosent seem to be a photoshop trick, it appeares that Cy dosent have eye lids and that may be the reason that his eye is open after 1 day of birth. He is adorable, in a strange way thoughl, I wish he could have lived longer though, its a shame for young animals-and humans- to die so young…