New Improved Carnivore

Catcreature_1Automatic cameras have captured photos of the first new carnivore found on the island of Borneo since the Borneo Ferret-Badger was discovered over a hundred years ago.


According to Dutch biologist Stephan Wulffrat;

"We have consulted several Bornean wildlife experts. Some thought it looked like a lemur, but most were convinced it was a new species of carnivore…"

Now, biologists are discovering new species all the time. Not new like "fresh-out-of-the-box" new, but more like "previously unknown to us"-type new. New carnivores are comparatively rare, though.

What struck me is how much it resembles the dreaded Chupacabra!


7 thoughts on “New Improved Carnivore”

  1. Wait … this story about a ‘cat-lemur’, which is the newest species found in Borneo since the ‘ferret-badger’ … includes a researcher named “Wulffraat”? Tiiiiimmmeee! This some kinda joke?!

  2. I’m suspicious of any biologist named Wulffrat.
    Doesn’t he know that wolfs and rats are two different critters? He should change his name in shame.

  3. I always love this kind of real biology news. It is always fun to see the reactions of the many “crypto-zoology” adherents on the internet. BIGFOOT LIVES! it could STILL BE OUT THERE!

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