Partial Repentance From History’s Greatest Monster?

As we all know, Jimmy Carter is history’s greatest monster.

Back when he was running for president in 1976, just after The Evil Decision was handed down and before abortion culture was deeply rooted in America, he said:

"I think abortion is wrong and that the government ought never do
anything to encourage abortion," he said during that campaign. "But I
do not favor a constitutional amendment which would prohibit all
abortions, nor one that would give states [a] local option to ban

His support of legalized babykilling at that moment in history was part of what allowed abortion to become so widespread in American society. Had he acted differently and supported a constitutional amendment to reverse The Evil Decision it might have been possible to shorten the Abortion Holocaust and save millions of lives.

But he didn’t, and he’ll have to explain why to his Creator.

Fortunately, there are signs that he may be improving on this topic. Recently he made some startling statements regarding abortion:

Former President Jimmy Carter yesterday [November 3rd] condemned all abortions and
chastised his party for its intolerance of candidates and nominees who
oppose abortion.

    "I never have felt that any abortion should be committed — I
think each abortion is the result of a series of errors," he told
reporters over breakfast at the Ritz-CarltonHotel, while across town
Senate Democrats deliberated whether to filibuster the nomination of
Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr. because he may share President Bush and Mr.
Carter’s abhorrence of abortion.

    "These things impact other issues on which [Mr. Bush] and I
basically agree," the Georgia Democrat said. "I’ve never been
convinced, if you let me inject my Christianity into it, that Jesus
Christ would approve abortion."

    Mr. Carter said his party’s congressional leadership only
hurts Democrats by making a rigid pro-abortion rights stand the
criterion for assessing judicial nominees.

    "I have always thought it was not in the mainstream of the
American public to be extremely liberal on many issues," Mr. Carter
said. "I think our party’s leaders — some of them — are
overemphasizing the abortion issue."

Now, Carter still isn’t where he needs to be on this issue (i.e., calling for that constitutional amendment he refused to call for back in ’76), but his words are still welcome as a wake-up to those who treat abortion as a sacrament.


Author: Jimmy Akin

Jimmy was born in Texas, grew up nominally Protestant, but at age 20 experienced a profound conversion to Christ. Planning on becoming a Protestant seminary professor, he started an intensive study of the Bible. But the more he immersed himself in Scripture the more he found to support the Catholic faith, and in 1992 he entered the Catholic Church. His conversion story, "A Triumph and a Tragedy," is published in Surprised by Truth. Besides being an author, Jimmy is the Senior Apologist at Catholic Answers, a contributing editor to Catholic Answers Magazine, and a weekly guest on "Catholic Answers Live."

10 thoughts on “Partial Repentance From History’s Greatest Monster?”

  1. Thought you were being a little hard on the former president there for a minute (not to mention engaging in a little hyperbole)– there are many candidates who would come to mind for the title, “History’s Greatest Monster,” e.g. Hitler, Stalin, the author of The Da Vinci Code, but Jimmy Carter? But, okay I read the linked article — and I get it!
    It is sad how a politician will sell his principals for campaign money. Pro-abortion money is currently wedded to the Democratic party (NARAL endorsed a presidential candidate for the first time in 2004 – John Kerry – who claims to be Catholic and personally opposed to abortion).
    In Michigan we have a Democratic governor who claims to be Catholic, and personally opposed to abortion – although I find that hard to believe because she vetoed a partial-birth abortion ban. I don’t know what these people think they are going to say to God when they stand in Judgment.
    But, I agree with you — even though it is late in coming, I’m glad for any public figure who speaks out against abortion.

  2. Carter has been practically sainted by the left for many years.
    It will be interesting to see which Democrats turn on him first.
    Do you think this will give Hillary an opportunity to sound as if she sorta agrees with him, and possibly appear to move further toward the mushy middle?
    I have no doubt that she would sell out her base if it made sense on paper.

  3. Trish, I agree with you that Jennifer Granholm will have a hard time answering to God. Not only did she veto the partial-birth abortion ban, she also accepted $400,000 in campaign funds from EMILY’s List, a pro-abortion organization that funds female pro-abortion candidates. [this information is readily available on their site at]

  4. Yes, Jimmy, great to read that it seems Carter has done productive soul searching vis a vis validity of the pro-life cause. Unforetunately, I doubt many current Democrat powers-that-be are going to give serious consideration to his “stop the pro-abortion fixation” comments. Reaction I’m awaiting is from rest of the liberal left advocates- what with the ex-President actually thinking out loud … ‘what would Jesus do (think)?’ … get ready for a PAW-ing over by Barry Lynn, ACLU, etc.

  5. “I think each abortion is the result of a series of errors”
    Wow-what strong language. He could almost be talking about experiencing an industrial accident that required an amputation or something.
    More seriously, this sounds like another variant of the “safe, legal, and rare” position.

  6. I think Jimmy Carter was wishy washy on the whole subject when it came out in the seventies supporting limits but not supporting outright bans, but I’m glad to see he is back in the fold. I think most of the Democratic establishment will ignore him but it may be that is what he wants. He’s been on the stage for so long maybe he wants to get off. I hear that his favorite pastime is fishing with his wife and maybe he wants to do more of that.

  7. I would not exactly put him “back in the fold”. As a matter of fact, because of the polarization of the issue, I would place him a good distance from anything resembling a fold.
    But I am glad he said what he did. By doing so, he injected a little sanity into the debate. As Jimmy’s map showed, America is one of only a few countries that has such insanely liberal abortion laws.
    How many times have muddle-headed “progressives” conjured up the image of an America in stark contrast with European standard-bearers on issues like socialized medicine, the death penalty, drugs, and war? Yet they are completely oblivious to the wild discrepancy between the US and just about every other country on this dumb planet when it comes to baby murdering.
    Carter’s comments point out the biggest problem in the Democratic party: not only are they pro-abortion, but they have absolutely no intention of drawing any sort of line. Ever. Whether it is the morning after pill, partial-birth abortion, and even the right of parents to euthanize “problem” children, the Democrats will always side staunchly with the eugenecists.
    Apparently, they have no problem with killing off entire generations of future voters.

  8. Jimmy Carter! Ha! Ha!
    I love blogs that post articles about Jimmy Carter! Mostly because they give me the chance to post this hilarious photo of Dim Jimmy oar-smacking a “giant” “killer” swamp rabbit. (Photo courtesy of Jimmy Carter Library.)
    Also, Jimmy Carter blogs give me an excuse to remind people that he is the only American President to go on record as having cited a UFO.

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