World Misspent Youth Day

Wmyd Now that you’ve missed it, Pope Benedict XVI has allowed The Curt Jester to lift the veil of secrecy on a parallel event to World Youth Day held in Bonn, Germany: World Misspent Youth Day!

"I was lucky enough to be invited to attend the first annual World Misspent-Youth Day that was held in Bonn, Germany. Our event was much more low-key than World Youth Day going on adjacently in Cologne and the Holy Father did not want WM-YD to upstage WYD. The above is the official logo for WM-YD which has St. Augustine pictured on it since he can truly be considered to be the patron saint of misspent-youth. World Misspent-Youth Day was open to those 35 and above who in their youth lead lives not exactly pious, which really means open to all of us 35 and above. This was the first year for this event and of course there were problems and other wrinkles (which only makes sense) that developed. In spite of that I believe it was fairly successful and that we will see future WM-YDs in the future."


The bad news is that I wasn’t also invited to relive my misspent youth with the Holy Father. The good news is that I’m still too young to attend this event.

8 thoughts on “World Misspent Youth Day”

  1. Boy, I sure hope I’m informed in advance of the next YMYD! I’m a card-carrying member of misspent youth.

  2. LOL. I wish the Pope did have a Papal Motorcycle. I think it would really give him some street cred.

  3. “Sheesh Jimmy, I had you pegged as in your 40’s. Shave the beard.”
    Sharona, I’m the author of the post. is a group blog.

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