Vampire Squid From Hell!

Vampire_squid_from_hellThat’s what this here critter is called.

No kidding! It’s Latin name is Vampyroteuthis infernalis.

And it really exists! Here on Earth and all!

It lives (as you might guess) deep in the ocean. In fact, it lives really deep, down at a level where the oxygen content in the water is so low that most creatures can’t survive there.

We’ve only known about them for about a century. There’s still a lot about them that we don’t know, but here are some interesting facts about the vampire squid from hell:

  • Unlike other squids, it can’t expel ink in order to create a distraction while it jets away.
  • Instead (this is sooooo cool) it expels glowing snot filled with blue balls of light in order to distract its opponent!
  • It only grows to a foot long, but it has the biggest eyes of any creature proportionate to the size of its body (it needs big eyes, living at the depths it does).
  • Unlike other squids, it normally doesn’t move by jet action but by flapping the two fins on its head.
  • During a certain stage of its growth from infant to adult, it has four fins on its head, which led people to think that the different body forms represented more than one species.
  • It’s covered with little dots that it can cause to glow and flash in order to confuse opponents.
  • It uses its light-generating ability to obscure its outline so predators can’t spot it.
  • It can’t change color as well as similar critters, but its skin and eyes look different colors depending on the circumstances.
  • It has blue blood!
  • (We think that) the females guard their eggs for like 400 days before they hatch.
  • They have a defensive move they do called "pumpkin posture" in which they turn themselves inside out (sort of) so that their head is down inside the bell-shaped part of their body. When they assume this position they stick their legs way up away from their heads and make the ends glow to distract the opponent from where their vital organs (their head) are. If a predator bites one of the ends of their legs off, they regenerate it!


If only we could tell H. P. Lovecraft about these things!



Author: Jimmy Akin

Jimmy was born in Texas, grew up nominally Protestant, but at age 20 experienced a profound conversion to Christ. Planning on becoming a Protestant seminary professor, he started an intensive study of the Bible. But the more he immersed himself in Scripture the more he found to support the Catholic faith, and in 1992 he entered the Catholic Church. His conversion story, "A Triumph and a Tragedy," is published in Surprised by Truth. Besides being an author, Jimmy is the Senior Apologist at Catholic Answers, a contributing editor to Catholic Answers Magazine, and a weekly guest on "Catholic Answers Live."

21 thoughts on “Vampire Squid From Hell!”

  1. ” . . . it expels glowing snot filled with blue balls of light . . .”
    I did this the last time I was ill! Couldn’t sleep for all the phosphorescence! 😉
    Seriously, I’m fascinated & amazed by the critters we find in the deepest of depths! Really neat animals.

  2. omg! this is sooo cool!
    I just got so much information on the vampire squid for my science project.
    “the females guard their eggs for like 400 days before they hatch.”
    i dunno about that, in every other website i have looked at said that since the female is bigger than the male they discharge all the fertilaized eggs into the water. they alway say that you can find vampire squid eggs floating around in the deep deeeep water [[ew!!!!]]
    haha anyways thanks a ton dude!

  3. is this stuff really accurate
    becasue u never know if someone needs to do a report and u are giving false information
    but im just asking
    the the fish thing sounds really cool

  4. this is real and he live in the deep oceans that is so cooll beasts of the deep and its from hell awesome hahahaha like his name says

  5. what do vampire squids eat.
    & how do the reproduce???????
    i have to do a prject and i cant find this information anywhere!!!!
    oh and shelter and nesting.

  6. This is so cool! I’m researching Vampire Squids, and I know a lot about them, but I learned some new things on here, too

  7. this is pretty cool go on discovery / plantet earth for more info this shitt is awesome and the vampire squid is dope im soo stoked to meet my new friend i am going to call him jimiiiiiii

  8. Jimmy, you are officially the 33rd google response to “Vampire squid.” Congrats!

  9. Okay, first, Vampire squids are cool. second, don’t ask why I’m calling myself Lemming. No, I don’t jump off of edges into the ocean, I just didn’t want to use my real name and lemming justpopped into my head. Vampire squids probably eat lemming carass occasionaly. 😉

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