POPE: Body & Soul Can Benefit From Vacation



That’s what I need. . . . . a vacation.

Not sure when I’ll be able to get one, though (more than a day or two here and there).

Doesn’t stop me from looking, tho. Just this weekend I was looking at web pages for guest ranches in Texas and Arizona for a possible, someday vacation. Horseback riding, sleeping under the stars, cabins, that kind of thing.

Unfortunately, the Arizona ones (which are closer) tend to only be open from November to May.

That’s Arizona for you.

Author: Jimmy Akin

Jimmy was born in Texas, grew up nominally Protestant, but at age 20 experienced a profound conversion to Christ. Planning on becoming a Protestant seminary professor, he started an intensive study of the Bible. But the more he immersed himself in Scripture the more he found to support the Catholic faith, and in 1992 he entered the Catholic Church. His conversion story, "A Triumph and a Tragedy," is published in Surprised by Truth. Besides being an author, Jimmy is the Senior Apologist at Catholic Answers, a contributing editor to Catholic Answers Magazine, and a weekly guest on "Catholic Answers Live."

11 thoughts on “POPE: Body & Soul Can Benefit From Vacation”

  1. Judging by those weight trackers you’ve been meticulously keeping…i’d agree with you, you need a vacation!
    And don’t forget to pack your bathroom scales when you go.
    If I knew where to send it to, I’d be tempted to send you a postcard when I go on my holiday 48 hours from now…not that you’d probably get that worked up with jealousy about Wales, UK. 😀
    God Bless.

  2. hippo354, that sounds fantastic. I haven’t camped for so long, I’m jumping out of my skin wanting to do it again.
    Benedict comes from a culture where “Sommer Pause” is taken a bit more seriously than just as “the season where kids are off school, so we have to do something with them”. They actually name it “Sommer Pause” here. I wonder if he might be talking to those “I’m always so busy!” types who only have two to four weeks of vacation per year and waste it all on obligations and holiday weekends, rather than taking real breaks. Most of us don’t take vacations for the purposes of having a REAL break. Many of us could use more retreat-type vacations.

  3. Exactly, Lurker.
    A vacation is supposed to be a time to unwind, rest and get a little perspective on things. Instead, how many times have we done the “theme park death march” and come home more frazzled than when we left.
    My wife and I have agreed that our next break will be no more complicated than a stretch of beach, some good books and someone to bring us drinks with little umbrellas in them.

  4. “That’s what I need. . . . . a vacation.”
    You & me both, brother! (SIGH) Well, the way this week’s goin’ at work, I may just decide to take one sooner than I was planning!

  5. “According to the Arizonans, you wouldn’t want to go from June to October anyway.”
    As one of the aforementioned Arizonans, I have to agree.
    The recent heat wave in Arizona has already claimed 11 lives in the past week.

  6. hahHAH! I am writing this WHILE ON VACATION!!! (our first family vacation in many years) This is my first visit to San Diego, and I must say, you live in a gorgeous part of the country, Jimmy! We’ve visited the Zoo, the Wild Animal Park, Torrey Pines State Park, Old Point Loma Lighthouse, and Seaport Village. (didn’t make it to the bouncy bridge) Next time we’ll visit other places (I’ve started a list).
    It helps that my sister has an estate in Rancho Santa Fe complete with a guest house and all the amenties of a luxury spa…I gotta stay on her good side!
    So, yes, take time to really enjoy this gorgeous land of ours!

  7. I’m headed to Virginia Beach on Saturday with the Catholic Alumni Club of Pittsburgh. 🙂

  8. I’ve found that the best vacations are single day, non-traveling vacations in the middle of the week.

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