Children's Alleged Prayers To God!

Google says that these prayers show up on 512 different Internet sites, so count this one as #513.

I have no idea where these come from or if these are at all authentic, but they’re still funny and charming, so here goes . . .

1.  Dear God,

please put another holiday

between Christmas and Easter.

There is nothing good in there now.


2.  Dear God,

Thank you for the baby brother

but what I asked for was a puppy.

I never asked for anything before.

You can look it up.


3.  Dear Mr.

I wish you would not make it so easy

for people to come apart

I had to have 3 stitches and a shot.


4.  God,

I read the bible.

What does beget mean?

Nobody will tell me.

Love Alison

5.  Dear God,

how did you know you were God?

Who told you?


6.  Dear God,

is it true my father

won’t get in Heaven

if he uses his golf words in the house?


7.  Dear God,

I bet it’s very hard for you

to love all of everybody in the whole world.

There are only 4 people in our family

and I can never do it.


8.  Dear God,

I like the story about Noah

the best of all of them.

You really made up some good ones.

I like walking on water, too.


9.  Dear God,

my Grandpa says you were around

when he was a little boy.

How far back do you go?

Love, Dennis

10.  Dear God,

do you draw the lines around the countries?

If you don’t, who does?


11.  Dear God,

did you mean for giraffes

to look like that or was it an accident?


12.  Dear God,

in bible times,

did they really talk that fancy?


13.  Dear God,

how come you did all those miracles

in the old days and don’t do any now?


14.  Dear God,

please send Dennis Clark

to a different summer camp this year.


15.  Dear God,

maybe Cain and Abel

would not kill each other so much

if they each had their own rooms.

It works out OK with me and my brother.


16.  Dear God,

I keep waiting for spring,

but it never did come yet.

What’s up?  Don’t forget.


17.  Dear God,

my brother told me about

how you are born

but it just doesn’t sound right.

What do you say?


18.  Dear God,

if you watch in Church on Sunday

I will show you my new shoes.


19.  Dear God,

is Reverend Coe a friend of yours,

or do you just know him through the business?


20.  Dear God,

I do not think anybody

could be a better God than you.

Well, I just want you to know that.

I am not just saying that because

you are already God.


21.  Dear God,

it is great the way you always

get the stars in the right place.

Why can’t you do that with the moon?


22.  Dear God,

I am doing the best I can.

Really !!!!


And, saving the best for last   .

23.  Dear God,

I didn’t think orange went with purple

until I saw the sunset

you made on Tuesday night.

That was really cool.


[NOTE FROM JIMMY: Actually, my personal favorite was #20, but the sunset one obviously impressed the anonymous author of the list more. #2 and #5 were personal favorites as well.]

Author: Jimmy Akin

Jimmy was born in Texas, grew up nominally Protestant, but at age 20 experienced a profound conversion to Christ. Planning on becoming a Protestant seminary professor, he started an intensive study of the Bible. But the more he immersed himself in Scripture the more he found to support the Catholic faith, and in 1992 he entered the Catholic Church. His conversion story, "A Triumph and a Tragedy," is published in Surprised by Truth. Besides being an author, Jimmy is the Senior Apologist at Catholic Answers, a contributing editor to Catholic Answers Magazine, and a weekly guest on "Catholic Answers Live."

15 thoughts on “Children's Alleged Prayers To God!”

  1. Ah, out of the mouths of babes. What a wonderful reminder to become “children of God” (cf Matthew 18:1-4, Mark 10:13-16, Luke 18:15-17).

  2. Ah, out of the mouths of babes. What a wonderful reminder to become “children of God” (cf Matthew 18:1-4, Mark 10:13-16, Luke 18:15-17).

  3. I once heard a child penitent say the following.

    “O my God,

    I am heartily sorry

    for having TO OFFEND YOU . . . .”

  4. I find that adults can offer some pretty interesting prayers, too. Keeps the “Prayer of the Faithful” part of Mass rather exciting.

    One of the most unusual prayers I heard from behind me during a daily mass in 2002 at a parish was “For the repose of the souls of Frank Sinatra and Perry Como, two great Americans.” O.K. Not at all related to anything before or after that, but “Lord, hear our prayer!”

  5. Links, Links, and More Links! Well… Only Three..

    Today (well, right now, anyway) is ‘link day’ (for me, at least). Here are some good ones:

    Children’s prayers to God (‘Dear God’ prayers) on Jimmy Akin’s blog…

  6. Links, Links, and More Links! Well… Only Three..

    Today (well, right now, anyway) is ‘link day’ (for me, at least). Here are some good ones:

    Children’s prayers to God (‘Dear God’ prayers) on Jimmy Akin’s blog…

  7. As a third-grade CCD teacher, I’ve often heard “Oh my God, I am HARDLY sorry…”

  8. Thank you for reminding me why God so loved the little children. There innocence makes you want to believe everything in the world is good.

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