EVIL PEOPLE: “Let The Unholy War Begin”

The Rainbow Sashers aren’t the only dissident folks who are gearing up for campaigns against the new pope.

Planned Parenthood wants to take him on, too.


Planed Parenthood has launched a campaign to motivate all of its members and supporters, nominal Catholics and non-Catholics, to send letters to the editor, requesting that Pope Benedict XVI reconsider his “backward views” and change his opinion on sexual morality.

Pope Benedict XVI must be encouraged to “reconsider his dangerously outdated stances on birth control, abortion and sexuality in order to help move the Catholic Church into the 21st century,” reads a memo issued by campaign manager Eve Fox.

“The new Pope’s positions on these crucial issues pose a terrible danger to the health of millions of women and girls around the world and undermines efforts to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS,” Fox wrote.


(CHT to the reader who e-mailed.)

In a related development, Frances Quisling of Catholics For A Free Choice was quoted as saying:

The bad news is that he is Pope, and he was elected by two thirds or more of the princes of the church, who knew what they were doing.

I can no longer delude myself about these princes’ almost total lack of interest in healing the divide in the Church, in showing compassion for or even in listening to the voices of the suffering. The time for nuance is over. Let the unholy war begin [SOURCE–WARNING: Evil Ad].

Author: Jimmy Akin

Jimmy was born in Texas, grew up nominally Protestant, but at age 20 experienced a profound conversion to Christ. Planning on becoming a Protestant seminary professor, he started an intensive study of the Bible. But the more he immersed himself in Scripture the more he found to support the Catholic faith, and in 1992 he entered the Catholic Church. His conversion story, "A Triumph and a Tragedy," is published in Surprised by Truth. Besides being an author, Jimmy is the Senior Apologist at Catholic Answers, a contributing editor to Catholic Answers Magazine, and a weekly guest on "Catholic Answers Live."

14 thoughts on “EVIL PEOPLE: “Let The Unholy War Begin””

  1. I knew it wouldn’t take long before Planned Parenthood started to gripe about the fact that yet another Catholic had been elected Pope . . . .

  2. That Salon article is pretty scary. Anyone who didn’t know better would get a picture of a Church in complete opposition to the new Pope.
    I just can’t imagine anyone telling me, privately or otherwise, that they ‘hated the Pope’.

  3. Evil abortionists condemning the Pope? That’s really unnecessary as I already knew that Benedict XVI was a solid choice.

  4. These people keep insisting that Pope Benedict XVI needs to be a “healer”. We teach our Boy Scouts first aid skills over and over again and one of the things they learn is, if you want to really heal a wound you have to begin by cleaning it out. It is painful, usually more painful than the original wound, but it has to be done.
    These dissenters are the dirt that is being cleaned from the wound. Let’s hope so, anyway. Then the Church can truly be healed.

  5. To quote Mark Shea – “Liberal Dissenters Stomp Tiny Feet In Impotent Rage.” Dissention and heresy has been with us for as long as the Church herself. It’s part and parcel of our fallen human nature. Praise be to God that in our time we have a Pope that has the intellectual and spiritual fortitude to stand up to these kinds of attacks, because this has not always been so. The true teaching of the Church has stood for over 2000 years, and it will be here 2000 years from now, when the words “Rainbow Sash” (and hopefully “Abortion On Demand”) will be tossed into the dustbin of history.

  6. What I like about Frances Quisling’s quote is how accurate it is: UN-holy indeed. If what she was promoting was holy, wouldn’t it be the holy war?

  7. Just GO Frances. The Episcopal church seems right up your alley. You could find everything you want there. Everything except all that lovely money from organizations who dislike Papists and pay you to be their

  8. “The time for nuance”? Just like the Rainbow Sashers, who said they will no longer be silent, Frances’ (plural of France) own lack of self-perception is displayed for all to see.
    Were you being nuanced, Frances, when you openly challenged 2000 years of constant teaching and turned the Bride of Christ into a sounding board for your pet political project? Get yer dirty paws offa her, you ape!
    Go be Episcopalian! Be Lutheran! Be Bah’hai! Be Bohemian! But whatever you do, get on with your worthless life elsewhere and stop trying to poison the well. Humanae Vitae has been set in stone for over 37 years now!
    Go! Take your reproductively-stingy people with you and enjoy your twilight years watching sunsets and your numbers dwindle until they go the way of the Shakers.
    In fact, what is Frances’ address? I’m gonna write HER a letter!
    It seems that while the rest of the world mourned John Paul II, there were some sections of society that were quite concerned by the fact that the greatest funeral in the history of man was being held in honor of the conservative leader of the Catholic Church. They were even more horrified when they saw who succeeded him and now they are scared.
    Stupid, but scared.
    Does this mean that FINALLY participating in Catholics for Choosing to Kill their Unborn will earn more formal excommunications because they have declared the Church their enemy (like the Masons, or Communists)?

  9. “…Frances Quisling of Catholics For A Free Choice…”
    Now there’s an oxymoron.

  10. Frances Kissling is just figuring out now that this is a war- some 25+ years after the war was started?
    With leaders like these, we are supposed to be afraid of these people?

  11. You know, I think she has most unnuanced view of nuance that you could imagine.

  12. With regard to your post above about swearing, I think the most appropriate response to planned parenthood is a raising of the middle finger of the hand.
    Of course, that’s probably why I’m not the pope.

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