Baby Girl Remus

In a modern-day version of the childhood of Rome’s legendary founding twins Romulus and Remus, an abandoned baby girl in Kenya was saved by a stray dog who found her and brought her back to the dog’s own litter. Soon thereafter the child was found by neighborhood children who heard her crying.

"The 7-pound, 4-ounce infant was taken to a hospital and ‘is doing well, responding to treatment. She is stable … she is on antibiotics,’ said Hannah Gakuo, spokeswoman of the Kenyatta National Hospital.

"The baby was found after two children reported hearing an infant’s cries near their wood and corrugated metal shack.

"’I followed them outside and we started looking around the compound and a nearby plot,’ said Mary Adhiambo, the children’s mother.

"They eventually found the tan mixed-breed dog lying protectively with a puppy beside the mud-splattered baby wrapped in a torn black shirt, Adhiambo said. The short-haired dog with light brown eyes has no name, residents said."


8 thoughts on “Baby Girl Remus”

  1. The dog has also been taken to a shelter and offered for adoption. She has been named “Savior” by the shelter.

  2. This is a sweet story, and as a dog lover I hope it is true, but I can’t help but wonder if the dog didn’t drag the baby back to its den with the intention of killing and eating it later. I know mother cats sometimes bring living prey back to their kittens in order to teach them how to kill. It may be that wild dogs do something similar.

  3. I don’t think this was a wild dog. There is a photo of it with a child who has his arm around it so it looks quite domesticated. Until we get more information on the baby’s condition when people found her with the dog we won’t know – meaning that did the dog try to take care of the baby or was it wounded by the dog? I think her pups were too young to start training for hunting/killing. My understanding was that they were still being milkfed.
    Also, I heard that the dog had lost most of its litter (actually, ended up losing all of her puppies as of today) so I wonder if she took the baby in order to adopt it?

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