Righteous Non-Gentiles

Jewish tradition recognizes the category of "righteous gentiles"–that is, a person who are not Jewish but who nevertheless are doing good in the world.

Allow me to introduce you to a group of righteous non-gentiles. That is, they are Jewish and, while they do not share the Christian faith, they are definitely out to do good in the world.

The group is JAACD: Jews Against Anti-Christian Defamation.


"Members span the spectrum from Orthodox to secular, but are united in their determination to support our beleaguered brothers and sisters in the Christian community," a statement from the organization said.

"What I consider an epidemic of anti-Christian bigotry and persecution is something that has concerned me for a long time," Feder told WND.

Feder says about a year ago he decided there should be a distinctly Jewish organization dealing with anti-Christian prejudice, which he considers a "political pogrom."

"If a Jewish organization complains about these things," he explained, "no one can accuse us of self-interest, because we’re not Christians; we’re Jews."

Added Feder: "The fate of America hinges on whether or not Christians – I mean authentic Christians – succeed in the political arena."

Others involved with the group include: David Horowitz (Center for the Study of Popular Culture), Morton Klein (Zionist Organization of America), Herb London (Hudson Institute), Bruce Herschensohn (professor, Pepperdine University), Rabbi Daniel Lapin (Toward Tradition), syndicated talk-show host Michael Medved, Rabbi Jacob Neusner (professor, Bard College) and comedian Jackie Mason.

Feder also makes a great point:

The organization’s founder ridiculed the notion that religious Americans want the nation ruled by a theocracy.

"It’s just absurd," Feder said. "If what the left is talking about constitutes a theocracy, then America was a theocracy in 1961.

"American had school prayer, in many states there was Bible reading in the schools, public display of religious symbols, abortion was outlawed except in rare instances, if anyone talked about same-sex marriage they would have been met with derisive laughter," he noted. "I was alive in 1961; if we were a theocracy then, somehow I missed it."


(CHT to the reader who e-mailed!)

Author: Jimmy Akin

Jimmy was born in Texas, grew up nominally Protestant, but at age 20 experienced a profound conversion to Christ. Planning on becoming a Protestant seminary professor, he started an intensive study of the Bible. But the more he immersed himself in Scripture the more he found to support the Catholic faith, and in 1992 he entered the Catholic Church. His conversion story, "A Triumph and a Tragedy," is published in Surprised by Truth. Besides being an author, Jimmy is the Senior Apologist at Catholic Answers, a contributing editor to Catholic Answers Magazine, and a weekly guest on "Catholic Answers Live."

7 thoughts on “Righteous Non-Gentiles”

  1. Righteous, dude!
    Jackie Mason. There’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time. I always thought he was hilarious. It made me smile to know he is on our “side”.

  2. The JAACD held a press conference a week ago to announce the formation of their organization. The silence from the media so far is deafening (although there’s a hostile commentary on the website of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism).
    More disconcertingly, the JAACD seems not yet to have their own website. An activist group without a website is a group that doesn’t exist, a group with no voice. They need a forum for press releases and statements that sympathetic Jews and Gentiles can link to and publicize.
    Here’s hoping they hit the ground running…

  3. “Particularly pernicious is the leftist idea that it’s legitimate to base your politics on anything except religion,” he said. “You can say that my politics are based on the views of Karl Marx or Ayn Rand or Jane Fonda … and that’s OK, but as soon as you say your worldview is based on the Bible, that’s considered an illegitimate basis for embracing certain political views.”
    Amen Amen!

  4. I am interested to keep up on the progress of “Mary: grace and Hope in Christ.” Please tell me where it is going, or wqho knows the answer to that question.
    I am interested to contact “Jews Against Antichristian DefaMATION,” PLEASE SEND ME AN EMAIL ADDRESS, IF POSSIBLE.
    Robb Thurston

  5. I am interested to keep up on the progress of “Mary: grace and Hope in Christ.” Please tell me where it is going, or wqho knows the answer to that question.
    I am interested to contact “Jews Against Antichristian DefaMATION,” PLEASE SEND ME AN EMAIL ADDRESS, IF POSSIBLE.
    Robb Thurston

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