Oh, No – Not Again…

This is either the coolest gross job, or the grossest cool job that I know of. This Fin whale washed up on the beach in Florida and scientists performed a "necropsy" (even the term is gross) to determine how the whale died and it’s condition before. I think it would be fascinating work.
I will let the readers check out the details of the CNN.com. story for themselves.
It was determined that the whale was probably struck by a ship.
The whale’s last thoughts are believed to have been "I wonder if it will be friends with me?"

8 thoughts on “Oh, No – Not Again…”

  1. P.S. And let me be the first to actually say (though SURELY not the first to actually notice) that yes, I DID notice Tim’s OTHER, more subtle allusion to the same pericope. 🙂

  2. How was the movie? It’s no out here until Friday.

    It’s no out until Friday here either. 🙂 I’m a film critic; I go to advance screenings.
    Can’t say too much before my Friday review goes up, but I did post a few preliminary comments here.

  3. Oh… you’re THAT Steven D. Greydanus. Ummm… You know how it is with all the Steven D. Greydanuses around. Hard to know which …um… Steven D. Greydanus you’re talking to at any given time… um… yeah!

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