Occasionally I’ll get e-mail that is almost a blog post. From time to time, I’ve posted some of these.
Well, I’d like to try an experiment in group-blogging.
For a limited time only (to see if this works), I’d like to open the doors on this an invite folks to send in e-mail specifically intended to serve as blog posts.
A few stipulations:
- This is a temporary experiment. I don’t know how many such e-mails may be usable, and I don’t want folks to write a bunch of stuff that doesn’t get end up getting used (thus frustrating them), so let’s try a quick test and see how it goes.
- I’d encourage folks to submit posts that aren’t heavy into theology, canon law, or biblical studies. There’s a stronger chance I might disagree on those and find them not-usable. For now, I’m more looking for posts on the other kind of material we have on the blog (which is today, on everything else of interest).
- Please let me know if you’d like me to credit you by name or not.
- Please include the words "BLOG POST" in the title of the e-mail so I’m clear that’s what it’s for (I can be dense sometimes).
Thanks much, folks! I look forward to seeing what y’all have on your minds!
Looking forward to other’s posts. As for me, I’d remain a reader. Incidentally, has a word been coined for people who read blogs (as opposed to bloggers)?